Indiscretions (14 page)

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Authors: Donna Hill

BOOK: Indiscretions
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The endearing term sent a shudder of alarm racing through Khendra's veins. She felt Sean's thighs tighten around her waist. She unconsciously stroked his leg, her eyes never leaving the compelling face above them.

“It didn't used to be that way,” she cooed, her eyes turning a smoky gray.

“Is there something in particular you want, Carol?” he asked, his voice taking on an icy edge.

“Oooh, aren't we testy these days?” She turned her unusual eyes on Khendra and spoke in a conspiratorial tone. “I can tell you how to fix that.” She giggled, bending her hand at the wrist “After that he's a pushover.”

Khendra's jaw clenched, and she fumed at the intimate innuendo.

Sean felt Khendra was ready to spring, and he firmly planted his hands around her waist. “I'm sure you're not traveling alone, Carol. Isn't your escort going to miss you?”

“Of course, but then it's always worth the wait,” she said in a sultry voice. “Now isn't it, Mickey?”

There's that name again,
Khendra thought, seeing red.

“Well, see you two around…I'm sure.” She turned and sashayed away, leaving her soft scent behind.

Sean felt Khendra slowly relax, even as he let out a relieved breath. Khendra pulled herself out of his hold and twisted herself around to face him. She opened her mouth, just as Sean's hand came up to stop her.

“Don't say it,” he said with an audible sigh. “Carol has got to be one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made.”

“That wasn't what I was going to say,” she snapped, alarming herself at her tone. She took a calming breath. “It's just that…at first I thought…that you were really turned on by seeing her,” she blurted out.


“Your heart was hammering so fast, I thought it was going to jump out of your chest,” she accused.

“Carol has a knack for bringing out the worst in me, that's all,” he said in disgust. “Listen, we came here to enjoy ourselves.” He rubbed her back. “Let's not let Carol ruin that.”

Khendra sighed deeply and reluctantly agreed to let the troubling subject drop. But even as the band smoothly slid into Joe Williams' first number, the shadow of Carol's presence hung heavy in the evening air.

“What do you wear to a yacht party, dah-ling?” Sean asked in a slow drawl. He stood in the doorway of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his narrow waist.

“I couldn't tell you. This is a first for me too,” she replied, wondering briefly how Alex would react when Sean showed up with her.

She slipped into a pair of white rayon pants and gingerly stepped over the pile of law journals Sean had deposited in the center of his living room floor.

“We could just as well forget the whole thing and stay here,” he said in a husky voice as his eyes trailed over her half-dressed form.

“I think not,” she replied, snatching the towel from around his waist and giggling merrily as she quickly sidestepped his reach.

Sean was instantly at her heels, wanting nothing more at that moment than to make love to her. He was just about to grab the waistband of her slacks when the phone rang.

“Damn! Saved by the bell,” he growled. He picked the towel up from the floor and tucked it back around his waist as he strode toward the phone.

“Hello,” he barked into the phone, his mischievous eyes locked on Khendra's face. Then the playful look was gone, and he slowly lowered his head, his voice muffled.

Khendra only caught snatches of the conversation, but her senses were instantly alert as she pulled on her electric blue blouse and fastened the buttons.

“I told you not to…I don't care…listen, I'll call you when I have it.” He slammed the phone down in its cradle, a murderous look in his eyes.

“What was that all about?” she asked in what she hoped was a casual tone.

“Nothing,” he lied, not wanting to discuss the matter. It would only complicate things, he decided. “Just some unfinished business.”

“About the case?”

“Yeah, actually it was,” he said quickly, thankful for an explanation he could use. “Reporters…as usual. They've resorted to calling me at home. I've gone so far as to call the papers and tell them that the trial was either postponed or moved to another court from time to time.” He chuckled at his own cleverness. At least that part was true. He'd had to start doing that weeks ago, and it had taken off some of the pressure. But now the reporters were getting wise.

“From everything I've seen and heard, things are going well for you.”

Sean could see her visibly relax as she spoke, and a sense of relief washed over him.

“Reporters are part of the game,” she added sardonically, a nagging twinge of jealousy nipping at her. She quickly shook off the dark emotion. “It should all be over soon.”

“You're absolutely right.” He stepped over and gave her a quick kiss and held her around her waist. “Now let's put trials and courtrooms out of our heads and try to enjoy this yacht thing.” He gave her a crooked smile, and she burst out laughing.

“I think you'd better find something more appropriate to wear.”

“Well, why don't we step in here and find something together,” he urged, taking her by the hand and leading her into his bedroom.

Within moments, wrapped in Khendra's arms, all thoughts of his conversation with Carol were forgotten.

Alex literally glared at Khendra's back, watching her with Sean. It was obvious they were more than just coworkers, and the thought infuriated him. He had purposely left his wife at home so he could have easy access to Khendra. She had made a fool of him, and that was something he would not tolerate. He had offered her the opportunity of a lifetime, and she was tossing it back in his face. Did she really think merit had anything to do with it? She was the fool. Now he would make her pay. He tossed his martini down his throat as a plan formulated in his head. He smiled smugly and moved easily among his guests.

At the first opportunity, he pulled Sean aside and ushered him below deck and into his private room.


Word spread like wildfire throughout the office.

The news was barely on the wire services, but everyone in the office had already heard the news.

The conference room was filled with well-wishers when Sean entered, exhausted but jubilant. It was finally over. He had defended one of the most difficult and precedent-setting cases of his career. He had actually been able to prove that the defendants had not bombed the clinic. The district attorney had even approached him and congratulated him on his victory, mentioning that Sean would be hearing from his office in the future. He was totally overwhelmed, but all he could think about at the moment was getting to Khendra and sharing his success with her.

His dark eyes shot around the room until he spotted her, even as back slaps and handshakes enveloped him. Her quiet smile seemed to instantly soothe him, and he knew he could get through the next few minutes as long as she was at the end of them.

She mouthed her congratulations over the heads of the other employees, and that was the only thing he could hear. He tried to graciously move in her direction, but Alex cornered him, clamping a sturdy arm around his shoulders.

“Excellent job, Michaels,” he boomed. “I knew we did the right thing by hiring you. Things were getting pretty stale around here,” he added, deliberately taking a barb at Khendra as she approached them.

She stiffened at the remark, but maintained her outward calm. She walked away to the refreshment table, where she took a glass of sparkling water and made idle conversation with one of the law clerks.

“I'm sure that's not the case,” Sean said quietly.

“It doesn't really matter. I have big plans for you.” He ushered him to the corner of the room, and they spoke for several minutes in hushed whispers. Finally they shook hands, and Alex led Sean to the head of the conference table. He tapped ceremoniously on a glass, and the room slowly hushed.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as you are all aware, Mr. Michaels has just won one of the biggest cases this firm has seen in a long time.” Loud applause filled the room. Sean looked confidently out at his peers. “And success cannot go unrewarded. Therefore, I am placing Mr. Michaels in charge of litigation, which will free up more of my time.” He patted Sean on the shoulder and Sean shook his hand.

Khendra stood in absolute shock. How could this be possible? She had been a trial attorney since the day she walked in the door and had won every case she'd ever handled. Yet she had never been offered anything like this. Sean had only been with the firm a few months, and he was to be in charge of assigning the caseload. It was totally unbelievable.

As anger and frustration fought to overwhelm her, the real reason for Alex's posturing hit her like a speeding train. He was trying to pit her and Sean against each other. What other reason could there be? But what was more infuriating, Sean was falling neatly in line with Alex's plan. She had to warn him, but that would come later when they were alone.

She was certain that once Sean realized what Alex was doing, he would back out of the offer.

Taking a deep breath and forcing herself to stay calm, she managed to get through the balance of the celebration without missing a beat.

“What do you mean you're going to take his offer?” She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

“You're making entirely too much of this, Khen.”

“Don't Khen me! You can't be so blind that you don't see what he's doing. For God's sake, Sean, wake up!” She slammed the pot in the sink.

“Listen, I know what I'm doing.”

“Oh yeah, and just what might that be?” she fumed.

“Once I get the spot, I can get the best cases for you and me.” He smiled as if he had uncovered some treasured secret.

“You really don't see it, do you?” She swallowed back the lump that had formed in her throat.” Her disappointment in Sean was so acute it was a physical pain. “I think you'd better go, Sean. I really feel like being alone tonight.”

He reached out to touch her and she pulled away.

“Khendra, don't do this. If what you say is true, then you're falling right into his trap. You're doing exactly what he wants you to do, jump all over me! I'm not the enemy, Khen. Or have you forgotten?” His own anger rose to match hers.

She took a trembling breath, absorbing the truth in his words. She started to speak, and her voice wavered. Clearing her throat, she started again. “I–I'm sorry. You're right. I guess I was just so blinded by what happened, I didn't see what was going on beneath the surface.”

“We can deal with this thing together,” he said, moving toward her. “But not if we're at each other's throat.”

She looked up into his eyes and decided she would give it a chance. Sean was right. They were stronger together, not separately. She sighed deeply and nodded.

Sean pulled her into his arms and assured her everything was going to work out, and she would certainly get the partnership. But even as he said the words, pangs of doubt rippled through him as Alex's golden promises tripped through his head.

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