Indiscretions (2 page)

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Authors: Madelynne Ellis

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #General, #Erotica

BOOK: Indiscretions
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Lucerne’s shoulders lifted as his back straightened, then he passed quickly behind Vaughan and headed for the conservatory.

Good man
. Vaughan folded his arms and waited a minute or so. He doubted anyone was paying them any attention, the audience’s focus remained on the girl, but it never hurt to take precautions.

* * * * *


Someone had thoughtfully left the key in the lock. Vaughan turned it, isolating him and Lucerne in the conservatory. Thankfully the Wincombes were fond of foliage, so that the glass space was filled with vines and big leafy bushes, rather than rows of orchids or strawberry plants. He found Lucerne near the centre of the room, in a small secluded arbour, shielded on three sides by greenery. The fourth provided a view out over the twilit lake. Unless someone pressed their face to the glass they’d remain unseen.

“You know this is folly. There are too many people about.”

The very thrill of the crowd’s presence vibrated beneath Vaughan’s skin, lending a sense of urgency to the proceedings. He tossed the key into an empty jardinière. “All I see are stars, quarry tiles and you.”

“It’s too damn risky.” Lucerne back-stepped as Vaughan walked towards him.

“It’s too good an opportunity to miss. Live a little, Lucerne. What’s life without risk?” He caught hold of Lucerne’s lapels and forced their bodies into contact. Ah, the pleasure of hard muscle pressed tight to his torso. Their mouths met as he girdled Lucerne’s hips. Tentative only for the first second, then turning greedy and demanding. Lucerne’s tongue stabbed between Vaughan’s lips, goading him into giving more of himself. The fumes of after-dinner brandy tingled on his lips, burning in much the same temperature as Lucerne’s skin. As Lucerne was pale skinned, his growing arousal always tinted his cheeks with a rosy glow.

Vaughan allowed Lucerne to lead a moment, before tightening his grip on the M-shaped collar of Lucerne’s coat and seizing control. Rather than deepening the kiss, he made it light and flighty. He knew the torment would serve to further arouse Lucerne. Frustration made him wild. Within seconds, they were both panting and stiff enough to bruise.

“Are you really going to let me do this?”

Vaughan slowed their kiss until he felt the tension melt out of Lucerne’s limbs and his breaths turned into moans. “You know I’ll let you do whatever you want. All you ever have to do is ask.” The deep well of emotions he kept hidden came rippling to the surface. Tension tended to have that effect, and rather surprisingly he found he really did want this. He liked the idea of reversing their roles for a change. He sometimes dreamed of Lucerne truly overpowering him.

“You’re going to relinquish control?” Lucerne traced a loop upon Vaughan’s stomach, and then drew a finger down to the tip of his cock.

Anticipation made Vaughan edge forward a fraction. Sometimes he needed to let go and allow himself to feel all the raw and painful parts of love. Although right now he wasn’t anticipating pain, only pleasure.

Lucerne released the buttons of Vaughan frontfall, and then cupped the swell of his cobs. He tickled their underside with the feather light stroke of his thumb.

“Do it,” Vaughan hissed into Lucerne’s open mouth, “now, before I change my mind.”

The glow of warmth in Lucerne’s eyes expressed his eagerness far more successfully than any amount of words. He didn’t wait for a second invitation, but tore open the placket of his own breeches, releasing his cock, which seemed to swell further just from the freedom.

Vaughan feasted on the sight of him; splashes of blue added detail to the pale length of his lover’s shaft. His foreskin was drawn back so that the plum tip of Lucerne’s glans lay exposed. Part of him wanted to sink onto his knees and wrap his lips around that delicate head, suck and lick it until it released its blessing. However, he’d made a promise, and he didn’t need to look into Lucerne’s eyes to know that his lover was fired up because of it. “How do you want me?” he asked.

“The bench,” Lucerne gasped, as his fist opened and closed around his shaft. “If you grasp the back.”

They shuffled over to the spindly iron seat. Vaughan braced himself with his elbows locked. He still had his breeches on, but he left Lucerne the pleasure of removing them, or rather roughly shoving them down to his knees. Lucerne’s large hands worked circles over his rear until the whole area was sensitised and the brush of each fingertip made him jump.

If they’d been home, he’d have insisted they got naked. He craved the sensation of Lucerne’s lean, muscled chest against his back. Skin on skin contact lent a certain intimacy that simply didn’t exist when clothing divided them. And even if they weren’t already taking a huge risk, Lucerne’s clothing simply wasn’t the sort you threw on or off in a hurry, since it was sculpted to his form.

“Where is it?”

One of Lucerne’s hands left his arse, and began searching among Vaughan’s coat pockets.

“Left side. Inside the skirt.”

Lucerne’s hand brushed his thigh as he sought the bottle of oil from the pocket. Just a few heartbeats later, the throb of Lucerne’s cock nuzzled between the cheeks of Vaughan’s bottom. The rigid heat slid against his skin. Vaughan braced himself for the moment of surrender. Somehow it wasn’t quite as easy to relax as he’d originally anticipated, even though by God, he wanted this.

“What is it you always say—breathe out?” Lucerne’s hand fisted the ringlets of Vaughan’s long black hair, and tugged his head over to one side. Lucerne bit him through his cambric shirt. Pain flashed through Vaughan’s senses, lit bright sparklers on the inside of his eyelids. He hadn’t realised until that moment that his eyes were closed.

The sharp caress of Lucerne’s teeth worked its intended magic. Vaughan’s body hardly resisted the thrust of Lucerne’s cock.

He was inside him. Hot and tight and insistent.
The rawness caught him by surprise, shocked a groan from him that was half ecstasy and half he wasn’t sure what. “Oh, lord!”

“Yeah, you feel good to me too,” Lucerne reassured. “But I’m barely inside you yet. You’re so goddamned tight. Need to get deeper.”

“Yes.” He needed that too, even though all that rubbing against his tender nerve endings was almost enough to drive him insane. Vaughan pressed back tight against Lucerne’s body as his lover coaxed him into taking him fully. Lucerne kept things steady, but the fact that the motion was so slow only escalated the rawness. He needed this faster, with more drive and less of an excruciating rasp upon his senses.

Vaughan pulled forward. Then he pushed back against Lucerne’s loins, causing their skin to slap together as they met. Somehow his lover understood. Lucerne picked up the pace, rolling his hips so that his cock performed a nice steady glide.

“We’re bloody fools for this,” Lucerne’s breath tickled his ear and blew strands of dark hair across his face. “Anyone could burst in. There are probably other keys to that door. How are we supposed to explain it? How are you going to survive it? Not only will they know you’re a sodomite, they’ll realize you’re all front. I mean think about it, the great Lord Pennerley allowing himself to be pricked as if he were a cheap whore.”

If they were caught, they’d have a whole lot more to worry about than fearing for his social rank. They’d probably be hanged.

The thought only spurred the movement of his hips.

Vaughan’s grip tightened on the bench back so that the metal grew warm. The fullness in his arse was so bloody perfect and the touch on his cock so sweet he thought he might actually sing. He had sort of promised Lucerne that he would. The rush of his breath tickled his vocal chords until he was keening in between laboured gasps. This wouldn’t last long, which was probably best given that they couldn’t risk prolonging it.

Vaughan’s arousal dipped a fraction when he thought of resuming their lovemaking at home. This current arrangement simply wasn’t possibly with Bella around. It would forever be a pleasure snatched in unforeseen moments.

Lucerne pulled his hair again, returning some of the aggression he was usually on the receiving end of. Vaughan could hardly blame him. He didn’t blame him. He wanted more. Fighting with Lucerne was always a guaranteed prelude to a really good fuck.

“You love it, don’t you, having me do this? Why can’t you let her watch, Vaughan? Wouldn’t it make things more complete? Don’t you want this oneness where we can really appreciate it?”

“I don’t want her to be part of it. I’ve never really wanted her to be part of us.”

“Would this be the time to remind you that you’re the one that invited her to join us?”

“It was the most elegant solution given the circumstance. Now stop talking about her and give it to me harder.”

“Like this?”

Vaughan grabbed Lucerne’s hand and curled his large palm around his cock. Tingly heat suffused his shaft. “Oh, yes!” The slide through Lucerne’s fingers, coupled with the sensation of his cock in his arse set explosions off right down his spine. Tightness filled his balls, and gripped his shaft. At the same time, Lucerne pulled him up onto his toes, lining them up in a slightly different way. Ecstasy filled him like a drug. His seed erupted so hard it left streaks over the plants three feet away. Vaughan’s knees buckled. He clung to the metal bench for support, crying out in ululating gasps as the moment rolled over him with such intensity that he could feel it in every cell.

“Ah, that’s good.” Lucerne’s orgasm brewed equally swift and sticky. He stayed inside Vaughan’s arse until the last tremor faded, his arms wrapped possessively around him. “There’s no going back now. I’m going to want you like this again.”

Vaughan huffed out a grunt. “Maybe if you ask extremely nicely.”

Lucerne turned him around so that they were facing. Vaughan’s bare bottom rested against the warmed metal.

“Maybe next time I won’t wait for an invitation. I’ll simply take, just the way you do.”

A laugh rumbled up Vaughan’s throat. He made to hitch up his breeches, but Lucerne knocked his hand aside. “She’s still singing. Let me do a little something for you.” Not waiting for an answer, Lucerne dropped onto his knees and took Vaughan’s half-hard cock into his mouth. The sudden stimulation sent a surge of life back into his shaft. Within moments he was rolling to Lucerne’s rhythm again, enjoying the soft warm comfort of his lover’s mouth. Lucerne’s talent for fellatio had improved greatly with practice, and he gave him plenty of practice. It was more unusual for him to independently volunteer.

Vaughan tangled his fingers in Lucerne’s golden blond hair. Lucerne had a way of using his tongue that exerted just the right amount of pressure in all the right spots. In moments, he was as erect as if he’d never come, and keening lowly.

He watched Lucerne’s head bob. His eyes were closed, so that his long eyelashes shadowed his cheeks.
My Lucifer… My fallen angel
—a smile tweaked his lips upward at the thought. What he wouldn’t give right now to just click his fingers and have them appear at home. He wanted time to savour this experience, but the singing performance seemed to be building to its crescendo.

Once they got home, he’d have Bella watch while he got Lucerne to pick this up where they left off. He loved forcing her to watch, especially when having banned her from touching him first.

Bella did so struggle with restraints.

Her image filled his thoughts, brown hair tumbling over her shoulders in waves, her curves tightly confined by her rigid corset, and the dark triangle of her quim peeping enticingly beneath the cream of her stays. Maybe he wouldn’t just let her watch. Maybe he’d let Lucerne swive her tonight. Each breath she made would be rapid and loose. Yes, and while Lucerne took her, he’d take him. Neither of his lovers would protest the plan.

Applause broke out on the other side of the door. Vaughan turned his head in that direction, but foliage blocked the view. Time they ended this. He upped the pace, and chased his climax to completion. Bemused, he watched Lucerne wipe the shiny evidence of their lust from his lips before rising to straighten his clothes.

They slipped back into the salon room, faking deep conversation as if the discussion were all that had led them away from the entertainment. Mrs. Wincombe spied them almost immediately and tracked determinedly in their direction, leading her niece by the wrist. “Milords, may I present to you, Miss St John.”

The girl, thrust before them like an ornament for inspection, dipped into a graceful curtsey. Vaughan managed a very thin smile. He barely looked at her, choosing instead to peer over her head having already sensed what was coming.

Un-swayed by his action, Mrs. Wincombe bundled her niece into his field of vision once more.

Vaughan scowled. If he went into dinner with the girl it would be all over town by morning and the society matrons would expect a proposal within a week. Better that he draped Bella off his arm instead. Masquerading her as his cousin had certain advantages. So, fine, it didn’t quell all the speculations, but it did make things significantly less awkward.

However, much to his astonishment, Lucerne extended a hand to the girl, and off the pair went, smiling prettily at one another.

Mrs. Wincombe obviously having discharged her duty took one glance at Vaughan’s scowl and made a hasty retreat. Vaughan lingered as the train of people moved into the dining room. Few people remained when Bella appeared by his side and entwined an arm around his.

“Hungry?” Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she looked up him. “Music always gives me an appetite.”

“Indeed. Though not as I recall, for food.”

* * * * *


Bella left the dining room unaccompanied forty minutes later still hungry, and now irritated too. Vaughan had been right. The food, though delicious, hadn’t sated her appetite. What she craved was something more physical, something akin to the sensuous journey Lucerne often made with his tongue up her spine, better yet, the feel of his hands warming her bottom as a prelude to slipping into her welcoming heat.

Sadly, Lucerne continued to be monopolized by Miss St John, who, to her disgust, had taken to fluttering her eyelashes and leaning too close. Worse still, Lucerne was reciprocating with half-smiles of his own.

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