
Read Inequities Online

Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

Tags: #Wereshifter/Paranormal

BOOK: Inequities
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A Total-E-Bound Publication





©Copyright Jambrea Jo Jones 2011

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright August 2011

Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,

, Lincoln,
, United Kingdom



This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a











The Seeds of Dawn





Jambrea Jo Jones








To my pack at Heat Wave.
Thank you for bidding on naming a character. The auction for
and her girls was such a great thing and I’m happy we could all participate. Special hugs to her and her family.

evil one who plotted against me to get Peter Piper into this book! Thank you to those who helped me into talking her out of the whole name. Long live Peter.

—who fought her way through the land of no computer to participate in the

Rhonda—the greedy one who ALWAYS wants more and somehow…she gets it.

—or is it
-could it be
or maybe
(or is that me?). Well…to whoever you are
week Susan. You certainly make the yahoo groups interesting with your ever-changing screen name.

Valerie—who made sure she was included in the bidding even though she was in pain and on her way to the ER. Talk about dedication.

Jo—the one who has so much courage and optimism that cannot be rivaled!


And as always to Joy, the sister of my heart.



Trademarks Acknowledgement



The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
mentioned in this work of fiction:


Wile E. Coyote: Warner Bros.

Harley Davidson: Harley Davidson Group

: Jacuzzi Brands Corp.

Chapter One




Russ Masters’ anger had anger. To top it all off he was unsure of himself for the first time since becoming the alpha of his pack. Things had been fucked up from the day he had that first premonition. Damn the Ancients for making his life hell. It was hard enough taking care of a pack of unruly wolves, but
in war and magic and he was screwed.

And now he was whining. God damn it. Russ slammed his hand on the wall nearest him. He’d escaped to his rooms after the last meeting of the pack before Zareb and the bunch left for Africa.

And wasn’t that a fucking joke. Why was he even
? No magic to speak of and one of his betas
swimming in power. Shit. He needed to stop the pity train, but it was a downward slope he couldn’t seem to get off.

His very first vision did not warn him of all that was to come, but wasn’t that just like the Ancients. They liked mystery and making you work for the information. Nothing was ever easy with them. He needed to get over the injustice of it all, but it stuck in his craw that he was being put in second place. How could he compete with Zareb? The man was born before Russ was even thought of. Hell, before Russ’ great-grandparents were even thought of. Zareb was strong, magical and a leader. When he returned from his journey, Russ would turn the pack over to him. He really didn’t think he had a choice in the matter. He was weak and weak didn’t cut it in his world. Nope. The weak died.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his doom and gloom. He put his alpha face on and tamped down on the negativity. It was bad enough he doubted himself; he didn’t need the rest of the pack to feel it.


He didn’t expect to see
walk into the room. He thought they were done talking. She wasn’t even part of his pack. The fox shifter should have never shown up then some of the mess he was in would have been avoided.

“I needed to speak to you privately before we left.”
moved to the lounger he had by the window.

She looked comfortable in her surroundings. Hell, she’d probably make a better alpha then
she had the balls for it. Russ had to stifle a chuckle. At least some semblance of a good mood was returning.

“I thought you said all you were going to.” Russ got back to business.

“No. This is personal and involves my tribe.”

Russ didn’t know what that had to do with him. Her tribe was hundreds of miles away and none of his concern. Russ waited expectantly. He wouldn’t force her to talk.

“I’m sorry we brought this to your door, but we didn’t think we had a choice.” She knotted her hands together nervously. It was the first time he’d seen her unsure of herself.

“You’ve said all this already. Was there something new you needed?”

looked down at her hands. “Don’t blame Vivian. She cautioned against us coming, but I convinced her.”

Vivian. Another problem he didn’t need that
had brought to his door. Things would have been different if they had both stayed home.

“It is what it is, there is no blame. You were called to your mate. That’s natural.” Russ assured her as best he could.

“I’m glad you see it that way, but there are others who don’t. My tribe doesn’t believe in inter-species relations. They aren’t going to be happy you’re a wolf and they will
hunting for Vivian.”

“You worry about the trip to Africa and your mate. I’ll take care of things here.” Russ moved to help her out of the chair. “You need to be going now. I’m sure the others from the pack who are going are waiting for you. We’ll be here when you return.” He walked her to the door and closed it.

It was good that he could help someone else. For the first time in weeks he felt like the head of his pack. Maybe he should go to the gym and work some of his tension away. He was tired of dwelling on the past and other people’s lives. Nothing ended the way he thought it would. Dmitri wasn’t the bad guy and after all this time he was deflated. The goal had been to take Dmitri down for the hell he’d put the tribe through. But to find out Dmitri was a soul who possessed someone else stopped all thoughts of ending the man’s life.
Russ’ visions told him that Dmitri would die at the pack’s hands.

Technically that was true, Dmitri was dead, his spirit once again trapped, leaving the true soul to have his body back.
couldn’t help it that when the pack looked at him they saw Dmitri, the man intent on destroying them all. Nothing was as it seemed.
That, he should be used to.

Yep, time for the gym. He was sick of hearing himself think. He wanted to exhaust himself enough that he could sleep peacefully tonight.

What about my mate?

Another thing he wasn’t thinking about. Russ changed into a grey tank top and some exercise shorts and made his way to the gym. It wasn’t too far from his room. He stopped on the way to fill up a water bottle and grab a towel.

The pack’s gym was fully stocked with weights and a few treadmills along with some elliptical equipment.
Russ headed for the treadmill hoping a good run would settle him down. If not, he’d shift and go for a real run. Things were closing in on him and he needed mindless activity so he could wear himself out and hopefully sleep without dreams. Of course that wouldn’t stop the damn visions.

Enough thinking.

Russ put his towel around his neck and his water bottle in the holder. A few buttons later and he was running. He set it to start out slow and steadily increase the incline. Before long he was running full speed. One foot in front of the other, the sound echoed in the room. Russ closed his eyes with his focus turning inward.
He was alone in a jungle. The vegetation was so real he could almost smell it. He was in wolf form stalking through the trees and vines. The wind whipped around his body as he charged full speed ahead. His tongue hung out of his mouth. He panted at the exertion, but it was fun. He didn’t want to stop. Russ pushed himself harder and harder.

There she was. He stopped on a dime and backpedalled like Wile E. Coyote when he realised he’d walked off a cliff.

His eyes popped open and he almost slipped off the treadmill. He caught himself on the attached bars. Russ looked around, but Vivian wasn’t really there. Since she’d stepped foot onto the property he couldn’t get her out of his mind. She was always there on the fringes of his thoughts.

Russ really should check on her. The doctor said she’d be fine. She’d been attacked while in fox form on the mad dash to reach his pack house. Her protector,
, had pushed them both too hard. They had been weak when they’d reached the outskirts of his property, not expecting a real predator to attack. They’d shifted and spent too much precious time in the woods and Vivian hadn’t healed right. The doctor had had to reset her bone.

They hadn’t mated yet, but he was ready to rip the good doctor apart for hurting Vivian. He’d left the room. He wasn’t ready for a mate. Too much needed to happen before he could settle down. And right now he was unworthy. What could he offer?

Russ continued his run until he could barely move. He shut the machine down and wiped it off. He staggered back to his room for a shower before he crashed. A scent wafted towards him that stopped him in his tracks. His mate was somewhere close. It was hell being able to smell her and know she was his, but not claim her. But he couldn’t. Not now and maybe not ever. She’d be better off back home.

Russ stepped around the corner and there she was. She looked so relaxed in her jeans and sweater. He’d prefer to see her naked, spread out before him and ready for him to fuck her.

Who is she talking to?

He didn’t want to get too close. He would observe her from here. God she was beautiful. Her long blonde hair sparkled under the light. Her back was to him, so he couldn’t see her brilliant blue eyes. She was so fair compared to the man she spoke with. Russ was actually surprised that Peter was there and talking to Vivian. Usually the only one he hung around with was his cousin, Everett. Not that Russ blamed the guy. His last pack had kicked him out for being gay and he was
cautious when talking to strangers.

Russ couldn’t understand that mentality. Pack was family no matter what. Peter had showed up looking for his cousin. It took months for the man to trust Russ. He wondered what Peter and Vivian were talking about. He looked around expecting to see Everett somewhere, but it was just the two speaking in low whispers. Russ’ curiosity got the better of him and he edged closer.

“Hey, Russ, what’s

Russ closed his eyes. How could he
have heard Cord getting close to him? He was completely out of sync. Or there were too many people in the fucking house. Maybe he needed a vacation.
From himself.

“Just getting ready for bed.
Did you need something?” Russ turned to Cord.

“No, man just heading to the kitchen for a snack.”

Cord passed by him and went down the stairs. Peter and Vivian both stared up at him now. Her eyes really were lovely. Vivian had a hesitant smile on her face. What he wouldn’t give to hear her laugh or see her smile at him. Cord walked right by them, slapped Peter on the back, gave a respectful nod to Vivian and was gone.

That left Russ feeling uncomfortable under the gaze of the two at the bottom of the stairs. He should probably announce to the pack that he had a mate, but he wasn’t ready yet.
For any of it.
He did an about face and walked to his room. Yes, he was a coward. Fuck, maybe he
turn everything over to
when he got back. The man
one of the original shifters and had so much power the pack was his to take. Russ had been an idiot for not sensing just how strong Zareb was. He should have looked into it more when the man had first showed up at his door. Or hell, even Max, one of his
. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head, slamming his door in disgust behind him. Right now, he hated himself. All that exercise went to waste. He was tense and ready to chuck it all. He didn’t even know who he was any more.

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