Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel (13 page)

Read Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #exhibitionism voyuerism, #club destiny, #public exhibitionism

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It hadn’t taken long for
her to realize exactly what he was hoping for, but McKenna hadn’t
given Tag what he expected. Rather than giving in to his
manipulations, she opted to grin and bear it. Actually,
would be the more
accurate term.

She continued to remind
herself that she would have her turn. He had agreed to her amended
contract, which meant at some point in the next few days, she would
be in charge, and she was already preparing a mental list of things
she would do to the man to get him back for this.

Although, he did have a
little bit of time before that happened, and McKenna didn’t have a
clue what was in store for her. She only prayed he didn’t expect
her to leave the private room naked because then she might just
have to speak up.

When the door opened,
McKenna steeled herself for his reappearance, and turned her head
as though sparing him a glance. With butterflies staging an all-out
riot in her belly, she went back to thumbing through the emails on
her phone. Or pretending to anyway.

Sorry it took me so
long,” Tag said as he put his cell phone and wallet on the small
breakfast counter before making his way over to the chair he had
planted himself in earlier.

Mmm hmm.” Pretending to
dismiss his comment, McKenna couldn’t tear her eyes away from the
phone although she wasn’t seeing a damn thing on the screen. All of
the letters had blurred together, her mind wandering to other
things immediately.

Like what he planned to do next.

Or what she
him to do

Are you doing ok?” he
asked after he situated himself into that casual pose of

Fine. Why?” she asked,
looking up at him for the first time.

Just making sure you’re
still willing to go through with this.”

Crossing her arms over her
breasts would only have him giving her that questioning stare as if
she was trying to cover herself, so McKenna chose to put her hands
down to her sides. With more brazenness than she thought she had,
she managed to uncross and then cross her legs again while she was
at it, noting the way his eyes lingered between her thighs just a
little longer than expected. “There isn’t anything that you can do
that’ll have me changing my mind.”


Had she known his
intentions originally, she might have given this more thought. Now
that she was here, she fully intended to fulfill her end of the
contract, even if it killed her. The sexual tension was thick
between them, and honestly, she wanted to see where it led them
more than she wanted to back out from this small dose of

Be careful what you wish
for, darlin’.” Tag’s dark, sultry tone sent a torrent of sensation
flowing through her bloodstream, instantly making her nipples

She wanted to challenge
him to push her, but she got the feeling he was about to do so
anyway. The harder she pushed, the harder he would push back and
right now, McKenna didn’t trust herself not to go a little too

There was no way she could
deny wanting him. She’d been enthralled since the very first day
she saw him and overcome with a bad case of lust ever since. So,
honestly, this opportunity gave her a chance to get closer to what
she truly wanted.

Tag Murphy in her bed.

Or his.

game for whatever you can dish out,
.” Mocking his choice of
endearments, she curled her fingers into her palm, praying he
didn’t see just how nervous she actually was.

Spread your legs,” Tag
insisted and the room immediately heated several degrees. This
wasn’t the laid back country boy she’d been privy to earlier. This
man was dead serious.

God, she loved watching him lose

She didn’t move a muscle,
nor did she smile. She was unable to do anything except breathe.
The intensity in his gaze spoke of hot, lustful promises, and
McKenna wasn’t so sure she wouldn’t beg him to touch her if he kept
this up. Controlling him was going to be as impossible as
controlling her own hormones where he was concerned. Pushing him,
on the other hand, was a given.

I’m not going to tell you
again.” Only his mouth moved. Not his hands, not his head. He was
sitting in that chair, stone still, yet McKenna could feel the
tension coming off of him in waves.

Slowly she uncrossed her
legs, and she was instantly wet. It took several seconds before she
managed to spread her knees apart, her clit throbbing with
anticipation. If he would only touch her, they stood a chance of
making it through the rest of the day before one of them lost

A battle of wills was what
this was. Two dominating personalities, both intending to push the
other to the breaking point did nothing, except promise a firestorm
that was likely to blaze out of control.

Touch yourself, McKenna.”
Back was that laidback Texas drawl, but his voice belied the stiff
way he held himself.

She pondered his
instruction for a moment, wondering whether she could actually go
through with it. At least if she did, she could relieve the
tormenting ache that had taken up residence between her

Dropping her cell phone onto the cushion,
McKenna eased her hand between her legs, making sure he could see
everything she was doing.




Tag had the hard on of the
century, and the self-inflicted pain was damn near more than he
could handle. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from McKenna’s long,
graceful fingers as they separated the soft folds of her pussy,
sliding between her labia.
. He wanted to throw himself to
his knees before her and bury his face between her legs, licking
her clit until she screamed his fucking name.

She was tormenting him,
and she knew it, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. When McKenna
began to moan softly, Tag knew he was in for it.

Don’t come yet,” he
demanded, his voice thick with the desperation flooding his veins.
“I want to watch you.”

Her eyes flew open, and a
flash of something dark and dangerous dashed through the eerie

Tag stood, moving to the small table between
them and lowering himself onto it. This allowed for a front row
view, close enough he could see the slick juices now coating her
index finger. He bit his tongue.

McKenna slowly pushed one
finger inside, using her other hand to rub circles around her clit,
those dick teasing moans increasing along with her breathing. She
was so fucking hot, he wondered whether the smoke detectors would
go off.

That’s it, baby.”
Lowering his voice, he kept his tone even, hopefully not revealing
just how worked up he was by the live porn right there in his
living room. “Do you like to fuck yourself?”

Yes.” Her tone was bold
and brazen, her eyes closed once again as she continued to finger
herself, her head leaning back against the headrest of the sofa.
“God, yes.”


Don’t you dare come,
McKenna.” The words came out strangled and harsh, but Tag couldn’t
stop them.

Make me come, Tag.”
McKenna opened her eyes, and he could see the determination in

I can’t touch you,
darlin’,” he growled, wondering why the fuck he had come up with
that idea in the first place.

? Or

Stipulation of the
contract, remember? No touching for twenty four hours.” Yep, he
only had himself to blame for that dumbass inclusion.

Then watch while I make
myself come.”

Self-assured and shameless, that’s what
McKenna was. And he fucking loved that about her. “Show me.”

His cock was throbbing
insistently, begging for attention, even if by his own hand. Tag
refused to give in. He might have fucking blue balls by morning,
but he was not going to let her win. Not this time.

His eyes returned to where
she was now thrusting two fingers deep inside her cunt, the fingers
on her other hand pressing against her clit but no longer moving.
“Come for me, McKenna. Fucking come for me, baby.”

That was all it took.

McKenna’s head thrashed
back against the couch, her fingers thrust one final time before
her legs closed, trapping her hands between them as her body
spasmed. It was the sexiest fucking thing Tag had ever seen. And
what he wouldn’t give to climb on top of her and ram his iron hard
cock between those soft, supple thighs...

Sucking in a harsh breath,
he managed to stand up, despite the discomfort.


By the time night rolled
around, Tag had finally managed to coax his body back to normal or
as close as he was going to get. It was difficult, but he

McKenna had been engrossed
in her laptop for the last hour allowing him to focus on other
things. Like his job. Now that he’d taken care of the few fires, he
was left with nothing else to focus on except her.

Where am I sleeping
tonight?” McKenna called from the sofa, not turning to look at

My bed,” he answered
easily. She’d have company too because there was no damned way his
big body was going to fit on that little couch. “With

The subtle hitch in her
breathing made him smile. At least until he remembered that he
vowed not to touch her. Granted, after eight o’clock tomorrow
morning, all bets were off.

Well, I think I’m going
to turn in now if that’s ok with you.”

There wasn’t a chance in hell he’d be able
to fall asleep, not after having his hormones scrambled and then
fried for the better part of the day, but he was willing to

It was late, and they had
a busy day tomorrow.

Until then, he was just going to suffer.



*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

Article number one, as approved by Luke


The Sinful in Seven Series:

Day One: Pushing Limits


Ever wonder just how far
you can be pushed?


It’s funny because I never thought I’d go
this far, but here I am. At the hands of Club Destiny’s very own
Tag Murphy. Yes, ladies, you heard me correctly. The one and only,
uber sexy attorney for Club Destiny has agreed to give me a
personal tour of the place we’ve all fantasized about belonging


So, what did Day One
entail? Multiple orgasms? Debauchery? Wild, out of control orgies?
Well, I’m disappointed to say that up to this point, Club Destiny
has not lived up to its notorious reputation, but I’m still holding
out hope that it will take an interesting turn.


I’d like to thank Luke and
Logan McCoy for being so generous by allowing me to walk the halls
and share my interactions with those who just want a tiny morsel of
detail to savor.

So, sit back, hold on
tight, and let’s enjoy the journey together!


-McKenna Thorne


*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

McKenna woke the following
morning to a warm body pressed up against her back. She knew where
she was, and she knew who was with her, which explained the way her
body tingled just from the impact of his touch.

Tag was breathing softly,
and McKenna expected that he was awake, but for just a few minutes
she wanted to cuddle in his warmth, to forget the reason she was
here and to pretend for as long as she could that this was her

Considering McKenna didn’t
do relationships, nor did she usually do morning after’s, to be
held in the arms of a man was foreign, yet incredibly comforting at
the same time. Somehow, through the course of her life, sex had
become an intimate interaction that was based on pleasure rather
than affection and McKenna suddenly missed the sweet companionship
that could be found by waking up next to someone.

Not that she had ever wanted it. Well, not
since the one relationship that had left her heartbroken and jaded.
She found she didn’t need the companionship because it came with a
price. A price she wasn’t willing to pay ever again.

With Tag, she didn’t feel
like she had to worry about that. There was a combustible energy
that consumed them when they were in the same room, but there
wasn’t the risk of it turning into something more. Tag was not that
man; she knew that much about him.

Considering what little
she did know about him, McKenna was still highly aware of the
unspoken connection that she felt between them, which spoke volumes
about what they were doing here. She didn’t go to sleep with
strangers, didn’t wake up with their warmth penetrating every
molecule of her being, yet here she was. This was new for her. An
adventure she signed up for, and one she was anxious to explore
because that’s what Tag did to her. He had a magnetic pull on her,
and McKenna couldn’t fight it. She didn’t
to fight it.

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