Infected 8: Impulse: A Whole New Day (39 page)

BOOK: Infected 8: Impulse: A Whole New Day
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"Yes, granddaughter?"

"Take care of yourself. Get to someplace safe, if you can find one. Things here... They aren't good. I... I think that Braid may have won, already. We're trying to stop her, but even the people that have been getting the word out aren't enough impact. It's like people
this to happen now, a war between the Infected and the norms. Every day we've been losing people, on both sides. I don't think..." She couldn't go on, the deaths of the people that she'd killed suddenly weighing on her.

There were no tears, but Mary held her for a moment. It felt nice. Safe.

That was an illusion of course. Nothing could be safe now, and never would be again, for anyone. Not unless she made it happen. Pulling back she went to do just that. It was her job now. Keeping her people safe, and killing those that wouldn't fall into line. She didn't even think about patriotism, or even right or wrong. Not now.

She didn't look back, or ask the woman to be safe again. That would either happen, or, more likely, be out of her control.

Carefully, trying to move past the debris that still littered the ground in places, she headed for the airstrip. It felt strange, but she didn't even stop to ask where she was going. It didn't really matter.

There was a war on, and another battle to fight. People would die, and for what was essentially a stupid reason. Because one person didn't see that they were wrong.

It was insane, but she really wasn't certain that most wars didn't boil down to something similar, in the end. One confused or ego driven person, ruining everything for the rest of them.

All she could do was keep her head down and keep fighting, for now. Until she got another chance to end it. When that time came, she couldn't let herself fail.

Not again.

Not even if it killed her.

Not even if it killed them all.



Since you got this far, why not look into other great books by P.S. Power? It's the right thing to do. Like eating healthy foods and drinking clean water. Okay, we can't back that scientifically yet, but reading is good for the mind, so you should try doing even more of it, if possible. (Clearly, if you read more than a book a day, you're doing fine!)


If you want to find out more about P.S. Power and his coming works, go to:



Now, here's a list of other book series by P.S. Power. These are links that will take you to the right places.




The Young Ancients


The Infected


Keeley Thomson (Demon Girl)


Other Places


Gwen Farris


Dead End


The Lament


The Greasepaint Chronicles (Mystery)


Stand alone works by P.S. Power


BOOK: Infected 8: Impulse: A Whole New Day
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