Inferno (5 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'arc

Tags: #vampires, #werewolf, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Inferno
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To his satisfaction, Viktor sat up straighter in the ornate chair, trying hard not to show his discomfort. Igor looked to Una, watching her carefully. She’d always been the stronger of the two. She didn’t allow the pain to show, but Igor saw a subtle tightening of her red-painted lips that gave him immense satisfaction. He was the most powerful in this room, though both Una and Viktor had challenged him from time to time. Still, he was in charge here. The Vabians,

“dynasty” or not, had to learn their place.

“Really, Igor,” Una spoke, saccharine dripping off her every word, “you’re far too fond of the creature. Our Siobhan didn’t do much more than take a bite out of your wolf. She’ll live. Thanks to the bastard who hurt my boy.” Her eyes turned deadly cold. “I will have my revenge on Dante d’Angleterre, Igor. It is my right.”

“And you will, Una, but you forget who is running this show. It’s my call as to when and how Dante will meet his fate. First, I need to know more. Even an ancient bloodletter should not have been able to counter the Elspian Ring. That spell was handed down from the
Mater Priori

Its magic comes from another realm entirely. No mere vampire—regardless how old—should have been able to detect it. Dante is running with some strange characters, and we need to know more about them before we act.”


Igor cut off Una’s words with an angry sneer.

“We also need to know what your useless son divulged before he disappeared. If he compromised our plans, the entire Vabian
will pay. Mark my words. Or perhaps,” Igor said as he tilted his head to give them a quelling look, “that was your plan. Maybe you wanted to do away with the bloodletter before Patrick’s failure is fully known?” He rubbed his chin as if considering. “The plan has merit, I will admit. It’s a good way to cover your asses. However, you should know this, if Dante or those around him so much as catch a cold in the next two weeks, I will have all of you Vabians up before the
. I’ve been tasked to find out what happened to Patrick and how badly he damaged our plans. That will come out no matter what you try to do to block my agents. Harm my wolf and I will kill you myself. She’s been far too valuable a tool to lose now. She’s mine and only I will decide when to put her down like the dog she is. Is that clear?”

Una hesitated, and Viktor looked at her for guidance. The so-called leader of House Vabian was weak, just as he’d always been. It was Una who wore the pants in the family. Of that Igor was certain. And her daughter Siobhan was turning out to be just like her, the bitch.

“Bottom line, call off Siobhan or you will all pay the price.” Una stood, huffing in outrage. She bit back her words before she could speak the treason that would give Igor reason to smite her where she stood. Too bad. She stomped out the door, leaving her henpecked husband to face the music.

“We’ll do what we can, Igor, but Siobhan is a grown woman who makes her own decisions.”

“Is that your way of hedging your bets, Viktor? It won’t work. If your daughter continues pursuing d’Angleterre, you will all pay the price. Have no doubt about that.” Sadly, our Siobhan is a lot like her mother.” Viktor stood with stooped shoulders and followed his wife.

Chapter Three

Megan was up and around by the time Dante rose the following day. She looked a little worse for wear and was moving cautiously, but she was clearly in better shape than a mere mortal would have been, given the extent of her injuries the night before.

She sat with Duncan in the living room. She’d taken over the couch with a pillow tucked behind her back and her legs stretched out on the cushions, covered by a blanket. She was wearing a sweatshirt and pants that were too big for her, most likely pilfered from Dante’s closet while he slept below ground. The sight that touched Dante most, in the oddest sort of way, was her dainty feet peeping out from under the edge of the blanket, cuddled up in a pair of his fluffy white gym socks.

It didn’t make any sense that a little thing like that would capture his attention. Somehow, it appealed to his sense of the ridiculous and also warmed something inside him that had lain cold and lifeless for centuries. She was cute though ferocious in her own feminine way. He’d been impressed by her half-shift, which wasn’t an easy form for even the strongest of shifters to hold for long. He had no doubt she was fierce. Which was probably why he found it so charming that she needed to roll his socks into donuts around her ankles because they were too big for her petite frame.

Every article of clothing she’d borrowed from his closet was too big, and he thought she looked adorable. He liked the idea of her wearing his clothes. That the softness of the shirt that he’d felt many times against his own skin was now caressing hers.

Dante shook off the uncharacteristically sappy thoughts with some difficulty as he entered the living room.

“Good to see you looking so well, Megan.” He smiled as he joined her on the couch.

There were other chairs in the room, including another wing chair like the one Duncan occupied, but there was enough room for him on the couch, down at the end near her dainty feet, and he was drawn to it. He wanted to be near her. He didn’t look too closely at why.

“I feel much better, as I was just telling your friend Duncan here.” She smiled at him, and he felt it like a sucker punch to the gut.

“When did she wake?” Dante turned his attention to the half-fey knight who currently shared his home.

“Not long ago,” Duncan answered with an elegant shrug. “She wanted to leave but I talked her into resting on the couch for a bit until you rose. I think we have a lot to discuss before anyone talks of leaving.” Duncan sat forward, and his words came down heavy in the space between him and Megan, as if he’d been making this point for some time already.

“You can’t keep me here against my will.” She sounded like a recalcitrant child. Of course, the way she filled out his sweatshirt reminded Dante that she was definitely all woman.

“Try me.” Dante recaptured her attention, his tone brooking no argument. “Last night you took the full force of a magical blast that would have killed anyone else. How is it you survived, Megan? And why did Duncan see two distinct entities in your soul? You are
, but you are also something more. That’s what saved you. Isn’t that right, Duncan?”

“That’s my theory, and I haven’t come up with anything better while you were below. So how about it, Megan?” Duncan turned the force of his question on her. Between the two men bearing down on her in concert, she began to fidget.

“I’m only half
.” Her voice was as soft as he’d ever heard it, as if she was embarrassed by her origins.

“Nothing to be ashamed of in that,” Duncan softened a little. “I’m only half human myself.

What’s your other half, lass?”

“Human…as far as I know. My mother was
. I never knew my father.” Dante shifted on the couch, raising her legs, blanket and all, to rest over his lap as he moved closer. She needed the warmth of another being right now. Touch was something all
needed—or so he’d believed. He rubbed her legs through the blanket, giving her reassurance with his gentle movements. At least he hoped that’s how she’d see his actions. He didn’t fully understand it himself.

“You’d best not be spinning tales to try to gain our sympathy, lass.”

“Duncan.” Dante’s growl was a warning not to push her too hard.

“It’s no lie. Nothing I’ve told you has been a lie. I wouldn’t do that.” Duncan answered with one eloquently raised eyebrow, but Dante let it pass.

“The fact remains, you can’t leave, sweetheart.” Dante tried to bring the conversation back to the point. “Remember what we talked about last night before all this happened? Remember I told you there were things going on that I wouldn’t talk about in public?”

“Yeah, so what? Are you going to tell me now that some crazy woman wants you dead? That’s not exactly news.” Sarcasm was thick in her voice, and Dante didn’t like it one bit.

“I don’t know who that woman was or why she targeted me in such a public way. I can only guess at her motivations.”

Duncan picked up the narrative. “For centuries, Dante and people around him have been targeted by agents of the

? I thought they were ancient history. Right?”

“I thought their days long over as well.” Dante ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

“However, your current Lords have had dealings with one of them in recent weeks, as have I.

They’re back. The threat is real. Whether it is imminent or not, remains to be seen.”

“So this affects me how?”

“It affects all
. All supernaturals for that matter,” Duncan said. “If the
are back, and Dante and I both witnessed one of their mages confessing some of their plans, then all creatures of good conscience need to know and prepare.”

“All right.” She leaned forward confrontationally, toward Duncan. “You told me, and I’m prepared. Can I go home?”

“Absolutely not.” Dante’s words were iron.

“You’re too much of a mystery for us not to want to keep you around for a little while, lass.” Duncan eased back in his chair, a cunning smile playing about his lips.

“I’m no mystery at all.” She sounded defensive to Dante’s ears.

“Allow me to be the judge of that, my dear.” Dante resumed stroking her legs, slower now, with a more seductive purpose.

“Now that you’re up—” Duncan rose from his chair, nodding toward Dante, “—I’ll see about making some dinner.” The half-fey knight beat a retreat toward the kitchen at the rear of the house, leaving Dante and Megan alone.

“Won’t you stay a while? At least to heal. And perhaps to pick up where we left off last night before we were so rudely interrupted?” He poured on the charm, knowing his usual tricks with mortals probably wouldn’t work on her.

For one thing, her mind was half-
. She’d likely be immune to his ability to cloud mortal minds, just as she was somewhat immune to magical attacks like the one they’d lived through the night before.
had a special kind of protection against magic. Or perhaps it was the nature of the animal spirits that shared their souls that protected them against most kinds of mortal magic. Dante didn’t know for sure, but either way, it was likely what had saved her.

Megan couldn’t believe her good fortune. She’d been ordered to find a way to spy on the vampire and had been prepared to do almost anything to accomplish this final mission that would free her from the debt her family owed the
Altor Custodis
. This was almost too easy. She made a show of reluctance, but inside she was overjoyed by his invitation.

She could use the excuse of her injury to keep some distance from the attractive bloodletter.

Last night, she probably would have shared his bed. He was handsome as sin and she’d been too weak to fight the need he stirred in her body, regardless of her distaste in associating with another supernatural of any kind.

She was clear headed now. The pain of her injuries was a grim reminder of the danger of her mission. With any luck, she could accomplish it without succumbing to the temptation he represented.

“All right.” She sighed, trying not to look as pleased as she felt. “I’ll stay a few days. Until I’m fully healed. But I won’t promise anything more.”

This was the perfect setup. She could nose around his house all day while he slept. The only sticking point in the plan was Duncan. Whatever he was, he was formidable. He’d said he was half human, but what in the world was the other half?

“Understandable. Let’s just take it one night at a time for now.” His big hands stroking her legs through the blanket made her feel distinctly warm. She tried to shift away, but he wouldn’t let her go and she refused to engage in a childish tug of war with him.

“So tell me more about this threat.” She tried to get him back to his earlier conversation.

Without Duncan in the room as a buffer, the atmosphere felt too intimate.

Dante sighed, looking away from her for a moment and she felt some relief from his intense regard. His dark eyes were so compelling. When he looked into her eyes, it almost felt like she was falling into them, drugged by his presence, and she feared she’d give him anything he wanted. She had to be on guard. Of course, the handsome bastard made that nearly impossible just by breathing. He was too damned sexy and too distracting.

“I was approached by a man several months ago. He said he had information on how I could avenge a wrong done to me by the
lords who were in power in 1871.” Megan didn’t like the sound of this. “They had sanctioned the murder of a close friend of mine. An unjustifiable act of evil that destroyed a promising young man and most of the city of Chicago.”

“The Great Chicago Fire?” She
didn’t like the sound of this.

Dante nodded. “That is the sordid history. What matters most now is the fact that I felt the
lords owed me a blood debt. Like an idiot, I went haring off across the country on this man’s information. What I didn’t know was that he was a magic user, bent on murdering the new Priestess and mate of the current Lords of the
. I helped him get close to them and made it possible for him to attack them. Once I realized my mistake, I changed sides and tried to help them, but it was already too late. One of the twins was grievously injured and it required a great working of magic to save him. That’s how Duncan was brought back into this realm. But that’s another story for another time.” He turned to her, his dark gaze zeroing in on her. She could see as well as feel his very genuine regret. “We eventually captured the mage, and he confessed to being a
agent. He spoke of their plans to return Elspeth to this realm.”

“Elspeth?” A chill of fear trembled through her. “Isn’t she the one they call Destroyer of Worlds?”

“The very same,” Dante agreed. “So you see, we have to be on guard. None of us can afford to let that happen. Not
, not immortal, not fey. If she regains power, we’re all in danger.”

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