Inferno (Book 4 The Kindred Series) (33 page)

Read Inferno (Book 4 The Kindred Series) Online

Authors: Erica Stevens

Tags: #young adult, #vampire forbidden love action adventure romance suspense mystery thriller

BOOK: Inferno (Book 4 The Kindred Series)
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Julian nodded, his eyes flickered
briefly again. “I saw it when I touched her, yes.”

“Why didn’t you warn me? Why didn’t you
stop her?”

Julian tilted his head, his eyebrows
drew questioningly together. “Why would I do that?”

Devon started in surprise, his hand
tightened upon the rail. “Because you knew that there was a chance
I could hurt her, knew there was a chance I could lose

“Was there?”

“Julian,” Devon growled, not in the
mood to deal with his friend’s cavalier attitude.

Julian sighed as he moved away from the
window, the rays becoming too much for him to stand. “Yes, I admit
that I worried for her safety, but she didn’t. The amount of faith
and trust she puts into you is staggering, and I was not going to
stand in the way of that.”

“You know what we have done to other
human women,” Devon whispered, hating the words that came out. He
did not want to think of those dark times, and atrocious acts while
the glow of what had just happened still surrounded him, but he
needed to hear what Julian had to say.

“I may not wish to remember, not
anymore, but yes I know. However, this was something that she
needed to do Devon. Something that she wanted so badly that I
couldn’t bring myself to deny her it; could not stand in her way.
And I believe that she is right. You both needed this night, she
deserved this night. Her love for you, your love for each

Julian broke off shaking his head as
his gaze darted away. Devon could sense the emotion welling up
within him, the hurt, and yet the joy and awe that suffused him.
“It is staggering Devon. Believe me, if I thought there was any
chance that you would hurt her, I would have warned you. I would
have stopped it. But I knew that you wouldn’t. The demon inside us
is strong, but no matter how close you get to snapping, it is
always her that you put first. Her that you protect. I knew what
she intended, and I also knew that if you could not handle it you
would walk away. You may not have faith in yourself, but she does,
and I do too.”

Devon remained silent, stunned by
Julian’s confession, stunned by Julian’s absolute belief in him,
which Devon now realized was just as much as Cassie’s. “Julian…”
his voice trailed off as Julian turned toward the growing daylight.
His shoulders were slumped slightly, a weary air surrounded him.
“You really do love her, don’t you?”

Julian turned back to him. “Yes, I

“Then how, why…?”

Julian shrugged as he ran a hand
through his disordered hair. “You know when you first met Annabelle
I understood your obsession for her, understood that you loved her
because I had been there once before too. I got it, I really did. I
even sort of understood the fact that you stopped feeding from
humans because of her. I never understood how you could just hand
her over to Liam like you did. I thought you were crazy, weak, a
complete and utter fool.

“But I understand it now. You loved
Annabelle enough to let her go. You loved her enough to realize
that you didn’t love her enough. That you did not love her the same
way that she loved Liam and that he loved her. I love Cassie enough
to realize the same. I love her enough to know that what I feel for
her is a pale comparison to what you feel for each other. I would
die for her, but I would not die without her. I do want her
happiness more than I want my own though. And you are her

Devon was silent, staggered by Julian’s
admission, rattled by the keen insight his friend had developed. “I

“I guess I’m the crazy, weak, fool

“No, you’re simply more of a man than a
monster once again.”

Julian tilted his head, his eyes
sparked with amusement. “Is that what this feeling is?

Devon laughed softly; he slid down to
sit on the stairs. “It’s a bitch,” he muttered.

“That it is,” Julian agreed. He moved
over to sit upon one of the crates stacked within the basement. “We
can’t trust them you know. I may not have seen any plan for
betrayal in them, but we cannot trust them.”

“I know.”

“Especially not Robert.”

Devon’s hands clenched tight, anger
spurted through him. Julian’s gaze was hard, his hatred toward
Robert apparent in the tight set of his shoulders. “No matter what
the others believe, or want, he will try to kill her.”

“Yes,” Julian agreed.

“I’ll kill him first.”

Julian was silent for a moment, his
head tilted to the side, his eyes distant and thoughtful. “No
Devon, if he goes for her, I will take him out. I owe him for the
last time that we met, but this time I will be prepared for the
battle, and not taken by surprise.”


“You cannot kill your own brother
Devon, you were never able to. Even back then you were unable to
destroy him, though you knew that he would kill you in a

“If he goes for her…”

“I will take care of him. I owe it to

Devon thought over Julian’s words
before nodding slowly. Julian was right, Robert did hate Devon, and
Robert would kill him if given the opportunity, but Devon had never
been able to kill his brother. Until now. But Julian, well Julian
would take great pleasure in destroying Robert, in paying him back
for the ambush he had executed on Julian all those years

“Brother,” Devon said on a snort of
disgust. Even when growing up they had never been anything even
close to brotherly, but once Robert had been changed he had grown
to hate Devon even more. Devon had never understood his brother’s
hatred of him. Robert had always been the favored son, the one that
had stood in the spotlight while Devon slunk through the shadows,
hoping to go unnoticed at home. “He must be kept away from

“Yes.” Folding his long legs before
him, Julian leaned slightly forward. “Are you going to do what they

Devon’s head slumped, his hands folded
tightly before him. “I don’t want to condemn her to this life,” he

“It’s what she wants.”

“I know that, but the

“Are something that can be dealt with
after. You know that this has to be done Devon, if you fight it
they may very well kill us all.”

“What if things go wrong?”

Julian sighed softly as he folded his
arms across his chest. “We all know that is a possibility, but this
is something that has to happen Devon. Whether they make it happen,
or you do it willingly.”

“I know.”

They sat silently together listening to
the odd silence of the deadened town, interrupted only by the small
snores or shifting from the sleeping people upstairs. Devon rose
slowly; he wanted to get back to Cassie before she woke. He wanted
to get back to her in order to hold her and find the solace that
only she could bring to his wounded soul. Julian watched him; his
eyes oddly alight in the warm glow of the sun.

“You will find your Cassie one day,”
Devon said softly.

Julian’s mouth quirked, his eyes
sparked with amusement. He shrugged as he rose to his feet again.
“Maybe, but I’m not going to start looking for her anytime

Devon nodded. “I didn’t either, but one
day she’ll be there.” Julian looked as if he was going to argue,
but he remained silent. “You really have changed.”

“So have you. I actually like you

Devon grinned at him, chuckling softly.
“Same here, but if you kiss her again I’ll rip your throat

Julian laughed loudly as he shifted on
the crates. His grin was wild and cocky as he tilted his head. “It
was a moment of celebration only.”

Devon wasn’t as amused as Julian about
it, but he didn’t blame Julian, Cassie was irresistible and Julian
was in love with her. He also knew that, to Julian, the kiss had
been a way of expressing his love and saying goodbye to her. To
Cassie, it had simply been something sweet and celebratory. It had
also been a way of sorting her feelings out, of knowing where she
belonged. And that was with him.

“She told you about it?”

Devon shook his head, leaning slightly
against the thin rail. “I saw it.”

Julian’s eyebrows furrowed, he bit
lightly on his bottom lip. “During the blood exchange?”


Julian glanced away, his eyes troubled
and distant. “I’ve never opened myself up to another

“Neither had I.”

Julian’s electric eyes were back on
him, a small smile curved his hard mouth. “No, you

“I need to get back up there.” Julian
nodded, but didn’t look back at him. Devon padded silently up the
stairs, leaving his friend within the growing light of the morning.
Leaving his friend to his pain, while he returned to his greatest
joy. Guilt tugged briefly at him, but he forgot about it as his
eyes landed upon Cassandra, curled tightly within the blankets, her
golden hair spread around her, her tiny hands folded beneath her
cheek. She was so wonderfully beautiful, so wonderfully sweet and
loving and caring.

She was so wonderfully his, and always
would be.


Cassie woke slowly; blinking against
the soft light that filtered around the old blanket that Devon had
hung over the window. The attic was mostly in shadow, but there was
a small amount of light playing over the boxes that had been stored
there. Devon’s arm was wrapped tightly around her, his bare chest
pressed to her back. A thrill of excitement and wonder shot through
her as the sweet, joyous memories of the night suffused her. She
hadn’t known that anything could be so amazing, and she greatly
wished that they could just stay here, in this room, for the rest
of their lives.

But, unfortunately, their lives would
allow no such thing to happen.

His hand moved upon her, gently
caressing her arm. “Are you ok?” he asked softly.

Suddenly she felt shy, they had shared
something so intimate and special last night, but now she wasn’t
quite sure how she was supposed to act, or react. Her voice caught
in her throat, she could not get her words out. He touched her arm,
rolling her gently over as he brushed the hair back from her face.
His emerald eyes were bright with worry as they searched her

“Did I hurt you?” he

Cassie shook her head, forgetting her
shyness in the face of his obvious distress. “No, no of course

“I tried not to cause you too much
pain, but I know I lost some control. I’m sorry Cassie…”

He broke off when she rested her hand
against his cheek. “I’m fine Devon, really,” she assured him. “It
only hurt for a moment, and then it was over.”

His eyebrows drew tightly together as
he frowned at her; his eyes scanned her rapidly once more. “Are you

She nodded, offering him a small smile
as she kissed him softly. “Positive.” His fingers stroked over her
face, gently caressing her cheeks as he kissed her nose. “It was
wonderful Devon,” she whispered, barely able to hear her own words
over the increased beat of her heart.

He smiled softly as he kissed her
again. “It was more than wonderful.”

“Yes,” she breathed, losing herself to
him as his delicious kisses deepened, drawing her away from the
room, and all of the many problems that existed outside of it. In
here, with him, there were no problems; there were no worries or
fears. There was only love and utter contentment and bliss as she
lost herself to his body and the wonderful way that only he could
make her feel.

It was awhile later before she roused
again. The light in the room was fuller, and it appeared to be mid
morning. Below her, she could hear people moving about; soft
whispers of conversations were exchanged. Her hand and head rested
upon Devon’s chest, his arm was wrapped securely around her. Though
he did not make a sound, she knew that he was awake without having
to look at him. She was completely in sync with everything that he

“We should go down,” she

Devon’s hand stroked over her back,
running up to her shoulders before entangling gently in her hair.
She lifted her head to look at him, propping her chin on her hands
as she studied him. He was magnificent, amazing, and completely
hers. She did not feel shy now, she felt loved, and so unbelievably
secure in this small room.

“Not yet.” She frowned at him as he
brushed back her hair; his fingers lingered upon the two sets of
marks on her neck. Marks that he had left upon her. A thrill shot
down her spine; she could not stop her toes from curling against
his hard legs. His eyes sparked with amusement and desire, a smile
curved the edges of his hard, full mouth. He touched her lips
gently with his fingers, running them briefly along before
reluctantly withdrawing from her.

She watched in confusion, her eyebrows
drawing tightly together as he bit into his wrist. “You need blood,
and strength.”

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