Inferno's Kiss (27 page)

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Authors: Monica Burns

BOOK: Inferno's Kiss
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“With the exception of two, all of the children in that room today were orphans.”

“All of them?” she whispered as she looked up at him.

The color drained from Cleopatra’s beautiful face, and a haunted expression swept across her features. The heartache in her violet eyes was intense, and it tugged at his heart. A sharp pang stabbed at his thoughts, and in the next instant, her emotions engulfed his senses in a way he’d never experienced with anyone before.

It was as if their thoughts had merged to become one. The connection he’d experienced with her before had been nothing compared to this. This was a tangible and real force barreling through him. He wasn’t simply aware of her pain—he experienced it. The image of a Praetorian blade biting into her stomach, killing her unborn child, made his body burn with excruciating agony.
, how long had she been living with this anguish? He dragged her into his arms in a hopeless attempt to absorb all her pain into his body and ease her suffering. Her torment was his, and it was a raw wound that dug as deep into his soul as hers.

,” he rasped softly as images from her past continued to flash through his head.

Gently stroking her hair, he held her tight as she trembled in his arms. The violence of her tremors made his heart ache for her. It was bad enough she’d lost her baby, but to lose her ability to have another child made it even more tragic and heartbreaking. Images flowed fast between them, and the image of a man walking away from her made him tighten his embrace. Someone had deserted her. His jaw hardened with anger at the thought as he waited for her shudders to end.

After several minutes, her trembling subsided, and like an outgoing tide, her emotions receded from him as well. When she retreated from his arms, it was as if his lungs had been deprived of precious air. His reaction set off an alarm in the deep recesses of his mind, but he ignored it. All he cared about at the moment was easing her suffering if he could. He framed her lovely face with his hands and stared down at her.

This wasn’t the same woman he’d met in a dark alleyway who’d defeated two Praetorians single-handedly. Violet eyes wide with anguish revealed a fragile, vulnerable woman. It stirred something to life deep inside him. The fierce protective emotion swelling inside him set off more alarms that he paid no heed to. He could deal with the aftermath later. All he could think of at the moment was to do everything in his power to keep her safe from anything and anyone who might hurt her.

She pulled free of his grasp and turned her head away from him. He watched her swallow hard as she fought to collect herself. The fact that she hadn’t cried troubled him. It wasn’t healthy to keep so much pain and suffering locked up inside her. As she looked at him, a shuttered expression crossed her features in her attempt to hide her pain from him. It was too late for that.

“How . . . ? You know what happened.”

There was a self-conscious note of resignation in her voice that made him clench his jaw. What sort of an explanation could he give her for what had just happened? He’d not probed her thoughts, but the strength of the connection between them had made him cognizant of not just her thoughts, but the physical pain of her past.

“Yes. I saw everything,” he said with a nod. He swallowed hard, uncertain what else to say to her. Saying he was sorry seemed completely inadequate for what she’d lost.

“But you didn’t . . . you didn’t probe my thoughts,” she said in obvious confusion.

“No.” He shook his head, knowing he had no solid explanation for what had happened. “I think yours connected with mine.”

“That’s impossible,” she rasped. “I don’t have any Sicari abilities.”

“Anything is possible, Cleopatra, and it’s the only explanation I can come up with. It could be your abilities were latent until now.” He didn’t mention that it wasn’t the first time he’d been able to see her thoughts.

She turned her face away from him, clearly struggling to make sense of what had just happened between them. He reached out to touch her shoulder, and she jerked her head around to meet his gaze. Pain had darkened her lovely features once more, and he fought the urge to pull her back into his arms. As if suddenly realizing she was revealing more than she wanted to, her expression went blank.

“Pietro? What about his parents?” she choked out in a clear effort to turn the conversation away from her. Again he was consumed with the need to hold her until her pain was gone. The dangerous waters he’d been treading sent a wave crashing over him until he was certain he was close to drowning. In a desperate bid to maintain his self-control, he immediately closed himself off to everything except answering her question.

“I rescued Pietro from a breeding facility more than six years ago in the nursery. He was only a few hours old, and his mother and sister were dead in the room next door.”

,” she bit out fiercely.

Her eyes flashed with fury, but even if he hadn’t seen the outrage in her expression, he could sense it—experience it. It was clear they were still closely connected in some way. Worried he might show her something terrible, he suppressed images of the last Praetorian breeding facility he’d entered. The slaughter of innocent babes simply because they were female wasn’t something he wanted her to experience if their connection was still strong enough for her to see what was in his thoughts.

Cleopatra met his gaze for a moment before she turned and headed down the corridor. Dante caught up with her in two strides. His instincts said she didn’t want to talk, so he simply walked alongside her in silence. Slowly, the tension in Cleopatra ebbed away.

As they wound their way silently through the hallways of the complex toward her apartments, their unhurried walk enabled both of them to regain a calm frame of mind. The connection he’d felt between them was still present, but it was little more than a whisper brushing against his senses.

That they were still connected didn’t surprise him. It would explain why he’d been able to read her thoughts so easily even when he’d tried to block them out. It wasn’t until they were outside her apartment that he realized he should have gone in the opposite direction five minutes ago. As they came to a halt in front of her door, he cleared his throat as uncertainty twisted its way through his body.

She seemed in complete control, but beneath the surface he sensed a stark emotion that troubled him. It made him reluctant to leave her alone, and he didn’t like how awkward he felt. His desire to protect her hadn’t faded. If anything, it was stronger than when he’d experienced all her pain. He cleared his throat as he tried to think of a way to exit gracefully. Fortunately, she solved the problem for him.

“Cornelia said there was a workout room where I could exercise?”

Her voice was devoid of emotion, but an image of a training room flashed in his head. He flinched at the vision of her grueling workout. She punished herself for something that wasn’t her fault. Instinct guided him to reach out and cup her chin. The moment he realized what he was doing, he dropped his hand and clenched his fist at his side. She studied him in silence, waiting for his reply, and his body was suddenly on fire with an emotion he didn’t understand.

“It’s in the northeast part of the complex,” he rasped. “The way the buildings are connected over the city blocks can make it confusing if you’ve not been there before. I’ll have someone come show you the way.”

“All right,” she said with a nod. Her mouth parted slightly as if she were going to say something else, but then she just gave a slight shake of her head. “I’ll see you at supper, then.”

As she started to close her door, he remembered that he should tell her the evening meal was always formal. Placido had begun the tradition. The ancient Sicari Lord had said that one’s appreciation for civility and the arts was the difference between a civilized culture and a barbaric one. His palm smacked against the door to keep it open, and he caught her by the elbow. It was a mistake to touch her.

The instant he did so, a shock of electricity streaked up his arm into his chest. As powerful as a lightning bolt, the sensation made him freeze. His hand still wrapped around Cleopatra’s arm, he stared down at her. The startled look on her face gave way to an expression that made his blood run hot with desire. It was an emotion he knew he should suppress, but he wasn’t sure how to control it.

Need blazed in her violet eyes, holding him rapt and unable to retreat as she leaned into him. Impulsively, he lowered his head slightly to breathe in the scent of her hair. Last night she’d smelled of sweet soap, but today it was a citrus-based aroma. Not that it mattered. Everything about her was delicious.

Worse, her sweet scent was making his body respond on a base level, and he was already hard inside his trousers. Mere inches separated them as she tipped her head back to look up at him.
, he had to put distance between them. Now. But something strange, unrecognizable, was quickly taking control of his body. She brushed her fingertips over his mouth. The touch ignited a new barrage of emotions inside him until a base sensation drove every clear thought from his head.

“Has any woman ever told you what a beautiful mouth you have?” she murmured in a voice soft with what sounded like a sense of wonder.

The husky tone in her voice echoed with sweet seduction as her words caressed his senses until fire streaked through his veins, warming every part of him. Stark hunger warred with his conscience as he stared down at her. He wasn’t being honest with her. He already had one mistress. As her fingers traced the outline of his lips, her violet eyes studied him intently. It was almost as if she could see straight into his heart and the battle he was fighting inside.


“Sweet Vesta, don’t you know when a woman wants you to kiss her?” she whispered.

Her hands cupped his face to gently pull his head downward. Panic and confusion surged through him as he tried to maintain his sanity, but in the next instant her mouth was against his. She tasted like cool spring water against his parched mouth. Fresh and ever so sweet.

A shudder swept through him as his hands gently grasped her waist. Somewhere off in the distance he heard the sound of a door shutting before he was caught up in the taste, scent, and feel of her. From the honeyed taste of her lips to the way her pulse fluttered beneath his hand when he caressed the smooth softness of her throat, she filled every one of his senses like a potent drug.

A soft mewl whispered out of her, and his cock jumped at the sound. By the gods, not even Jupiter himself would be able to resist her. Fear lanced through him at the thought. If the most powerful of the gods wouldn’t have the strength to withstand her, how could he? It wasn’t a question of how.

It was a question of
he wanted to resist. Sanity seemed on the verge of returning when she gently nipped at his lower lip. He immediately drew in a sharp breath then stiffened as her tongue darted into his mouth. The heated intimacy of the kiss startled him for only an instant before his senses exploded with pleasure.

Tentatively, his tongue mated with hers in a gentle exploration of her mouth, making him hungry for more. Her tongue swirled around his as she teased and tempted him to respond until she was pulling him into a whirlpool of sensation that threatened to undo him completely.

As she pressed her body into his, she nestled herself against the hard thickness of his cock. He jerked at the sensations slamming into every one of his muscles when she rubbed her body across his erection. The emotions vibrating off her were hot and fiery. Need pulled at him, and he shuddered as images began to flow through his head.

He wasn’t sure where her thoughts ended and his began, but all of them sent him reeling. Images of his mouth exploring every inch of her, his hands caressing a firm, supple thigh. Something unknown tugged at him, and he trembled with a hunger he didn’t understand as her mouth left his and slid across his cheek then down the side of his neck.

Along the way, she nipped at him with her teeth, which pulled a low groan out of him. His heart thundered in his ears as his fingers found her silky skin beneath her sweater. The moment he touched her, she leaned back and quickly removed her shirt. The sight of her full breasts encased in lace made him suck in a sharp breath. A second later, the lace disappeared, and he stopped breathing altogether.

He swallowed hard and stretched out his hand to trace his fingers along the tops of her breasts before he cupped one to stare in wonder at the beautiful, lush curve of her resting in his palm. The pebbled surface of her mauve-colored areola surrounded a stiff peak, silently enticing him to touch her.

Fascinated, he brushed his thumb over her nipple. The low moan that echoed out of her throat made his cock grow so tight and hard it ached. But it was a pleasurable sensation. The pad of his thumb rubbed over her again, causing her to whimper. She arched her back so her breast thrust higher. If he bent his head, he could take her in his mouth.

Warning shouts echoed in the back of his mind, but he barely heard them as he lowered his head and kissed the top of her breast. She moaned again. The sound made him relax slightly. Even if he didn’t know what he was doing, he was obviously doing something right. The thought was like a stumbling block, and he stiffened. He shouldn’t be here. His internal protests went the way of the wind as the tip of her breast brushed across his lips.

, suck on me,” she pleaded in a rough whisper.

Operating strictly on instinct, he tentatively took her into his mouth and suckled her. Soft and fragrant, her scent filled his nostrils. Somehow it made her taste even better. Savoring her sweetness, he circled her nipple with a hesitant stroke of his tongue.

The gentle sigh that passed her lips made him bolder, and he sucked a little harder on her. She encouraged him by placing his free hand on her other breast. While his fingers explored one breast, his mouth caressed the other. When his teeth accidentally abraded her stiff peak, he stiffened in fear that he’d hurt her.

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