Infiltrating Your Heart (14 page)

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Authors: Kassy Markham

BOOK: Infiltrating Your Heart
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I search for Mercedes’s name. After a
few seconds, the results show up. There are only two women in the city named
Mercedes Roberts (at least, those that are on Facebook). The one I’m looking
for is there. I click on her name, which takes me to her profile page.

There’s not a lot of activity on
Mercedes’s profile, but not too little either. Her latest post reads “Met the
Mayor today!” Mercedes added a couple of photos from the ceremony. She looked

Scrolling down, I see another post.
It reads “Oh, my. I just ran into this hottie at the store.” I smile, knowing
that she’s referring to me.

I go to her photo albums, clicking on
the one for Profile Pictures first. There are a little over a dozen photos
there. Mercedes looks so attractive in each of them.

I lean back in my chair, thinking
about Evelyn. This isn’t fair to her. How can I like another woman so much when
I love Evelyn? I’m getting married!

running a hand through my hair, I close the tabs showing Mercedes’s profile and
photos. I’m not sure why I even asked her out on a date. Unfortunately, I can’t
retract. It’d make me look like a coward. So I must draw clear lines when we


If I had my own personal genie, I
would call him now. I’d ask him to make me go out with Gabriel tonight instead
of some client.

Shaking my head, I continue driving.
When I arrive at the hotel, I look up. I can’t help pouting. After being at the
Marriott, I was looking forward to repeating the experience. There’s not even a
valet in this three-star place. Maybe my client found me too expensive and
skimped on the cost of our meeting place.

After finding parking, I walk inside
the hotel. There’s a receptionist behind a counter. I give him the room number
I’m looking for, and he gives me a key. Throughout the whole exchange, he never
once looks me in the eyes. His eyes remain fixed on my cleavage. I don’t like
it this time. This guy isn’t even average-looking.

What if I prefer my men to be

I take the elevator and press the
button for the fourth floor. Once the doors open, I look for the room. It takes
me a minute to find it. My client sent instructions that he wouldn’t be waiting
outside for me, so I enter.

The room is dark. If my client hadn’t
given me advance notice, I would have gone looking for him elsewhere. I drop my
purse on a table next to the door.

For a cheap hotel, at least the bed
sheets look clean. I walk toward the bed, stopping in front of it.

“Good evening, Scarlet.”

Not startled, I look in the direction
the voice came from. A man is standing at the entrance to the bathroom. He
looks around thirty-five, maybe a bit less. My eyes take in his appearance.
He’s wearing a towel and dark gray pants, with no shoes.

“You stunned me when I saw the photos
on your profile. I knew I had to have a night with you.”

“Really?” I ask with a flattered

“Seeing you in the flesh, you’re
definitely worth every penny in your substantial price tag.”

“I’ll give you substantial.”

The man’s eyes widen when I flaunt my
cleavage at him. I think he’s forgetting how to breathe.

“How damn. I like your quick wit.”

The man is barely able to take his
time. He takes off his robe (I must say he’s not too bad-looking) and walks
toward me. I give him a look of seduction. His hands grab my arms, caressing
them. He then touches his way down my waist and hips. His hands stop at my

Next, the man’s lips start kissing my
neck. His tongue touches the hollow of my neck. I moan. He’s inadvertently
found one of the spots that most turns me on.

The man travels down my chest in
haste. His hands come up to grab my breasts. In the next few seconds, the dress
falls down to my feet. I see the man’s eyes locked on my cunt. He’s mesmerized.

I close my eyes when he starts
licking along my abdomen. He slowly moves up to my chest.

“Never played with a pierced nipple
before,” the man says. He moves to the other breast.

“Do you like it?” I ask.

“Didn’t think I would. Metal tastes
funny, though. That’s why I preferred to avoid the piercings.”

Before long, the man starts going
down until he’s kissing my thigh. He rises, and I follow him with my eyes. He
pushes me until my back is on the bed. After looking at me with lust, the man
moves down. I know what he’s about to do. I’m surprised an impatient dude like
him was able to hold out this long.

My eyes close of their own volition
when his tongue flicks my pussy. He ups the pace soon enough. I start to moan,
my back arching off the bed a little.

And then something happens that
surprises me. Behind my closed eyelids, I see Gabriel’s face. I look at him
with longing.

How I wish it was him that was doing
this to me!

Unfortunately, it might be long
before we get to that stage. There’s no way I can fail my mission. I have to
infiltrate his heart no matter what. I can’t risk looking desperate.

Without warning, I reach my climax. I
let out a shout, being thankful that I don’t say Gabriel’s (or anyone’s) name.
It would be the epitome of awkward to do the former with a client who paid to
have his way with me.

I’m not recovered yet before the man
takes off his pants and moves inside me. Just for the sake of scoring points, I
move to have him lie beneath me. He gives me an approving look.

“You’re mighty hot, sweetheart.”

“Oh, you’ve seen nothin’ yet.”

The man’s eyes widen. When he enters
me, I start moving up and down. His hands caress my legs. I can’t stifle the
gasp of pain when he squeezes part of my thigh a little too hard.

“Sorry, sweetheart.”

I let it
slide, carrying on. The man’s watching me, so I can’t roll my eyes with
impatience. I can’t wait to be done here. Fortunately, it’s not long before I
shatter into thousands of pieces again.

After the assignment, I drive to my
employer’s mansion. It’s sort of the unofficial headquarters. All escorts have
to pay a fraction of their earnings every Friday. It sounds easy to just run
away with all your money…until some dude the size of a small whale shows up at
your door, demanding the money. My employer has resources. She can find you no
matter where you are.

I check myself on the rearview mirror
when I arrive. I’m glad I took the time to wash my face and reapply my makeup.
Don’t get me started about my hair.

Moments later, I stand at the front
gate. I press the button on the intercom.

“Name?” a female voice asks. I
recognize it by now. She’s Joan, the agency owner’s right hand. She’s
thirty-six and no longer an escort, although she’s still every bit as gorgeous
as when she was younger.

“Scarlet Quinn,” I answer.

There’s a buzzing sound, and the gate
opens. I walk toward the mansion.

Once I get to a side door (escorts
rarely use the front door), someone opens it. I look up to see Joan. She nods
at me once, and stands aside. I walk past her. Joan closes the door and walks
in front of me.

“Good evening, Scarlet,” Angelica
says. She’s my boss, the owner of the escort agency. She’s in her late forties
and is somewhat attractive…Angelica’s already showing age lines. She doesn’t
mind that.

“Good evening, Angelica.”

The room we’re currently in is used
for meetings. Angelica is at the head of the table, which can sit up to eight
people. Besides me, there are three other escorts here already. The boss has
groups of each of us come at a different hour each Friday for secrecy. What
would people think if they saw over a dozen attractive women marching into a
house at the same time?

I hand Angelica an envelope
containing her part of my earnings. She thanks me, and I go to one of the
chairs to sit down. I notice that a friend of mine, Aya Brea (real name Lynette
McKenzie) is here. She greets me with a smile.

This ‘meeting’ is actually just an
occasion to hold a casual conversation. It is one of the few chances escorts in
this agency get to know each other. I’m not sure how many of them Angelica employs.

As I think about this, I consider
asking for them to move me to a different hour to make my payment. It’s a
little past ten o’clock now, and I want to sleep.

“You had a nice week,” Angelica tells
me. She’s checking my assignments record on her laptop. You’d think the head of
an escort agency would be afraid of having her business-related files stolen.
It’s for that reason that she employs a cybersecurity specialist. Angelica pays
him a sizable amount of money to secure her affairs.

“I can’t complain.”

Angelica gives me an approving look,
and then she puts the envelope in her purse.  We’re not close (the boss isn’t
intimate with any of the escorts), but I’m her favorite. It doesn’t make me
feel special, though. Even if the job is pleasurable, this isn’t something one
would brag about.

After a short chat, I leave the
mansion with the rest of the escorts. Outside, I look for Lynette. She’s
already ahead of me.

“Aya!” I call. She stops and turns
around. I stop when I catch up with her. We’re a few feet from the front gate,
outside the mansion.

“How have you been?”

“Good. Did you want to talk about

“Yes. I…well, I met a guy.”

Lynette turns toward me, raising her
eyebrows. The corners of her lips turn up.

“You did? Ooh, he must be handsome. Is
it someone I would know?”

“I doubt it. But you’re right. He’s

“What’s his name?”

“Gabriel,” I say when we walk outside
through the gate. “Gabriel O’Hara.”

“I like the sound of his name.”

I give a laugh. We start walking
toward my car.

“Have you guys done it yet?”

“No!” I reply in surprise. “We’ve
barely even met.”

“That’s no obstacle for me. It’s
never too early to have sex, girl.”

“Normal people usually wait. I don’t
want Gabriel to think I want him just for sex.”

“Scarlet, let’s put it this way.
Having sex early answers a lot of crucial questions. If you keep saving it for
later, you might be stuck with a guy who’s terrible in bed.”

There’s no way Gabriel will be
terrible in bed.

“Still. I want to wait until we know
each other better.”

Lynette gives me a knowing look.

“So, you’re in love?”

“Haven’t I told you that I just met
the guy?”

“Sorry,” says Lynette, laughing. We
reach my car. I lean against the passenger door.

“I would like dating advice from

Lynette’s eyebrows disappear into her

want dating advice from
Ha! Now the cub’s going to teach the lioness how to hunt.”

“Come on, Aya. You’re gorgeous.
I’m sure you have a few tips.”

“Okay. Ask away.”

“I want to know how to get a guy to
fall in love with me quickly, without me seeming desperate.”

Lynette blinks twice, and then

“Are you desperate?”

“No. Not really.”

Lynette smirks.

“Tell me all about it.”

I hesitate for a few seconds,
wondering if I should say the truth. What would people think if they learned someone
hired me to seduce Gabriel? I decide to keep that bit to myself for now.

“I just…well, I met Gabriel at a
store, and I think I have a case of love at first sight.”

“You fell in love? Why didn’t you
just tell me? You denied it right now.”

“I wasn’t sure you’d believe me.”

“Who said love at first sight is a
myth? Just because few people experience it doesn’t mean it’s not real.”

I don’t know what to say to that.
It’s kind of an odd belief for an escort to have.

“I can’t fathom why you need my help,

“I just got bad luck. Gabriel already
has a girlfriend, and they’re probably getting engaged.”

Lynette gapes at me.

“I must say that’s tough, but for you
it should be an easy win. You could seduce a prince if you wanted.”

I shake my head in amusement.

“You know what you should do? Walk up
to him and flash your tits. It never fails, especially with yours. Even I would
follow you anywhere.”

I groan.

“That’s blatantly desperate,” I say,
rolling my eyes. “It’ll be like firebombing ants in the garden.”

Lynette laughs out loud.

“Maybe you should meet him at the
beach. That gives you a legitimate excuse to bare your body with him close by.
He’ll be drooling, guaranteed.”

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