Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) (2 page)

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Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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A woman lay sprawled on a slab of gray stone. Her pale, naked body gleamed in the moonlight. A light source Alexa couldn’t identify set nearby. Its low flame illuminated the area slightly more than the moon, enough for her to make out what was happening.

Three men, with shaved heads and dressed in black, were on their knees, surrounding the supine female. One seemed to be holding her head or maybe caressing her hair, Alexa couldn’t tell, since he was the furthest from her.

Another man eagerly sucked on one of the woman’s nipples. He captured the fleshy bud between his teeth and tugged hard, pulling it away from her body. He let it snap back, then suckled it again. His eagerness was palpable.
Feeding on the woman
, was Alexa’s immediate thought. She absently rubbed her breast, then snatched her hand away when she realized what she was doing.

The third man probed the woman’s navel with one finger, and his other hand pumped something between her labia. Some sort of dildo?

Alexa shifted uncomfortably. They’d obviously ambushed the poor woman. She needed to help her, get her away from there.

The man with the dildo turned his head toward Alexa, and her heart skipped a beat. His eyes glowed yellow! A trick of the light, certainly. Nothing more. It had to be.

Go! Run back to the car and phone the police
. She tried to turn away, but couldn’t move. Panic hit her. She began to feel strange—her limbs heavy and not under her own control.

The dildo man stilled his hand and swiveled his head back to study the naked woman. He stiffened, and anger rolled off him in waves. He started pumping her again, harder this time.

Alexa pressed her thighs together in response. When he made an unearthly sound, a shudder wracked her body. The response was instinctual and fear-driven. She couldn’t pull her eyes away.

His tongue slithered out. Long and red. Too long, her mind reasoned. Too thin. She gasped at the sight.

It didn’t even look…human.

He moved down the woman’s body, and that lizard-like feeler swiped through the curls surrounding her slit.

Alexa’s breath came out harsh and fast.

The man licked furiously at what she assumed was the woman’s clit, while he continued to work the dildo in and out of her.

The woman on the slab thrashed and whimpered.

With a grunt, the man pushed the object fisted in his hand deep, until it virtually disappeared. He rotated the base in repetitive circles.

The woman shrieked, her voice keening into the night.

Alexa’s nails dug into her palms.
Help her! Help me!

Okay. She wasn’t totally paralyzed. She’d just moved her fingers. She needed to get her feet to move.

The woman’s body twisted and arched, and moans ripped from her throat, as she climaxed hard.

The man yanked the orgasm-inducer out of the woman’s quim, eliciting a long groan from her, which sounded like disappointment at the withdrawal. She collapsed against the slab of stone.

Alexa studied the scene more closely and paused in her thinking. Had the woman wanted that invasion of her body?

Lizard-man held up the object for the men to see. Long, thick, and almost blood red. The dildo gleamed. Wet from the woman’s juices.

Alexa gulped. The object was actually pulsing. Her own engorged clitoris pulsed in tandem, much to her horror.

The three men nodded and growled their approval. They rolled the limp female over, and she flopped onto her stomach.

The slab must be freezing. Alexa didn’t see how the woman could submissively lie there with her breasts pressed against the rough-looking, bare stone. She hadn’t muttered even one word of protest so far.

Alexa’s need to protest was enough for an entire fleet of women. Except she couldn’t function properly to let it out. All the energy seemed to be draining from her body, and it prevented her from doing anything, other than watching the sight before her.

Lizard-man almost reverently set the dripping dildo into some sort of case and turned back to the woman. He squeezed the flesh of her butt, then spread her ass-cheeks and probed her anus with that long, thin tongue of his.

Alexa’s legs felt rubbery. Her mind began to fuzz over as if drugged.

The woman on the slab visibly shivered and roused from her lethargic state. She jerked her hips, forcing the man’s repulsive tongue deeper. Immediately, the lizard-tongued man pulled out and smacked her ass. The sharp sound echoed against the stones of the surrounding crypts. The woman yelped, but otherwise didn’t protest.

Alexa moaned. The skin on her bottom tingled. How could that be? She hadn’t even been the one spanked!

Three sets of fingers clawed at the female’s flesh, scraping and scratching the pale skin. Alexa could especially feel Lizard-man’s excitement as they sexually worked over the woman. He again spread her cheeks and probed the opening of her ass.

Despite her fear, moisture gathered inside Alexa’s lace panties. A guttural sound escaped her, and heat shot through her limbs. She didn’t know what was happening to her.
Please, someone help me

The man furthest away, now winding the subjugated woman’s blonde tresses around one hand, raised his head and peered into the dark. Alexa’s gaze flew to his. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop any further involuntary noises. His eyes glowed yellow, too! Could he see her in the shadows?

With his free hand, he popped the buttons on his pants and pushed aside the scratchy-looking material. His cock, almost as large, thick, and like-colored as the reddish dildo, sprang out.

The woman rose up on her knees. No punishment followed this time. Lizard-man simply rubbed her ass and continued his deep anal licking.

With a small cry, she eagerly took the offered cock into her mouth, sucking and bobbing until she swallowed more than half of the man’s turgid dick. His hand tightened in her hair, urging her to take even more of the shaft down her throat, but his eerie stare never wavered from Alexa’s eyes. A small smile crossed his lips.

Alexa stood transfixed by the intensity of his stare. He knew she was there!

Was this encounter consensual? It must be. The woman seemed…ravenous. Alexa vaguely registered Lizard-man pull out his tongue and position himself directly behind the female as if he intended to penetrate her. Instead, he picked up another phallic object, long and slender with wiggling ticklers on the end, and inserted it into her lubricated asshole. The woman jackknifed her butt and moaned, sliding her lips further down Large-cock’s thick rod. And the third man—

Wait. The third man! The breast-sucker. Where was he? He must have slipped away into the shadows.

Oh, shit. She had to get out of there, before—

Suddenly, whatever was keeping her there released its hold, and she felt a wave of energy. She could move. She whirled around and slammed into a wall of hard flesh.

Her scream never echoed through the graveyard. A masculine hand muffled the sound before it escaped her throat.

Dark. Muscular. Deadly dangerous.

That’s all she could see. And feel. Black clothes, black hair, black eyes. Black stubble against lightly tanned skin. Massive chest. Solid. Over six feet tall, for sure. He loomed above her five-foot, seven-inch frame.

She tried to jerk away.

The man’s fingers left her mouth and clamped onto her arm. He dragged her deeper into the shadows. This wasn’t the third man. He had thick hair, and his lips were fuller, his jaw line stronger.

“Let go!”

“Quiet,” he whispered harshly. “You don’t want to be their next victim.”

“I need to call the police. To help her, if she’s being forced.”
And get myself the hell out of here
. She tried to get a better look at the man holding her, but clouds had moved across the moon again, casting shadows along his face. She did notice his scent—hot and spicy.

“It’s too late. They’ve already begun the Initiation.” His voice rasped deep in his throat.

“Initiation?” Was this a college fraternity stunt? It couldn’t be. She’d seen almost inhuman things. Been unable to move. Or so she thought. But then, a dark graveyard had a tendency to distort one’s perception. Perhaps she’d just suffered a panic attack. That could temporarily paralyze a person and cause her to think she’d seen things she probably hadn’t.

Alexa didn’t know. She only knew that she’d stumbled upon something beyond her comfort level and understanding.

Escape was her only thought. The hell with anything else. She’d find another way to recover her mother’s journal and unlock the secrets of her life.

As far as Alexa knew, the man who pulled her into the deep shadows could be part of the gang-bang group, too. Their lookout. Not about to trust anyone without a uniform and a great big gun, she drew back her boot and kicked him in the shin.

He released her arm. “Ye-ow! Dammit!”

She ran for her life. If the hounds of hell had been after her, she couldn’t have been more afraid. No way was she going to become
next victim or nocturnal plaything. Nor did she want to witness any more erotic, kinky, or fetish-type acts for the rest of her life.


Braden watched the woman flee the cemetery. Her honey-blonde hair, which shone like a beacon in the night, fell from its bun and swept out behind her.

He limped around in a circle, working out the pain she’d inflicted. His instinct was to go after her. Now. Before she ran into one of the Egesa.

She’d ventured too close to the Initiation Rite and gotten trapped in the paralyzing protection shield they’d erected. Luckily, he was able to release her by zapping the field with a pin-laser.

A chuckle in the darkness stopped him cold.

“She got away from you, Braden.”

He stiffened and slowly turned toward the voice, his pain forgotten. “Checking up on me, Laszlo?” He hadn’t expected the man to leave the ship and set foot on-planet. But then, he hadn’t expected him to come on this mission at all, given the importance of his duties back on Xylon.

Taller than even Braden’s six-feet, two-inches, he stepped out of the shadows. The smile faded from his face, and his lips tensed. “They didn’t violate her, did they?”

“No. The decoy worked.” Alexa was their intended target. But Laszlo had found a volunteer—or in Braden’s opinion, a sacrifice—a similar-looking woman willing to take her place for the good of the cause, once Laszlo learned of the note they’d sent to lure Alexa out, their lie about having the journal.

Looking toward the crypts, Laszlo nodded. “Good. I did not like giving them one of our women, but she will make a good spy for us.”

“Don’t count on that, Laszlo. She’s enjoying the fuck too much. I saw. They have a great deal of power over her already. She could very well turn and decide to serve them willingly. Rough sex has always been her weakness. They must have sensed it and are using her need to their advantage. They’re going at her hard.”

Another sharp cry into the night, and a woman’s plea of, “More! Yes!” cut through the darkness.

“Rough sex isn’t limited to the Egesa.”

“No. But their particular nastiness is. That may be something she craves and is unable to get from us.” Braden felt the need to charge in and drag her out, save her while he could. Volunteer or no, this situation didn’t set well with him. Just because she wasn’t a breeder didn’t make her life any less valuable…in his eyes, at least.

Laszlo’s concerned gaze swept the graveyard. His next words came out slow, but determined. “It’s for the best. We can’t lose Alexa. Maybe our woman will fool the Egesa long enough for us to do what we need to, undetected. Very few females remain with the proper DNA to breed with us. We have to initiate as many as we can before it’s too late.”

“Alexa doesn’t even know who she is. How important she is to Xylon.”

Laszlo’s attention drifted back to him, his blue eyes glowing in the night. “She will. Soon. But not by my hand.”

Braden shivered at the intensity of the man’s stare. “I don’t understand.” The Council had already given Laszlo permission to proceed.

“I want
to initiate her, Braden.”

“Me?” The image of touching Alexa inside and out hit hard. He rubbed his fingers together, felt his temperature rise, his cock harden even more than it had when he’d only dreamed of fucking her. “Alexa was chosen for you, not only to initiate but to mate.”

“I do my own choosing.”

“Can you go against The Council?”

He smiled. “I do as I see fit, Braden. You should know that by now.”

Yes. Laszlo followed his own will. This huge man, who resembled the golden-haired medieval warriors from Earth’s past, had led the Xylon Warriors for as long as Braden could remember. He suspected the man could defeat the entire Council in one swoop if he so chose. His influence was that great, his followers that loyal.

That must be why Laszlo had assigned him to watch over Alexa. The man had already decided not to participate in the Initiation. And Laszlo knew he’d developed a fixation on her after researching the woman for The Council.

He’d gladly initiate Alexa, but only under one condition. “I initiate alone, Laszlo.” He had no desire to share Alexa with others.

Ironic. He’d hoped to be one of the remaining two men picked to help initiate her. Now that he was the lead, instead of Laszlo, he didn’t want anyone’s mouth sucking those luscious tits, no man’s cock pumping her pussy, no tongue licking her delectable ass, but his own. Only his.

A small grin tugged at Laszlo’s mouth. “You think you can handle her by yourself once the appetite comes?”

“I’ll figure out a way.” During this particular Lair of Xylon rite, an initiate’s sexual needs could be nearly impossible to sate until the cravings passed. Still, he couldn’t bear the thought of other Warriors fucking Alexa, even if he chose The Alliance of Three.

“As you will. She is yours, and yours alone.”

Braden glanced down the path where she’d disappeared.

“If she rejects you—”

“She won’t.” He imagined rolling Alexa’s nipples between his fingertips, flicking her clit with his thumb. As a preview of things to come, he’d plunge two maybe three fingers inside her, just enough to stimulate her, until she cried out his name and demanded satisfaction.

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