Inner Circle (12 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Inner Circle
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The thought came to Kathy that she would belong to him for the next six months. Night after night she would undress him. Night after night she would suck his horrid cock or offer her anal opening to him. Night after night the smell of him beside her, the weight of him pressing down on her…It would be unbearable. She saw that Sheila was frowning. “Yes, Miss Sheila, I feel very honored.”

Ruben’s huge fat white cock hung limp over his hairless balls. He reached beside him for Kleenex, a tube of lipstick, and a small vial of lip gloss. He handed these to Kathy along with a small mirror. “Your mouth, Mrs. Ryan, when you are to serve me with it, must always look perfect. Remember that.” Kathy took care in applying the lipstick and gloss. When she finished, she looked up at Ruben. He nodded. She felt a jolt of recrimination when she realized she was pleased that he approved. He pointed between his heavy thighs that, like his calves, were pasty white and bulged with purple varicose veins.

When Kathy was on her knees before him, the stench of perspiration was almost palpable. Ruben noticed her discomfort. “You’ve become aware that I sweat a lot, haven’t you, Mrs. Ryan?”

“Yes, Master Ruben.”

“But you will soon become used to it and even take pleasure in the smell and taste. Isn’t that correct?”

Kathy nodded, “Yes, Master Ruben, I’ll take pleasure in the smell and taste.”

Ruben leaned forward, “Now, as you can see my balls sweat profusely. I ask you, Mrs. Ryan, here in your own tastefully appointed living room would you like to lick the sweat from the balls of Simon Ruben? I’ve often imagined asking you that question and imagined how you might answer. Don’t disappoint me.”

Still looking up into his leering face, Kathy spoke softly, “On my knees before you, I say, yes, I would like very much to lick the sweat from the balls of Simon Ruben.”

Ruben laughed and gestured toward his niece, “Did you hear that, Sheila? The beautiful Mrs. Ryan, the rich, young recent widow who last year despised your uncle now kneels in her own house at his bare feet and begs to lick the sweat from his balls!”

Sheila giggled, “Yes, Uncle, the arrogant bitch is exactly where she belongs, on her knees before us, begging.”

Ruben leaned closer to Kathy’s face, his eyes hard and burning into hers. He held Kathy under her chin, “Listen to me, Mrs. Ryan. Whenever you lick my balls and suck my cock, which you will do every day and night, you are to keep looking up at me. Don’t glance away or lower your eyes, not ever.” His grip tightened, “I want to see in your eyes both guilt and fear. Can you tell me why you should feel guilty and fearful?” He released her.

Kathy swallowed. “I feel terribly guilty for having caused Mary Margaret to be whipped. I’m constantly fearful that you might have her whipped again. I’m always afraid you might decide to tie me down over the…the…rat cage.”

Ruben nodded, “Yes, Mrs. Ryan, do not forget. Do not let your independent spirit or your anger cause you to forget, not even for a moment. You might also recall the unspoken connection we’ve had over the years. Think about the Simon Ruben who haunted your adolescent dreams. You must also remember that I can and certainly will phone Madam Khe should you so much as hesitate in obeying me or my niece.”

“Oh, please,” Kathy implored, “don’t let her be beaten again, please, Master Ruben!”

“You must make my niece know you respect and honor her. She and everyone must see that you are most grateful to be in her company. And, Mrs. Ryan, when you are called to service her you must let her know in the way your lips and tongue caress her cunt that you worship and adore her.”

Kathy tried, unsuccessfully, to prevent the rush of heat that spread through her body. Her skin flushed pink under the shear gown. Both Ruben and Sheila noticed. Ruben moved forward so that his huge testicles hung over the chair. He pulled his flaccid cock back against his bulging stomach. “Lick my balls, Mrs. Ryan,” he said. She slid her body under the chair and propped a pillow beneath her head so that she could look up at him as he’d demanded. He slid forward so that his balls were within easy reach of her lips and tongue.

His testicles were slimy with perspiration. The taste was salty and the smell rancid. Forcing herself to continue looking into his eyes, she began by kissing his balls; soft, wet, audible kisses. Then she licked them, laving them with the flat of her tongue until they dripped with her spittle. Ruben shifted in the chair, “Open wide and suck them,” he ordered.

Opening her mouth as wide as possible, she could take only one at a time. The thickly veined pale globe filled her mouth. Gently, she moved her tongue over and around it. Her eyes never left his sneering face. Over and over she said to herself, “Let him see that you love it. Let him see it.”

He lifted up, withdrawing the testicle from her mouth. It was marked with faint red imprints of her kisses. Her lips were swollen and wet. She tilted her head, stretching to kiss it once more. “Do you wish to suck the other one?” he asked.

“Yes, please.” He lowered his other testicle into her waiting mouth. Staring up at him, she groaned softly. As before, she sucked gently and felt the thick, pulsing veins with her tongue. He still held his hardening cock back against his stomach.

He leaned over to stare into her eyes. “Yes, Mrs. Ryan, you will learn to love my balls,” he whispered harshly. “You will beg to be permitted to suck them as you are doing tonight.” His eyes burned into hers. His thick wet lips glistened, his heavy jowls hung loose. She nodded slightly acknowledging that she would beg. “But, Mrs. Ryan, it’s my cock you will come to worship. You will kneel before it. You will speak loving words to it. Visions of my cock will fill your waking hours and haunt your dreams at night.” He rose up. His testicle slid from her mouth. Both of his heavy white balls hung just above her lips. His voice became louder, “In a short time, Mrs. Ryan, you will live for one thing and one thing only. You will live to revere my prick.”

Although she tried to prevent it, the word, “Yes,” formed on her mouth.

It seemed he had forgotten his niece. His intense gaze of absolute hatred terrified her. She knew in her heart that he would one day kill her. “You were raised a Catholic, were you not?”

She had trouble finding her voice. Finally she managed to say, “Yes.”

“Then you know about the devotions of the Cross and about Communion?”

“I do.”

“On your knees you will worship my prick, perhaps for hours at a time. You will stare at it in total supplication. I will give you devotions to say, religious incantations in praise of my prick. You will take communion from the chalice of my prick. Your sacrament, Mrs. Ryan, will come from the hole in the end of my prick.” He was shouting now.

For a moment even Sheila thought her uncle had gone mad. Kathy could only nod her head. Suddenly he grabbed her hair and viciously pulled her up until her face was pressed against his thick white cock. He held her there pressing harder, pushing her face into his crotch until she felt she might suffocate. “Say it, you god damn arrogant cunt, say it!” he shouted. He flung her away. She fell back sprawled on the floor in front of him. Sheila gasped and started to stand then sank back into the chair.

Kathy struggled to catch her breath trying desperately to think of what he wanted to hear. She crawled to him and lay at his feet looking up at him, “I will, Master Simon. I will worship your prick. On my knees, I’ll do what you say.”

Suddenly, his rage abated. He sat down seeming, for a moment, confused. Then, as if nothing had happened, he motioned toward the kitchen. “Get us fresh drinks and bring them to the bedroom,” he said.

Kathy scrambled to her feet and, still shaken, hurried down the hall toward the kitchen. Her legs trembled as she prepared the drinks. She stalled, taking as much time as she could. She’d suffered under Abul’s anger, but always knew he was somewhat rational. Ruben’s display was clearly temporary madness. Even Sheila had been fearful. She was certain he wouldn’t be constrained by any rules Satomi had included in their contract. Somehow, she had to escape from him, but in the meantime she had to make certain she didn’t disobey him or his niece. Putting the drinks on a tray, she hurried toward the bedroom. As she passed through the living room, she was surprised to see Sheila stretched out on the couch asleep and snoring. Although she hated the arrogant bitch, Kathy wished she were fully awake and in the bedroom with Ruben. She considered waking her, but the girl was passed out.

In the bedroom, Ruben, still naked, slouched in a small wingback chair staining it with sweat. His fat, limp cock partly obscured his testicles but she could see her lipstick imprints. Just a little while ago she’d been gently pressing her lips on them. She handed him the Scotch.

He looked up at her with half closed eyes studying her. She feared him more than any man she’d ever met. Trying to keep her legs from trembling, she bowed her head. He smiled slightly and sipped his drink. “Here we are, Mrs. Ryan, in the bedroom where you and your husband made love. I expect it holds many pleasant memories for you. Is that true?”

She nodded. “Yes, it does,” she said softly. She recalled their honeymoon night was spent here and then she remembered the last night before Jeff died. They had made love for a long time in this room. She remembered Jeff had sat where Ruben was sitting. She’d leaned over him and they’d kissed. He’d carried her to the bed. The memory brought tears to her eyes. She was so exhausted and afraid and ashamed, she didn’t think there were any tears left, but they welled up and threatened to spill down her cheeks. She swallowed hard trying to hold them back.

Ruben noticed. “When you speak to me you are forgetting terms of affection,” he said, “and I do have a name.”

She glanced at him then lowered her eyes, “Yes, dear Simon, this room holds pleasant memories.”

He spread his heavy legs and pointed to the floor between them. “Get on your knees close to my cock,” he said. When she was positioned as he’d instructed, he continued, “I want you to look at my prick. Look hard. Don’t take your eyes from it until I tell you to.” She nodded and leaned forward. His cock was pale white and thick as her wrist, the bulbous head encased in its thin almost transparent sheath of skin that bunched up over its tip. The thick purple corrugated veins twisted along its length. Red smudges of her lipstick ringed it. It lay like a huge white fat sausage against his sagging ball sack. It occurred to her that less than an hour ago she held this foul smelling impossibly fat white prick in her mouth. She felt her stomach wretch, but also there was this other thing again. There was the heat spreading from her nipples to her crotch. She wanted to look away from it but didn’t dare.

He spoke again, his voice softer. “So, here we have the beautiful young cultured, wealthy widow, Mrs. Jeffery Ryan kneeling naked before old Simon Ruben in her very own bedroom.” He paused and sighed, “You are beautiful, Mrs. Ryan, especially on your knees and naked.” The color rose to her cheeks. He sipped his Scotch. “What are you thinking, Mrs. Ryan? What are you feeling? What do you want?” He leaned forward and spoke even more softly, “You can be honest with me now. No need to say what you think I want to hear. No threat of the rats and the cage. No harm to your sister-in-law. I want an honest answer. There’s nothing to fear.”

Kathy wasn’t sure what she should say. The man was obviously deranged and could fly into a violent fit with no provocation. But she decided to speak the truth. “I’m thinking I would like you and Sheila to leave. You ask what I’m feeling. I’m feeling exhausted. I’m feeling guilty beyond imagining for betraying my husband and lying to my friends. I’m terribly ashamed to be here like this before you. I feel a thousand times more humiliated than ever before in my life…I’ve desecrated this room that was so special to Jeff and me. I hate who I am. I hate what I’ve done, what I’ve become.” She looked up at him then quickly returned her gaze to his horrible cock.

Ruben leaned back and was quiet for several minutes. “Well, Mrs. Ryan, that was an honest answer. I’ll honor your request. Sheila and I will leave. You can have the house to yourself. It’s been a long and stressful day. You can sleep. I’ll send a car for you tomorrow.”

She couldn’t believe what he’d said. A short time ago this man was a raging lunatic. She looked up at him frowning, thinking perhaps this was a cruel joke. He looked like a hairy Buddha, but an evil and ugly one. “Do you mean what you just said?”

He nodded, “Will you ever learn my name and to use terms of affection?” She was about to speak but he held up his hand. “I did mean what I said. There is a condition, a small one.” He placed his hand under his thick cock and lifted it slightly. “I want you to press your lips to the tip of my cock. Keep your lips there until I release you.” He waited for her to respond. She nodded her head in agreement. “If, after the kiss, you wish me to leave, I will do as I promised.”

She closed her eyes and whispered “Thank you.” She paused and added, “Dear Simon.”

Ruben leaned forward again, his voice more demanding this time, “However, if you wish me to stay you are to go over to your make-up table and carefully prepare your lips to make love to my prick. You are to think only of why you are making yourself beautiful. Then, if I approve, you are to kneel before me as you are now and beg to suck it. Do you remember how it filled your mouth? Do you remember its scent? Do you remember the taste of my cum?”

She began, “Yes, but…”

He interrupted, “Look up at me and say these words, ‘I, Ms. Kathy Ryan, feel honored to kiss the prick of my lover, Simon Ruben.” He lifted his cock toward her.

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