Insatiable (12 page)

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Authors: Ursula Dukes

BOOK: Insatiable
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"That’s a pretty bold move," Rosie told her.

"I know it is but I'm tired of shying away from everything Rosie, aren’t you?"

Rosie nodded her head. "But you're still a married woman Mari. Aren't you worried about what Nick might think?"

Mari let out a chuckle. "I'm not looking to get married to the guy Rosie, I just want to have a little fun that's all. You know, the same kind of fun that I know you want to have with Martin? What?" Mari asked when Rosie made a face.

"You didn’t think that I missed the eye contact that you two had going on today did you?" She teased her friend.

Rosie laughed, she laughed harder than she had in weeks, and it was because she knew that what Mari was saying was true, it was absolutely true. She enjoyed meeting Martin and hoped that she would be seeing a whole lot more of him.

"Okay, make your call and good luck. I'll give you some privacy," Rosie grinned and tip toed out of the room.

When Nick answered after the first ring, Mari took that as a good sign. "Everything alright?" He asked concerned.

When Mari assured him that everything was okay, he wasted no time in apologizing about having to bring Aurora in for questioning. "How's she doing?"

"She's fine. She needed a break so she's staying at Liam's place tonight." Mari paused after telling him that. She wanted to feel him out, see if he held any jealous feelings towards Liam. He laughed softly. Aurora had made it clear that she wanted nothing more than to be friends, and he certainly didn't want to force her into a pity date or anything like that. So if Liam Hunt was her type of man, then more power to her. "Do you know that this is the first time that Aurora's spent the night away from home? She must really like this guy. Good for her, she deserves to have some fun."

Mari smiled; the words that Nick said let her know that he was not jealous.

"I'm on duty tonight and if it's alright with you, mind if I stop by?" He asked.

"Funny you should ask that officer because that's the exact reason why I called." Mari couldn’t hide the sappy grin she held on her face. It was her first time talking and flirting with a man that wasn’t her husband. Maybe I still got it, she thought to herself and ran upstairs to tell Rosie the good news.

Nick couldn’t wait to get over to
Aurora's Place
. Mari had told him that she wanted him to stop by. He had to admit, the moment he saw her he was instantly attracted to her. Not only was her demeanor warm and caring but the fact that she had the body of a goddess, didn't hurt either. When he'd been introduced to her, his masculine side came alive. She had hazel eyes like Aurora's, but they were more intense and seductive than Aurora's, at least that's the way he saw them. In her figure she embodied everything that he desired. Her chest was more than ample, and he'd always liked a woman who had something for him to grab hold of. Of course there was nothing wrong with a thin woman but that wasn’t for him. Everyone has a type and Mari Carr is mine.

From across the dining room table, Liam sat and watched as Aurora picked at her food. "You don't like it?" He asked. "I can make something else." When they got back to his place, Liam jumped in the shower and then made dinner for the two of them. He wasn’t an expert in the kitchen but had managed to make a nice fluffy omelet for the two of them.

She shook her head. "No it's fine really. I'm just not that hungry," she said and smiled at him.

"I will take some more wine though."

"Of course," he said and retrieved another bottle.

"To you," he said and clinked her glass. Aurora smiled.

"Aurora, are you afraid of getting attached to me?"

She swallowed hard. "That's a personal question Liam, especially since you barely know me."

Liam watched her eyes as she took a slow but steady sip of wine. He'd hit a sensitive part of her, maybe too sensitive. "I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable Aurora, please don’t take it that way. I just want to get to know you, that's all. How is it that you're only apprehensive around me when we're standing in an upright position?" Aurora tried to hide her smile. She knew that he was being serious, yes they'd had chemistry in the bedroom and she had no doubt that it would spill outside the bedroom as well. But for now she wasn’t sure if she wanted to devote time into something that was probably going to go nowhere. "Liam, what does a guy like you really want with me? I mean it's quite obvious that you and I don’t run in the same circles."

"Can't it be possible that I just like you Aurora?" His voice softened.

She tucked her hair behind her ear. "Oh I'm sure that it's possible for you to like whomever you choose Liam Hunt. But I'm a realist and it's been my experience that guys like you aren’t interested in women like me without having some kind of hidden agenda."

"And what kind of agenda might I have?" He scoffed.

"I mean we've slept together twice already, so please don’t say it’s a sexual one."

She didn’t know what to say to that, he was right.

"Here," he said and refilled her wine glass. "You need to loosen up."

"Is that so?" She said and emptied the contents of her glass in one gulp.

"Yes that's so." He tilted her face up to his. His tongue parted her lips, and he kissed her. "Aurora, talk to me."

She let out a heavy sigh. "What do you want to know Liam?"

"I don’t know. Anything and everything. Where did you grow up? Are your parents still alive? Do you have any siblings? I could go on and on," he said and guided her over to the couch.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine," she said and sat down. "I grew up in Massachusetts, I never knew my father, and my mother passed. Oh and I have no brothers or sisters, anything else?" Her tone had been derisive, and he wondered why. Why was she being so distant?

"Now it's your turn," she said and settled in next to him. "Tell me everything about yourself." It was obvious that she wasn’t interested in divulging any further information about herself and for the time being he'd let it go. But if there was one thing he was sure of, it was this, he could be a very persistent man, and sooner or later he was going to convince Aurora Collins to open up about herself.

"My life is an open book," he said. "Ask me anything."

Once he started talking, Aurora found out everything there was to know about Liam. Including what he did for a living, "I sell multimillion dollar homes to those who not only come from new money but old money as well and you know what I've found out in my years of being a broker?" He asked her.

"What?" She said.

"Everyone at some time or another looks to one up their neighbor. I mean it's ridiculous, no one is happy with what they have nowadays. No matter how frivolous and unwarranted the come up may be, it's sought after anyway. Sometimes I want to tell my client that they're wasting their money, that there's nothing wrong with their current situation, but I know that it will go in one ear and out the other. And by the time summer arrives, and they've opened up their homes to friends and family, they don’t even care that they've wasted a ton of money."

Aurora scoffed.

"What?" He said.

"Oh it's nothing. I just would have thought that you fit right in with your clients. I mean look where you live Liam, it's not exactly a small bachelor pad," she said and let her eyes wander around the large condo.

"Believe me; I'm nothing like my clients. I work every day just like you do, and I make my money honestly. Once the summer is over, I let some of my agents take some time off, and I do the same. The office that I run can take care of itself. My agents know how to do their jobs, and they do it well. And having an assistant affords me as much time off as I need.

"I understand all of that Liam, but you were born into privilege while most of us were not. That's what I meant when I said that we don’t run in the same circles. I hardly think that your friends would have anything in common with me or my friends. Nor would they be interested in what I do."

She was right, Liam thought to himself. She is a realist.

"I have a few associates that I occasionally have dinner and drinks with, but I would hardly call them friends. And yes I grew up privileged but it doesn’t mean that I had a prefect childhood because I did not. As a matter of fact, I had a pretty crappy childhood, it was full of lots of heartache, and such a sense of hostility that it's a miracle that I'm not some pill popping degenerate."

He'd peaked Aurora's interest now, and Liam needed no further bating to open up to her and tell her a little about his past. He told her that he was estranged from his father and when she asked why, he had no qualms disclosing to her the reason. He told her how his father had always been abusive towards his mother and that he'd been witness to it for most of his childhood.

He also told her how the slightest thing would set his father off and that once he'd even gone so far as to strike his mother in front of the servants. "He usually waited until the room was cleared or sometimes he'd pinch her leg really hard under the table but this particular time he showed no mercy. It was right after dinner, and it had just been the three of us. My father had just gotten back from a business trip and during dinner he'd asked my mom to fill him in on what's been happening around the house and such. Well my mom started to make small talk with him talking about this and that, and she accidentally knocked over his drink.

Even though my mother apologized profusely, and the servants had cleaned it all up, my dad smacked her across the face anyway. He called her a stupid, clumsy, bitch and I know he hit her again. When my mother asked one of the servants to take me out of the room, I still heard the sharp blows that my father was giving her as I climbed the stairs. I was eight years old and I remember it like it was yesterday. My mother put up with it until the day she died and although the abuse had gone from physical to verbal as she got older, my father was no less relentless about it. I just hope that my mother finally found some peace at the end."

"Liam, I am sorry that you had to go through that. I know that it was probably hard for your mother to leave but I can almost guarantee that she stayed because of you. She probably thought that she couldn’t give you the kind of life that she that you deserved so she figured that she'd take the abuse so that you could have everything you needed. At least, that's what I've been told by victims of domestic violence. They stayed because of the children."

"You're right Aurora, she did stay because of me. When she'd taken ill I moved back into the house so that I could be there for her. My father was spending more and more time in Boston and I didn’t want to leave my mother all alone. So let's just say that she and I had a lot of heart to hearts and because of her, I have the utmost respect for anyone who helps victims of domestic violence and that includes you Aurora."

"Thank you and believe me, what I do gets more and more fulfilling each time that I meet a new friend." She went on to explain her use of the word friend to him.

He smiled when she finished. "I think that is a wonderful explanation," he said and kissed her. "I wish my mother had someone like you to help her way back when."

"I know, but times were different back then and domestic violence was something that was taboo, you weren’t supposed to talk about it. You'd be surprised to hear that even now, it’s a subject that neither men nor women like to talk about. That's why there are so many unreported cases. But I hope that by doing what I'm doing the word gets out that there is help out there and it's easier to find than one might think." Liam loved the way she was so passionate about her work but he couldn’t help but wonder if she too had been a victim of domestic violence.

"Were you in an abusive relationship Aurora?" His eyes told her that she could trust him but she simply wasn’t ready.

"This explains a lot," Aurora quickly changed the subject.

"What do you mean?"

"The reason why you were so eager to volunteer at the shelter," she said.

"I haven’t been much help in that area," he frowned.

Aurora leaned in closer and rested her head on his chest. It was a move that made his heart skip a beat. Was she finally warming up to him? He gently placed his arms around her.

"You're right, you haven’t been much help," she grinned. "But I can think of a way that you can make it up to me," she said getting up from the couch and making her way upstairs. "And don’t forget the wine."

By the time he'd made it upstairs, Aurora had changed into one of his shirts and had climbed into bed. "For you," he said and handed her a full wine glass. He tried to avoid looking at her soft silky legs as they peeked out from under the sheet but it wasn’t easy. He remembered how just hours earlier he'd been between them. As she reached for the glass, he watched as the shirt fell seductively off her shoulder's exposing the lacy black bra that she had on underneath. He could see the roundness of her belly and thickness of her thighs. He couldn’t find his breath and fought hard the urge to run his hands all over her body. She was seducing him again and it was working. She was letting him know that there would be no more serious talk tonight. No more talk about abusive parents, whether or not he had siblings or why she wouldn’t open up to him. Aurora wanted him to pleasure her and pleasure her he would.

"Sit in that chair over there," she instructed him.

"Good, now take off your clothes." She took another sip of wine while she watched.

By the time he managed to remove all of his clothing his cock was rock hard.

"Sit," she told him.

She'd pushed the sheet aside and the sight of her made him remember how she tasted in his mouth. Never had a woman been in such control over him, never had any woman wanted to. They had all wanted him to be in control, to take them, and ravish them. Aurora Collins was his weakness, she was insatiable and he was becoming addicted to her. His cock ached now and was standing at full attention. "I want you to touch yourself," she said and licked her lips.

"And while you touch yourself I want you to think about this." She spread her legs.

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