Insatiable (30 page)

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Authors: Ursula Dukes

BOOK: Insatiable
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"Excuse me sir, but it’s only lonely at the top because you choose to forget about all the people you met along the way, and you conveniently failed to acknowledge their contributions to your success."

"I beg your pardon?" Victor's youthful appearance suddenly changed. And when his wife tried to calm him down he pushed her away.

"Son, you better get control of her."

Liam pushed back from the table. "I'm nothing like you dad, I don’t need to control anybody or anything." He then turned to Aurora. "I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin your Thanksgiving, but this was a very bad idea. I think it's time we leave."

"That’s a very good idea. Amanda, get our coats, we're leaving. Liam let's go."

"Here, take the keys and go wait in the car." Liam glared at his father. "I need to talk to Aurora."

When Aurora excused herself, Mari and Rosie began clearing the table. The others quickly followed suit, they couldn’t wait to escape into the kitchen. Victor Hunt had managed to not only insult the hostess, but her guests as well. Aurora grabbed her wrap and met Liam outside. He was standing on the back deck that overlooked the woods. Small puffs of air escaped his mouth as he spoke. "I am so sorry that my father had to take it upon himself to ruin Thanksgiving."

She put her arms around him and kissed him. "He did no such thing. I got to spend my Thanksgiving with friends and loved ones."

The heat of her body made it hard for him to focus. "Aurora, should I be worried?"

"Worried about what?"

He tilted his head in the direction of the house. "About what’s his name, he's been eyeing you all evening. I don’t trust the guy."

She cupped his face in her hands. "Liam, you don’t have to trust him, all you have to do is trust me. And you trust me right?"

"Of course I do."

"Good, now get them home and please drive safe. I'll see you tomorrow."

After she kissed him goodbye Aurora went inside and reached for the glass of wine that Mari was already holding out for her.  She breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "Thank god that's over."

"No wonder Liam doesn't want to deal with that. Who the hell would?" Rosie remarked.

Aurora agreed. "Yes, I understand why he wants nothing to do with his father and it's sad because Victor can't see what a wonderful man his son is. It's like Victor lives in a room full of mirrors, it's all about himself. I feel sorry for him though, because he is going to die a very lonely and sad man."

"Enough about them, is Liam coming back?" Seth asked.

"No, he's got a showing first thing in the morning. And the contractors are coming to install the security gate. Why do you ask Seth?" Aurora already knew the answer and it wasn’t going to happen.  She'd just started her relationship with Liam, and there was no way that she was going to jeopardize that.

"No reason, just curious."

Renee knew the look in her brother's eye. He was hoping for a chance with Aurora and she was sure that had Liam not been in the picture he might have had a shot. "I think it's time to go," she nudged him in the back. I've got the morning shift tomorrow then it's off for some black Friday shopping. You look exhausted Aurora, go and get some sleep."

After apologizing for the partially ruined evening, Aurora excused herself and headed upstairs to bed. After calling Liam and making sure that he was alright, she fell into a deep sleep.


Chapter Nineteen


He'd knocked her unconscious; he punched her just like he did Aurora, except Deena went down hard.  One quick fist to the cheek and he watched at her eyes rolled back showing nothing but white.  Getting her back to his motel room had been easy. She'd been so docile that he didn’t have to worry about her putting up a fight. He was able to tie her up and then rape her, and without so much as a whimper, she lay there and took it. This was a lot easier than he thought, but when she began to stir and moan in protest, he had to knock her out again. Her struggling and moaning had made him hard again, so he repeated his actions once more. But not before he ripped off all of her clothing. Step one was finished, he'd gotten the perfect victim, now it was time for step two, making the victim sympathetic to his every need.

He needed her to be understanding of his plight; she had to believe in it. He was sure that in a day, two at most, Deena would believe anything and everything that he wanted her to believe.

Staring down at her naked body, he felt larger than life.




If anyone had told Aurora that she'd wake up missing and yearning for Liam's touch she would have given them Jean's phone number. But that is exactly how she felt; she missed him and wanted him. After taking a hot shower, she put on a pair of sheer black thigh highs and dressed in a short wool skirt and button down cardigan. After zipping on a pair of knee length boots, she finger combed her hair into sexy waves and headed downstairs.  She made sure that Rosie and Mari were alright with her leaving before heading out the door.

She planned on surprising Liam; she hadn't bothered to call, but hoped that his father and Amanda had made an early morning retreat. By the time she reached his home, he was gone. He must have left early for the showing, she thought to herself. No worries. After making a quick call to his office, she received directions from Gary on where to go. The million dollar home stood at the edge of the bluffs. The sound of waves crashing was a sound that she'd always found soothing. Aurora checked the time,
, she thought. Provided that his clients were on time, she and Liam would have a little over an hour alone. She grinned when she saw that his car was the only one in the long driveway. Had she not been so hot and bothered, she would have taken some time to tour the property, but she wanted to feel Liam's hands on her.

The door was unlocked and she made her way inside. Almost immediately she found Liam, he was standing in the kitchen staring out at the rumbling ocean. When he sensed that someone had come into the room, he turned around. His lips curved up in a smile and the moment she took off her coat, his cock twitched. She held a finger to her lips and moved towards him. Aurora ran her hands up and down his thigh before settling on the bulge in his pants. "Aurora, my clients will be here…"

"Shush," she quieted him with her mouth.  She then slithered down to the floor and got between his legs. He couldn’t help but notice the mischievous smile she had while looking up at him. The promise of her mouth on his already swollen cock made him forget about the clients that were due any moment now. He watched through half closed eyes as she took him into her mouth, the burgundy colored lips sucking him so eagerly. Her eyes were hungry as she looked up at him. It was like her mouth was specifically made to suck his cock and his cock only.  He wanted her so bad; he couldn’t wait to get at the smooth, shaved sweetness of her pussy. As if she could read his mind, she quickly stood. "Isn’t this hot?" Her voice breathless, "just knowing that we could get caught at any minute is making me so wet."

Not bothering to unbutton her sweater, he lifted it over her head and pulled down her skirt. When he found her panty less and wearing thigh-highs, he almost lost it. "Do you want me?" She teased and kissed him on the lips. With one swift move, he lifted her onto the center island. And when she scooted down to meet his throbbing cock; he wasted no time in sliding it inside her. "Jesus," he whispered, that was all he could get out. The feeling of being inside her was almost too blissful. She ground against him making his cock even more sensitive to the heat of her flesh. When his fingers found her clit, she moaned in pleasure. "That's it baby, rub it."

Their breaths came in pants as their bodies swayed and rocked. When she orgasmed, the feel of her pussy spasm ensnared his cock into a climax of its own. The delicious pull, the sweetness of her juices, the rhythmic withering of her flesh as she shuddered and held onto him so tight.

"You are amazing," he grinned and ran his tongue over her erect nipples. A soft moan escaped her lips as she watched him take her breasts into his mouth. "I want to fuck you senseless," he moaned as their tongues twisted and devoured one another.

"Didn’t you just do that?"

"Hmmm, well I want to do it again."

 The sound of a car door slamming brought them both to their senses. "Shit! They're here." Liam helped Aurora off the counter and the two scrambled to get dressed.  By the time the clients rang the doorbell, Aurora was seated at the dining room table and Liam was holding the mansions specs in his hands. She would play his assistant for the showing.

"You were pretty good; I think we can expect an offer today." Liam took her in his arms and congratulated her. "Have you ever thought of taking a job in real estate?"

Aurora released a light chuckle. "No, I love what I do. I was just doing you a favor," she winked.

"Well if ever I can return the favor you just let me know."

After thinking for a moment she replied. "Actually there is something you can do for me."

A devilish smirk appeared on his face.

"No, nothing like that, get your mind out of the gutter," she teased. "I've been asked to help with Huntington High's holiday fundraiser. We'll be taking donations of clothing, coats, and gifts for families in need and I could use the help. Rosie, Mari, and the guys have already signed on. What do you think?" She smiled at him.

"If it involves helping the community and being around you, I'd be glad to help."

The following week when Mr. Bennett called Aurora, she hoped to hear good news. But when he told her that besides her and Liam's prints, no other prints had been found on the photograph, her hopes dwindled. He also told her that a detective from the West Springfield Police department had gotten back to him and told him that there was no record or log of anyone looking into old crime scene photographs. "Sorry to have to say this counselor but those kinds of photographs can be found on the internet now a day and we all know that once it's online, it's online forever."

When he relayed the message to Aurora, she was none too happy.

"So what you're telling me is that there is no way to find out who sent me that photograph?"

"That's what I'm telling you but on a good note, Rafferty is off the case. He's still sheriff of course but you don’t have to worry about him hassling you anymore. The investigation is still open but you've been cleared as a suspect."

"That sounds great Mr. Bennett, but have they come any closer to finding out who killed Mr. Holmes and Mr. Carr?"

"No, not yet, but the state police have gone ahead and sent the evidence to the FBI, they're hoping that they can get at least some type of profile of the killer. Find out why he or she was targeting those men. We can expect the results any day now. And after the assault on you Miss Collins, it looks like you are a target as well. So please be careful."

"I will," Aurora nodded and quietly hung up the phone. There would be no need to tell Liam about the last part of the conversation.
He'd only worry
and there was no reason for him to worry, she could take of herself. Now that they had the security gate and the surveillance cameras she was sure that no one would be able to get in. No, there was definitely no reason to tell Liam.

Later on that night when she slept, she didn't dream of blood or death or of Randy hanging from the rafters, she didn’t dream at all. At least not that she could remember, and the reason why was simple, Liam was there, solid, warm, and ready to hold her.




He'd watched Deena regain consciousness, the subdued whimpers, the all too glassy eyes. He'd kept her drugged while he trained her. She'd been a great student so far and he told her that she was to have her first test tonight.  He thought about changing plans and killing her and leaving her on Aurora's doorstep. But something about Deena made him want to stick to his original plan. They'd already gone over the script, and he had to admit, Deena was a natural. She even made him believe that she was a victim of domestic violence. He hoped that the moment Aurora heard the young woman's voice, she'd stop what she was doing and come to the young woman's rescue.

But first he had to make sure that Deena was able to reel her in. And a couple of frantic phone calls ought to do that, he told Deena. He was glad that Deena had stopped resisting; he didn’t have to tie her up or gag her anymore.  She ate very little and she opened her legs when he told her to. She was wide awake now, and she was coming out of her haze. She made little noises like a child and he laughed at her. "I like it when you make those sounds," he told her. She was lying naked on the bed and he reached over to grab his pack of smokes. He lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply, after he blew the smoke from his lungs he took the lit cigarette and held it close to her nipples. He liked watching the terror in her eyes, he liked bringing her to the brink of hysteria.

He then grabbed hold of his knife and ran it playfully along her throat. "You know what Deena? I like you. Hey, if you play your cards right I just may take you with me, would you like that?" He made a stabbing motion towards her and watched as her eyes widened with fear. ""I'll take that as a yes," he said and pulled out his throbbing cock. Running the knife along her throat had made him rock hard and he wanted her to suck him off again.  "Now open up that whore sucking mouth of yours and suck my cock, just like you did before. Oh and remember, you even think about using your teeth, I'll slit your fucking throat and then stick my dick in it, you got that?"

When she managed a sob, he settled on that for an answer.

He rammed himself into her mouth. Her mouth was parched and unreceptive, but he pumped fanatically, until he'd managed to work up a heated sweat. He laughed and smiled when she gagged at his intrusive dick. When he was finished, she curled up into a ball and while weeping asked if she could use the restroom.  "Sure you can Deena," he slapped her naked butt. "Just don’t take too long, I may want to go at it again. Except this time I want that pussy. And afterwards, you'll have your first test, and you better pass bitch. I don’t have to tell you what'll happen if you don’t," he threatened her.

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