Insatiable (3 page)

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Authors: Adriana Hunter

BOOK: Insatiable
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“Now look—”

“Ava,” he replied, his voice chilling unexpectedly as he flashed his deep blue eyes to meet hers. “With just one word, you can fix everything. You could be the family heroine, doing what needs to be done to set things right. This might be the only chance for your family to get back on top. And all this in exchange for simply giving into your own wants…and desires.”

“You act surprised that I would find offense with being treated like a whore,” she snapped, her voice cracking.

Jonas smiled slightly, relaxing back in his chair. “One week, Ava. That’s all that I ask. I will be leaving for London in two days on a weeklong business trip. I want you with me. Pleasing me in every way that I know that you can. Giving yourself to me again and again, with the same passion and desire that ignited between us that first moment we came face to face. I know you felt it, though you deny it now, I know the truth. You want me just as much as I want you.”

Ava wished for the strength to deny this man, but she felt nothing but weakness in his presence. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anyone. Her mind raced as she struggled to make sense of everything, but all she thought about was the longing she felt when he looked at her with such raw intensity, as if she were the only woman on earth.

The waiter reappeared with their first course, interrupting the tension that lay between them. Just thinking about his proposition: one week alone with him far away from here, expected to satisfy his every desire. And in return, the company would be her family’s once again. Her father could finally come home. Her brother Jeffrey would have the weight lifted off his shoulders that had turned him into such a mass of worry the past few months.

Jonas Marks was presenting her an offer that was almost too good to be true.

An offer that she simply couldn’t…wouldn’t refuse.


Ava still had that funny feeling that everything happening was actually happening to someone else. It was two days later and she was on her way to London with Jonas. He had a private jet and they had left the city quickly just two hours before. It was happening; she was taking the biggest, wildest step she’d ever taken in her life.

Once she’d agreed to accept his offer, everything happened in a blur. She’d barely had the time or even the presence of mind to pack. In any case, Jonas had already made it clear that she wouldn’t need that many clothes anyway.

He was seated across from her on the jet, sifting through papers. Next to him was his trusted assistant, Carly. Their quiet discussion seemed to pass by Ava in a fog as she found herself lost in her own private thoughts.

I can’t believe I’m doing this,
she thought. But she was doing it. She was on her way to London with Jonas to be his sexual plaything for a week. By day he would do his business deals, and by night, she was to be willing and ready to fulfill his every desire.

In her slim briefcase, which lay on the seat beside her, was her copy of the business transfer agreement that would Jonas would sign by the end of their weeklong arrangement. With his signature, the company would be handed back to her father and her life could finally revert back to normal.

And yet, was that the only reason she was here?

She would be lying to herself if she even attempted to pretend that Jonas wasn’t an attractive man. She was instantly drawn to him when he had asked her to dance and before she discovered who he was, she had to admit, she had never felt such animal magnetism for anyone before. She looked surreptitiously at Jonas, dressed impeccably as always in his sharp-fitting, stylish suit, hair waving in sleek chestnut locks across his forehead. He was all business, not sparing her much attention beyond asking if she wanted more champagne, or another tasteful, perfectly prepared dish to be provided by the on-flight chef.

Funny how the moment she’d accepted his highly unconventional, fiendish proposition, he’d seemed to cool off into his untouchable persona. Almost as if, now that he knew the deal was on, he’d virtually lost interest. Like a lion that had forced his prey to surrender, no longer excited by the chase.

The very thought pricked her heart like a needle, but what had she expected? He’d made her an offer and she’d accepted it. This was merely business, just like all the other corporate schemes he negotiated every single day. She sighed, turning to look out of the window, her heart torn between heaviness and a strange, twisting excitement at what was to come. And then she felt it. It was a warm, tingling sensation, and it grew stronger by the second. She turned her gaze instinctively in Jonas’s direction, and had to suck in a breath.

He was looking at her. It was just a brief glance, but in that one look, she’d felt his anticipation, saw the blazing gleam that darkened his blue eyes almost to navy. It was a look of such unashamed desire, so dangerously honest, that she no longer had any doubt that he was still very much interested in all that he planned to claim.

And for the first time in her life, Ava understood the feeling of being vulnerable, her heart suddenly ripped open, the flame of his lust igniting her own passion. She finally knew what it meant to be desired so deeply, so thoroughly that she could taste his want on the tip of her tongue, could almost catch the intoxicating scent of it in the air as their eyes held for those brief, searing seconds.

In that one, long look, she had a glimpse of the hot, blinding flash of urgent need that reminded her exactly why she was here and what happening between them.

It took a while for Ava to remember that she’d stopped breathing, as she forced air back into her lungs, willing her heart to beat less thunderously as she grabbed the glass of champagne at her elbow and took a long, grateful gulp.

This was the start of what she knew would be unforgettable week with a man who would refuse her nothing, and who would take from her all that he wanted and needed. Her thoughts were no longer on all that she would gain at the end of the week, but on everything she stood to lose.


Keeping his hands off her had been a difficult challenge over the last few hours, but with Carly’s constant presence he had been forced to focus on business matters.

Having Ava sitting there directly across from him, her beautiful features creased slightly with a troubled expression that made him want to kiss the little frown away didn’t help the situation. Right there, within reach, and soon to be in his tight embrace, had been enough to keep him hard all through the long trip. Even in her stern-looking suit, her body was just as gorgeously inviting as ever, her delightful curves encased lovingly by the outfit’s well-fitted lines. Her legs were creamy, smooth, and she gave him a delicious glimpse of inner thigh whenever she crossed and uncrossed them.

It was hard enough keeping his mind on Carly’s words during the flight. He wished now that he had found a way to cancel this trip, or at least postpone it so that he could focus only on Ava. But he had important meetings in London, arrangements that had been made through powerful contacts more than a year ago. There was no way out of it, even for such a powerful man like himself.

No, it had been a now-or-never move, and he’d taken it. And now, he knew that it was only a matter of hours, give or take, and then the sexy, voluptuous Ava would be all his. He would focus on work when he needed to, but he’d make sure that when the time came, he’d make every moment with her count. He only hoped he’d have the strength to let her go once their agreement came to an end in just seven days.


They touched down late in the evening, and Ava felt the sense of ancient history all around her as they drove from the airport to the hotel, passing by monuments, castles and landmarks. The city was well lit, beautiful as always, and filled with a kaleidoscope of people that seemed to swarm the streets in droves. Ava was enchanted by the diversity and culture that moved all around her, caught up in the sights and sounds of one of the world’s most amazing cities, thinking about the kings and queens that once ruled this magnificent country.

And I’m here with a sexy, powerful billionaire who wants only me.

She dared to look at him as they sat in the spacious limousine that carried them to their destination. Every time she stole a glance at him, she wondered why he would be attracted to someone like her when he could have any woman in the world. She’d read a recent article in some tabloid magazine that spoke of his ex-girlfriend, a beautiful, young model and a woman that every media outlet had once pegged as his future wife only to discover they had broken up a few months later. Ava thought about her, and other women that he was used to being with. Model-types, a status symbol and trophy to a man like him.

And yet, it was her that he wanted. A simple, ordinary woman with an abundance of curves. A woman who struggled to fit into “off-the-rack” clothing, who constantly second-guessed herself and who preferred a comfortable old pair of jeans and T-shirt to fitted, custom-tailored dresses and heels. And he didn’t just find her attractive, he wanted her so desperately that he was willing to give up a company just to have her—one that he had taken great pains to acquire.

Ava knew that she should feel flattered by it all, yet she couldn’t stop wondering why her? What was it about her that appealed to him so much? What could she possibly do for him that hadn’t been done better by another woman? The woman who ran in his circles weren’t just beauties, but likely far more experienced with men.

She closed her eyes, forcing the negative thoughts away like she had taught herself to do many times over the years when her insecurities took hold.

Why not me? I am a good person, loving, kind and honest.
I deserve this just as much as anyone
, she decided as she settled back against the sinfully plush seats of the limousine. It may be only business, but damn it, she’d enjoy every second of it. If she was to have a man like Jonas Marks to herself for a week, then she was sure as hell going to make it a week to remember. For both of them…


He checked in quickly, and within minutes they were heading up to the exquisitely appointed suite, one of the most breathtaking rooms Ava had ever seen. The bed itself was like an entity of its own—a mass of pillows set on the king-sized, silk-spread expanse of the sinfully beautiful mahogany wood frame. Ava took in the beauty, turning around to find Jonas locking the door, his eyes locked onto hers.

They were alone. Finally. The very thought should have frightened her, but instead, it was electrifying. Was this the time of reckoning? Would he want to take her now, the first chance he got, or would he take his time?

“You must be tired from the journey.” He moved away from the door, unbuttoning his top shirt buttons as he loosened his tie.

“Would it matter if I was?” Ava asked, standing still in the middle of the suite. He came forward, standing close enough that when he looked down into her face, she could see the golden flecks in his piercing eyes.

“I’m not the unfeeling, ruthless bastard you think I am.”

His gaze lowered to her parted lips, which trembled in anticipation beneath his darkened stare. Ava felt her eyelids flutter to a close, expecting to feel his lips claim hers and satisfy her hunger for him, but instead he only kissed her forehead, holding her tightly in a sweet embrace.

“I know we have an arrangement, but I’m no savage, Ava. I’ll let you get some rest and freshen up from the trip. I have an important meeting in the morning anyway, so I’m going to need some sleep.” He smiled, drawing away from her.

Ava was shocked—unsure as to what to do. She hadn’t expected this and wasn’t sure she was even comfortable with the softness of his touch or concern for her wellbeing. Heated, rough passion, she could handle. That was tangible, with meaning and purpose, but this sudden concern for her, his gentleness and control. She didn’t know what it meant, or how to respond to it.

Don’t, Ava. Don’t let him fool you,
she warned herself.
Keep your guard up and never let yourself forget that you are dealing with a man who nearly destroyed your family.

She had to be strong. Now wasn’t the time to let her heart guide her or deceive her into thinking that this was something that it was not. She’d agreed to trade her time and body for the chance to restore her family’s business. That was all she cared about. She had to be ruthless, and be willing to take what she needed from the dangerous billionaire without any concern for how he felt or what he wanted.

So maybe I’m not so different from Jonas Marks after all
, she thought.


Ava was sleeping soundly when he returned. He’d left the room several hours ago, after he’d showered and changed. He said something vague about having to see to some matters with Carly before the meeting tomorrow, and that he’d work in his assistant’s room so that Ava could rest without disturbance.

Once she was sure he was gone, she’d slowly undressed, then indulged in a leisurely soak in the majestic marble tub in the bathroom. She’d been almost reluctant to finally rise from its scented, warming depths. She’d spent almost an hour in the bath, and still he hadn’t returned. Finally, she unpacked, retrieving her lace and satin lingerie, which she’d carefully chosen to wear as it highlighted her curves while hiding the imperfections. As she got dressed, she caught a glimpse of her naked frame in the mirror and paused.

Standing in front of the full-length, gilt-framed glass, she viewed her reflection in a way she had never before. She had always been her own worst critic, noticing only the imperfections and blemishes, wishing she could be someone else, hating all that she saw. But today, as she stood in front of the long mirror, she saw someone almost unrecognizable to her. She had always been full-figured and had never known what it meant to be skinny or even slender, but today she didn’t look at the flare of her hips, her rounded belly or the sway of her breasts with disdain. Instead, she thought about how much Jonas wanted her, how he desired her so desperately, and how when he looked at her, he saw more than just a plus-size woman. She could see that in the way he watched her move, the hunger burning in his eyes.

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