Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2)
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“I won’t walk away again.” My skin twitched under his touch, my nerves at rapid fire.

“That’s not what I meant.” His eyes glowed with amusement as he leaned back, resting his long torso against the corner of the seat and door. But he still kept hold of my hand.

At least the space he gave made a breath easier to take.

“I heard you hit Kiera when you went back to the apartment.”

“I regret it,” I said simply.

His fingers stilled on my hand and his smile stretched. “Why do you regret it? She needed someone to hit her.”

I took the moment to pull my hand back and tucked them both between my knees. “I pushed her first. I shouldn’t have put my hands on her.”

He stretched his arm along the back of the seat, his fingers just above my shoulder. “Maybe it’s time I move you to a new apartment. Or maybe it’s time for her to get out.”

My heart stopped for a moment. “I could get my own place.”

“Could you?” his smile was arrogant as his fingers pulled on a lock of my hair.

I scooted away, shoulder lifted to block his touch. “I have some money saved and if I got a job…”

He shook his head no, smile growing. “Sweetheart, remember, I am trying to help you and keep you safe. That man is still after you. It’s best you stay under my guardianship.”

We pulled up front of the apartment building and I moved to get out.

“We’re still talking.” His stern words made me pause.

“I’m fine staying here with Kiera. I’ve just got to talk to her.” I didn’t want him moving me anywhere else. “Can I go now?” His face brightened with my request.

“Just a moment.” He slid his hand into my hair, fingers running along my scalp until they curled around the back of my head, cupping it. “I want to see you tomorrow. Be ready at noon to be picked up.”

His movements were slow. I saw it coming, but when his lips met mine, all air escaped me. His kiss was poison numbing my lips. I could barely get them to move with his and I prayed he’d stop at a kiss tonight.

He pulled away, gliding back into his seat. “You can go now. ” He released me.

I needed a shower and then bed. I had thought I could go along with Rusnak, play along with whatever he wanted. But that kiss had shook me and now I doubted myself. I needed to get it together before tomorrow.


18: Win or Lose

“What’s wrong?” I sat next to Dexter on the weight bench. He wasn’t his typical high energy self and his silence was freaking me out a bit.

He lifted his head and gave me a closed lip smile. Something was definitely off.

“Just a lot on my mind.” He nudged my knee with his own. “You want to hit up some stores after this? Get some lunch?”

“Don’t you have class?” I had plans that I wouldn’t share with him. It was nearly time for me to get ready to meet with Rusnak. But I wanted to stay and talk to Dexter, find out what was bugging him.

“Not going today.” He leaned the side of his head on his hand, looking at me with that shadow of a smile.

“What’s on your mind Dex? Is everything okay?” He didn’t seem sad really, just distant.

He sat up, biting his bottom lip as his smile spread. “I’m going to be a dad.”

My jaw dropped.

“Leona just found out.” He slid his eyes to the ceiling with a small laugh. “Oh shit, I’m going to be a dad.” His smile was larger than life when he spoke those words.

“That’s something.” I was at a loss for how to respond.

Dexter dropped his smile. “It’s a good thing, Rea. I’m still shocked as hell, but it’s going to be a good thing.”

“If you say so.” I stood up, wanting away from this conversation. I should just keep my mouth shut.

“I do say so.” Dexter stood up too. “That’s why I wanted to go out today, get a baby shirt or something for Leona. I thought you would be happy for us.”

I didn’t care for the disappointment on his face. “I’m worried for you two. This isn’t a joke Dexter, that’s a baby and you’ve got to be there for him or her.”

“I know. I am.” He was shaking his head, confused. “Rea, why would you think I wouldn’t? I’m going to be a good dad and Leona’s going to make the best mom.”

The sincerity in his eyes calmed me some. “I hope so. But Dexter you need to stay away from trouble.” I tried to give him a smile. “I think you’ll be the best father, just put that kid first.” I gave him a partial hug of reassurance but he pulled me in for a full one, wrapping his arms tight around me.

“I will, you’ll see. And you’ll be Aunty Rea,” he joked as he rocked me back and forth.

“No.” I pulled away. “You need to stay away from me and all this. I’ll find a new corner man, be there for Leona.”

“You can’t replace me, I’m irreplaceable.” He cocked his head, concern creasing his brows. “What are you involved in that I need to stay away from?”

Silas’s arrival saved me from answering.

“What’s up?” Dexter asked Silas with a lift of his chin.

He stopped in front of us, arms crossed but smile in place. “Wanted to check out the new gym, plus I did what you asked.”

“Really, when’s the fight?” Dexter’s excitement was back and the disappointment was heavy in my stomach.

“Dexter,” I cut off my warning when Silas glanced at me.

“Next month, I get you all the details.” Silas nodded to me. “You need to go clean up, I’m supposed to take you to a meeting.”

That pulled me from my thoughts about Dexter’s baby. “What meeting?” Did Rusnak send him? Were we all meeting? Maybe I had made the wrong assumption, but I knew better than to believe that.

“A meeting about your fight. Now are you using the locker room here or going back to your apartment first?”

“If it’s about her fight maybe I should come,” Dexter said, and I could have slapped him.

“Dexter, go get your gift for Leona. Focus on that,” I snapped, walking away to the locker room to get my things.


I should be happy at least that Dexter didn’t come, but sitting in the car with Nick and Silas was more than uncomfortable. Nick always set me on edge. So when I saw he was with Silas after the gym, I made sure to conceal my gun on me, just in case. It was tucked in my jeans waistband and this time I wouldn’t give it up to anyone.

“The fight next week, we need you to win in the second.” Silas said from the front passenger seat.

“Second?” I sat forward as my heart bounced in my stomach. “That’s too soon. Make it like my last fight; give me till the last round. I can do that.”

“It’s not your call to make.” Nick’s deep voice was thick with disapproval as he merged onto the highway, leaving DC.

“She’s never been knocked out before. The odds are against me being the first to do that, especially so soon in the fight.” We were meeting in Baltimore, which meant I had some time to try to convince them.

“The odds against ya are the reason we’re betting on the second. More money to be made if ya win.” Nick spoke as if I was an idiot.

“But if I can’t do it, you lose money.” My panic was rising, but I tried to keep it from my voice.

“Honestly, I don’t give a fuck if ya win or lose. Your fights are barely worth betting on, the second’s one of the only rounds we stand to make any money, that or the first. If ya win, we get the money, but if ya lose, I can be done with your shit. I’ll figure out a different way for ya to pay, a different line of work.”

His lips curled as he looked at me in the rearview mirror. “We could drop the boxing now if ya want, I know some guys who’d pay big bucks for a fighter. They’re into the dominant bitches.”

“Nick, stop. You know that’s not an option.” Silas’s voice was almost too low for me to hear.

“For now, it’s not. But if she loses, it will be, then maybe she won’t be such a fuckin’ headache.”

The acid swirling in my stomach, burning the back of my throat, made it hard to speak. Not that I wanted to. This newest threat made my blood run cold. I may be willing to use sex to my advantage sometimes, but never in the way was he referring to. Never under someone else’s orders. They’d have to kill me before they could make me do that, and I’m sure Nick would be more than willing.

“Regan,” Silas twisted in the seat to face me, his face full of false sympathy. “Ignore him. You will win next week. You can do it, I know you can.”

“Ignore me if ya want, but little one, you should know that no one will protect ya if you lose. It’s my choice what happens.” His eyes kept flipping to the rearview mirror, delight building in him as he spoke. “You might think you’ve got an advantage with Anatoli on your side, but he won’t stop this and when it’s done, he won’t want you. So win or lose, I don’t care.”


We drove to a marina outside the city. Many of the slips were empty, but the few boats in the water were large.

I followed Nick down the dock to one of the larger yachts, and Silas walked behind me. The boat was easily two stories tall and nearly the length of a basketball court. As I boarded, Rusnak stepped out of the cabin and greeted us with a smile, dressed in his version of casual, tan pants and black top.

“Everything go okay?” He asked, looking between Silas and Nick.

They traded glances, but nodded.

Then Rusnak extended his hand to me. “Come with me for a moment. I’ll give you a tour.”

I stepped towards him, almost eager to show Nick that he could be wrong, except I knew he wasn’t. Not yet anyways.

Rusnak paused to tell Nick and Silas, “Boris is in the marina office. Go check in with him.” Then he pulled me through the door he had exited moments before.

He didn’t really give me a tour, just paused to show me the controls to the boat. He said a bunch of technical terms that I paid no attention too, my thoughts sill consumed on what Nick had said. The room he led me to after had a low couch running along one wall with food laid out on the table in front of it, a large screen opposite, and a bar at the far end.

He gestured for me to sit as he poured a drink from the bar. “What would you like?” He raised an empty glass.

“Water’s fine.” I hesitated. Something stronger might be useful, but I threw out that idea. I needed to stay alert and aware.

“Do you like steak?” He gestured to the plates as he sat down next to me. He handed me my glass and slid closer, till his legs touched mine.

“I do.” I took a sip of the water, trying to wash away the knot in my throat.

We sat in silence as we ate, or as Rusnak ate. I picked at my food, barely tasting it.

“How’s training going? Are you ready for your fight next week?” He took a sip of his drink, watching me over the rim of it.

The weight of the fight was suffocating me, and I was drowning under Anatoli’s scrutiny. Was he just making conversation or did he know what Nick had threatened?

He set his glass down and slid his arm behind me, so close now that I could smell the light alcohol on his breath. “Is everything all right? You seem extra quiet today.”

“I—” I paused and turned my body to look at him, putting a slight space between us. “What is it that you want? I mean really want from me?”

“Don’t you know already?” His eyes dragged all over me and his lip slid into a grin as his free hand gripped my jean-covered thigh.

“I’m not sure. There seems to be more to it.” I desperately wanted to figure this out, him out.

He leaned in to me, lips brushing my ear. “I’ll show you what I want.” He dropped his head, sucking in the skin of my neck. His hand traveled up my thigh to my hip and the arm behind me curled around my shoulders, pulling me to him.

“Wait.” I slid my hands to his chest, keeping a space between us, my heart pulsating. “I just want to be clear. That’s it, really?”

He pulled his head back and gazed down on me with hooded eyes. “Do you want more?” one hand gripped my hip and the other slid up the back of my neck and tangled in my hair. “What is it you want?”

I took a breath, preparing myself. Once I took this step, there was no turning back, I only hoped it worked. “I don’t want to work with Nick anymore.”

The lustful look in his light eyes hardened and he sat up, but didn’t release me from his hold. “I told you I won’t let you out of that deal.”

“I’m not asking to be out, I just don’t want to deal with Nick anymore.” I surprised myself with how calm and level I sounded.

His eyes narrowed and fingers curled around the back of my neck. “Who do you want to deal with, Gage?”

I shook my head, testing his grip. “No. Silas.”

His hold relaxed some as the tension slipped from his fingers. “Silas is Nick’s man. Nick would still be the one you had to deal with. What’s wrong sweetheart, he not treating you well?” His hand circled around my waist and I moved my hand to grab the gun tucked into the back of my jeans before he could.

His eyes widened as I pulled it out, and his hand covered mine as we moved it to the table. “I’m only getting it out of the way,” I explained carefully.

He nodded with a smile and grabbed my now empty hand in his. “I like that you carry it. But back to what you were saying. You don’t want to deal with Nick, and you can’t deal with just Silas, so who?” The glint in his eye told me he was willing to negotiate this and his hand was in my hair, tugging my head back to give his lips access to my neck.

I twisted in his arms and brought one leg over his lap to straddle him. Pushing down my screaming thoughts that wanted me to stop, I continued, “You. I only want to deal with you.”

His hand gripped around my waist, holding me in place. He leaned his head back on the seat and shifted his hips beneath me, bringing my attention to how hard he was for me already. “Nobody else?”

I shook my head. “No one else.”

His hands slid up my back, pulling me down to his lips. “I can work that out.”

I kissed him with all I could. My body was in a battle with itself, responding to his touch but not wanting to. I had to block the memories of Gage’s hands running over my skin, they were smothering me.

Rusnak’s hands slid under the back of my shirt. Instinct took control and I pulled them down, off of me, as I moved my lips to his neck. He struggled against my grip, but I wasn’t giving in. The one thing I wouldn’t allow was his hands on my scars.

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