Intensity (11 page)

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Authors: C.C. Koen

Tags: #Intensity

BOOK: Intensity
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A blond guy with an expression that said he knew he had it goin’ on motioned me over. The same one I’d seen Mylaynee with and had yet to ask her about. I leaned over the bar and asked, “Can I get you anything?”

“Jack neat.” His phone sex operator voice buzzed in my ear, sending a shiver down my back. Men—damn they were potent.

I fixed his drink and placed it in front of him. Before I could remove my hand, he clasped his on top. Our fingers joined, he lifted the glass, ran his tongue along his bottom lip then swallowed the entire contents. His blue eyes never left mine.

He set the empty on the bar, but didn’t release my hand. Instead, he pushed his mouth to my ear and asked, “What’s your name, beautiful?”

Blankness—what did he say? Pupils in pinpoints, the color so light blue, it felt like I took a swim in the Caribbean.


My eyes closed and registered what he said. I breathed a faint response he couldn’t have heard over the thrumming music. “Serena.”

His body shook, and it sunk in that he found my catatonic state hilarious. “Jax.” I had no issue hearing him, because his lips spelled each letter and sound against my ear. I couldn’t miss it or the vibrations resounding in my eardrum.

Damn. I pulled away and slipped my hand out of his. About to respond, I looked up from those piercing eyes to Linc’s peering over top of him. He pitched his head to the right, pointed to his office, and moved on, expecting me to follow him.

The hunk left behind, I informed Sage of my break. The closer I got to his door, the more my nerves hopped. As much as I wanted to delay this, I knocked once and entered. He looked regal behind his desk; hands clenched on top, face expressionless, not revealing a clue. I sat and waited for him to speak.

“I just got back from B.B.’s.”

I didn’t talk, just listened, expecting him to elaborate and deliver my punishment. Gram always taught me to respect authority. Since I was an employee, even though I kinda slept with him, he got my full attention—as the boss.

“She told me an interesting story.”

I didn’t move, just remained mindful. Again, no reply.

He leaned back and cut to the chase. “She said you attacked her.”

Taken aback, I shifted around in my seat and calculated a response. “That’s interesting.” I reinforced my shoulder against the padded armchair, trying to gauge his position and how he might respond to employees not getting along.

“Come over here, Serena,” he commanded, but in a very soft voice, pointing down to the empty space beside his desk.

I shuffled forward, similar to my death-defying Ferris wheel movements. When I got closer, he grabbed my twisting hands and pulled me into his lap, cradling me in his arms. “What happened?”

“Linc…I hope you’ll understand, but I’d like to keep it between me and B.B.” I scanned his face, but he masked it so well I had no idea the outcome. I’d never been in trouble at work before, so this was new to me.

He leaned back, and the chair tilted with our combined weight, knocking me off balance and bumping my shoulder into his chin. I began to get up but his hold on me tightened, locking me in place. “Let me know if I need to intervene.” His response calm and sure, punctuated with a peck to my temple.

Heart lightened some, my wringing hands relaxed in my lap. Stunned by his understanding nature and the fact he didn’t fire me for assaulting another employee, I remained speechless, nodding my reply.

“There’s something else we need to talk about.” His ominous tone and hundred eighty- degree change made the air stuffy, and his tightened arms strangled my waist, forcing the breath from my lungs. On high alert, my spine stiffened and my fingers and toes cramped from clenching over and over. No idea where this might be headed, I let him speak first, again.

“Stay away from Jax.”

My mind flitted to the bar and what he must have seen. Crap. I didn’t know what to say, so I nodded again.

He must have accepted it, because he reverted to our first topic. “B.B. can’t work tonight, and I have a client interested in Sage. Paulette’s there. You two okay or do you need help?”

Grateful for the reprieve and ready to get back to work, I quick-stepped it toward the exit. “We’re good. You want me to get Sage?”

“No, beautiful, I’ll be out in a minute and introduce her.”

On that note, I scooted out, unsettled by the events and the entire exchange. An ache growing in my head warned of an impending migraine.

Get your act together, Serena. Don’t screw this up.

“You ready to go?” Paulette asked after drying the last glass. “You look like you’re gonna fall over.”

“I’m so ready for bed. These hours are killing me.” I kicked off my heels and looped the straps around my fingers. “I have to get Linc. Go ahead without me. I’ll turn the lights off.”

“You sure? I could wait.”

“Nah, go. He wants me to walk back with him.”

She laughed and tossed the towel on the counter. “Yeah,
wants you to.” She winked and waved on her way out. “See ya. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she yelled loud enough to be heard in the next town.

I nudged the door open and came to an abrupt stop. B.B. had both hands jammed in Linc’s long hair, sucking his face off. His back to me, neither noticed I’d entered. My heart lodged in my throat. Unable to stomach another second, I dashed back to my apartment.

After a lot of tossing and turning, exhaustion somersaulted me into an intense dream about a knight in shining armor. Distant pounding pulled me out of it. Groggy, I rolled over and covered my head with a pillow, but the hammering didn’t stop. What the heck? I peeked at the clock—four in the morning.
Ugh, go away.
A bang and thump like someone kicked my door down got me out of bed.

Drowsy, I stutter-stepped down the hall and squinted through the peephole. I flipped the lock, and before I could turn the knob, Linc rushed in, scooting me back to my warm mattress. Too tired to argue or talk, I crawled in and collapsed.

In the distance, I heard him discarding clothes. He slid in behind me and spooned my back, whispering, “Go back to sleep, Serena.” He nuzzled my neck devotedly, and I did as he said.

My alarm blared with an insistent beep. Warm cozy arms snuggled around me, pulling me backward while I hit the off button. In the same motion something else got turned on. Or should I say,
. Linc draped his leg over top of mine, and trailed butterfly kisses across my shoulder, along my neck, and made an emergency landing on my lips. Greeting—
good morning,
Linc style.

I mumbled against his insistent mouth, “Shower. Millers.” He froze and dropped his face in the pillow. “Get up.” His steady breathing and closed eyes could’ve been mistaken for sleeping, but I knew better. Hmph, big faker.

Draped over me like a human blanket, I inched an arm loose and pinched his side. “Linc—” I couldn’t contain the snort that escaped. “I mean it. I have to go.
. You’re crushing me.”

No response.

I pushed on his ribs, demanding, “I…” shove, “can’t…” nudging my chin into his shoulder, “get…” smacking his butt, “up…” bucking beneath the behemoth I yelled, “with
on me.” Uncontrollable giggles took over as he pressed two hundred-plus pounds into me, smashing me flat against the mattress and knocking any remaining oxygen out my body. “You’re making me late. Move, I can’t breathe.” My plea sounded like gurgling water since I tried to suck in air while laughing and talking at the same time.

He cracked up too. His hot and husky baritone tickled my ear and other primed intimate spots, every one of my muscles thrumming from waves of aftershocks as his body rocked against mine. Dang it. During his next disappearing act, my vibrator would be getting a lot of attention.

He picked up his head; long, black hair nestled each side of my face—
. Damn him. He smelled like heaven in the morning, and I no doubt had goat breath.

Oh God, he’s going to make me fall in love with him.

I called myself every foul name in the book. Get a clue, girl, B.B. had him. Face the facts.

He rolled to the other side, crossing an arm over his brow.

I jumped up and shuffled toward the bathroom. Unable to resist, I glanced back and examined the charming man who had no idea the power he had to destroy my naive heart.

He peeked out from under his arm. “I’ll make coffee and bring it to you.”

Once I’d escaped to the bathroom, I sank to the floor and dropped my head into my shaking hands. A screeching, frustrated scream echoed in the enclosed space, and right now, I didn’t care one bit if he heard me.

Yep, one more complication to add to the list.

High gas prices and the fact I needed to save money compelled me to jog most places. Linc’s morning antics put me behind schedule, and I had no choice but to drive. After I saw my car, I called Mrs. Miller and told her I’d be late.

Mylaynee opened her door with a fruit drink in hand, her version of morning java. “Hey, girl, I thought you’d be gone by now.”

“Yeah, me too. I have a flat. Can you drive me?”

“Sure, let me get my keys. I have some packages to drop off at the post office anyway.” She handed me a box, picked up another one, and snatched her purse. “Let’s go.”

When we got in the garage she pointed at my tire. “You should call Linc. He’ll fix it and come get you later.”

“I’m not botherin’ him. Besides, I’ll run back, it’s no big deal.”

“Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. He’ll want to help, that’s how he is. And since it’s you, he’ll be pissed you didn’t tell him.”

I shrugged and ignored her. It wasn’t a big deal. I could handle simple car repairs. He had other stuff to worry about, and I doubt he’d get bent out of shape over something so trivial.

After we got in her cool sports car, she revved the engine and drove me to work, breaking every speed limit and racing record known to mankind.

I got several calls on my way home, resulting in four new accounts. I asked how they found out about me, and even though their explanations seemed logical, they were unusual. Maybe Lady Luck took pity, throwing me a bone. Or it might be a trend, and just the help I needed to hire an attorney sooner rather than later.

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