Intentional Abduction (11 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Intentional Abduction
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Unconsciously, she backed up until she hit the wall.

He stopped just before her. “You are the most vexing female I’ve ever encountered.”

“Really, because I’m just a pale shadow compared to real Zonians,” she retorted.

“But you are not a Zonian.”

“Perhaps not in looks, but in everything that counts, I am.”

“Are you not curious at all about your origins? My computer says you are human, probably from the barbarian planet Earth.”

“Our past has no place in the present,” she repeated by rote despite the inner urge that begged her to find out what else he knew.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais

“It should because the customs you are trying so desperately to cling to are not your own. In your culture, females, after some mating rituals, choose one male to breed with. The pair most often stay together to raise the children they choose to have.”

“How do you know this?”

“Research. It is common knowledge if you but ask the computer. Of course, our knowledge about your homeworld is limited due to its protected status, but if you truly were of a mind to discover the cultures of your people, I am sure my brother’s mate would happily discuss it with you.”

“She’s like me?”

“Yes, right down to the annoying factor. Oddly enough, my brother finds her irritating ways endearing. But he always was strange. I thankfully don’t suffer from the same malady.”

“Well excuse me for annoying the frukx out of you,” she snapped. “It must be my barbarian gene making itself known.”

“You’re forgiven.” She could have sworn humor laced his comment, not an easy thing to tell with the cloak covering his face. “Enough talking, princess. Time to get dressed, or is this your way of saying you want to feel my 116

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais hands on your body again? I’m sure I could delay our excursion long enough to please your insatiable side.” Truthfully, she did want to feel him touching her and then plowing her with his thick cock, but to admit it smacked of desperation. He’d made it clear his dislike of her despite his use of her body. She also did not, despite her brave words, wish to parade about in the nude which left her with only one irritating choice.

In silence, she grudgingly put on the outfit as he leaned against the wall watching with a seemingly negligent air. Dressed, she looked down at herself with a moue of annoyance. “I think I was less conspicuous naked.” The filmy skirt, made of thin strips, hid her sex, and yet didn’t, the soft fabric clinging to her pubic area, delineating it. She could only imagine how her backside looked. The silken top appeared even more sheer, the material molding to her nipples and breasts, the rings of her piercings clearly visible.

“Frukx!” His expletive made her look at him and she couldn’t miss the hard bulge which stretched the skimpy cloth around his loins. Whirling, he rummaged through a hole that opened in the wall at his barked command. Without looking, he flung a wadded up bundle at her.

“Put it on.”

“It” turned out to be a long cloak that covered her head to toe. She found it odd. After all, he’d given her the 117

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais damned outfit to wear and now apparently he didn’t want her to be seen in it. It didn’t matter to her one way or another.

Their excursion off the ship meant she’d soon plan her escape, before any brothel that bought her thought they could put her to work.

But it seemed their preparations weren’t done. He approached her gripping something, and when she saw what he held, she did fight, calling him every vile name she could think of, but in the end, his greater strength won—but not without her giving him some blows that would bruise up nicely. He led her from the room holding the leash that snapped onto the neck of a collar he’d placed on her.

As she stood stiffly beside him as they waited for the docking bay door to open, she ignored his softly murmured,

“I’m sorry for the leash and collar. Trust me when I say it’s for the best and will keep you safe where we are going.”

“So would a knife,” she snapped.

“If I give you one, will you promise not to use it on me?”

His clear eyes met hers, and she hated the way she still melted under his gaze after his treatment and humiliation.

“I’ll carve you with my own fingernails if I get a chance.” Instead of rebuking her, the jerk laughed then yanked her off ship like some fancy pet on a leash while she mentally detailed the ways she’d kill him.


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Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais
Chapter Eleven

Jaro probably deserved some of the choice names she muttered under her breath as he let her trail behind him. The outfit she wore
the only feminine garment he could locate onboard, almost ended up shredded when he saw how lusciously it outlined her body. As opposed to covering her bountiful curves, it served to enhance them, hence the cloak to cover her until he could get her to the shops to purchase new outfits. It was that or fight off every male who got a look at her.

The leash, well, he’d only partially told the truth about its purpose. Yes, collared slaves tended to not get harassed—

as much—however, his purpose lay more in making sure she didn’t escape him—that and he perversely enjoyed the idea of having her under his control. But he’d known as soon as he pulled it out that he wouldn’t get it around her neck without a fight.
So much for getting her to like me.

Seduction and flowery words, such as his cousins used, didn’t come easy to him. Females usually saw his prowess and threw themselves at his feet. Well, more like on top of his cock. Simple. He’d never before needed to make one like him. He wasn’t even sure it was possible.
I am who I
am; warrior, mercenary, and, if required, assassin. I don’t know how to

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais
step into the role of lover.
And the more time he spent with Aylia, the more he wished he knew how.
Maybe I should ask Tren.

Once upon a time, he used to be as uncouth as I, yet, he stil managed to
get his female to love him.
Perhaps his brother found a magical potion that made her ignore all his numerous flaws? He’d have paid a large sum of credits to get his hands on such a cure.

Although, mayhap if she liked him and didn’t constantly test his patience, he wouldn’t find himself with the overwhelming need to possess her. Could the challenge she posed form the root of his unnatural attraction to her? If she stopped fighting him, would he lose interest?

Peering back over his shoulder into her scowling countenance—adorable even though her eyes shot daggers at him—he somehow doubted it. His fiery Zonian princess had somehow wormed her way into the heart he’d thought lost, and he doubted anything short of a betrayal of epic proportions would ever oust her.
Or a lobotomy because surely I’m
insane to even think about letting myself care for a female again.

As they approached the marketplace, the throng of alien bodies grew dense, and he wound her leash around his fist, reeling her in to tuck her protectively against his side.

Redheaded spitfire or not, she didn’t possess the size to protect herself from some of the brutes in this place. To his surprise, she allowed him to nestle her against him, her arm 121

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais even curling around his waist while her hand rested on his hip. For a moment, he basked in the sensation of walking as a couple, closely entwined.

Of course, he’d temporarily forgotten whom he dealt with. Before she could fully pull the knife from the sheath at his side, he caught her wrist and laughed at her growl of annoyance. “And just what do you plan to do with that?”

“Gut you.”

“You wound me,” he replied mockingly.

“Not as much as I’d like to,” she mumbled as he veered their steps and swung them into an alley. The stench of the garbage thrown haphazardly was not entirely pleasant, but at least it brought them out of the crowd, and gave them a semblance of privacy.

The hand he held tugged in an attempt to free itself.

Not likely. He yanked it up over her head before snatching her other, already balled into a fist and preparing to swing. He forced it to join the first. She didn’t like the submissive posture at all and she bucked in his grip, twisting her body while inflicting bruises with her well-aimed knees. But he’d suffered worse, so he ignored her attempt to escape as he engulfed both her frail wrists in one of his hands, leaving his other free to wind the leash around them, binding her.

Holding her bound hands over her head, he used his other one to spread her cloak, revealing her partially bared midriff.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais He tickled his fingers across her skin and held back an urge to grin in achievement when she sucked in her breath. Despite her attempts to hurt him, she couldn’t seem to resist his touch. He’d exploit that weakness—and enjoy doing it.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her lips pushed out in a sulk probably because he’d foiled her attempt to skewer him.

“I can’t just let your attempt to disembowel me go unpunished, now can I?”

She braced herself, her whole body rigid and her lips drawn tight, probably expecting retaliation, but instead of pain, he intended to employ a better solution to her trespass.

His lips found hers for a hungry kiss, something he’d longed to indulge in since he’d seen her put on that tantalizing outfit.

While his mouth clung to hers—nibbling and coaxing hers to open—his hand curved around her waist. The heat of her skin almost scorched him. He swayed into her, the crisscrossing leather straps on his chest not hindering his need to feel her against him, skin to skin. He rubbed against the silken fabric of her top, which hugged her breasts, the friction of his motion turning her nipples into hard points that poked him.

Her back arched, her need spoken without words. He brought his free hand up to cup one heavy globe, his thumb brushing over the straining peak, drawing a cry from her.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais

“Stop,” she panted against his mouth.

“Why?” he asked absently, too intrigued by the feel of her heavy breast resting in his palm to give her command a second thought. He ducked his head and gave in to temptation, drawing the peak in his mouth, fabric and all.

She moaned loudly in enjoyment before twisting her body and muttering. “No. No. This isn’t right.”

“Feels fine to me,” he teased as he plucked at the tip with his lips, grabbing the piercing to tug and twist, drawing a gasp from her.

“Anyone could see us.” Her reply made him realize she remained still only too aware of their public, if tucked away, location.

“Then I’ll kill them.” And he meant it too. It seemed he’d discovered something worth pleasing and protecting.

But perhaps, he could use her plea to have her concede to him—or at least promise a truce. “I’ll stop, but only if you swear you’ve learned your lesson. Have you? Will you stop trying to kill me?”

“A Zonian never gives up,” was her reply, as expected, and damn him if her eyes didn’t hold a challenge in them, as if daring him to go on.

“Sometimes there is merit in retreating and acknowledging a superior force,” he taunted.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais

“You think too highly of yourself. I will never bow to you.”

No, but you wil scream.
Dared by a female who didn’t even reach his chin, it was time to show her that ceding could have its benefits. His fingers weaved their way under the fabric covering her cleft and stroked her. She retained enough wits to try and push him way, undulating her body against his, her teeth nipping his lip. However, he knew her capable of much more. She put up a farce of a fight, her pride not allowing her to give in without a token resistance. By the stars, it endeared her even more to him, damn her.

He thrust back against her, pinning her to the wall as one finger began to rub across her nub. The fight left her as the pleasure he could invoke took over, leaving her panting and writhing, straining for that blissful peak. He buried his face in the crook of her shoulder, his breathing just as ragged as he pumped his digits into her. The way she responded to him excited him beyond anything he’d ever known. For once in his life, giving a female pleasure, and not just any female, but Aylia, was all he wanted. To see and hear her as she climaxed, the worthiest goal he’d ever striven for. He sucked on the skin of her neck, leaving a temporary mark of his passion, fighting the urge to leave a permanent one in the form of his teeth, an ancient custom of his people that bound 125

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais a pair together. He wasn’t ready for that type of commitment even if his whole being screamed at him to go for it.

Jaro concentrated on other things, like her mewling cries, how even though she’d unwound her hands from the leash, she clasped his head to her, her fingers tugging tight at his hair. Over and over, he thrust his digits into her, his thumb pressing and rubbing against her swollen clit. The tight wetness of her channel made his cock throb behind the fabric codpiece he wore and he wanted nothing more than to sink himself into her, to let her ride atop his rod until she came with that lusty scream of hers. But he’d started this out as a lesson for her misbehaving and he needed to keep it that way.

Besides, he became completely oblivious when he got between her thighs and let his cock take over. In this dangerous place, he needed at least some of his wits about him—what few he currently had left.

Of course, the more her sweet flesh squeezed his fingers, and the more frantic her cries grew, the less he cared.

A whole squad of soldiers could have surrounded him and he wouldn’t have noticed, so intent did he become on bringing her rapture.

Moving his face from the soft curve of her neck—

and the temptation to leave a ring of his dentition—he watched her face. He saw the moment she reached her climax. Her eyes opened, their clear green depths clouded by 126

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