Intervention: A Science Fiction Adventure

BOOK: Intervention: A Science Fiction Adventure
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J.W. Huemme

Copyright © 2015 by J.W. Huemme

All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

This is a work of
fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents
are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a
fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
or actual events is purely coincidental.

[email protected]

Table of Contents

Dedicated to the memory of
Sheba and Cleo
May you rest in peace
and love
Always and forever and ever

Chapter One

Since the dawn of
mankind, people have looked up at the sky with awe and wonder. There
were so many things that early man could not explain. Things like
comets, meteors, and eclipses remained a mystery until more recent
times. Many early religious beliefs were based upon what people could
see. Although we now understand most of what we see through
scientific study, we continue to look up, searching the skies for
something yet to be understood. To this day, we have yet to see more
than a glimpse of anything we can’t explain. There exists not one
shred of evidence that could offer undeniable proof that other races
have visited our world. This, however, does not mean that it hasn’t

Several thousand years
ago, a craft that today we would consider a miracle of technology,
seemed to appear out of nothingness in the outer edge of our solar
system. This craft was the product of a race of beings millions of
years more advanced than modern man could even imagine. They are the
Agosei, an ancient and highly advanced race, far more so than any of
the many races they have encountered.

The Agosei are a race
that long ago matured beyond war and aggression—a race that lives
in total harmony with not only each other but the universe they
explore as well. These are a people that no longer have need of
economics or currency, no desire for power. This is a race that only
wishes to better themselves as individuals, to expand their knowledge
of the universe in which they live, wanting now only to answer the
age-old question: What’s out there?

Their missions are
always peaceful, involving exploration and information gathering. The
Agosei are able to traverse the great distances necessary for such
missions by shifting into another dimension—a dimension not
governed by the same laws of physics as this one and instead filled
with wormholes connecting all parts of the universe. When they arrive
at a destination, they seem to appear out of nowhere as they shift
back into their current dimension. Traveling from one solar system to
another, they scan, map, and learn everything there is to know about
each solar system they encounter. This is accomplished by the craft
while the Agosei remain in a form of stasis. When deemed necessary,
the craft, controlled by a highly advanced form of artificial
intelligence, brings them out of stasis.

The mission they are
currently on started about seventy of our years ago; it will continue
for another hundred or so years. Upon the mission’s completion, the
craft’s occupants will have aged only a few years.

The craft is a marvel
of technology by any standard. It is composed almost entirely of what
could best be described as a programmable liquid metal the Agosei
, and
it is able to take any shape desired. The craft is able to increase
or decrease its size by increasing or decreasing the thickness of its
outer shell. The only part of the craft not made from the liquid
metal is the control crystal—an artificial intelligence which acts
as an interface between its occupants and the craft. The material,
this programmable liquid metal, is capable of doing most anything. It
is the basis of their technology. It is able to multitask on an
atomic level, serving several purposes simultaneously and can be made
to be a source of propulsion. It can gather energy from a variety of
sources, compute, and, if necessary, be a weapon. There is very
little it cannot do. If one of the beings wants to sit, he only has
to picture a chair and the computer will create a seat from the
liquid metal. It would be as real as any chair, right down to the
touch, feel, and color of the fabric, emerging out of the floor as if
rising out of water.

The craft is controlled
entirely by the craft’s computer and can be directed by any of the
occupants by thought alone, even if they are not physically in the

Compared to us, the
Agosei are small creatures, measuring about four feet in height.
Their skin is pale and almost light grey in color. Their head would
seem to us somewhat large for their bodies. Their face is made up of
two rather large eyes, dark and almond-shaped; a very small nose with
two small holes; and a mere horizontal slit for a mouth with no
noticeable lips. Two small holes, one on each side of their head, act
as ears. Their bodies are completely void of any hair, and on the end
of their long slender arms are hands with only three long fingers and
a single thumb. They are a race we might refer to today as “little

Like so many others,
this was a typical solar system until, as the craft left the fourth
planet and turned its sensors to the fast-approaching third planet,
it detected life. Immediately, the process of releasing the three
Agosei occupants from stasis began. Once fully revived, the Agosei
started monitoring the craft’s sensors. Indeed this was a planet
teaming with life. They detected thousands of species and even
primitive structures indicating intelligent life on the planet.

As their craft entered
the atmosphere, it shifted into another dimension, a dimension of
nothing, a dimension void of even light. This allowed the craft to
remain undetected, even at close range, yet still able to observe its

A planet with
intelligent life is a special find. It is the most precious of all
things in the universe. The Agosei realized, in the blink of an eye,
that this primitive race would evolve and one day reach out to the
stars, just as they did eons ago.

It was during this time
that, what would one day become a ray of hope for all of humanity,
that the Agosei’s craft found its way to our world completely
unnoticed, like a thief in the night. Not to take, but rather to give
the gift of hope for all mankind.

It was a savage time,
with loosely organized groups, individual nomad tribes, and just a
few somewhat organized civilizations like the early ancestors of the
Mayans and Egyptians. These were civilizations overseen by rulers who
enslaved and brutalized their peoples. Truly a time when just
surviving day to day was a major accomplishment.

The first area examined
by the Agosei was what we now refer to as North America. They hovered
low over a group of beings riding on the backs of more primitive
four-legged animals engaged in the pursuit of a large fur-covered
creature. The natives, using a very basic, yet well-organized
strategy, hurled primitive spears into the beast until, with one
final gasp for breath, it fell to the ground.

Nearby, the craft
hovered over a small and primitive encampment where small children
were laughing and playing. The Agosei observed the Natives
disassembling the remains of a similar animal. The beings fashioned
clothing and shelter from the animal hide and cooked the meat over an
open fire to feed their families. They then fashioned tools from its
remaining bones. Nothing was left to waste.

The primitives engaged
in a ceremony giving thanks and praise to the gods for the abundance
of food and water and for their paradise world they had been given to
live in and raise their young.

In a short period of
time, the Agosei determined these were a peaceful people living in
harmony with not only each other, but the world around them. These
were the ancestors of the Native American Indians. The Agosei were
very pleased with what they saw, and holding high hopes for this
newly discovered race, they moved south, continuing their information

They found a
civilization, the early ancestors of what we know of today as the
Mayans. The craft hovered over a large crowd of beings, and they
watched as two others forcefully drug one of the Natives up a set of
steps of a stone pyramid. Once at the top, the Native who was dragged
up the steps was held in a prone position on a table-like platform
and approached by another being dressed in ceremonial clothing and
wielding a large sword. This being, showing absolutely no emotion in
his cold and lifeless eyes, first cut deep into the chest of the one
lying on the table-like object; then with his bare hand, he reached
into the chest and removed the heart. He held this heart high above
his head in the air while yelling to the crowd below, then brought
his sword down with a crushing blow to the victim’s neck, severing
the head from its body, allowing the head to roll down the steps from
which it came.

While the Agosei were
not pleased with what they had just witnessed, they will not
interfere with a planet’s natural development except under special
circumstances. What they had seen, although extremely brutal, did not
qualify as a special circumstance. So, they continued with their
examination of this new planet with its primitive culture. The next
several races they observed were far more primitive than the ones
seen so far. The craft hovered over a small group of primitives,
observing a culture we call hunter-gatherers. Loosely organized, very
primitive, and with only the most basic technology, they seemed
barely able to survive. Traveling in loosely organized groups, they
picked fruits and berries and caught the occasional wild animal
unfortunate enough to be in their path. The Agosei, however,
continued to gather every detail possible about every race they
encountered, no matter how small or insignificant, for this was
life—the rarest and most precious of all things. All of this data
gathered by the craft’s sensors was being stored for later

As the examination of
this world neared its conclusion, the “little grays” had seen
nothing, so far, that would keep this planets inhabitants from
evolving naturally into a race that would one day be welcomed into
the stars. For at this stage of development, a certain amount of
barbarism is natural, until such time as technology is developed
sufficiently to remove the need for such behavior.

The craft moved into an
orbit over one of the last areas to be examined—an area we now know
as Egypt. Here, the Agosei found something of great concern:
brutality surpassing that of the Mayans, coupled with a level of
technology unseen anywhere else on the planet. As the craft hovered
over one of their cities, the Agosei observed the leaders of this
race oppressing and enslaving their own people beyond anything else
seen anywhere on the planet. This oppression was only to support
their own lavish and opulent lifestyle. The separation between the
common people and their leaders was far greater than anything else
they had—the leaders attempted to live as gods. They had also
achieved a level of technology far beyond anything else the Agosei
had seen anywhere on the planet. This oppression coupled with their
level of technology was seen as a very dangerous combination. As soon
as the remaining data was gathered, the three Agosei examined and
discussed what they had witnessed.

All three of the Agosei
conferred seated in a circle to sift through the gathered data. One
after another, they projected a 3-D holographic image over the round
table-like object in the center of the circle. Each of these images
represented each individual’s projection of what the future might
hold if Earth was left on its own without outside interference. None
of the images depicted a very bright future for the planet. Most of
the images indicated the inhabitants of this planet developing
interplanetary space flight capabilities long before they had
developed the necessary level of intelligence and maturity to even
solve the problems they would undoubtedly create in the process. This
could represent a serious threat to other civilizations throughout
the universe.

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