Intimate Betrayal (10 page)

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Authors: Adrienne Basso

BOOK: Intimate Betrayal
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Morgan broke their kiss and gazed into her upturned face. Her lower lip was held tightly between her teeth, her eyes were half closed, her breathing was ragged. He thought she looked magnificent. So warm, so soft, so giving. Her passionate response touched a deep chord within his soul. Feeling a surge of tenderness, he hugged her tightly.
Alyssa felt warm and safe within the circle of Morgan’s strong arms. She adjusted her body, tightening her grip around his neck.
She could feel the pulsating hardness of his manhood pressing against the soft flesh of her belly, and it made her tremble. Curious, she slid her hand down to his lap and touched him. She ran her fingers over his tightly pulled dressing gown, exploring up and down the hard bulge. Morgan sucked in his breath sharply. Yanking her hand away, Alyssa froze.
“Am I hurting you?” she whispered in concern.
Morgan gave a harsh laugh that sounded more like a groan. “If you hurt me any more, love, I shall disgrace myself.”
She smiled, not really understanding.
“Teach me,” she pleaded, surprising them both with her request.
He looked into her innocent, trusting face and felt his heart constrict. He ached with wanting her. Yet he hesitated. Despite her sensual response, Morgan felt certain Alyssa was a virgin. He was not sure she fully understood what she was asking.
He was not, although his reputation with women might indicate otherwise, a despoiler of innocent ladies. Gently he disengaged himself from her arms. Clasping her small hands between his large ones, Morgan gazed deeply into her eyes.
“Do you know what you are asking?”
She nodded.
“We will only be together this one night, Alyssa, but I will try to make it a magical one for us both. Do you understand?”
She nodded again, not trusting her voice.
“Then will you come upstairs with me now, Alyssa? Upstairs and into my bed?” Morgan asked in a solemn voice.
She gazed up into his handsome face and felt her throat tighten with emotion.
It is wrong,
a voice sounded in her head.
How can you even consider such an indecent proposal?
What he was saying went against every moral principle she had ever been taught. But she didn’t care.
“Yes . . . yes, I will come with you.” Her voice was barely audible, but Morgan saw her eyes glisten with determination.
“Come, then,” Morgan replied, letting out the breath he had unconsciously been holding. They rose from the chair simultaneously. Morgan grabbed his nearly extinguished candle in one hand, Alyssa with the other, and led her from the library.
As they climbed the stairs side by side, Alyssa leaned closer against him, resting her head on his upper arm. She hesitated briefly outside his bedchamber, but he still clutched her hand in an iron grip. Pulling her inside, Morgan slammed the door.
He left Alyssa momentarily to place his candle by the bed and bank the unlit fireplace.
“It is cold,” he muttered, rubbing his hands together as he set about starting a new blaze.
He is giving me a chance to change my mind, Alyssa realized, but she stayed rooted to the spot. Leave, her conscience shouted,
leave quickly
. Yet Alyssa could not move.
One night,
another voice inside her called.
Here at last is a chance to experience love, to experience life. Is it so terribly wrong to share one night of passion with this man? This one special memory can warm you on all those cold, lonely nights that will follow.
Alyssa felt as though she were outside her own body, looking down at herself and merely observing, not participating in the moral debate in her mind.
Closing her eyes to shut out the voices, she was startled when Morgan drew her into his arms.
“No regrets?” he queried, giving her a final opportunity. She started to speak, but instead pressed herself hard against him, raising her lips for his kiss.
He attacked her mouth as if he were starving for her, his tongue boldly demanding entrance. Expertly he undid the tiny buttons down the front of her nightgown and placed a warm hand on her bare breast. Softly, gently, Morgan brushed a fingertip lightly from one side to the other over the swelling peak. The nipple stiffened, sending shudders through Alyssa’s body. She felt a dampness between her legs as her breasts swelled, the nipples rising to meet his questing hands.
Morgan pulled the nightgown off Alyssa’s shoulders, and it dropped to her feet. He kissed her neck with tiny sweet kisses, and whispered to her as his lips followed his hands down her silky body to caress her breasts.
“You are beyond beautiful, Alyssa. Your body is perfect: creamy, firm, smooth. ’Tis a crime the way you hide yourself beneath those ugly dresses.” Morgan’s tongue gently stroked her sweet flesh and pert, rosebud nipples.
“Come over to the bed, love, so I may see you better. I want to see your face when I take you. I want to feel you move beneath me. I want to hear you moan with pleasure when I make you mine.”
Morgan was almost out of control as his hands sensually caressed her body. He couldn’t remember ever wanting, needing a woman so intensely. He pushed Alyssa down onto the bed and loomed enticingly above her. His tongue came down and circled her nipple hungrily, suckling at her breast like a babe.
Dropping to his knees he began kissing her mouth again, deeply. While he kissed her, he shrugged out of his dressing gown. Gloriously naked, Morgan lowered his body to hers.
“Touch me,” he breathed against her neck.
Her hand boldly explored the hard muscles of his chest, and she delighted in the springy pelt of hair curling around her fingers. She discovered his nipples, so different from her own. Yet as she pinched them between her fingers, they reacted as hers did, hardening with desire.
“Oh, lord!” he swore huskily, reaching down until he was lightly cupping his palm over her. He stared into her passion-darkened eyes, watching every expression as his knowing fingers caressed the aching core of her womanhood.
“Oh, love, you’ve set me afire,” Morgan whispered into her ear.
Suddenly his finger slipped inside her and Alyssa felt her breath catch in her throat.
“Good lord,” she gasped. He felt her nails dig into his arms, her body tensing under his invasion.
“Follow your feelings, love,” Morgan encouraged, probing further into her slick warmth. He was determined to bring her to fulfillment before claiming her, but she was driving him to distraction with her passionate, giving response.
“Move your hips, Alyssa. Feel the rhythm of your body.”
Alyssa arched her back, making her hips brush against his fingers. She moaned breathlessly, whimpering as the tension began to build.
“What are you doing to me?” she cried, looking into his eyes. Her mind and her body were captivated by this wondrous man, and she continued to stare hypnotically into his silver-gray eyes as his strong, sensual fingers worked their magic. She felt the pressure building and she moved her hips faster and faster, concentrating on his mesmerizing eyes, his masterful mouth, his beautiful face. As she reached the crest of excitement, the pressure broke and the pleasure washed over her entire being.
Morgan experienced endless delight watching the wonder and enchantment on her face as her body exploded in ecstasy. His own body was hard, throbbing, and aching for release. Wild, rippling feelings pulsed through him, and Morgan knew he could wait no longer.
“Spread your legs,” he said hoarsely.
Alyssa did as he commanded, not fully comprehending, still too caught up in the enjoyment of the experience to much care. Morgan positioned himself and, reaching down, parted her softness. Kissing her deeply, he sheathed himself within her silky warmth.
He thrust forward and felt her body recoil from the assault as he broke through her maidenhead. He realized instantly he had taken her too roughly, but her uninhibited passion had pushed him beyond control.
Alyssa cried out at the unexpected pain, pressing frantically on his chest to remove him. She felt as though she were being torn in half. Morgan withdrew slightly and she tried to squirm out from under him.
He was instantly still.
“I’m sorry, love,” he murmured, resting up on his elbows, his breath coming in gasps. “Lord, you are so sweet, so tight, ’tis driving me wild. Try to relax; the pain shall pass.”
Alyssa forced her body to go limp. Slowly Morgan started to move, but she immediately tensed again.
“It hurts,” she whispered.
“Oh, hell,” he cursed loudly, knowing he was causing her pain, but unable to stop himself. Grabbing her buttocks, he lifted her toward him and thrust. She groaned at the burning sensation as he moved against her, but did not try to pull away.
Slowly, gradually, the pain subsided, and Alyssa felt herself becoming caught up in the rhythm of his lovemaking. She clung to Morgan, moving her hips tentatively in response. She could feel his body change, become tense as his movements became more urgent, harder, deeper, faster. He grew even larger inside her, and then suddenly Morgan stopped and cried out, spilling his seed. Spent, he collapsed on top of her.
After a few moments, Morgan came up on his elbows, trying to regain control of his breathing. Lightly he caressed her damp face and hair. Alyssa thought he had never looked more handsome. His hair was in wild disarray, his face covered with a thin layer of sweat. She touched the wetness near his brow, and he grabbed her finger in his mouth playfully.
“Forgive me, sweetheart.”
She winced slightly as he withdrew from her and rolled to his back. Turning to face him, Alyssa got her first frontal view of Morgan’s body. She gasped loudly.
“My God, you’re bleeding,” she cried in alarm, pointing to his semierect manhood.
Before Morgan could explain, Alyssa jumped from the bed. She returned quickly with a clean cloth and a basin of water. Gently and naturally she bathed him, showing no embarrassment at performing such an intimate act for him. He watched her sweet face closely as she ministered to him, and he felt himself begin to stiffen again.
After she rinsed the cloth clean, he sat up and took it from her, pushing her down onto the bed.
“I’m sorry I took you so roughly,” he said. “The blood is from your maidenhead, love, not from me.” As he spoke, Morgan placed the damp cloth between her thighs, washing off the blood. The cool cloth felt good against her tender skin. She took the cloth from him when he was finished, and placed it in the basin on the small table near the bed.
Then she expertly fluffed three pillows against the headboard for Morgan to recline on. When he was comfortably situated, she snuggled up to his naked chest, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Hold me,” she said simply. And he did.
Morgan adjusted his leg more comfortably against her and pulled up the blankets. It felt oddly natural, holding her thus. He softly kissed her temple while she absently stroked his chest, curling her fingers through the crisp hairs.
“It was a very . . . interesting experience,” Alyssa murmured.
“Interesting!” Morgan howled, not sure he liked her description of what had just transpired. “A man does not appreciate his lover referring to him as interesting, my dear.”
His lover! The words had such a marvelously wicked sound, they made Alyssa smile and say, “Shall I instead sing your praises, Your Grace?”
“You impudent baggage.” He gave her a carefree grin. “I do believe we are acquainted well enough for you to address me by my given name. Don’t you agree?”
“Of course, Morgan.” She blushed. “It is a strange occurrence—this intimacy between men and women.”
“Did you enjoy our intimacy?”
Alyssa considered his question. “Yes.” She burrowed her face in his muscular chest. “Especially the beginning. Is it always so . . . so earth-shattering?”
“Only if you are very lucky,” he answered, trying to recall such complete contentment after making love with a woman. “I am sorry I was so rough. Do you still hurt?”
“Just a bit,” she lied, not really caring about the pain. It had been a wondrous experience for Alyssa, and she had no regrets, at least not now.
Morgan lifted his head to look down at her. “Next time will be better, sweet, I promise,” he said, stroking her hair. “No maidenhead, no pain, just wild, rampant pleasure. Would you like that?”
“Ummm,” she murmured, her mind filling with erotic images. “But I’m afraid there won’t be another time, Morgan. I must return to my room. It shall be light soon, and Mavis will wonder what has become of me.”
Morgan abruptly sat up, realizing it was nearly dawn. He also realized their magical night had come to an end, and his mood turned from contentment to melancholy. Only this one night together, he had told her, but now he deeply regretted those words. He wanted more from her, much more. Yet he must tread carefully.
“Are you determined to go to Cornwall, Alyssa? Is there nothing I can do to persuade you to stay?”

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