Intimate Knowledge Book 1 Part 2 (3 page)

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The one I now own. 

I watch her possessively, vowing to own her just as surely.

Standing close behind her, my emotions take over and my voice drops to a low toned timbre.  “This exhibit touches you, this painting in particular.  You open up and spill out around it.  I saw you here that night at the opening.”  I pause letting the information sink in, allowing her to consider the image of me watching her with her emotions exposed.  “Watching you…you were entranced.” 

She looks straight ahead, her eyes not leaving the painting.  She is so still I know I am reaching her, touching her, caressing her with my own exposed emotions thick and tight in my voice.  “You entranced me, Raisa.  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you…stop fantasizing… stop wanting...” 

I resist the raging urge to touch her, to heat her body with my own.  I want her to take this in logically, not physically.  “When I saw you in my kitchen this morning, for a moment, I actually believed the strength of my desire conjured you up.”  My voice ends in a muffled growl as I relive the power of that moment.

She turns then and steps back from me creating a distance between us.  I see a fleeting echo of matching passion in her wide eyes before she favors me with her enigmatic, faraway look.  When she speaks, her voice takes on an aggressive note that pushes me to arm’s length, but I can detect a trembling, heated tone at odds with her words. 

“Look, I’m very flattered, Mr. Gold.  I apologize if I have given you the wrong impression this morning, but I am one of your grandmother’s pledges.  Her rules are very clear on fraternization.  I am not one of your Boston rich, society girls.  Your father’s scholarship means a lot to me.”

She has chosen her words well.  They are meant to remind me of my position of power and responsibility over her as the Mr. Gold in the Gold Legacy Scholarship.  She is hoping to inspire a sense of duty and perhaps some shame over my ‘improper’ advances.  I cross my arms giving her the distance she seems to need without backing off.  My muffled growl of before now becomes full fledged.

“Nice try, Raisa.  Not a bad strategy.  It might even work if I actually gave a flying fuck about any of what you just said.  I am quite capable of handling my grandmother and her archaic rules.  And my father’s scholarship originates from tainted, blood money.  You are better off without it.  I have more than enough uncontaminated wealth to take care of you and any of your needs, scholarship or otherwise.

My words jolt her out of her affected pose, unnerving her.  Her eyes blink and she rolls the brochure in her hands, mangling it.  I push my advantage, leaning in to tell her.  “Oh and lose the Mr. Gold.  It’s Leo.  Get used to saying it.  To the feel of it on your tongue.  You will be moaning it and screaming it when I am thrusting deep inside you.”  I take a step closer and she does not back off.  I look her straight in the eye.  She draws in her breath, but she does not flinch and looks straight back, while I inform her quietly.  “I intend to fuck you so deep and fill you so completely, it will feel like I’m still throbbing inside you all the next day and my name will be pounding just as deep and full inside your head.”

We stare at each other, our breathing indicative of our heightened emotions.  Her body shows some signs of the effect of my words, but her face is unreadable.  Despite my excitement, my instincts start to hone in.  She has too much control, too much finesse for a twenty-eight year old law student who works part-time as an admin clerk.  My eyes and thoughts narrow.  Any other woman I know would be blatantly aroused by now.  My graphic and blunt seduction tactics have always worked in the past.  Women like to be sexually shocked, especially the women I mix with.  I make up for it with plenty of tender romance later.

Raisa Gordon is clearly nothing like any of the women I have known.

She straightens, throws back her shoulders, favors me with another enigmatic look and says, flat voiced.  “Thanks for the warning.”  After a pause, she pointedly adds.  “

Hell.  She is a cool one.  I start to grow excited at the challenge.  Conquering her could be the ultimate turn on.  There will be no swift seduction here.  I move back, giving us both space to regroup.


Chapter Seven

I hold our stare across the acceptable distance he has maintained throughout his blunt declaration.  It hardly matters.  The heat generated by our connection eradicates the space between us.  Just as the subtle sexuality of capturing my hand destabilized me, his correct physical remoteness intensifies the power of his words.  Satisfied with my sardonic come back, I maintain my bland expression, but my body and inner turmoil threaten to betray me big time.  I need to get away from his blatant magnetism.  Breaking the stare with a blink, I make my escape by using every woman’s natural refuge.  With a muttered excuse, I head to the john.  Walking slowly at first, I practically break into a run once I am out of his sight.

It’s Leo.  Get used to saying it.  To the feel of it on your tongue.

How could he manage to make the simple practice of saying his name seem so shatteringly erotic?  I feel weak as I surrender to the chemistry I managed to resist in the gallery.  Turning on the tap, I run cold water over my wrists.  My pulse and breathing gradually achieve normality as I lay my forehead against the mirror.  I give myself a long, hard, appraising look.  My cheeks are flushed, my breasts are moving in little heaves, my eyes are aglow.  Even worse, what the mirror fails to reveal are my clenched pelvis and wet pussy. 

This cannot keep up, Raisa girl.  You need some serious intervention here.  Yeah, intervention.  Exactly!  I look around.  The room is deserted.  Although I know we are the only visitors to the gallery this afternoon, the taboo nature of my intention makes me check the cubicles just to be sure.  I settle myself in the small seating area.  The chair I choose faces a mirror that reflects the door so I will know if I am in danger of interruption in the midst of my guilty pleasure.

It shouldn’t take too long.  His image has always managed to bring me off in a matter of minutes.  Now I am familiar with the real thing it should be even faster.  I usually have my vibrator to help the process, but with my state of high arousal since this morning, along with his slick brand of mind fuckery out there in the gallery, I reckon my hands will do just fine.  Unzipping and slipping my fingers down into my jeans, I swipe along my panties.  They are soaked.  I gasp as my fingers brush against my wet, engorged clit.  Sweet Jesus, I am so primed.

Lying back, I sink into the luxury of remembering the magnificent view of him this morning.  His tanned, oiled torso.  The rippling muscles, tight abs and pecs.  His shirt stretching across his shoulders as he gulped down that beer with a primal growl.  I press on my clit, rotating my hips.  He had to have been rock hard when he saw me.  I imagine him grinding that hardness cruelly against me and I arch into him.  I remember the look on his face that told me how much he wanted me.  I follow that through in my mind coupling it with the heat of his declaration at the exhibit.  He picks me up and carries me off, throwing me on his bed.

My imagining breaks down a bit here, as I have no picture in my mind for his bedroom.  I switch the scene to his study as he thrusts me down to sink into the leather of his two-seater.  I can almost smell the leather and feel his hard cock grind against my clit. 
Oh God, yes, yes.  That’s good, so good.
I thrust my hand down into my panties, applying deep, long fast strokes to my labia and clit.  I turn to my side picturing him behind me on the chair spooned against my body, his hand down my panties, stroking firm and fast, his long fingers pinching, pressing and circling.  His voice and tongue are hot in my ear.

My name, cara…you will be moaning it and screaming it when I am thrusting deep inside you.

“Leo.”  It is wrung out of me along with the shattering orgasm.  “Leo.”  I gasp it and collapse, my breath coming in heaves.  Oh my God, that was fucking kickass.  I lie back against the chair with my eyes closed and let the spasms leave me and do their sweet work.  At least now, I won’t be so sexually wound up around him.  Or such a wimp around his disarming charisma.

As the afterglow sweeps over me, unbidden sensations steal in.  I feel his arms supporting me, stopping me from falling, his voice in my ear. 
“Careful, Raisa, it’s a very, long way down.”
The heat of his body behind me, the support of his arms. 
“You’re safe, cara.  Relax.  I have you.”

I shiver at the memory and then it merges into desire.  His arms hold me close in the afterglow, his rich voice thick with intimacy. 
….the feel of my name on your tongue.

His long fingers capture my cheek and chin as he turns my head up to meet his lips and kiss me possessively. 

Only it is no longer in my head.
NO. No. Noo! 

My eyes fly open and I look across to the mirror, my heart pounding at his touch, his startling materialization standing behind me shocking me out of my daydream. 
!  Where did he come from?  Immersed in my pleasure he must have entered without my hearing. 

Please, please do not let it be that he came in when
was coming.  Please let it be that he only saw the very end of my self-help scenario.  Please do
let him have witnessed my pathetic girly abandon to orgasmic delight over him.

The heat in his eyes doesn’t leave me much hope and I decide attack is the surest form of defense.  I sit up, zip my jeans and pull away from his touch sending him an accusing look in the mirror.  No way can I turn to face him.

“What are you doing?  This is the ladies’ room.  You can’t just walk in here and creep up on me.”

Placing a hand on either side on the back of the chair, his reflection gives me a knowing look as he tells me in a sensual tone.  “Oh I think I can when I hear a certain lady calling my name.”  He pauses and gives me another heated look in the mirror before adding.  “Twice” 

He is courteous enough not to add ‘while climaxing’ or ‘in rapture’.  His hungry expression is not as well mannered.  It makes it clear to us both that he knows his name was drawn from me in the heat of orgasm.

I want to bury my face in my hands and sink into the floor.  This has to be one of my worst nightmares.  Caught out masturbating by the subject of my desire is beyond humiliating.  So why does my body find it seriously hot?  So much for my plan to intervene and halt, or at least slow down my libido.  My pussy is pulsing and moisture is pooling around the entrance to my womb just as copiously as before.  I fail to answer him and avoid his gaze.

He eases me back against the chair and bends to whispers in my ear with a hot hunger in his voice.  “It excites me to know you can follow my instructions so well and so immediately, il mio tesoro.”  He turns my face towards him and I see his excitement in the dilation of his pupils, the smoky gold flecks almost disappearing in the blaze of his lust.

A heat very different from embarrassment flows through me at the blatant evidence of his need for me and his use of the Italian endearment.  What woman wouldn’t melt when the man of her dreams calls her his treasure? 

A detective on an undercover mission that is who!

I try desperately to salvage my sense of duty and struggle to use my mechanism, but it is no use, I am too far-gone
still too deeply taken by the afterglow and his hot tender touch and voice.  I turn my face back and just stare stupidly at him in the mirror.

He emits a satisfied growl and my stomach flips when he encircles my waist with one arm to pull me up out of the seat and hold me with my back, and buttocks hot against him.  I squeak in fright and surprise as he has me facing the wall in two powerful strides.  He lets me slide sensuously down from him to slowly ease, tortuously, over his hard erection to stand on shaky legs.  His hands travel up from my waist in one accord as I slide down and he imprisons my upper arms and raises them to lay my hands flat on the wall in a captive pose.  His palms cover my hands on either side, easily engulfing them.

The heat of his body flows into me and his hot breath is above me as he nuzzles into my hair.  “You can’t deny your feelings after this, Raisa.”  The honeyed caress in the way he says my name is more tempting than any endearment and I moan and melt back into him for just a moment before I regain my senses.  “Admit it.”  He insists gently.

I take a deep breath and struggle to curb the emotion rampant in me at this hugely erotic position and the confident passion in his voice.  He waits patiently as I try to outlast him, the sound of both our breathing pounding in my ears, the feel of his heartbeat pulsing in unison with mine against my back.  Finally, I can take it no more and I come clean in a strangled whisper.

“Okay, I admit it!  But just because I feel this way doesn’t mean I want these sensations or intend to act on them.”  I strive to inflect some disdain into my tone.  “Why do you think I am in here, playing with myself?”

“Because you are a coward, cara mia.”  He chastises me fiercely.

The twisted truth in his low-drawled assertion punches me in the gut and I push back against him and turn, making a play to get away from him.  He stops me, his arms caging me, his strong, muscular leg thrusting between my reluctant thighs.  His body is so close on mine, his heat pulses through me in waves.  Gliding his long fingers under my nape, he softly seizes my braid in an erotic claiming that alluringly commands me.

“Yield to me, Raisa.”


Chapter Eight

“Yield to me, Raisa.”

It is an order, but it is a seductive one, his voice a caress in my ear, his teeth gently nibbling, easing a sweet fire through my entire body.  His lips are on my throat, his tongue trailing lightly along my collarbone.  The sizzling sensations make me light-headed and my will to resist ebbs quietly away.  I have never felt this way in a man’s arms, never wanted to surrender so totally.  I tilt my chin up towards him, offering my lips.

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