Read Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Vivian Wood

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Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology (12 page)

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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His hands squeezed her hips, and his mouth
found hers once again. This time his kiss was firmer, more
insistent. Her wolf could sense his wolf, feel the need for
dominance that he was holding tightly in check. She shivered,
anticipation a living thing inside her.

Lucas was so warm and hard against her body,
his kiss growing more insistent. He nipped and licked, coaxing her
mouth open and causing sudden flutter of heat low in her body, a
flicker of flame that she hadn’t expected. His hands gripped her
hips, then slid down to cup her ass.

He lifted her off her feet and backed her up
against the rough cedar railing, moving her as though she were
weightless. Her eyelids drifted down, and she sighed into his kiss.
His body shifted against hers, and his touch grew less tentative.
He released her mouth, pulling back and running his eyes over her
body, her breasts straining against the neckline of her

Lucas raised his hand to brush her breast, and
her breath hitched. He didn’t pause to cup her breast or tease her
suddenly sensitive nipples, and she gave a short growl. Still, he
ran his hand up over her collarbone and caressed her neck. She let
her head fall back, savoring his touch. His fingertips trailed up
her nape, making her shiver, and he thrust his fingers into the
heavy curtain of her hair.

He spread his legs and wrapped his free arm
around her neck, caging her with his body. Dominating, giving his
wolf rein.

Look at me,” Lucas ordered.
Aurelia looked up at him, lips parted on a sigh.

Lucas looked into her eyes for a long moment,
searching for something. A wicked smile curved his lips suddenly,
and his fingers tightened in her hair. Not enough to hurt, but
enough that when he tugged she had to bend backward into the
railing. He bowed her body, turning her head to expose her

Growling, he leaned in and pressed his nose to
her neck. Inhaling, he groaned.

Good girl,” he

Aurelia’s was floored. Here she was with a
strange wolf, albeit a fiercely handsome one, and she was letting
him set the pace on day one. She felt a flash of anxiety, but in
the same moment realized that she was already growing
embarrassingly wet. She tried to straighten, to pull away from his
tight hold on her body.

Aurelia,” Lucas said, tugging at
her hair again. Harder this time, enough to make her gasp out loud.
His arm that encircled her body squeezed hard, reminding her of his
total control.

Lucas, I can’t-“ she began, but
he shook his head.

You’re going to have to learn to
trust me,” he said, his demeanor placid. As if he wasn’t turned on,
as if his erection wasn’t grinding into her belly even as he

Trust,” she said, the word coming
out as a hiss. She trusted no one.

Yes, trust,” he said. “When you
sign that contract, you will be mine. Mine to protect, mine to care
for. Mine to fuck.”

He ground against her on his last word,

Hot lines of need raced through her veins, and
her wolf was frantically trying to rise and complete the coupling.
The harder he tugged, the more the flames of desire grew within

Stop thinking,” Lucas said, his
tone gentle. “It’s all but signed, now. Submit to me, like I know
you want to do.”

Biting her lip, Aurelia found the strength to
struggle in his grip.

Pulling his fingers from her hair, Lucas
dropped his hand to her thigh and began rucking up her dress. She
struggled harder, but his fingertips found bare skin in mere

Ignoring her mewls of protest, he traced a
path up the taut top of her thigh until it met her hip. He cupped
her hip briefly, giving a gentle squeeze.

You’re so perfect here,” he said.
His words were uttered as though a curse, and there was no hiding
his genuine approval.

Not too thin, not too thick,” he
said, sliding his hand over the curve of her hip.

Let me go!” Aurelia insisted,
only now raising her arms to push him away.

He tutted, shaking his head. He leaned close
again, his mouth resting against her ear. His fingers found the
filmy white lace of her panties, the ones she’d selected from her
new wardrobe.

Thinking about how he’d picked them out,
wanting to see her wear them, wanting to strip them from her

Aurelia’s heart raced, her breasts throbbed,
and the brush of his fingertips against her mons scalded

So warm,” he whispered, his
breath tickling the sensitive shell of her ear.

Her breath caught, and held. Those fingers
brushed downward once, twice. It was all she could do not to press
into his touch.

His touch slid underneath the thin barrier of
her panties, finding and parting silky curls.

Oh,” she said, the word a gush of

Ah,” he said, that wicked grin
growing on his lips once more. “I knew it. I knew you’d be wet for
me, ready for me to pull you to the ground and fuck

She knew she should fight, or at least feel
shame. Before she could consider either, his fingers traced a slick
line down her sensitive folds, invading. In a flash, she was
reduced to pure need. Her mouth was open, her head fallen to rest
on his chest, and she was panting. She hadn’t been touched like
this in almost three years.

Two clever fingertips found her swollen,
tender clit. Aurelia cried out, desperate and wanting.

Like this?” he asked, brushing in
a gentle circle. “Tell me what you like, little one.”

Fast, faster,” she said, her
voice breaking.

His fingers moved, tracing around her clit in
quick circles now. She couldn’t hold still, her hips rocking into
his touch.

Lucas, yes!” she cried, one hand
moving up to his shoulder while the other went to the railing to
steady herself. She wanted to spread her legs for him, she wanted
him to be fucking her, she wanted his mouth on her breasts, she
wanted to ride him like a prized stallion.

As she neared her climax, though, he

Don’t stop!” she ordered, close
to growling.

You can’t cum yet, little one,”
Lucas purred.

No!” she barked, aware that it
didn’t make any sense.

I have to taste you, Aurelia. I
need you on my tongue when you burst into bloom. I’m going to lick
and suck you and fuck you with my fingers, just so I can get you
ready for my cock,” he said, his eyes a dangerously stormy

His fingers still teased her, but he clearly
wasn’t going to give her any more like this.

She reached up to unfasten her halter top, but
he withdrew and grabbed her wrists.

Lucas!” she said, her words a
plea, a reprimand, a query.

Not here,” he said. “I’m taking
you upstairs.”

She made a pained noise of protest, but he
merely grinned and took her by the shoulders. Spinning her around,
he faced her toward the huge glass sliding door. Ben and Walker
were just on the other side of the door, watching with avid
interest. They were both a scant inch from having their faces
pressed against the glass like two little boys.

Oh!” Aurelia hiccuped. “Oh,

I’m going to have you to myself
the first time,” Lucas said, pulling her back against his chest to
whisper in her ear. His hands shaped her waist as he propelled her
into walking forward.

Ben and Walker realized they’d been made and
vanished, gone before Aurelia reached the door.

Lucas chuckled and released her, opening the
door and ushering her inside and into the kitchen.

I can’t believe they watched us!”
Aurelia protested, blushing.

No doubt they’re both in their
suites, reliving the experience with themselves in my place,” Lucas
said, his delight sinful.

Aurelia paused, catching sight of the mound of
paperwork on the kitchen island. Another copy of her contract, she
saw. Multiple copies thoughtfully provided so that Lucas could pick
the perfect moment to ask her to sign away her freedom.

What?” Lucas asked, catching her
shift in mood.

It’s just- I mean, should I…” she
said, gesturing to the contract. Did he need her to sign it before
he could be intimate? For a man who asked for trust, it would be a
low blow.

Aurelia didn’t feel the need to mention that
she’d already signed the copy she’d found in her room. She could
let him dangle for a bit, she thought.

No! No,” Lucas said, steering her
away from the contract and into the den.

I didn’t know if… I don’t know,”
she said, shaking her head.

You’re buying the car. You can
test drive it all you want,” he said, reaching out and taking her

So you’re a car now?” she asked,
relief seeping into her thoughts.

A very expensive, sexy car.

I see. So what’s the next part of
the buying experience?” Aurelia teased, giving him a smile. He was
being very sweet, considering the business end of their deal. She
had signed a contract to essentially be his groupie, he didn’t have
to be nice on top of it. It helped, though.

The next part?” he asked, looking

She opened her mouth to make a smart retort,
but Lucas bent and grabbed her by the waist instead. Hoisting her,
he ignored her squawking noises and threw her over his

I’ll show you,” he








What are you doing? Where are we-
put me down!” Aurelia squealed, huffing. She struggled in his hold,
making Lucas excited and bringing his wolf to the fore.

Lucas was across the den and up the stairs in
a flash, carrying her into the hallway of their suite and past her
bedroom and sitting room. He brought her to his bedroom door,
barely paused at the threshold.

Nudging the door open, he carried her inside
and dropped her on the bed. Scrambling to her knees, Aurelia looked

My room,” Lucas explained,
unabashed. It did suit him; all navy blue and dark wood, with dark
curtains drawn against the sun. Bookshelves lined nearly every inch
of the walls, and the furniture was heavy and antique. There were
several maps and globes, annotated and ancient.

Aurelia was looking around at his things,
taking it in with those bright eyes. She turned to him,

I like it,” she said, giving him
a slow smile. “It reminds me of being in the captain’s quarters of
an old ship.”

That’s very much the idea,” he
said, kneeling on the bed next to her. Aurelia leaned back, her
arms behind her and her breasts on display.

Lucas reached out, brushing his fingertips
against her shoulder, down her arm. She shuddered, and he began
again, from her shoulder to her collarbone and on down. His touch
traced the outline of her breast, and he splayed his fingers to cup
her there.

Heavy and full and warm, her breast felt
perfect when she arched into his hand. He watched her, saw her eyes
drift close and the way she bit her lip as she leaned into his
touch. Her soft abandon was his undoing.

Lucas leaned in and brushed his lips over
hers, seeking. He dropped his hand to pull her close, and drank in
her quiet sigh of pleasure.

Her lips parted for him, the sweet heat of her
mouth firing his blood. He pressed in, groaning as he slid his
tongue against hers. Her arms went up about his neck, fingers
digging into his hair. He gripped her hips, ran his hands over her
back, wanting more. The kiss ignited between them, and soon they
were both breathing hard.

Lucas broke the kiss, looking down at her. Her
face was flushed, and she opened her eyes to turn that incredible
sapphire gaze on him like a spotlight. Her expression accused him
of denying him pleasure, and he would have laughed if he weren’t so
on edge.

Take your clothes off,” he said,
all playfulness gone.

She obeyed, moving to kneel and pull up the
hem of her dress. Raising it over her head, she shucked the dress
in one smooth motion. Lucas stripped off his shirt, unbuttoned his
jeans but left them on.

Aurelia was incredible in the lingerie he’d
chosen for her. Twin scraps of transparent white silk covered her
breasts and the juncture of her thighs, filmy lace in the fifties
style he so loved.

The pale cream of her skin, the copper
waterfall of her hair tumbling down over her shoulders and to her
waist, those full lips and flashing blue eyes, the come-fuck-me
expression on her face…

You are by far the best decision
I’ve ever made,” he said, reaching out and pulling the straps of
her bra down her shoulders.

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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