Into the Void (The Godhunter, Book 10) (11 page)

BOOK: Into the Void (The Godhunter, Book 10)
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Chapter Sixteen


I can't believe you're already showing,” I resisted the urge to rub Samantha's belly. I always thought that was kind of rude but I admit it's kind of like trying to not push a big red button.

Yeah, this baby's growing fast,” she eased herself into a chair, “but it's not too surprising. The gestational period for a lion is a hundred-and-eight days.”

That's like three months!” I gaped at the belly. “No wonder you look so huge. Do you really think you'll give birth so soon?”

I don't know,” she laughed, “this is the first Intare baby ever born, right? It's not like there's a precedent.”

Right,” I took a seat next to her at the table. We were on the veranda, enjoying the view of the setting sun with some coffee and cookies, hers was decaf. “What about the Froekn? How long do they take to give birth?”

Froekn are pregnant for three months usually,” she shrugged. “But wolf pregnancies last only sixty-three days so I guess the human aspect makes it take a little longer. I wouldn't be surprised if I gave birth around the end of January or early February. That would make it around four months.”

Damn, it's like the belly that ate the world.” I eyed her stomach and then it moved. “What the hell?” I lurched back.

The baby's kicking,” Sam laughed. “It likes your voice.”

Or it really hates it and wants you to make me stop talking,” I laughed.

Do you want to feel it?” She put her hand against her stomach. “It's right here.”

Uh okay,” I guess it wasn't rude if they offered.

I leaned forward and laid a hand against her stomach. Right beneath my fingers I felt the baby and I knew it was her little hand pressed against mine. Her. It was a girl. My vision went a little wonky and I saw her, eyes closed but aware. She felt the link between us and was simply reaching for it. I could see the golden line of it connecting us, my magic fueling her, helping her grow as much as her mother's nourishment was. It was a strange and intimate connection, one I didn't want to tell Sam about yet. I wanted her to have her baby all to herself for as long as possible.

So I sent a little comforting wave of energy to the baby, reassuring her that we'd meet soon enough and that for now, she needed to focus on getting bigger. I let my love magic rise and sent a couple butterflies down our connection to bless her and let her know how much she was already loved. I felt her delight in it, the soft warmth of feeling safe and wanted. Then I let her go.

Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” I finally asked.

You saw it?” Sam's face filled with understanding.

She knew my magic was the source for the baby's immortality, so I guess it wouldn't be a long leap to realize what would be happening between us. Still, I didn't say anymore than I needed to, as much as we were connected, this wasn't my baby, it was Sam's and Fallon's.

“Yes,” I gave her a secret smile. “Do you wanna know?”

Of course I want to know,” she hit my shoulder. “I hate calling the baby an it.”

You're going to have a girl,” I giggled. “Finally, another female Intare.”

I'm going to have a daughter,” she smiled wistfully.

Yep, tiny dresses and shoes and purses and-”

Relax Auntie Vervain,” Samantha laughed. “Your inner diva is showing.”

I can't help it,” I shrugged. “Boys are no fun.”

The fun that can be had with boys is what got me into this situation,” she tapped her belly.

Well, hopefully not boys,” I rolled my eyes. “That's just gross... and criminal.”

Ugh, you're not supposed to say things like that to a pregnant woman.”

You started it,” I huffed. “Oh and by the way, a thought occurred to me the other day.”

How very unusual,” she said seriously. “You should have wrote it down.”

Shut up, you ass,” I grimaced. “I realized that now that the Froekn are energized again, as it were, you actually could have the first Intare-Froekn baby. That is, if you want another child after going through the horrible pain of labor.”

And you called
an ass,” she shook her head.

That was payback,” I sipped my coffee serenely.

Wait,” she frowned. “You changed my eggs to Intare. How would I have a part Froekn child?”

I'd have to change them back,” I cocked my head at her. “Which is why I'm bringing it up. Just think about it, you've got plenty of time.”

I don't know if I'd want to put them through another change,” Sam frowned.

They're not actually babies yet,” I chuckled. “They're eggs, remember? I don't think it'll be that big a deal.”

Oh, well,” she tapped her belly thoughtfully. “I don't know. I wouldn't want my children to feel bad because they'll be so different from each other.”

I don't think they would unless someone told them that being different was a bad thing,” I tried to think about how children behave. “But you never know. Talk to Fallon. Like I said, you've got time. You don't even know if you want another baby yet.”

Oh I do,” she gave me a big grin. “Maybe four or five.”

I'm sorry to inform you that you'll have to find a new place to live if you want to have so many children,” I said seriously. “Might I recommend a farm or maybe a cottage on the other side of the territory?”

Shut up, Vervain.”

Am I interrupting?” Kirill came out of the front door with a satchel slung over his shoulder.

Not at all,” Sam hefted her weight out of her chair and picked up her coffee cup. “I need to go find Fallon and tell him we're becoming farmers.”

She waddled away and Kirill watched her with a little frown of confusion.

“Did she say farmers?” He looked to me.

It's a joke,” I waved it away with a smile. “What's up? Want some coffee?”

No, I vant you to put your coffee down and come vith me,” he held a hand out to me.

Oh how very mysterious,” I grinned and let him pull me to my feet. “Where are we going?”

It's a secret,” he smiled and escorted me down the stairs and out to the pool. “Tell me, Tima,” he handed me the bag he was carrying. “Have you ever rode a lion before?”

No,” I slung the bag over my shoulder. “Now that you mention it, I haven't.”

I zink it's time I took you for a ride,” he started removing his clothing and I couldn't help but enjoy the show.

Oh, I agree one-hundred percent,” I looked over his muscled biceps as he bent to remove his jeans.

All my men had wonderful bodies but Kirill's body just seemed more real to me. Out of all my lovers, he was the only one who had been human first and his body looked like a human body. It was fantastic but it was human, without the height or breadth of a god. He was just an amazingly built man. He didn't have the immense Viking size that Odin did or the Froekn physique of Trevor, which was slightly leaner than the muscle-bound Vikings. He didn't have Azrael's angelic perfection which seemed to go all the way down to Azrael's sculpted calves. I swear, it was like Az was made to wear those stupid strappy angel sandals. Kirill was nothing like Arach either, with his sidhe height and dragon strength. Arach was leaner than Trevor or Az but his body could never be mistaken for human.

But Kirill was a normal human height, a few inches over six feet, and although I wouldn't call his physique normal, it was more so than the others. Touching him, being held by him, was like a physical connection to my humanity. He felt like home to me in a way that was completely different than the way Trevor did. I don't know how else to describe it, he just felt more normal.

Tima?” His low voice broke into my musings.

Sorry, you distracted me,” I grabbed a lock of his silky black hair and rubbed it between my fingers.

Good,” he took my hand and freed his hair. “Zat's exactly vhat I vanted.”

Then he changed into a massive black lion, losing all that humanity I'd just been admiring. He shook his mane out and padded over to me, the sun bringing blue highlights to life in his fur. His wide head nudged me, making me stumble a little.

“Okay, okay,” I laughed and climbed onto his back.

Then I was gripping his body with my legs, leaning forward and clinging to handfuls of mane to keep from falling off him as he ran full speed into the grasslands. He veered off the trail and I hid my face in his mane so I wouldn't get hit by passing brush. Then we were out in open land again and a herd of antelope sprang in every direction to escape us.

They needn't have worried though, Kirill was after different prey and it was already caught, clinging to his back and waiting to be devoured. The ride was spectacular but it was a relief to arrive at his intended location; a waterfall hidden within the the mountain range that defined the territory.

I slid off his back and onto the pebbled ground, staring at the little fall and its clear pool with awe. It had been virtually undetectable until we were right upon it, artfully concealed behind an angle of the mountain. It was set in a sort of nook, nestled in a crevice of rock. A shaft of sunlight filtered down through overhanging foliage, patterning the water with gold but the pattern was distorted by the ripples created by rushing falls.

“This is amazing,” I whispered as I dropped the satchel on the ground.

I found it one day vhile I vas roaming,” Kirill had changed back without me noticing, I was so focused on the beauty in front of me.

I had no idea this was here,” I turned back to him.

I don't zink anyone did,” he shrugged.

Thank you for bringing me,” I smiled as he crossed over to me.

A place like zis should be shared vith someone you love,” he lowered his forehead to mine and we closed our eyes and just breathed each other in for a moment. It's a cat thing.

Then he pulled back and took the satchel from me. He pulled a thick blanket out and spread it on the little stones that made up the bank of the little pool. He sat down and helped me sit before removing some containers filled with food and a bottle of wine.

“A picnic,” I grinned delightedly. “I love picnics.”

I know zis,” he lifted a brow.

Oh, right,” I gave a nervous laugh.

I'm not sure why I was nervous. Maybe it had something to do with the way Kirill had been changing lately. He had always been my strong foundation, the man who kept me steady, and he still was but little by little that foundation was starting to shake. In a good way.

“What's going on with you?” I asked as he handed me a glass of moscato.

Vhat do you mean, going on vith?” He laid out some fried chicken and deviled eggs.

You're different.”

You don't like it?” He leveled a serious stare on me.

Of course I like it,” I cocked my head at him. “It's you, as far as I'm concerned, you can't do wrong.”

Tima,” he shook his head and laughed. “You really don't know?”

No,” I grabbed an egg and started nibbling. “Go on, tell me already.”

It's ze lion magic, ze magic zat allowed Trevor to accept zis.”


Trevor has become confident in his role as alpha,” Kirill laid down on his side, propped up on one arm, and looked up at me with those deep blue eyes of his. “His confidence has made the magic moot, unnecessary.”

So what? It's gone?”

No, not gone,” he pressed his lips together thoughtfully. “It's relaxed, hibernating. I don't feel the pressure to hold back anymore.”

Hold back?” I frowned. “You were holding back?”

I was allowing Trevor to be alpha, to lead,” he sat up and took my empty glass from me, laying it on the blanket. “Now I have no restrictions.”

He pulled me to my feet and set his mouth to mine as he set his hands to the task of removing my clothes. By the time I was as naked as he, I was intoxicated with pleasure. He lifted me and carried me into the water. I cringed, waiting for the cold bite of mountain water but it never came.

“The water's warm,” I observed delightedly as we sank deeper. “How the hell is that possible?”

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