Invasion of Justice (Shadows of Justice) (24 page)

BOOK: Invasion of Justice (Shadows of Justice)
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Chapter Fourteen


The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him. –Ralph Waldo Emerson


Gideon watched the reactions play across the burned face of the Commandant. This couldn't be an act. The man had helpfully provided access to his health files, enabling them to narrow down the window of opportunity for the implantation of the device in his jaw. Then they quickly whittled down the list of suspected traitors.

"I'm not sure what's worse, the jaw or the badge."

Gideon shook his head and began to untie the Commandant. "
It's betrayal any way you play it. Now that we're both off the radar, we regain an element of surprise."

"This has to be the same operative who triggered your self-destruct virus."

"I agree." He'd noted a few modifications for the next sub-dermal pager.

"You've no idea where Petra is?"

"No, sir." His cell card shrilled from his pocket. He answered, irritated, then relieved beyond reason when Jaden filled him in on Petra's location. It was a short-lived reprieve as he listened to her plans. Disconnecting, he turned back to the Commandant.

"Petra's been found, sir. I've been ordered to the Navy Pier to discuss
Kristoff's take down. A car is on the way."

The Commandant blinked, crossing his arms and for a moment Gideon thought he'd have to knock him out again to accomplish the greater good.

"Interesting meeting place. I'll join you."

"Sir, I feel obligated to point out I'm not on the clock anymore."

"I can see that in your eyes, boy. Now let's get moving."

Gideon led the way downstairs and out into the alley. Within moments an official police transport vehicle pulled up. The officer behind the wheel confirmed his orders and their destination and squealed out into the steam of traffic.

The pier was a year-round carnival in full swing. The crowds varied from upper class to a class Gideon wished he'd never met. He felt old beside the angst-ridden styles of the teens that swarmed the pier. Jaden was right; their eclectic gathering would go unnoticed and any attempt on their lives would be difficult at best.

They gathered around a small table and made introductions. Petra was seated with Jaden's arm around her shoulders. He stifled his curiosity over the intentional contact and joined Cleveland, the kids, Brian, and the Commandant, to stand around them.

"Where's Kelly?" Petra asked, concern in her eyes.

"She headed back to your office. Said she could do more good from there," Gideon said.

"Can someone call her? I'd rather she was closer."

"We'll call her back," Jaden said, then filled them in on Cleveland's search of the
Burkhardt residence.

Gideon watched Petra blanch at the damning news about her father. Then her spine straightened and she held on, showing a new, admirable battle-ready strength. It was her sudden smile that startled him.

"It was you!" She locked gazes with Cleveland. "I've worried that Kristoff managed that break in. Dad discovered the breach when he was trying to explain the whole convoluted mess to me."

Her quick recap of
Kristoff's manipulations made his stomach clench. As soon as she finished, he brought the group up to speed on the mole in the Commandant's office. The news sent Petra reeling.

"Nathan's on assignment?" she cried.

Gideon was grateful for the noisy, oblivious crowd swirling around them. Almost as grateful as he was to the Commandant for taking over this part of the impromptu briefing.

"Yes. He volunteered. We planted his DNA at the lab where the scientist was murdered."

"But who used Nathan's retina? Why set up my brother?"

Her struggle to make it all add up had him wishing he could make it easy on her, but he suspected there were more
heartaches ahead. If the mole was deep enough to tag the Commandant and steal Nate's retina, that put their entire operating force in grave danger.

"Your brother's the best man for the job," the Commandant soothed.

"Let me help." Petra leaned toward him, clearly ready to beg if necessary. "I have the–"

"Petra," Jaden butted in, "first things first. Once
Kristoff's gone, your brother's free, too."

"To that end, we've just taken Simon into custody," Brian announced, still checking the text on his official cell card.

Petra perked up. "Have you notified Kincaid?"

Brian smiled at her. "I'm told he's headed to the station as we speak."

"He didn't hurt Lorine or her son?"

"Not a scratch on either of them. He's trying to claim his rights are being violated, but we all know better."

"Can you tell Kincaid that Simon shared plenty of details while Kristoff had us linked?" She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly while Brian sent the message. "I know, I know. Let's get back to Kristoff."

Gideon's heart stalled in his chest. Taking out
Kristoff was a no-win assignment. One she shouldn't try to handle. "Let us take him out with the military."

"No. There's more to whatever he's planning. He's convinced I can help him reach his goals. He mentioned how my skills can get him past security and tap into ancient wisdoms. We need to know what he's after. Once inside, I'll find a way to get the information about his organization out."

Gideon stiffened. If she was intent on being a sacrifice, there would be another plan. "What do you mean, 'find a way'?"

She gazed up at him, those huge eyes searching his. "He wants me to fly for a specific purpose. I've told you, he thinks I'll join him for the excitement and attention even though I've already tried to deny the connection."

"He doesn't know you too well, does he?" Gideon snapped.

"No. That's to my advantage.
The element of surprise, right?"

She had him there, dammit. He could hardly argue with himself.

"I'll go back. I'll corner him during the flight and signal you when I have him trapped."

and whys erupted from everyone around the table.

Petra held up a hand. "You just have to trust me. I know we can't afford to fail. I'm strong enough to do this."

Jaden met the gaze of each person present. Nodding, she gave Petra's shoulders a squeeze. "Okay. We'll be right there with you. Tell us what you need, and the where and when."

To Gideon's surprise, Petra didn't mention music or Kelly or anything else.

"I'm set. We can go now. I'll lead the way."

"No." The word was out before he could stop it. All eyes turned to him. "Not now. She needs rest." His gaze locked with Petra's. "Tell them when and where you want to meet them tomorrow."

For a moment he thought she'd force the issue and he readied for battle. He knew he wasn't the only one who'd noticed her pale, tired complexion and the bruises of exhaustion under her eyes. He wasn't the only one here who cared for her, but he was determined to make her care for herself before she tackled Kristoff.

Her subtle acceptance contrasted with his bold maneuvering, but it made him smile. She lifted her chin to make her announcement. "We'll meet at nine o'clock tomorrow morning at the fountain in Jackson Park. It's only a few blocks from
Kristoff's building. From there we can decide who's going in. Kelly can provide an emergency protocol if I have trouble during the flight."

Gideon caught the glance exchanged by the Commandant and Brian, but the Commandant's words surprised him. "My team will assess any potential threats in the area."

"I'll check for any tunnels and stuff like that," Quinn offered.

Katie asked, but was silenced by a look from Cleveland.

"Oh, please keep the kids away. So close to the heart of his operation, he'll know every move you make," Petra protested.

"He won't care unless it involves you," Jaden said.

"You don't understand," she insisted. "The building could be filled with his private army."

"Then we'll know where to find them," Brian said. "Let us worry about the details, Petra." He nudged Jaden back and Gideon helped Petra from the chair. "You just go get some rest."

Gideon wrapped his arm around her waist and led her from the table, her continued protests lost in the noise of the crowd.

"They don't know what they're getting into," she muttered.

Kristoff know they're coming?" he asked pointedly.

She jerked her head up and her gaze locked with his. "No. Jaden's strength helped me keep him contained. I heard the bell once, but only faintly. His link wasn't strong."

"And now? Or tomorrow?"

"I can keep him contained for now. Tomorrow, I'll be the obedient child he expects."

Gideon stopped under the colorful lights of a giant Ferris wheel. The colors played across her face like light dancing in a prism. It reminded him of the many facets he'd discovered in her. He couldn't let her go to Kristoff tomorrow without knowing how she'd changed him.

"I need to thank you, Petra."

She gave him a perplexed look. "For what?"

"For…" Frustrated, he looked skyward and tried again.
"For just being you." He met her intense gaze. "You've restored my belief and given me a peace I thought was lost forever."

"Belief in what?"

He wanted to laugh. Of course she wouldn't make this easy. "Belief in the unseen. I may not understand it all, but I believe in you."

"I've been positively awful to you."

"Not all the time." He waggled his brows. When her mouth curved into a reluctant smile, the soul he'd thought long gone, lit up. "Kristoff's been sparking your temper?"

"On several occasions, yes, but you do a fine job of irritating me all on your own."

"Good. I'd hate to eliminate the bastard if you'll just end up quiet and refined for the rest of our lives."

"Our lives?"

He lowered his mouth to hers in a slow, languid kiss that left him rock hard and unsteady. When their lips parted, they rested, foreheads touching. If she refused him his life would end right here. He'd continue to go through the motions, but having experienced the fullness she could offer he wouldn't be able to call it living.

"You're just a big sap."

"Petra? Did you say something?"

"Yes. I called you a sap." She gave him a quizzical look, smoothing her hands across his shoulders. "What did you think I said?"

"I was just making sure it was you."

It took her a minute to catch on. "You're hearing voices?" She pulled back. "Whose?"

"Nate," he admitted on a sigh.

She actually stamped her foot and tried to spin away from him. When he caught her arm, changing her momentum, she slammed into him. Tears spilled over her lashes and he couldn't understand where he'd gone wrong.

"You went wrong when you lied." The words came out in a choked sob.

He wished she'd stop crying.

"Wish all you want, I'll cry until I'm ready to stop." She tried again to get away.

"Petra, calm down and listen to
yourself. I've never lied to you. Me hearing Nathan's got nothing to do with us."

"It does if he's running interference. Doesn't anybody get it? This is as good as I get. Empathy and auras, that's all."

Now who's lying? He only thought the words, he didn't speak them aloud.

"I do not lie." She gasped, clapping a hand over her mouth. "When did you learn to project like that?"

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