Investments (17 page)

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Authors: Walter Jon Williams

Tags: #Mystery, #walter jon williams, #High Tech, #hugo award, #severin, #Space Opera, #cosmic menace, #investments, #Science Fiction, #nebula award, #gareth martinez, #dread empires fall, #pulsar, #intrigue, #Thriller, #praxis

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A tight little smile played across Roland’s lips. “You will not find us ungrateful, my lord. We’ve spoken to the higher echelon of the Exploration Service here, and explained in some detail our considerable admiration for you, and my understanding is that you’ll be promoted and given
once it’s out of dock.”

Severin goggled at him. You can
that? he wondered.

“In addition,” Martinez said, “my father is granting you several sections of prime Chee real estate. You should have a very rich estate to retire to when you leave the Service.”

“And I believe there will be a substantial cash reward from the Chee Company,” Roland said. “Though I understand we’ll have to get your superiors’ permission.”

Severin’s mind whirled. “But,” he said, “I didn’t really do that much.”

“Other than save the Chee Company’s entire investment?” Roland smiled.

“I shut off the pulsar, yes, but the reason that Captain Martinez hasn’t joined the Great Masters is that he insisted that what I did with
remain secret. I didn’t have anything to do with that.”

Martinez grinned. “I had to protect my investments,” he said.

Severin looked at him. “My lord?”

“I took the money I won from Lord Mukerji and bought every futures contract on Chee from the poor fools Allodorm and Pa sold them to,” Martinez said. “Some will be worthless, no doubt, but I believe I’m now a rich man.” He leaned back in his chair and smiled out at the world. “I’ve never actually had money of my own before,” he said. “It’s all come from Terza or my father. I wonder what I’ll do with it?”

“The possibilities are staggering,” Terza murmured.

Martinez looked at his brother. “And of course some of the fines from the conspirators will go to reimburse the investors who were cheated.”

Roland was annoyed. “They were gambling, really. It’s not as if they can complain. It was the
market, for all’s sake.”

“Roland.” The voice was firm.

Roland flapped his hands. “Very well. If you insist. But if you go on this way, you’re going to make me wish Marcella were a better shot.”

Martinez smiled. “I seek only perfect justice for the entire universe.”

“Ah!” Roland said happily. “My shirred eggs!”

A smiling white-haired servant brought Roland his breakfast and another basket of pastry. Terza looked at Severin from over the rim of her coffee cup.

“Will you be seeing Lady Liao while
’s in dock?” she asked.

Severin darted a glance to the opal ring on his finger. Does
know? he wondered.

“I’ve sent her a message,” he said. “But I imagine a lot will depend on her schedule.”
And her husband’s.

“Any plans for the meantime?” Terza asked.

“Well,” Severin said, “I’m thinking of building a puppet theater.”

There was a moment of silence broken only by the calls of morning birds.

“That’s original,” Martinez murmured.

“Do you think so?” Severin asked. “Let me tell you about it.”

And, as the long morning stretched before them, he did.




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