Invincible (A Kingpin Love Affair Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Invincible (A Kingpin Love Affair Book 3)
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“Really funny. I’m serious though.”

“What are you so worked up about…? I mean, it’s just a vacation. I would die for some alone time with Bree.” His eyes met mine as he peered at me over the top of the computer screen. I bet you would.

There was no way of him knowing… I had royally fucked up a long time ago, and to this day, the memories were still haunting me. Funny how when you made one wrong decision, life always decided to remind you of it.

“I just don’t want all the time off…” That was a lie. I did want the time off. I just didn’t want the thinking that came with it. There was a reason why I never took vacations or weekends off. It always resulted in memories of

“Shut up and stop being a pussy. Enjoy your time. Come and visit Gia. You know how much she loves her Uncle Dev.” Zerro baited me with his precious daughter. She was a mix of beauty and brains. After Zerro and Bree had gotten married, they ended up pregnant right away. Sometimes, his perfect life made me jealous. Or maybe I just longed for something similar.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll stop over there a time or two,” I muttered. My eyes landed on the paperwork before me. There were at least twenty cases that needed some digging into. I know Frank said no working, but he never said I couldn’t investigate as a civilian.

I picked up the piece of paper before me. I could feel Zerro’s eyes on it as well.

“What is this?” I asked, not really sure what I was reading. It was a police statement. Actually, it was quite a few. People had made numerous complaints about this particular diner. The weird thing was none of the complaints had been followed up.

“I don’t know. I was going to ask you the same thing. Since you aren’t going to be around, we should hold off on this one. It looks like a two-man investigation and you’re my partner. No going in alone.” His voice held a warning I all but ignored. I was a rebel. I lived my life on the edge. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have shit to live for.

“All right,
” I mocked grinning at him.

“I’m not your boss yet,” he mocked back. Even though we were both full of happiness, I knew it was one-sided. He had everything in the world to be happy for and I had nothing. He might say not to go out and do this investigation alone, but I was doing what I wanted to anyway.

There was no stopping Devon Mitchell from doing whatever he wanted to do.





“YOU LOOK SO beautiful, Tegan.” His voice purred in my ear and my insides turned to mush. He knew exactly what to say to get me to melt. He was my one and only weakness.

“Hey, wake up, bitch, I need more coffee over here,” a greasy looking man yelled. Sigh. This was now my life. I hurried behind the counter getting the coffee, wondering for a slight second what would happen if I just poured this whole pot of coffee on this man’s head. Bet he wouldn’t call anyone a bitch again.

Instead, I poured the coffee nice and neat, gritting my teeth the entire time. Not a peep was said on my part. This was a tough part of town, a tough part of life. I took the job here six months ago.

“Tegan, table ten needs toast,” Tony said behind the grill. I could hear the sizzle of bacon and eggs on the griddle.

“Yeah, yeah,” I mumbled busying myself. No work meant thinking, and thinking meant my mind would wander to a time when life was good—when it was worth living for. I quietly folded silverware as I waited for the toast to pop up, and then I buttered the two pieces as I sat them on a plate and took them out to the table.

The look of disgust on the man’s face wasn’t a shocker to me. No, I had gotten used to the sourpuss faces. No one here was nice, at least not customer wise. I shuffled across the floor, mentally planning my day out. I needed to stop at the grocery store on the way home, and I had a stack of homework about two stories high. Oh, and then there was that new book that just came—

“Ma’am?” a man questioned as he took a seat at the counter. His voice was deep and robust causing vibrations in my chest.

Turning around, I said, “Yes?”

Who called people ma’am? My eyes lingered over his black suit. It was perfectly tailored and his face was that of a Middle Eastern man. His dark blue eyes reminded me of someone. He looked rugged, rough around the edges, but slightly handsome. Too handsome. A handsome that screamed wealth. Did I know him? I scrambled for something in my mind to give me a hint. There was a name on the tip of my tongue. Then it dawned on me… They were here to collect the debt. Fear trickled down my spine. Didn’t I have a few more months?

“Menu, please,” he asked politely though there was a violent look in his glare as I gripped the menu in my hands before handing it to him. Even after he took it and opened it, I stood staring. His mere presence had frozen me in my spot, I couldn’t move. Fear and a deep-rooted curiosity held me to the floor. He didn’t come into this restaurant for food. No, he came in for me.

“Is Tony here?” he asked, his eyes trained on the menu. What did he want with Tony? A tumbling ball of emotions erupted in my belly. If he wasn’t here for me, then why was he here?

As I stood there trying to find my voice, I realized he had to be testing me. He already knew the answers to every question he was going to ask. He simply wanted to see if I would lie through my teeth or be honest. In that fleeting moment, I chose honesty.

“Yes, he is. Would you like me to get him?” I asked as politely as I could between clenched teeth. This moment right here reminded me of why I had to work such a shit job. I was working for my very right to breathe.

“No. I’m sure your expertise could be used instead.” The way expertise rolled off his tongue had my knees quaking. This man was fluent in exotic things including sex. I was sure of it. All I knew was I didn’t want to be the next item on his list.

“What is it that you want?” I stumbled over my words. Maybe I had thought wrong. Maybe this whole thing was a trick. Maybe asking for Tony was a cover up. Racking my brain for a name to the face before me, my mind flicked over a memory.

Liam. His eyes. His smile. The charm that exuded from him.

“See…” He dropped the menu and leaned into my breathing space as I got my notepad out to take his order—as if he would be ordering anything but my death. The way his eyes lingered on me had me hoping it was only my death he was here to order. He was watching me as if I were his prey.

“You know why I’m here…” His tone was tight as he wrapped his hand around my arm, squeezing to the point of pain. Biting on my bottom lip, I stifled the cry that was begging to be released. I knew I had more time. What I didn’t know was why he was here before my time was up.

“I know and I’m trying, okay? I still have time to get your boss his money.” My tone was above pleading as his grip on my arm tightened. I was sure once he let go his fingers would be imprinted on my skin serving as a reminder of the power he had over me.

“Tegan, you’re a beautiful woman. I don’t care for hurting women as alluring as you… but, if you try to fuck me over, your beauty will be the least of my worries.” His breath was hot on my face as his eyes lingered on my lips. It was then I knew, when he looked at me, he saw one of two things—dollar signs or a sex object. Both of which I wanted no association with.

“I’ll… I’ll have the money…” There was nothing more for me to say to him. There wasn’t even a point in crying. Tears wouldn’t bring me the money I desperately needed.

It would just add more self-loathing to my plate, eventually slowing me down.

Damn you, Jamie. Loving someone had once again brought me to my knees, except this time, it could very well cost me my life.

“Good…” He smiled, releasing my arm with a shove. I stumbled back pulling from his touch, only to hit the counter behind me. The space between us was a welcoming feeling. In a flash, my notepad fell to the floor as I gripped the edge of the counter until my knuckles turned white. It was as if I were trying to push my way out of the room.

I hated the situation I was forced into and I wanted to lash out, yell, scream but being defiant would do me no good.

Defiance would only break me. I couldn’t handle anymore breaking. I simply wanted to pay the debt and move on with my life.

“Now, is Tony here?” The finalization in his voice told me he wouldn’t be asking again. Our conversation was now over. He was dismissing me.


“What the hell is going on in here?” Tony’s voice drowned out my own, interrupting me before I could even answer. His face said it all as he looked between the two of us. I kept my face downcast as to bring less attention to myself. The tension in the room was so thick you could choke on it.

Immediately, my thoughts shifted. Was Tony working with this man, too? Tony had given me this job, but was there really any way I could trust him? My instincts said no, and before things could spiral out of control, I ran. Pushing off the counter, I ran to the nearest exit. I headed through the door into the kitchen and out the back door running as if my life depended on it.

The cold air hit my skin, reminding me I was outside away from the monsters lurking in the light of day. I gulped in the fresh air, praying he had left by now. After all, wasn’t the whole reason for him being there was to frighten me, to remind me of the debt that was to be settled?

“Are you okay?” Tony’s voice reached my ears, and I whirled around clutching my chest. Was I okay? That had to be a trick question if I ever heard one. The fact that Liam was there only served me right. Tony had to be working with them.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I lied sucking in another breath. I felt as if I were starved of oxygen.

Tony’s eyes grew soft, and I wondered for a second if he knew I was lying. He had gotten me the job here when no one else was hiring. He had helped me every step of the way. Could someone so kind really be evil? Could he be the one person I wanted to run from?

“He was here for my parents,” he said casually. There was no fear in his voice, and he didn’t cower to his knees as others did when men like Liam stepped into town.

I wanted to ask him more. For instance, why his parents were associating with people like Liam. Except we never crossed that line. Tony’s parents were mixed in all kinds of things, but I didn’t want to know what kind of business they ran through here. I simply wanted a paycheck and to be done.

“Oh, okay,” I said trying to sound unsuspicious. Letting out a sigh, I knew I would have to believe him until he had done something that showed he was guilty. Innocent until proven guilty.

“I don’t know who that guy was or why he was here. I just know he comes in and talks to my parents often.” Staring at him, I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

The way he looked at me sometimes made me think he wanted more. I had been put through the ringer twice now. There would be no third time for me. I had crossed love off my list a long time ago.

“I believe you, Tony.” I took a step back, turning on my heels to walk inside. Before I could make it to the door, a hand landed on my shoulder halting me. I took a moment to turn around, coming face to face with Tony.

His mouth was mere inches away from my own, my own thoughts muddled, and for one moment, I thought he was going to kiss me. He was so close, I could feel his warmth, feel his lips against—

“I know I told you I don’t know who that man was, but if he ever comes back in here, you tell me. Got it, Tegan?” His voice was stern, which told me he meant business. I immediately came out of my flustered state nodding my head yes, so he knew I understood. With a tight smile, he released me, and in that single moment, I all but ran back into the restaurant.

As I rounded the corner, coming in behind the grill, I peeked through the serving window. My hands were damp with sweat, and as I wiped them on the apron, I wondered if anyone had decided to stick around. My eyes scanned the room, booth by booth.

Not one person was sitting in the diner. Not only had Liam made my skin crawl, but he also made the customers up and leave. The place looked like a deserted town. So much for making decent tips for the night.

“Looks like he cleared the diner out… again.” Tony’s voice caused me to jump. He was quiet. Too quiet. So quiet, I hadn’t realized he had come back inside. It was then I registered he had said the word
—as if this kind of thing happened often.

“Wait, this isn’t the first time this has happened? Why didn’t you tell me about this before you hired me?” I whirled around, Tony’s eyes piercing mine as they held me in place. My voice was accusing though I didn’t mean for it to be that way. I wasn’t trying to accuse him or them of anything.

“It’s not like I expected him to come in here. He usually only comes in during the day, and most of the time it’s when my parents are here. Maybe he expected them to be here today.”

Leaning against the wall, I sighed, my fingers threading through my reddish brown hair. This was none of my business. I didn’t need to be meddling in other people’s problems. Hell, I didn’t come around here spewing mine, so there was no reason for me to be asking Tony about his.

“Look, it’s fine, Tony. I didn’t mean to be accusing or anything. I was just wondering. That’s all,” I said earnestly.

Silence passed as the dull sound of music filled the room. This is everything it boiled down to—silence and a low hum always in the distance.

“Since all the customers are gone, do you mind if I take the rest of the night off?” I questioned.

“Yeah, just wipe down the tables,” Tony ordered, heading back toward the cooler with his cellphone in hand. His strides were determined, and as I stood there staring at him, I wondered who was going to get their head bit off first?

Pulling myself out of my own thoughts, I grabbed a rag and a bucket of hot water so I could wipe down the tables. Working the first eight booths was the easiest as it was one single table. The diner counter was a different ordeal. My hands looked like prunes as I pushed the minuscule tips I had made into my pocket.

When I got to the diner counter, my chest heaved. A scrap of white paper was neatly folded before me. My name was scribbled on the front of it, and it was sitting in the very spot Liam had been sitting.

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