IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance (8 page)

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Authors: Olivia Hawthorne,Olivia Long

BOOK: IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance
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Chapter Seventeen



Her cunt was so tight I didn’t know if I’d fit at first.

But I pressed on, cradling her head in one hand and propping myself up over her with the other as I forced myself inside, deeper and deeper, until I was balls deep and there was nowhere left to go.

I paused and let our bodies adjust to each other, I knew I was much bigger than average but usually I didn’t give a fek, I just pounded away on whatever slut had followed me home from the fight.

Lennon was different. I wanted her to feel every bit of our first time and to enjoy it all. I never wanted to hurt her, I could fill my life bringing her joy and bliss and be content for the rest of my days.

“Fuck,” I exhaled as her pussy fluttered around me, sending shockwaves of primal pleasure from the based of my spine to the base of my cock. It was a loop of explosive ecstasy that took every ounce of strength I had to resist.

I wanted to go slow for her, to give her time to adjust and give her time to enjoy herself.

But fuck…it wasn’t easy to hold back.

I pulled out and she groaned, bit her lower lip and her eyes fluttered closed.

“Open them,” I ordered, unable to keep the menacing tone from my voice. I felt like seeing her eyes was the only way I could keep myself from fekking destroying her body as I fucked her hard. Her eyes helped me focus and pace my assault on her gorgeous body.

“Okay,” she breathed and smiled a little. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her mouth was a perfect little red bow.

I dropped and kissed her as I slid in and out of her tight, slick cunt with a steady rhythm. She was making the hottest little noises against my mouth as my tongue pinned hers down, making her body mine and completely mine.

I had her from each end, her mouth and her pussy.

I felt her little body stiffen up and her eyes widened with surprise. She was about to come and I wanted to get there with her.

“I wanna put a baby in ye,” I whispered as I pushed myself up again so I could really pound her hard. “I wanna fill you up and watch yer belly grow with my child.”

“I don’t know,” she started to say but I didn’t let her finish. I knew she didn’t seem that interested in children, but she’d fekking want my baby by the time I flooded her cunt with seed.

“Tell me you want me baby,” I said and slammed in her. She drew her legs up and hooked them over my shoulders, letting me get deep and hard into her cunt.

“I don’t want–”

I cut her off with a hard thrust. “Ye don’t want what? Ye don’t want me to stop?”

“God no, don’t stop,” she moaned and dug her hands into my hips, trying to claw me in even deeper.

I slammed hard and stopped, felt her cunt throbbing around my shaft, felt her fingers digging harder. “Say it then. Tell me what ye want and I’ll flood your cunt, kitten.”

“I want it,” she rasped in a hard, desperate voice.

“What?” I replied with a cocky smirk. I knew I had her then.

“I want your baby,” she answered with a sobbing moan. “Make me pregnant, Knox. Fill me with your child.”

“As you wish, my greedy bride,” I replied and finished with a flurry of thrusts that sent her legs rocking and her head tipping back against the springy floor of the boxing ring.

“Take it,” I said as I came, “take it all, kitten. Drink my cum, let yer cunt take it all.”

“I want it all, Knox,” she cried out, “Oh god, I love you!”

I felt the pressure break like a dam in my balls and I exploded deep inside her body. Her pussy clenched hard as she came, milking me dry with her body’s desperate need.

I stayed still as my cock throbbed on its own accord, swelling and shooting her full of my seed. Her pussy reacted in kind and pulsed against me, dragging me in deeper, not letting me withdraw until we were both satisfied.

I relaxed and dropped down onto her, pulled out and rolled to the side, taking her with me in my arms.

She lay with her head on my chest, her breathing slowing with mine as we came down off our shared high.

“That was…intense,” she said with contentment oozing from every pore.

“It was perfect,” I said and stroked her damp hair, brushing it off her forehead.

“You know I don’t think I want a kid. I’ve never wanted one,” she told me, looking up at my face. Her sincerity was apparent but she was cute in her naïve state.

“Ah, kitten,” I growled smugly, “once yer bursting with our baby, you’ll change yer mind. It’s the most natural thing in the world and the one way we can combine our bodies and bring our love to life.”

She stared at me, scanning my face as if looking for deception. “I’ve never thought about it like that,” she said and a thoughtful look fluttered across her features. “I’ve never felt like this before but it’s slowly making sense to me.”

“It can only make sense, it’s the only thing that makes sense to me,” I said and stroked her hair. “And kitten?”

“Yes,” she replied, looking up again.

“I love ye too,” I replied and she smiled, a broad grin that drove away any of the sadness that seemed to haunt her at times.

She snuggled in closer and I hooked my arm around her, stroking her hair and talking to her about our future.

It was big and full of love.


Chapter Eighteen



“This is too much,” I said and shook my head while staring in awe at the giant diamond on my finger. “I can’t take this.”

“If ye like it, it’s yours,” Knox said calmly.

I’d been a bit of an anxious ninny over almost every single ring he’d shown me. I also felt way in over my head and way out of my comfort zone. This one was perfect though, it fit my finger and shone like a sky scattered with stars.

When he’d said ring shopping I’d expected we’d drive downtown to some jewelry store and pick one out of a glass case.

Apparently that’s what you did when you didn’t have the Knox O’Connor celebrity and financial pull.

The store we’d come to was not recognizable from the outside. It was a simple blacked out glass door in a tall office tower downtown. Knox had hit the intercom button, announced who he was, and we were let in with a buzzing alarm.

Inside it had felt more like a museum with every piece of jewelry and precious stones out on display, not behind glass.

I guess the ultra rich weren’t into shoplifting.

The man who was assisting us acted more like a dutiful butler than a salesman, carefully explaining the pros and cons of each cut, each band, each precious metal, but never once mentioning price.

I did love the one on my finger though.

God how it sparkled.

“I just can’t,” I said, glancing at the butler shop fellow. “I mean this thing costs a fortune, doesn’t it?”

“Eighty six thousand dollars,” he replied.

I gasped and said, “No way, I can’t do it. I’ll lose it down the garbage disposal or something.”

“That’s not including the setting,” the butler fellow added.

“Get it, kitten,” Knox said, taking my hands in his and looking me in the eye. “You need something that’s even half as beautiful as ye are, and I can see you love it. Yer eyes light up like a little girl at Christmas every time ye look down at it.”

“I do like it,” I sighed and held my hand out once again, admiring it on my finger.

“It’s sold,” Knox said, pulled out a buttery soft black wallet and handed the shop person a black card. He retreated to the back and left us alone for a moment. “Are ye happy, Mrs. O’Connor?”

“I’m beyond thrilled, Mr. O’Connor,” I said. “This all feels like a dream though, but I don’t want to wake up.”

“Ye don’t need to wake up, kitten,” he told me, taking my hand in his and looking at the ring. “This is yer life now. I’m the King and yer my Queen. And I love you, more than you could ever know but I’ll spend my entire life trying to show you how much. Yer mine, kitten, and mine alone.”

I was overwhelmed with how much I did feel like a queen, his equal, his love and partner in life. I didn’t know how to express the emotions that were rising in my chest and threatening to bubble up uncontrollably so I simply whispered, “I love you Knox O’Connor.”

He wove his fingers in my hair and pulled me to kiss him.

I felt the familiar crush of his mouth on mine and my body reacted immediately. I felt my stomach quiver and my pussy clenched as hot desire pooled in my panties.

He had that way with me, with my body. The moment his lips were on mine, all bets were off and I probably would have gotten on my knees for him right then and there in the store.

That should have been a warning sign, but it wasn’t. I was falling too deeply to feel anything but absolute certainty that I was heading in the right direction.

The butler shop fellow returned and handed Knox his black card. He smiled and said, “Would you like us to fashion a matching wedding band?”

“Definitely,” Knox said. “We’ll need it next Friday. That’s the day we’re getting married.”

“Friday?” I squeaked my surprise.

“Aye, is that a problem?” Knox asked with a grin. “I’ll give ye the day off from George’s.”

“Excellent,” the fellow said, clearly not wanting to get involved in our conversation. “I’ll have it sent to you with days to spare.”

I smiled and thanked him, he coolly took my hand and shook it limply, and we left the store.

“So now what?” I asked, feeling a little disoriented. I didn’t know if I should go home or follow Knox back to his place or get a hotel or go to work…or…or…or…

My throat tightened as he paused before answering. Was this where he told me it had all been a joke? That I’d been set up or something?

“Ye come back to my place,” he said with a sweet smile. “I suppose it’s yer place now too though.”

“Can we stop at my apartment and get my things?” I asked.

“Of course,” he replied and I gave him directions.

In my bedroom he seemed too big to fit, larger than life. I packed as he stood awkwardly in my doorway looking at the posters and things I had decorating my walls. I felt very much like an overgrown teenager and wondered what his place looked like.

I’d find out soon enough.

I scratched a quick note to Jessica, let Knox pick up my bags and we left my building for what might be the last time.

“I’ll cover yer rent while we’re together,” he said, stacking my bags in the little spot behind the seats in Knox’s sports car.

“Why’s that?” I asked, a little startled at the thought of him supporting my need for a safety net.

“So ye don’t feel too reliant on me, kitten. I don’t want ye to think you have nowhere to go so you stay with me. If ye have a place you could be, but ye choose yer life with me, it’s more powerful than staying out of convenience.”

“It’s not convenient to love you at all,” I laughed as we drove through the city to an area I’d never been. “You’re complicated and have a crazy life and my entire world seems to be shook up right now. But I love you, and I’m staying with you because my heart wouldn’t survive anywhere else but here with you.”

“That’s me girl,” he said with a grin, shifted gears and burst through the traffic in his sleek car.

I felt the engine hum and loved the way he touched the gear shift, it was like he touched me, how he made me hum with desire.

I was in good hands.


Chapter Nineteen



“I don’t know if I can get the weekend off work,” she told me as we settled into my home. I wanted her to come with me to a small fight but an important one. A qualifier for the title championship in Vegas in the fall.

“I’ll talk to George,” I said, pulling her into my lap. We were on the couch in my office at the end of the house tour. I watched her the entire time as she assessed my home and tried to not be a little impressed.

She hid it well, but the widening of her eyes and her beautiful little mouth shaped in that surprised ‘O’ gave it away.

I was proud that I could give this to her, my bride.

“I know you could get me off work,” she said and knitted her brows together, “but it’s not fair. It would leave him short staffed at a bad time. The pub will be packed, it’s hockey play offs and the fight you’re in, plus there’s a golf tournament in town.”

I hid my disappointment well, although I wanted to smash my way into her life and make her obey me, I would treat her tenderly.

“That’s a damn shame, then,” I replied, my chest tightening at her need to be away from me. “I do admire yer dedication and loyalty to him though. It’s a rare thing these days.”

“I feel bad leaving him in a lurch, he’s like a father to me,” she said, looking down. “My own parents are long gone and I don’t have many people who support me unconditionally like he does.”

“I do,” I told her and pulled her face up to look at me. “I support anything you want to do, kitten.”

“Thank you,” she said with a shy smile. “I can’t believe this is happening…all of this.”

She looked down at her huge diamond ring again and my cock swelled with pride that I could provide that for her. I was proud of Lennon and proud to bring her into my world.

And right then I wanted to fuck her six ways from Sunday.

But there were things we had to do to prepare for next week’s wedding. As if on cue, Jake called from the front foyer, “Hellooooo.”

“In here,” I yelled back and pulled Lennon down for a quick kiss before we had to behave ourselves.

She sat upright but I held my arm around her waist so she couldn’t get off my lap. I didn’t want to lose that contact with her just yet.

“Hey, I have some legal stuff for you two to sign so we can get this wedding business on the move,” Jake said as he walked in. He didn’t react to Lennon in my arms…which was one reason why I kept him around. Nothing seemed to faze him.

“How did you have this all ready so fast?” Lennon asked as Jake sat down in the chair next to us and laid the papers on the coffee table.

“The first moment he told me about you I had everything drawn up,” Jake told her.

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