Irritable Hearts: A PTSD Love Story (43 page)

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Authors: Mac McClelland

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rate of PTSD for rape survivors 65 percent for men, 45 percent for women: Kessler et al. 1995.

rate of PTSD for Vietnam combat veterans 31 percent for men, 27 percent for women: Kulka et al.

reports of severe impairments of children from violent backgrounds: Delaney-Black et al; Osofsky; Glass; Mitchell.

unresolved early life trauma can lead to host of problems: Buczynski and Lanius.

including brain damage: Márquez et al.

book about multigenerational post-slavery trauma: DeGruy.

field called postcolonial trauma studies: Nikro; Baxter.

An estimated 30 percent of children who’ve suffered sexual abuse develop PTSD: National Institute of Justice.

35 percent of children who are exposed to violent neighborhoods develop PTSD: DeMaso.

as many as 2.9 million children are abused and neglected a year: Sedlak et al.

30 percent lower verbal IQ in abused kids with PTSD: Saltzman, Weems, and Carrion.

fear centers of brains overdeveloped, self-care, etc. underdeveloped: Child Welfare Information Gateway.

movement to get developmental trauma in
: Wylie 2; Interlandi.

90 percent of “juvenile delinquents” traumatized: Dierkhising et al.

large proportion of national prison population traumatized: Wolff and Shi.

PTSD rate of 21.6 percent in venomous-snakebite survivors: Williams et al. 2011.

VA footing $600 million that year: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 6.

plus $25 million on funding studies: U.S. Government Accountability Office, p. 13.

stress-related health problems: Also Van der Kolk 3, p. 4.

estimated 100,000 homeless vets on the street any given night: U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.

veterans 1 percent of U.S. population but 20 percent of suicides: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 7; Kemp and Bossarte.

sexually molested girls are more than twice as likely to be sexually assaulted as adults: Black et al.

history of dissociation makes future dissociation/immoral behavior easier: Strozzi-Heckler 1, p. 131.

PTSD and Fleet Week: McClelland 31.

Brannan’s blog post: Vines.


9/11 survivors who make sense of the tragedy feel better: Park, Riley, and Snyder.

some leaders of posttraumatic growth think PTSD is overdiagnosed: Joseph; Karekezi.

some studies suggest majority of trauma survivors may experience PTG, maintain long-term positive changes: Linley and Joseph.

trauma opportunity for big optimistic life changes: Joseph; Feldman and Kravetz.

most 9/11 survivors experiencing some PTG two months later: Peterson and Seligman.

“The core experiences of psychological trauma…”: Herman 1, p. 133.

Lakota Indians and PTSD: Manson.

Russians sent psychiatrists to the front with Japan: Gabriel.

schizophrenics in India: Sousa 1 and 2.


San Francisco City Hall details: National Park Service.

gay couples flocking to City Hall to marry: KPCC staff; Renaud, Lin, and Vara-Orta.

vice president of International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies sentiments: Brunet 1.

the magic mix of being open and connected but together and prepared: More at Strozzi-Heckler 1, p. 83.



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