Isle of Sensuality (16 page)

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Authors: Aimee Duffy

BOOK: Isle of Sensuality
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When Caitlyn returned to herself, she realized she was now lying on Jake’s bed, being held against the most beautiful chest she had ever seen. She mused, in a haze of lust, that the firm expanse of muscle could be a tribute to the epitome of male beauty. Caitlyn turned her head and tasted the salty flesh with greedy eagerness.

Jake’s erection bobbed between them, hard and achingly beautiful, but she ignored it for now. Caitlyn only had one night to ingrain the image of Jake firmly into her mind so she’d have the memory to pull out when the pain subsided. From the way her heart felt like it might shatter when she left him, Caitlyn knew there would be a lot of pain.

After she was sure she had tasted every inch of Jake’s glorious torso, she sat up and simply stared at him. The arousal was back, stronger than before, coiling in her stomach, but she fought against it. Her gaze swept his body from his strong thighs, up past the indents at his hips, and higher. Bronzed skin covered a six-pack which she figured a male model would be proud of. Her visual exploration paused at his shoulders. Caitlyn didn’t dare to meet his dark eyes yet. She was afraid she might fall in to their depths and drown if she did.

When she eventually met Jake’s gaze Caitlyn’s heart melted into a puddle of mush. Gone was the teasing glint, replaced by an emotion she couldn’t decipher. Caitlyn looked deep, imagining she could see into the light of his soul. It may have been hours or minutes they stayed that way, affixed by each other, before Jake gently pulled her down beside him and kissed her with a sweetness that made her want to cry.

He kept the pressure of his lips gentle as he nestled himself between her thighs. After sheathing himself, Jake’s erection probed the folds to her sex. Caitlyn lifted her hips and took the tip of the solid length of him inside her. It wasn’t enough. She needed to be filled by him completely, to join with him once more. To connect with him on another level, regardless of how fruitless that seemed.

Jake understood, or maybe he just wanted the same thing. He slid into her in one long, slow thrust and filled her completely. Caitlyn’s whole body welcomed him eagerly and the flame at her core seemed to burn brighter. For a second, she felt whole again, like this was exactly how they were supposed to be. When Jake stopped kissing her, she opened her eyes. A shadow was cast over his sculpted face, but she could tell his expression was serious. Caitlyn longed for the teasing side to come back. This expression on his face made the fact this was their last night all too real.

Jake rocked his hips and all her worries whooshed from her mind as the fire inside burned hotter. She closed her eyes, dug her fingernails into his shoulders, and arched her hips up to meet his thrusts. The tension built in layers at her core.

“Caitlyn,” Jake whispered. Her eyes flew open. “Come to London after you go to LA.”

“Wh—” Before she could ask what he meant, the first throws of an orgasm hit her like a kick to the stomach. She tried to think around the sensations crashing through her body, but it was no use.

When the spasms eased, Caitlyn wondered if she’d misheard. She couldn’t go to London with him. He wasn’t her Mr. Right, regardless of how right being with him this way felt. Plus, Jake made it clear from the beginning that their relationship was no more than a fling. She must have misheard. Or perhaps it was just wishful thinking on her part.


Chapter 11


Jake felt like he was being sucked into the depths of the ocean by a tide which he struggled to fight. Making love to Caitlyn did that to him. When her body clenched around him and her eyes glazed over with pleasure, he was sucked down with her. Vicious waves rolled over his body with the intensity of a stormy sea. Jake trembled as the euphoric release dragged him under.

Once Jake found the energy, he rolled onto the bed next to Caitlyn and waited until her eyes opened. The minute he’d decided to invite her to come to London, the tension in his shoulders had relaxed. So what if this fling was running on longer than they’d planned? Who said it had to have an expiration date? Besides, Jake had already told her he couldn’t offer any more than what they had. Not that she’d asked. He didn’t see why they couldn’t be together until the combustible passion between them burned out.

Caitlyn still hadn’t answered him. “Caitlyn?”

“Hmmm…” Her smile lit up her face.

A jolt of emotion swelled in his chest. Jake frowned. That was happening more and more these days. The excuses he was making for it started to sound thin. “Will you come to London after your sister’s show?”

Caitlyn’s eyes flew open and he thought he caught a flash of fear in the emerald depths. “I can’t.” She swallowed and his brows shot up. He hadn’t expected her to say no.

“Why not?” Jake knew she’d left
Days and Nights
and had no plans of going back. Hell, if he didn’t have to fly to the UK tomorrow and start convincing his brothers to sell the company, he’d have gone to LA with her. Tension knotted his shoulders. Jake wasn’t looking forward to the next few weeks. Having Caitlyn in London with him as a distraction would make it more bearable.

“I…I have to get back to LA. I need to call my agent and arrange auditions.”

If she didn’t hesitate, Jake might have believed her. Caitlyn may be a good actress, but he’d learned over the last few months she was rubbish at telling fibs. The brilliant red blush and inability to meet his eyes gave her away every time.

Anger welled up inside him and tried to shake it off. After all, she was just sticking to what they’d agreed. So why the hell was it bothering him so much?

“Fair enough.” Jake rolled over on to his side and willed sleep to come, but knowing her warm, welcoming body was right behind him would make that impossible. Almost every night for three months she’d slept in his arms. The fact that she wasn’t tonight, when it would be the last night they’d spend together, bugged him more than he was willing to admit; even to himself.

“This was supposed to just be for three months,” Caitlyn whispered.

Jake’s shoulders stiffened. “I said it was fine. Don’t worry about it.”

“Jake.” Caitlyn’s hand ran over his back and his muscles knotted tighter. “Let’s not worry about tomorrow. We still have tonight.”

He rolled over and disposed of the condom. Caitlyn knelt on the bed and stared at him like she’d done before. Her gaze seemed to scorch his skin and arousal darted back to his groin. Impossible as it may be, but he was hard again in a matter of moments. Even as a teenager, he couldn’t ever recall feeling as turned on as he was, just by a woman looking at him.


She placed a finger over his lips and cut him off. “Tomorrow.”

Jake would have protested further, but then she bent down and nibbled his ear.

“I want to taste all of you too,” she whispered, and a shudder of undiluted lust sped through him.

Caitlyn kissed and licked her way down to his chest, pausing to tweak his nipples gently with her teeth. Another shudder ran through him, almost making him explode right there. His hands threaded through Caitlyn’s fiery curls and massaged her scalp as she made her way down his stomach. Jake sucked in a breath when she paused over his erection. This wasn’t something Caitlyn had done before, and he hadn’t minded. Each time they made love, he’d been too eager to join with her and share the experience. Now that it looked like they only had this one night, he was glad she wanted to try.

Jake released his grip on her head and crossed his hands behind his head. There was no way he was going to make her feel like she had to do this. She turned hungry eyes on him and he grinned. “You don’t have to, you know.”

The corner of her mouth kicked up. “I
to,” she insisted and, without missing a beat, her head dropped and he felt her lips against his throbbing flesh. Jake gritted his teeth as he tried to tamper his body’s crazy reaction—no easy feat when her hands stroked the length with a grazing touch.

The sensations of her mouth on him, taking him deeper then pulling back to plant teasing kisses on the tip were more than he’d ever experienced. Within moments, Jake was near the edge, holding on by bloody fingertips.

But it wasn’t what he wanted. Jake wanted to join with Caitlyn again, to feel her as she plummeted over the edge with him. He reached out and raised her head. Confusion colored her expression.

“Am I doing it wrong?” she asked, flushing brilliant red right to her roots.

Jake felt his heart give a tug. “No, you’re amazing. If you keep doing that this will be over quickly.” Caitlyn grinned and tilted her head back down. He quickly halted her. “Caitlyn, I want to be inside you. I want to feel you around me.” A smile curved his lips. He never had to explain this kind of thing with other women. In fact, most of the women from his past expected him to be the sole pleasure giver. Another of the many things he liked about Caitlyn. She was untutored, sweet, and natural.

“Oh. Okay.”

Jake pulled her body onto his and then snared her mouth with his lips. Her soft, lush body pressed against his chest burned his desire to a fever pitch. He wanted to see all of her when he made love to her. Once the thought entered his mind, his arousal rose to almost carnal proportions.

“Caitlyn,” he said, breaking the kiss and nibbling her neck. She groaned a reply and the moist folds of her sex slid along the length of his erection. Jake shuddered. “Will you ride me?” The question came out more like a growl against the smooth, creamy skin at her neck.

Caitlyn nodded and then sat up. Her petite body straddled his and Jake gasped at the sight of her. The fire-engine-red curls haloed her desire flushed face. The bright light illuminated her skin to almost pearly white and her deep, rosebud nipples poked out, begging for his touch. Unable to resist, Jake reached out and tweaked one of the peaks. She gyrated her hips against his larger-than-life erection and a dart of raging need burned through him. He hastily slipped on a condom.

With his hands on either side of Caitlyn’s hips, Jake lifted her slightly, positioned himself at her entrance, and in one, agonizingly slow move, pulled her down, sheathing himself in her honeyed warmth.

“Jake,” Caitlyn gasped when he entered her to the hilt.

He thought her name over and over as he held her in place, trying to put a stranglehold on his raging hormones. When he’d regained control, he slid his hands up to cup her breasts. She started to move slowly, and Jake thrusts his hips to meet her each time, but he let her set the pace. Her eyes, glazed and passion filled, were fixed on his and shone with such intense feelings that something cracked open inside him.

He tried to fight the barrage of emotions flooding into his soul, but then Caitlyn picked up her pace and he was transfixed by the soft moans escaping her lips and the way she threw her head back as her internal muscles tightened around him, pulling him closer to the edge. The tide of his orgasm reached its peak so he stroked the sensitive nub between her slick folds and was rewarded with her cry of pleasure.

Caitlyn’s body convulsed, and Jake’s release was dragged from him, leaving him feeling drained and empty. The cold crept into his pores and he pulled Caitlyn back down on his chest to keep the ice at bay. Her head rested under his chin, and the smell of their sex mingled with the wild berry aroma of her shampoo filled him with warmth. With Caitlyn in his arms, still joined to her, he was complete. It should have been terrifying, but he was too shattered to worry about it now. He drifted off to sleep blanketed by her body, feeling more at peace than he had in a long time.

* * * *

The sun rose and brought with it a heat wave to the tiny island, but it wasn’t enough to warm Caitlyn’s ice cold body. All morning, she’d greedily lapped up every iota of time she had left with Jake and they had made love until an hour before her flight was due.

Most of the cast had left the island first thing and she and Jake had been on the last boat trip back to Rio. Now, the seconds trickled down until she had to leave the first-class departure hall for her flight to LA. Jake hadn’t let go of her hand since they’d arrived at the airport. It made Caitlyn wonder if he was feeling the same crushing grief she was.

“Are Amanda and Kale meeting you at the airport?” Jake asked.

A lance of pain stabbed her heart and she struggled to get enough breath into her lungs. Her eyes burned with tears. But she refused to cry now, refused to let him see how hard this was for her. Or maybe he already knew and that’s why he gripped her hand tightly in his. Caitlyn nodded.

Jake let go of her hand and pushed the hair back from her face. His warm hands cupped her cheeks. “If you’re ever in London, make sure you look me up.”

Caitlyn’s heart ripped in two. What in God’s name was wrong with her? She’d known what she was signing up for right from the beginning.

“I will,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Why did saying goodbye have to hurt so much?

Jake swallowed. For a second, his eyes mirrored her grief, but then it was gone, taking the last of her hope with it. Her flight number was called over the intercom, requesting the passengers move to the departure lounge immediately. A tear made a cold, wet path down her cheek and Jake swiped it away with his thumb.
Do not fall to pieces here, Cait. At least wait ’til you’re on the bloody plane.

Caitlyn pulled free of his hold and rose to her feet. Jake stood up and then lifted her carry-on from the floor by the leather seats. “Goodbye, Jake.” The words made everything feel so final and a lump rose up in her throat. With blurry eyes, she turned to the door, but Jake swiveled her back around to face him.

His lips came down on hers, fast and hard. His kiss was full of want and need and sorrow. Caitlyn poured all her love, all her heartache, and all her grief into that kiss; all the while her whole being shattered into a million pieces. If it wasn’t for Jake’s strong arms, encircling her waist, she would have fallen to the ground in a heap of despair.

The final call for Caitlyn’s flight broke through the sound of blood pounding in her ears and she pulled back from him. Jake’s eyes were full of lust, but mingled with something else which made the hope return. Could he love her? Her battered heart soared.

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