It Came Upon a Midnight Dream (3 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Romans

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: It Came Upon a Midnight Dream
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Chapter Five


Disoriented, I jumped from bed and searched the place. No dream dude, no friggin’ white tiger. Four a.m. Well, shit. Too early to be up, and too late to go back to bed. It would be hell going back to sleep after such vivid and wild imagery. Plunking back into my comforting bed, loose limbed but frustrated over the abrupt, back-to-earth ending, I rolled to my stomach and had myself one well-earned mini tantrum. When I moved to the pillow next to me, I could swear I picked up his scent.

The unique, sexy, musky, woodsy smell that was all him and so damn intoxicating.

Impossible. Right? None of this was real.

I slipped off sometime between seeing the clock turn to four-thirty and the alarm going off.

It was now Christmas Eve day and especially nippy. My legs protested being offered up to the arctic floor for testing. Yep, as cold as I feared. I jerked my feet back into the warmth of the comforter and wished I were the sort to be okay calling in sick. But I wasn’t. Polly didn’t deserve it, and neither did I. I’d feel guilty the entire holiday.

Dragging my ass out of the warm bliss that so perfectly surrounded me, I booked it to the bathroom with thoughts of a steaming hot shower.

I was on my way to work, locking my front door, when Mr. Williams tapped me on the shoulder and damn near scared me to death.

“Honey, I wanted to talk to you for a minute,” he began.

“About yesterday?” I asked, guessing.

“This is going to sound crazy, but the tiger? Well, he went to sniffing and pawing at your door. The thing even whizzed all around your place. Stunk the whole area up but real good.”

There had been a weird odor, but since a few hours had gone by between the
the tiger was at my place and when I’d returned from the zoo, I supposed the scent had evaporated or whatever happens to the marking.

“The landlord has a no-pet policy. I just don’t want to hear about you getting into any kind of trouble or nothing.”

“You seriously think I’ve been hiding a tiger in my place?” Mr. Williams was elderly, but not that much so.

“Oh, no, but I thought maybe you’d snuck a house pussy in or something and the tiger picked up her scent.”

House pussy? Oh, hell, no, he didn’t just say pussy.

“Uh, no. Scout’s honor, I run a no-pets household.” I sure as shit wasn’t about to get into anything with him right now. The man had said pussy, and something about that fact had me fighting the worst case of giggles I’d had in a long damn time.

I thanked Mr. Williams for his concern and discretion and caught a taxi into work. It was too damn cold this morning to walk. My blood hadn’t gotten weathered yet for the season.

We passed out our gifts at work for the white elephant exchange and tidied up to close down for the holiday. Thankfully, Polly let me cut out earlier than even our early shut down to get those damn passes from the zoo. Should have been an easy gift, but since it was a spur-of-the-moment idea and my laptop was still being repaired after that last freaking virus, I had to purchase the tickets in person. Old-school and shit.

This time the cabbie and I made it before the zoo closed. I hurried toward the ticket counter and told the girl behind the glass what I wanted. A quick glance at the time said I had nearly two hours before the Christmas Drive woman would be back in her office to get my last-minute delivery. It would be an hour’s cab ride, even in traffic, to get there, which meant I had an hour to kill here at the zoo since the cabby had made it in record time.

“Can I get a day pass too, please?” I took a glove back off and dug my debit card back out.

“You do understand we are closing in an hour?” the girl asked, handing me the envelope with the year-long family passes.

“Yes, thank you.” No way would I be able to explain the sudden need to be inside the park hunting for the white tiger they said they didn’t have. “Need to hit the gift shop to grab another quick gift.” Truth. I had forgotten about the stuffed white tiger request.

“Oh, sure. There are several conveniently located around the zoo. Anything in particular you’re looking for?”

“Actually, yes. A stuffed white tiger.”

I booked it towards the large cat section of the park where any shot at buying a stuffed white tiger would be, though the ticket girl said she’d never seen any. As I turned to enter the cat section I tripped over my own feet and came to a grinding halt. The gates to the zoo might be entirely different than the ones in my dream, but the gates to this particular section of the park were identical.

Holy shit.

The second I stepped through them, chills raced across me and my nipples beaded to stiff, sensitive peaks. Hell, even my pussy clenched as if the cure to my need were right around the corner. What in the hell was wrong with me? Every thought, corner, and turn had me seeking out my white tiger dream man because deep down I knew the tiger I’d seen that first night and the man at the gates were one and the same.

They’d shared the exact ice-blue eyes.

I glanced at my trusty Timex and hurried past the inner turmoil stalling my steps. I needed to get the stuffed tiger before the place closed. I’d have loads of spare time to think about all the odd happenings later, from home.

When I yanked the door open, the little bell attached jangled as if a hundred angels all got their wings at once.

“Hi, how can I help you?”

I glanced up ready to spout the word tiger, and choked even as warmth gushed from between my legs.

A man with ice-blue eyes, a killer smile, and all-too-familiar face stood before me and wanted to know how he could help me.

Really? Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” began in my head.

“I, uh…” My throat closed as my eyes continued to be held trapped in his gaze.

“Well. We have plenty of
in the store.” He shot me a humorous grin. “Were you looking for a lion calendar? They’re a big item this time of year.” I shook my head no, swallowing the enormous lump that had formed. My dream man continued pointing out different items around the store, and I followed silently behind like a schoolgirl with her first crush. “Another big seller with the kids—you are shopping for a child?”

“Yes,” I croaked, embarrassed that my voice and balls had failed me. I mean, I should explain the dream. Right? See how he reacted and go from there? No. He’d think I was daft and sell me the closest stuffed animal before booting me from the store.

I prayed he hadn’t noticed my shaky voice or wobbly knees. He turned and as he walked towards wherever the hell he was headed, I grabbed the chance to check out his ass. I’d already spared a peek at his package, and damn if his ass wasn’t as hot as the large bulge that rode to the right side of his zipper. The man filled out his jeans every way a man needed to. Hey, I was single and ogling man candy wasn’t off limits. So I actually looked hard enough to know which side he resided on today. Big deal.

“Okay, then, what about one of these?” Dream dude held out a small lamp in the shape of a cheetah.

“White,” squeaked out from me. Horrified much?

“Excuse me?” He placed the lamp down and waited for an explanation. Like something other than white.

“Sorry. I meant I’m looking for a tiger. A white one specifically.” I waved the paper a bit. “It’s on the list.”

“Your child’s Christmas list?”

“Oh, no. I’m not married.” His brow arched as if to say, and? “I mean, no husbands...
, children and I’m single.” Damn. Stutter much? I ended up sounding like a moron and desperate to boot.

“Good to know.” If I wasn’t mistaken, his voice had dropped a good octave or two. Become deep. Far huskier than it had been moments ago. “Funny you should ask about a white tiger,” he finished.

“Why is that?” Surely I wasn’t the only one to ever ask about a white tiger. They were rare, but not unheard of. The magician guys had even owned one.

“Well normally we only carry animals we actually house here in the zoo. But even though no one owns up to ordering it, a large white stuffed tiger came in on the last shipment. And now, here you are...requesting one.”

“That is strange.” Oh, I could have told him about strange. But, hello, I wasn’t about to belt out how I’d been getting
with a white tiger shifter in my dreams.

Oh, and by the way, you look just like him. Yeah, uh, no.

“So what’s your name?”

“Zhara. You?” Before he answered, loudspeakers announced the zoo’s closure in ten minutes.

“Ah, guess that’s my cue to buy the tiger and get out of your hair,” I announced, disappointed out chat would have to end. I’d wanted to test my theory that he knew about my dreams. I caught him looking at me in the mirror. He hadn’t known I could see him, and I recognized a flicker of something in his expression. My gut screamed he knew me.

“Be right back.” Well, shit. He’d never given me his name. Damn. Within a minute he returned from the back of the store with the giant tiger he’d mentioned. “And here Dax is.”


“Yeah. Since no one claimed ordering him, my boss named him Dax. After me.” He rolled his eyes before turning and heading for the register.

Damn, the dude even had a sexy-ass name.

My mind went blank as to what to say to potentially trip him up and get him to admit he was the man from my dreams.

Hell, even thinking such sounded ape-shit crazy.

I chickened out. I paid for the stuffed tiger and made a beeline for the door.

“Stay warm. They say we’re going to get a white Christmas this year,” Dax stated, following me, no doubt to lock up behind me.

I turned to thank him once again for the tiger, when his scent hit me. One very distinct and recognizable one. I must have shut my eyes for a moment and inhaled visibly, for when I opened them again, Dax looked ready to pounce.

His laid-back, souvenir shopkeeper demeanor was gone. His nostrils were flared as if he too had scented the air. I caught the odd, oblong appearance of his
right before he pulled the shades that sat on his head down over his eyes.

“You better get going. They start herding up the visitors about five minutes till. You don’t want to have to ride with old Charlie in his golf cart. Poor old guy has bowel problems.”

I got his hint, and I’d gotten my answer. I didn’t have all the answers yet, but this guy wasn’t just some worker at a zoo. He was also the dude I’d dreamt so much about.

Now I just needed to figure out what to do with this information.

Chapter Six


After dropping off the passes and tiger to Lily, the grateful woman from
the adopt
a family program, I headed for Lawrey’s. I’d ordered their roast beef dinner platter which came so large I’d be able to nibble on it tonight and still have a decent-sized meal tomorrow as well. I passed all the shops, so colorfully lit, and the families out strolling for one last evening before their big morning.

Man, but I envied the companionship most took for granted. The special someone to share a holiday with. I didn’t give a shit about gifts. I wanted someone to wake up next to and share my hopes and dreams with.

I made it home as the sky unleashed its heavy bounty.

The snow came down thick and appeared to be sticking. Good thing most everything would be shut down the next day or so for the holiday. If the storm continued, I suspected we’d all be snowed in a few days. At least I had enough canned goods to survive on if needed, and the family-sized roast beef meal.

I’d be lonely, but fine.

I put the food away, upped the thermostat, and crawled into bed, emotional and exhausted. I hoped Dax would appear in my dreams again. Maybe I’d finally get to ask all the burning questions I’d been collecting. Dream or not, I yanked open my lingerie drawer and put on the sheer red baby-doll number I’d bought a few Valentines Days ago for a deadbeat jerk I’d dated a couple of months.

I spritzed my wrists, neck and, as an afterthought, sent a good shot into my cleavage. Why not? Even if he couldn’t appreciate it in my dream, I would know about the extra primping for our astral-type date.

Awareness skittered back with the soft morning light bathing the room. I could tell without getting up, everything outside would be swathed in new fallen snow. My blinds always took on an extra white appearance when snow covered the ground.

I curled under the warmth of the covers and fought back the tears of disappointment and loneliness. My dream guy never showed. Neither had the tiger.

From the hallway a peculiar colored blinking snagged my attention. I hadn’t put a tree up, but the flashing made me think of one.

I slid my feet into slippers and grabbed the flannel robe at the end of the bed before heading down the hallway to check things out. I stood before my small living room shocked at the beauty before me. A gorgeous Christmas tree, fully decorated, sat in front of my window, blinking away in a happy fashion.

Underneath the tree sat
a lone
gift wrapped in shiny paper.

Tears pooled in my eyes, and I hadn’t a clue who could have gotten in my locked home, much less who would have bothered to do so. For the most part, I’d told none of my friends about my absence of any real family. I didn’t dwell over the detail so the sadness over my lack thereof would never take root.

I fingered the ornately wrapped gift and peeled back the paper. A velvet-lined jewelry box wobbled in my nervous hands. I opened the lid and discovered a silver tiger pendant with sapphire blue eyes on a gorgeous silver rope chain.

A sudden purring behind me had me jerking around to find the source.

My white tiger lay behind me and his expression, as it were, approached cocky. Like he knew I wouldn’t freak the fuck out seeing a monstrously sized tiger purring behind me.

“Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” I stated, scooting around to face him.

For his part, he nodded that giant head of his.

“Okay then. Dax...where should we start?” I prayed I’d get some form of response from him. I’d said his name, and now waited for a reaction.

He rose and ambled to me. Rubbing the side of his furry face against mine, he sat directly in front of me, very sure of himself. Within minutes, though, the strange popping that frightened me before started. The tiger yowled as if hurting, and then fur flew and bones shifted until suddenly Dax, naked but a man, lay before me.

“I suspected you’d guessed my secret,” he stated as if seeing someone shifting from enormous tiger to large human were something I experienced every damn day.

“Your scent gave you away,” I said simply.

Dax sat up, little concerned about his nudity or his erection, which bobbed to and fro, attracting my attention. “I’d gathered that when I caught you sniffing the air. I’m glad you did. Made explaining all this easier.”

I didn’t answer. I waited for the explanation I so desperately needed.

“As you’ve seen, I’m a shifter. We’re real. No, it’s not like the movies. You’re either born as one or you’re not. But our mates, whom we know from scent, can be shifter or human. Our animal side recognizes its missing half.”

Again, I stayed mum, though deep in my belly a warmth had started. One that had me wanting to pounce on him. But not yet. I wanted to hear more.

“We passed each other several times. My cat scented you, but I needed to find out how you would react to the discovery of a tiger shifter. Obviously some wouldn’t believe. And if they did, they’d flip. I couldn’t chance that. So, I pulled a favor from a powerful shaman friend who arranged my nightly visits.”

“I knew they weren’t just dreams,” I blurted out.

“Far from it. You’ve not said much,” he stated quietly.

“Your cat was right. I won’t flip the freak out, though I might have if not for the dreams. They rather prepared me for what was to come. Good call going that route. Somehow, I sensed something kindred from the get go. I even felt compelled to go to the zoo and look for...” I trailed off as heat bloomed in my cheeks.


“Besides the gorgeous white tiger I sought the well-built man stealing my every waking and sleeping, thought.”

“I wanted to touch you, everywhere. Taste you, be inside you so far there would be no telling where you stopped and I started. Thoughts of you consumed me in every way imaginable.” His voice grew low and husky.

I stood up and opened the sash to my robe, revealing the sheer red racy number I’d gone to bed in.

“What are you waiting for? I see no bars blocking you now.” Sure, I’d just tossed the gauntlet down. It was Christmas. I was going to get the rest of my Christmas wish.

Dax was up, tossing my robe on the floor in front of the flashing tree before I blinked twice. His mouth suckled a cold nipple within its heat before a third blink, and by the fourth blink the matching panties to this number were history. Ribbons of the material were scattered in every corner of the place.

As he laid me gently down on my soft robe, I cast a glance at the beautiful tree and squealed in shock as his mouth latched on to my clit. Strong hands kept my knees spread wide as he ran his tongue through my folds. Not as rough as a cat’s, but far more abrasive than a human’s and damned be if I wasn’t shooting into another orgasm within just a few passes. Before I could sample him again, I found myself flipped over, ass high, with a massive arm around my waist anchoring me firmly in place.

Dax entered me in one strong, breath-stealing, back-arching, toe-curling thrust. His bare chest draped over my bared backside, and I felt his kisses making their way toward my neck. As he continued thrusting deep within me, he bit into my shoulder. The sensation of being filled to maximum capacity, coupled with the bite, sent me spiraling into a powerful orgasm.

I knew that the bite was a marking, and that I’d gotten my Christmas wish.

I was no longer alone. I belonged with someone, and this holiday as well as all future ones wouldn’t be spent watching the happiness of others—it would be spent appreciating a happiness of my own.


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