It Takes a Spy...: A Secrets and Seduction book (18 page)

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She nodded.

He lay down next to her, propping his head up on one elbow and gazing down at her. She couldn’t help grinning back at him.

He smiled back. “Should I assume that you liked that?”

She nodded again. “I had no idea. That was amazing.”

Now it was his turn to grin. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to hear you say that.”

She adjusted the rough cloth slightly and jumped as the texture brushed against her, sending a tendril of arousal winding its way into her.

He frowned. “I’m sorry for the pain. It won’t be like that again.” Then he grinned. “Well, that might not be true. From what I hear, an overabundance of pleasure can cause some discomfort as well.”

An overabundance of pleasure. The mere thought of it sent aftershocks of sensation coursing through her body. It was as though now that she’d had a taste of passion, her body knew it wanted more.

She shifted, pulling the now-warm cloth away. She tossed it past the foot of the bed so it wouldn’t leave a wet spot on the mattress. Then she rolled to face him. She ran her fingers up his arm and along his neck, then slid them into his hair and pulled him closer.

Devin blinked at her and then grinned wickedly. “What have we here, Mrs. Montlake? It appears I’ve opened the spigot of your passion.”

“I want you to teach me more. There’s more, isn’t there?”

Devin groaned, his eyes becoming molten in their growing ardor. “Oh, so much more.”

He spent the next hour teaching her more about her own body and its response to him than she’d ever dreamed possible. As sensation overwhelmed her again that night, the exhaustion of the day rolled over her. She closed her eyes, just for a moment, and didn’t open them again until Devin gently shook her awake.

“We’ve arrived at the station,” he said, brushing her hair away from her face. “We need to dress and leave for our hotel.”

The dim morning light was just discernible around the edges of the window shade. It was early, and she was exhausted. Cecilia let out a moan.

“Can I tempt you with a long, hot bath? I promise you that once we arrive at the hotel, you can have a hot bath straight away.”

Cecilia cracked her eye open. Devin had apparently already washed. He wore a fresh shirt and yesterday’s trousers, and he looked much too rested.

“How can you look so lively after so little sleep?”

He grinned. “Our activities nourished me.”

Nourished? Cecilia suddenly realized she was famished. She grudgingly sat up in bed, and only then realized she was completely naked.

“Come on,” he said, holding out his hand in an offer to assist her from the bed. “There’s no part of you I haven’t already thoroughly explored.”

She blushed, but he was right. He was now on intimate terms with her body, so there was no need this show of maidenly reticence. She might as well start as she planned to continue. Boldness was called for at this moment. Boldness with a bit of sauciness. She crawled forward on the bed, swaying her hips from side to side, and Devin’s jaw dropped.

“Lord, but you’re enticing.” He glanced away, no longer gazing at her. “If we didn’t need to hurry, I’d show you just how enticing I find you.”

Cecilia grinned as she rose to her feet. She stretched languorously and heard Devin let out a stifled groan.

“Go. You’re killing me.” He nudged her toward the lavatory. “If you hurry, the water will still be warm.”

That made Cecilia move more quickly.

She stepped out a few moments later, wearing fresh undergarments and feeling a bit more like herself. Or rather, like herself except for the unusual aches and twinges in places where she wasn’t used to feeling such things. She supposed that as she and Devin continued with these lovemaking sessions, her body would adjust to the new demands she would make of it.

Devin already appeared to be ready to leave, so she quickly put on her corset. Devin helped her with her laces, and in just another minute, she was dressed and ready to face the day.

“I’m famished,” she declared as they stepped onto the train platform. “I swear, I feel as though I haven’t eaten in a week.”

“Let’s rectify that,” Devin said.

They stopped in a café and Cecilia ordered the country breakfast, complete with eggs, potato galette, bacon, and a croissant. To keep with the French theme of her meal, she also ordered a
café au lait
. She’d need the boost after last night’s activities.

She grinned, and Devin caught her eye. He sat leaning back in his chair, looking completely relaxed and devastatingly handsome. It was all she could do to keep herself from rising from the table and walking over to kiss him. But even in Paris, that type of behavior would be frowned upon.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked.

She grinned more deeply and raised her eyebrows.

“Ah. That.” He grinned back. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“It’s my new favorite pastime.”

“Hmm. That’s a good thing, because it’s mine as well. I’m certain we’ll indulge ourselves often. But then again, that’s what a honeymoon is for—to let us escape our day-to-day lives in London.”

At the mention of London, Cecilia’s ardor waned a bit. She still hadn’t mentioned the wedding gift. “About London,” she began, but she found she couldn’t continue. She didn’t want to intrude on this moment with such mundane matters.

“Go on. Every time the subject of London arises, you seem to tense.”

Did she really? He must be watching her closely to have noticed. “It’s about the wedding gift my father gave us.” She might as well simply say it. After all, she’d already broached the subject.

Cecilia drained her café au lait. “I know you wouldn’t accept my dowry. Father feels terrible about everything that happened. He still wants to help.” She swallowed. Say it, she chided herself. “In place of the dowry, he’s offering us a house.”


“A house. We can either live in it or sell it. But Devin, it’s truly a lovely house.” She knew her voice sounded wistful, but she couldn’t help it.

“And where is the house located?”

“Maidenhead. The train stops there, so it would be a relatively easy trip into the city. It’s beautiful there.”

“Maidenhead?” Devin looked as if he was about to choke. “Your father gave us a house in Maidenhead?”

“And he’s written you letters of introduction. He’ll write to people he knows there and recommend you as a barrister.”

Devin still looked shocked.

She couldn’t let this opportunity slip from her grasp. She’d always wanted to live in Maidenhead. That’s probably why Father had decided to give her the house he’d inherited there. “It’s wonderful. You’ll see. We used to visit there every summer. The bridge over the Thames is lovely. You can even go punting.”

As a girl, Cecilia always loved drifting down the river in one of the little flat-bottomed boats. She glanced at Devin, imagining them together on the water. It would be just the two of them since Devin probably wouldn’t want to hire someone to pole the punt down the river. He was the type to want to do it himself. Even though he wouldn’t be shirtless in real life, imagining him that way as he was standing in the boat, his muscles bunching and releasing as he pushed the pole against the river bed to propel them through the water, was enough to make Cecilia sigh.

So she did.

A devilish gleam danced across Devin’s eyes. “I take it you like punting.”

“I’d particularly like it with you.” Her eyes widened. She hadn’t meant to say that. Cecilia cleared her throat. “Maidenhead went through a bit of a rough patch when the Great Western Railway was built and trains began stopping there. Before that, anyone taking the road from Bath to London would stop there, so the entire town profited from catering to the travelers. The railway changed all that, but recently Maidenhead has become revitalized. Many men choose to live in a setting that is safe and clean and travel to London each day. It’s the best of both worlds.”

Devin looked thoughtful. “And this is something that would make you happy?”

“Extremely happy.”

Devin nodded and leaned closer to her. He put his elbows on the table, and Cecilia leaned forward as well, mirroring his posture and gazing into his eyes. He seemed very serious, but the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Devin took one of her hands in his. “Who am I to take my wife’s maidenhead in the night, and then refuse to give it back to her the very next day when she asks so prettily?”

“My what?” Cecilia’s hand flew to her mouth to cover her grin. Devin had never made a joke like that to her before, and she found she liked it. Cecilia lowered her hand, and when Devin saw her grin, his eyes seemed to light up. This was an intriguing new side to her husband. One she’d need to explore.

Devin turned her hand over and kissed her on the palm. Tremors buffeted her, driving every other thought from her mind. Had it only been a few scant hours since he’d taught her to crave his touch? She even remembered begging for it last night. Based on her reaction to him now, it was a lesson well-learned. All she could think of was how much she wanted to be alone with him again. To touch him and feel him.

To have him touch her.

Devin licked his lips. “We need to go to our hotel,” he said, his voice low and husky. “Now.”

And they did.




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It Takes a Spy...

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Secrets and Seduction

Book 1:
It Takes a Spy…
(Cecilia and Devin’s story) (this book).

Book 2:
Lady Catherine’s Secret
(Catherine and Daniel’s story)

Book 3:
Once Upon a Spy
(Antonia and Robert’s story)

Book 4:
My Lady, My Spy
- (Josephine and Frederick’s story) Available Feb/Mar 2016

Book 5:
Along Came a Spy
- (Elizabeth’s story) TBA


Standalone books (not part of a series)

Gambling on a Scoundrel
(Tempy and Lucien’s story)

Tempy, a journalist working for Charles Dickens, meets Lucien, the owner of the gambling house she’ll be writing about.


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Please read on for an excerpt from

Lady Catherine’s Secret
Book 2 of the Secrets and Seduction

featuring Lady Catherine (formerly known as Miss Catherine Williams) and Daniel, the Marquess of Huntley!


Lady Catherine’s Secret: Excerpt




Lady Catherine’s Secret

Secrets and Seduction - Book 2

Available Now


London, 1853

Despite Lady Catherine's love of fencing, she needs to stop pretending to be a boy and fraternizing with men…but not until after the fencing tournament! Her mother plans to marry her off by the end of the season, so this will be her last chance to enjoy her freedom. When she impulsively puts her reputation at risk to save the life of a dashing competitor, all seems lost when he sees through her disguise, but he vows never to reveal her secret. Thank goodness for gentlemanly honor!

Daniel, Marquess of Huntley, wants to overcome the rumors of his father's madness so he can be embraced by London society. His plan is to marry the most proper woman who will have him, and then raise stable, respectable children. He certainly isn't interested in some hoyden with a penchant for masquerading as a boy and flaunting society's rules. In fact, he'd prefer to keep his distance.

When an obsessed suitor discovers Catherine's secret and threatens blackmail, the only path out of social ruin is marriage. But what kind of protection does matrimony provide when a vengeful suitor is plotting the ultimate revenge?



January, 1853, London


“You’re walking like a girl.”

In the glow of the gas lanterns outside the fencing academy, Lady Catherine Williams whipped around and scowled at her older brother. She felt the hood of her cloak fall back, but it didn’t matter, since the snug white head covering she wore hid her hair.

BOOK: It Takes a Spy...: A Secrets and Seduction book
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