I've Been Waiting for You (5 page)

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Authors: Mary Moriarty

BOOK: I've Been Waiting for You
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Chapter 4

Sally sat at the counter with a cup of tea in her hand. The warmth helped but she really didn’t taste it. Nothing mattered now but Odin. Travis moved around the kitchen silently. “Everything will be fine.”

Sally bit her bottom lip as she looked up. Her eyes fill
ed with tears. “How can you be certain? They’ve been gone all night. They probably had a battle royale out there. Odin, the stupid oaf that he is, probably tried to show how much of a vampire he is and Colum beat him into submission.”

Travis smiled. “It wouldn’t be the first time. They have fought before. Now that Colum is
King, Odin knows better.” Seeing Sally shaking he walked over to her. He placed a hand on hers. Something caught his eye. Turning more he saw Colum and Odin walking up the lawn. Odin following with two deer slung over his shoulders.

“Look Miss

Sally looked up and pushed her tea aside. Running, she flung the French doors wide open. Running past Colum she heard Colum say
, “And good morning father, it’s good to see you are well and in one piece.”

Odin saw Sally running towards him. He let the deer carcass go down with a thud
, catching the flying missile of Sally’s body which hit him square in the chest. As her lips hit his, he tried to stop her. He knew he would taste of blood. He wasn’t neat when he fed. She didn’t stop and kissed him deeply.

The love he felt took over. He didn’t care who watched. He scooped her up higher and harder, crushing her body to his chest. Bringing his hands up, he spanned the nape of her neck supporting her as he kissed her back.

Sally trailed kisses on his face, tasting the salty, wild taste of blood and deer on him. He had deer scent all over him.

She cradled his face and looked deep
ly into his eyes. “Take me home, now. I can’t wait and Colum won’t interfere, if he knows what’s best for him, the family or the house.”

Travis smiled as he went to pick up the deer. He saw Sally pulling
on Odin. “Come on, we are going to your home.”

Odin stopped her and scooped her up in one quick movement. “No, our home. After today we won’t be apart.

* * * * * * * *

They got back to the house on Timber Cliffe Drive in record time. Running up to the front door, Odin had them in the door closed and locked behind them quickly.
Turning to him Sally jumped into his arms. “Now, here, the stairs, anywhere, I don’t care just make love to me.”

Odin had her up the stairs,
taking them two at a time. He came to the master bedroom and looked in her eyes. “You have no reservations?”

Sally hugged him, “None silly. I want you
, now.”

He laid her down gently on the bed. Flic
king his hand in the direction of the lights and stereo system, lights dimmed, even though it was morning and the sun was starting to stream in. Brian McKnight could be heard coming softly out of the speakers. He looked down at the dream-come-true laying on his bed now. Her face was alight with something he couldn’t pinpoint. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on her lips, saw her arms come up around his neck and her body move to the music.

“I’ve been waiting for you, all my life
, and then some,” he said in between kisses. Kissing her again, letting his hand bring her sweater up slowly exposing her creamy skin. Her skin reacted to the cool air. Raising his hand, a fire started to blaze in the giant fireplace. Leaning in, he placed a kiss on her ribbed cage, making her suck in a breath, her hand coming up and capturing his head, her head and neck extending in the rush of excitement that he could tell was filling her.

, let me know what works and what doesn’t. Don’t let me get too far or out of control. I want us both to get there at the same time.” He kissed her again but this time deeper, letting his tongue sweep her mouth. Feeling her tongue dance with his, she kissed him back, pulling him down.

“I want you now Odin, I don’t want to wait
,” she was taking one hand and slipping off her sweats.

down he was greeted with Sally, sans panties. She lay there with nothing separating them but his jeans. “You aren’t making this easy, baby. I want to love you, but you know this isn’t all about the act itself. It’s you, me, us becoming one for now and forever. It’s something that is very primeval.” He let his lips travel from her mouth to her breast, gently kissing them.
For now,
he thought. They would have all day and night. No one would expect them back today. This was their day, a time to claim each other, a time to learn and love.

“Let me lead for now
, we have all the time in the world.” He kissed her again and let his hand touch her softly, enjoying the feel of her body react. It sent electricity through him. Just like when he fed, this mating would charge him up, change him forever.

He sat
up and had his clothes off faster than he ever had before. He sat there looking down at his lover, his mate, the woman who would be his forever from this day forward. This was their own private ceremony.

ally sat up in front of her vampire god. She touched the scar that was on his left chest. Looking up as she touched it she got up on her knees not caring that she was naked in front of this vampire, her bodyguard, but now things had changed. She had been attracted to him, not his brother, for the last two years, but never figuring it would come to this. She kissed the scar and heard him breath in deep and let it out in a hiss.

“What’s it from? I want to learn all there is about you
,” she said, feeling his finger under her chin, she looked up into eyes that were as black as the night.

“You will, you will.” He took her hand and kissed it. “From when I died
,” he held her hand as he kissed her again. He could kiss her forever. Her sweetness mixed with his and the deer’s scent was enough to send him over the edge right now.

He pushed her down
, but she was quick as she wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him down, her legs wrapping around his waist. He let his lips travel from her lips to her neck, gently nipping her skin. Feeling her go still but then stretching, offering herself. “Not yet, later,” he whispered in her ear.

He continued the slow torturous path kissing and lic
king her belly. She started to buck as he got closer to her mound. She was making low moaning noises. Bringing his hand underneath her, he brought her up to his face. Glancing up at her, he saw the flush on her face. Kissing her and then let his tongue lick into her, to really taste her.
My God, you are sweeter than I thought you would be.

Sally’s eyes opened wide as he kissed and licked her. She heard his thoughts but couldn’t focus as she was about to let go. She started to feel the bands of restraint let go. Felt everything focus on that pinpoint of where he was kissing and lic
king in turn. She tried to stay clear but couldn’t.

“Let go
, baby,” he said with a throaty growl.

She didn’t need any more urging. It was too quick
, but it was like nothing she had ever felt as she started to quake and then she felt a nip. A feeling of heat surge past, the orgasm spread all over her. For an instant, she thought some drug had been injected. She tried to open her eyes, did for a second, and saw him still licking her. She saw the smile on his face, and then knew it was his fangs that had done that. She screamed as her body went further than it ever had before.

He started to move up her body, kissing her still trembling body. He let his hand and fingers find her. She was so tiny, he was so afraid he would hurt her. She didn’t give him time to think. She guided him into her as she moved. She was controlling him, helping him move inside of her.

“I want all of you, no reservations Odin, none. I won’t break. I saw us, saw how we were made for one another. That’s why I could hear you and did just now.” She kissed him as she watched him, watched them move slowly. She was having trouble again focusing. The feeling of him was so intense. She caught him by his ass pulling him in further. Sighing she said. “Take me, all of me.”

e sure?” was his throaty reply.

She reached for his lips, letting her finger touch them, him suc
king on them in turn, nibbling them, sending waves of pleasure through her whole body. “Yes,” she said through her gritted teeth.

They moved slowly at first till he t
hought he couldn’t stand it anymore. But he had to claim her. He let his head go back in a growl as he felt her start to climax the first time with their actual lovemaking. She was hot and his. Looking down at her beautiful face he swept a kiss on her lips then nudged her head aside. Kissing her neck, the skin so white, her pulse beating strong. She stretched, making it go taut. “Now,” she whispered.

He licked the spot, lic
king it and kissing to make sure she was numb and as she was about to let go again he sank his fangs into her.

Her blood was sweet
, like the best honey found in the summer when he and Thor were boys. She moved harder taking the lead. Felt her hands sweep up his back. They were moving except where he was connected to her neck. He laid his forehead there in worship as her life’s blood slowly swirled around his tongue. He could taste her but he also saw her as no one would ever see her. Saw her strengths, fears, saw her happiness and the intense sadness when her father died. As he gently sucked on her neck, Odin saw her desire for him. He could see it had never been Thor she’d desired, it had always been him. He took one last draw from her vein and then licking it closed, he came back to the present and her body, She was as tiny as he was large but she wrapped around him, moving in that dance that would be only theirs for the rest of their days.

into his eyes Sally knew she was his. They moved harder and faster. She couldn’t imagine another orgasm like she had just had two times before, but she felt the pressure build again. Her eyes got big, she tried to breathe as she saw his head go back she felt the pillow by her head being grabbed. He growled, then she saw lights, a blinding white light and she was gone behind him screaming his name in the storm of their release.

* * * * * * * *

They lay as spoons, his body covering her back. He knew she was asleep by the tiny movements she made. The sun was high in the sky and they had been making love, talking, making love again and learning constantly from the first time. He had opened one of his veins and had her drink from him to seal their connection. They were now mated. Now he could find her anywhere in the world, if it ever came to that.

ing still, she knew even with her eyes shut tightly that it was in the middle of the day because the heat of the sun was hitting her face. Sally felt tiny puffs of breath on her neck. It was warm and felt like butterflies dancing on her. Her body was warm despite Odin being cold. His body created heat for her through his strength. She felt warm, loved and protected like nothing else she had ever felt before. She turned and saw a lazy smile form on his lips.

“Are you hungry
, dearest?”

Sally hadn’t till he mentioned it, now she felt starved. “Yea
h, I’m actually starved.”

Odin gathered her in his arms and kissed her deep
ly. Feeling her lips, like velvet. Looking down he smiled. They were a bruised red color, swollen from all the lovemaking.

Let’s call my Uncle and he can bring some of your clothes over. While we wait, we’ll shower.”

Odin grabbed his cell phone on the bedside stand. He hit a key.

* * * * * * * *

Travis felt the vibration of his phone. Opening it up
, he saw that it was Odin.

“Ah, you’ve come up for air
. What can I do for you, or is it for Sally?”

Uncle, can you bring a suitcase of her clothes over?”

Travis smiled into the phone as he stirred his tea. “I’ve anticipated this very thing an
d have her clothes all packed. When would you like me to be there?” He listened. “I’ll be there in exactly an hour.”

Odin put the phone back on the stand and turned to Sally. “Come on, let me shower you

Sally was used to luxury
, but this was all made just for them; a his and hers, a shower for two. One shower head was his height, one her height. She watched as he stood under the water. The water going over his muscles looked like it was a waterfall cascading off the rocks. He stood, hands braced on the marble wall, letting the water shower over him. She came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him, letting the water hit both of them as she hugged him, pressing into him. She trailed kisses on his back, letting her hands slide down his side and to his front, letting her fingers find him, feeling him stretch. She heard him moan as she wrapped herself around him.

,” he moaned. It was lost in the sound of the shower.

Chapter 5

They worked at cutting up the ingredients for the omelets. Sally, who knew her way around the kitchen, was amazed at Odin’s proficiency in the kitchen. They sat down with glasses of champagne. Sitting at a nice older table looking out at the long, sloping lawn and the harbor beyond, Sally was in awe for a few moments.

“Beautiful isn’t it?”

Sally looked over at Odin. “Everything is so beautiful right about now. You and me, everything seems a little more brilliant. I can’t describe it.”

Odin took her hand. “I understand. Even the champagne taste better.” He brought her hand to his lips. Kissing her knuckles he saw her smile and shiver. “I promise it will always be like this.”

They cooked in the happy quiet. After they finished cooking, Odin decided that they should just sit and eat on the sofa, which faced the sweeping lawn that looked down on the bay below.

Sally sat chewing her food, watching Odin eat. She knew he only did it to keep her company, not because he was hungry.
“Can you tell me about who you are? I’ve heard things over the last couple of years. I know you were created at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014, but not much more than that.”

Odin finished his omelet, watched her finish hers
, then after she put her plate down, he pulled her to him so she was rested in the crook of his big arm. Playing with her hair and kissing her head he thought how to best tell her about his first life.

He could se
e it as if it were yesterday. “I was born in the year 991 AD, in Dublin. My mother was Gormflaith. She was as wicked as she was beautiful. She wasn’t the most maternal woman around. Even when she was fifty, she had men lusting after her and she was always stirring up trouble.” He felt Sally snuggle deeper into his arms. When had his life been this comfortable? He had always had a comfortable life, but never one with love.

“Tell me more.” Sally rubbed his big hands. “How did you get the name Odin? I assume
it wasn’t your real name.”

, it was the one I chose. My first name was Olaf, the younger. Thor’s name was Donnchad, we are actually half-brothers. Once my mother had me, she left me in the care of my wet nurse. That woman became my real mother. She and her husband, a Viking from Orkney, were my parents. They taught me how to care for all less fortunate than myself. My other brother was Sigtrygg Silkbeard. He became King of Dublin like our father, Olaf Cuaran, who carried the Raven Banner.”

Sally sat up straight. “The sign of Odin
, is that why you took the name?”

Odin kissed her forehead. “In part. Since I was the youngest
, I didn’t get much except a good training in horses, battle and long ships. My Uncle Mael Morda Mac Murchada, who was the King of Leinster, and my mother’s brother, took me under his wing when I became fifteen. He felt I wasn’t treated fairly. If it hadn’t been for him, I would have gone to my sister-in-law’s family.”

, being a history major in Medieval History, was enjoying this. “That would have been Slaine, and the High King Brian Boru.”

“Yes, I had seen too much palace intrigue and really didn’t side with Mael’s
family, but he was feeding me and paying me handsomely. He was also giving me a share in his ruling.”

, at the same time Slaine married your brother, King Brian married your mother?”

“Yes, we had a twisted family tree. Being Irish and Norse Vi
king, I had a really large extended family.” Odin snuggled Sally closer, taking in her scent. “My mother had everyone wanting to fight my step-father. He locked her up and I fled ahead of him to my Uncle’s stronghold. I told him what was taking place. For me, there was no love lost for my mother, but my allegiance was to my Uncle. My mother and my other brother ended up being behind the walls towards the end of the battle, and Donnchad and I, along with our Uncle and our step-father, perished in the battle.”

Sally turned and faced Odin. “But how did you come to be created by Colum?”

Odin laid a kiss on Sally’s lips and they turned to the sound of the doorbell. “Ah, Uncle.”

When Travis let himself into the house he could hear Odin and Sally calling his name.

Walking into the large family room that was alight with afternoon light and a fire going in the fire place, he saw Sally studying him as if he were someone new. “Here, Miss Sally. If you need anything else, just call me.”

Sally jumped up and ran to Travis
taking his hands. “Come sit with us and tell me about yourself.”

Travis glanced over at Odin. “I’m not sure I’d be understanding you Miss

Sally detected his brogue.
She pulled him to sit with them on the sectional couch. “About before you were changed.”

He nodded,
“Ah, yes then, has Odin told you who your mother was in all this?”

Sally looked from one to the other. “No, he hasn’t.” She looked at Odin square in the eyes. “Who was my mother?”

Odin smiled. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. In that life she was Slaine, daughter to Brian Boru. It is said both his first and second wives were from the Fae. Slaine was an exceptional beauty and had the sweetest of dispositions. Her father loved her dearly and hoped that that would be what it took for peace. Sigtrygg and she were only married for a couple years. She was sixteen when she was given in marriage to my brother. But she never forgave him for turning against her father. She divorced him before the battle of Clontarf and then she married Colum O’ Heachthanna. It is thought my mother had something to do with her death ten years later, but that is for another day.” He took Sally’s hand and kissed it. Then holding onto it as if to anchor himself, he continued, “Those were dark days after Slaine’s death. Colum mourned her properly and then went crazy with rage. His father, King Cormac, sent him to the Holy Lands to stay. He wove his way there then back and forth. He ended up fighting with Richard Coeur de Lion.”

“Richard the Lion Hearted

Odin hugged Sally. “I knew there was something that drew me to you besides the obvious

Sally punched his arm. Odin yelped and Sally rolled her eyes at him but fell into his arms to be hugged and kissed again.

“Yes, Richard the Lionhearted, part of the Devil’s brood.” He shook his head. “If you think there was intrigue in Brian’s family, The Plantagenet’s family would be the definition of palace intrigue.”

Travis nodded. “Most royal courts are
, but they took the cake. Later that family became the Tudors.”

Travis took Sally’s hand. “I was Odin’s
Uncle. I took him under my wing, as I had wanted to have him be my successor upon my demise. Thor, who was Donnchad, had been given a minor area. It was my wish to groom Odin. My sister wasn’t happy if she wasn’t seducing someone with her beauty or stirring up trouble. She would have made a very good Witch of Macbeth.”

“When did my mother come back, that is reincarnated?”

Travis had walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, Odin and Sally followed him and sat down at the bar. “It was after the death of King Richard. Cormac allowed Colum home because he had been watching for her. She had been born to an Earl’s family. Colum knew the family, as he had been coming back and forth for some time. He time walked, as they say, so he could be in two places at the same time. He was one of Richard’s closest advisors and with Prince John always plotting, Colum didn’t dare be gone too long from the side of the King.” Travis took a sip of tea. “It was always thus.”

Sally stood up and
hugged Travis and took the cup of tea he offered her. “Thank you Travis.” Taking a sip. “You know, I will never be able to look at any of you in the same light. I mean, look at who you were and what you have seen and experienced.”

Odin wrapped his arms around Sally. “Well
, I’ve been waiting for you for an eternity.” He kissed the top of her head. “It was well worth the years of wait.”

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