JACKED (4 page)

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Authors: Sasha Gold

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Getting to his feet, he pulled her into his arms. She rested her head against his chest. He brought her back to the water and let it wash over them again while he caressed her back and held her as she recovered from her climax.

He turned off the water, took her hand and led her out. She followed, silent and obedient. He dried her, wrapped her in a towel and dried himself, doing a quick job of it.

“Let me carry you, baby girl,” he whispered.

She nodded and he took her to the bed, settled her into the sumptuous bedding.

“If I were the sort of man who wanted to offer a sympathy marriage, don’t you think I’d make you sign a prenup?”

She nodded. “Yes. I suppose so.”

“I want you, Savannah. I have for a long, long time. I want to make love to you and I don’t want anything between us.”

“No condom.”

Her voice was quiet but the words were more of a statement than a question and he waited for more of a response.

“I haven’t been with anyone, and I’m not on any form of birth control.”

“I understand. It’s up to you, Savannah.”

He took his wallet from his jeans and removed a condom. “I’m clean. Obviously you are.”

“This is fast. All of it.”

“It’s what I want.”

Her gaze fell to the condom. “I don’t want anything between us either.”

He smiled, set the condom down and prowled over her. With a quick movement, he tugged the blanket away. He lowered himself, settling between her silken thighs. Her eyes widened. He pressed against her and she drew a sharp breath.

Scattering kisses along her jaw, he paused to whisper. “So damn beautiful.” With the head of his shaft just inside her, he pushed, just a little, then paused.

“Jack…” Her voice was a tight whisper. She clung to him.

“Easy,” he soothed. “I’m going to take care of you.”

He pushed in a little more and then deeper as she panted. She was so damn tight, it took everything he had not to drive into her. He gritted his teeth, easing in until he felt her hands settle lightly on his waist and damn if that didn’t unleash something inside.

“I want you,” she whispered.

He growled, gripped her and thrust into her, taking her small cry with his kiss. He hated to hurt her. She stiffened but kept her hands on his waist, urging him on. He kissed her savagely, gripping her mass of blonde hair in his fist and holding her where he wanted her. She shuddered and lifted her legs to clasp his hips with her thighs.

Savannah, his Savannah. She was his angel. She met his thrusts. Unbelievable. She answered his kiss too. Parting her lips and stroking her tongue against his.

She broke the kiss and gasped for breath. Beneath him she bucked and writhed. Beauty. He could feel her pleasure climbing. Thrashing beneath him, she made small keening noises that grew louder.

“I can’t take it,” she cried and arched beneath him. “

He reveled in the way his cock felt sheathed in her slick heat. So tight. As her climax took her, he let himself go. A few more, deep, hard thrusts, and his orgasm gathered, tightening his balls just as he filled her with his seed.

They lay together, both breathing hard.

“Did I hurt you?” he whispered.

“I’m okay. Better than okay.”

Looking down at her he kissed her again. “That was amazing, Savannah.”

She closed her eyes. “I liked it too, Jack. It almost seems like you brought me out here for this.”

“I brought you out here for this and a whole lot more.”

Her eyes widened. “More?”

“That’s right. I’m keeping you here. Captive. There are probably bears all around the cabin. You need me to protect you. There’s no escape.”

She laughed softly and sank into his arms. He listened to her breathing as it slowed and deepened. Aside from the hiss of the flames in the fireplace, the cabin was still. Snowflakes swirled past the window as they drifted down.

Chapter 5

Savannah was naked, snuggled next to Jack as he dozed. Jack told her their honeymoon cabin was a “no nightgown” zone. If she was cold she needed to warm up next to him.

He was naked too and a few times he’d taken her in his arms while he slept and she’d encountered part of him that was most
awake. His erection made her laugh softly. He stirred, responding to her with a soft growl.

The full moon filled the cabin with silvery light. The snow had let up and now everything lay still. Silent. In the moonlight she could see his five o’clock shadow… not that it was a five o’clock shadow, it was way past midnight. Her skin burned. Her face, her neck, her stomach and even her thighs stung from the abrasive rub of his short beard.

She blushed thinking of what he’d done to her. Kissed her between her legs.
her. She whimpered softly at the memory.

Instantly he was awake. He rolled over and propped on his elbow. “You okay?”

“Fine,” she whispered. Brushing her fingertips along his jaw, she was surprised by his response. So swift. So fierce. So protective.

His gaze softened and he took her hand and kissed her fingertips. “Bad dream?”

“No.” She flushed. How she could explain that she was thinking of what he’d done to her? All the wicked things. After they’d made love, he’d gone from demanding to gentle, even tender. He cared for her, bringing her a warm washcloth. No one had told her that sex was a little messy, especially the first time. She’d bled. The sheets were streaked with red.

“I was thinking about what happened tonight. How I’d imagined that a thousand times before.”

A smile tilted his lips. “Me too.” He nudged her onto her stomach. “I want to play with your sweet body, but I’m going to behave myself.” He kissed her shoulder, tugging the sheet down to her waist. “Right now I’m just going to admire the way you look in the moonlight.”

The coals in the fireplace shimmered, a mesmerizing glow that she watched while he kissed her back. His lips traced a line down her spine and made her shiver.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered when he reached the small of her back.

He pulled the sheet off her so she was fully exposed to him. Naked. Goosebumps made her skin taut. His breath was warm. As it fanned over her she moaned softly. He cupped her bottom, squeezing it gently. His strong hands stroked the back of her thigh. Heated arousal bloomed between her legs and she parted them without thinking.

He growled. “Careful.”

His fingers tips brushed the insides of her thighs. Her breathing changed and she squirmed restlessly, wanting more from his touch even though she was a little sore from their lovemaking. She turned over, and smiled at him flirtatiously, lifting her arms over her head, offering.

His gaze drifted down her body. “Teasing me?”

“Maybe a little.”

“I could make love to you all night long, Savannah. But I won’t – not tonight anyway. Are you hungry?”

Without waiting for a response he got up. The moonlight cast a silvery light across the expanse of his shoulders and his rigid arousal.

Giving her a stern look, he pulled on some pajama bottoms. “See what you do to me? From the first time I met you.”

She giggled and watched him walk to the kitchen cupboards. He returned with a plate of berries and artisan cheeses and crackers in one hand, wine and glasses in the other.

“Your father knew I had you in my sights. He told me to stay away from you.”

She sat up, keeping the sheet tucked around her. “Really?”

“He noticed I was checking you out. He thought I wasn’t good enough for you.” He poured some wine and offered her a glass, then filled his own. “He might be right, but you’re stuck with me now.”

He tapped his glass against hers.

“And you’re stuck with me.” She sipped her wine, then patted her stomach. “You’re stuck with me and junior. God, I shouldn’t be drinking.”

She felt the blood drain from her face. “I’ve only been old enough to drink legally for six months and look at me.”

He sat down on the bed and grinned. “Pretty sure a few sips the night of conception isn’t going to keep the baby out of Harvard. If you’re pregnant, that is.”

She wrapped her arms around her knees. “What if I am?”

In the moonlight it was difficult to make out the expression on his face, but he looked pensive.

“I’d be very happy, Savannah.” His voice was quiet.

She set her glass aside. The idea of having a baby should shock and bewilder her but instead she felt a deep contentment. Even if she conceived immediately, it would give her plenty of time to finish her last class. Her father always told her and her sisters to wait to marry and not to have children until after thirty five.

You can’t make partner if you’re busy making babies…

None of that ever felt right to her, like a child was some afterthought. She’d always wanted children and sooner rather than later, but the idea of having Jack’s baby made her heart melt. She imagined a little boy with Jack’s grey eyes, or maybe a little girl with his serious demeanor. Or maybe a few of each…

She smiled. “I’d be happy too. Very happy.”

Chapter 6

Jack woke her just before dawn so they could dress and be out on the trails as daylight broke. There was just enough time for coffee and a few bites of breakfast before he was hustling her out of the cabin. The night sky was a blanket of black velvet with twinkling pinpoints of starlight. The fact that the stars still shone was further evidence that it was too early to be out.

“I knew you liked the mountains, Jack, but can’t we enjoy them after the sun has been up a few hours?”

“That’s when we’ll go fishing.”

She trudged a few paces ahead of him and when she gave a cry of dismay at the notion of fishing he had to laugh.

“I didn’t bring any of my fishing poles, baby. Don’t worry. You’re off the

A groan came from her. The path widened and he came to her side, took her hand in his. The morning was utterly still the only sound was the crunch of snow under their feet. Light lit the horizon, a thread of crimson that grew to a broader ribbon of orange.

She squeezed his hand. “It is pretty. You’re right. It’s a special time of the day.”

“Glad you got up so early?”

“I am.”

The trail ended at the top of a ridge. As they reached the top, the sun broke over the skyline. He pulled her into his arms and held her. He’d always imagined he would bring her here or some other spectacular town in the mountains. Steal her away and keep her all to himself. Flying had always been his passion but now he just wanted to be with Savannah. They hadn’t had a normal courtship, or any courtship really, and he needed to make that up to her.

He lifted her chin and kissed her. The bulk of their coats made it difficult to hold her like he wanted, but even through the layers he could feel her respond. He brushed his tongue across her lips and she yielded to him. She was sweet. Perfect.

“I want a picture of us,” she whispered shyly. “I don’t have one of just the two of us.”

It was true. They’d posed in pictures together. Family pictures over Thanksgiving that his mother had insisted on, to show they were all just one big happy family. By then Weston had made it clear he didn’t think too much of him. Jack probably looked pissed in the picture. Savannah was right. They needed a picture of the two of them. She was beautiful. Her lips were a little swollen from his kiss, her eyes shining with happiness.

She handed him her phone and he positioned her so the Tetons would be in the background and snapped a picture. They took a few more and he handed the phone back to her.

“I can’t believe it,” she said. “I actually have service way out here. I didn’t have any at the hotel or at the cabin and we hike half-way to the Arctic Circle and now I have coverage.”

“Sassy girl,” he muttered. I’m going to have to spank that gorgeous ass when we get back.”

She ignored him. “I have a text from my sister, Charlotte. She must be feeling guilty that she abandoned me and sided with Dad.”

“I bet they both do,” he said. “Your dad intimidates them when he gets on a rampage.”

“I should send her one of our pictures.”

He whistled. “That might be…interesting.”

She pulled off her gloves and spoke softly as she texted. “Dear Benedict Arnold, I got married yesterday. Cheers. Thought you might like to be the first to know.” Grinning she looked up at him. “I’m sending it along with a picture.”

“Up to you. I sort of thought I’d go to your father and talk to him. Man to man.”

“Pffft. I sent it. They need to find out sometime and I don’t want you to take my dad on.” She dropped her phone in her pocket and pulled on the gloves.

“I don’t want him unloading on you. Not by yourself.”

She shrugged. “He’s not even talking to me.”

“He will when he finds out about this. I won’t let him rake you over the coals.”

He saw the quick inhale and a small furrow form between her brows but he stopped her before she even began to argue.

“This whole situation was something I
, Savannah. All of it. More than you know and I take responsibility for all of it. You had no choice. If you’d said no, I would have tossed you over my shoulder and carried you off somewhere and found ways to make you say yes.”

Her cheeks flushed. She gave his shoulder a push. “You wouldn’t have either.”

“Want to try me? Try to get away from me.” He stepped back, folding his arms across his chest.

Her lips were parted and her expression suggested she wasn’t sure if she should be worried or amused. She bit down on her lip and gave a breathless laugh. “I don’t want to get away from you. I need to stay close since you’re the one carrying the bear spray.”

She gave him an impertinent look, turned and began back down the path. He followed.

They walked back to the cabin, stopping every so often to examine animal tracks. Wolves, elk and squirrels. The snow was only inches deep but enough to leave a record of the animals’ passing through. A breeze began to blow and by the time they returned to the cabin, Savannah was shivering.

He wanted to take her to bed, to warm her properly, but seducing her required five minutes of undressing first. By the time they’d shed their boots and layers of winter clothing, he was growling impatiently.

“Did you remember to buy some grumpy husband spray?” She dove under the covers. He followed her and she screamed when he kissed her neck. “Your nose is

“I’m going to warm it up between your breasts and maybe by the time I go further down, it won’t be so cold.” He kissed her breasts, teasing her nipples with his tongue. As much as he loved her small cries he wanted to

She smelled sweet like desire and her scent unleashed something savage inside him. He needed to keep his lust under control. To be gentle. For now. Her skin was smooth, perfect. In the daylight he could see how flawless she was and some primitive instinct made him want to bite her, mark her. Was she pregnant? Maybe, but he still wanted to show the world.
Savannah belongs to me

He coaxed her thighs further apart and licked her. Wet. Slick. Aroused. She was ready and he imagined driving into her silken heat. Her arousal sent a powerful jolt across his senses. His cock throbbed. A growl rumbled inside him.

She gasped and edged away from him. He stopped, laughed softly and hauled her back to him. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“This was easier last night. In the dark. After wine,” she whispered.

He sucked her clit between his lips. She arched under him.

“Want me to stop?” he asked.

“Oh…”she breathed. “No.”

Slowly and with deliberate gentleness, he began his leisurely torment, pinning her down while he stroked her with his tongue. When he felt her pleasure climbing too high, he backed off and nipped her thigh or stopped to tell her something filthy.

“You taste so good, Savannah.”

“I can’t take it. I’m so close. You could almost make me…”

“I could make you do something?”

Her breath came in short, trembling gasps and she shook with need. “You could make me come. Please. Make me come.”

He hadn’t expected her to be so blunt. She looked so beautiful, naked, her arms raised above her head, breasts heaving with each breath, blonde tendrils cast around her.

“All right sweet girl,” he said softly. He kissed her thigh, licked her, reveling in her wetness, and then sucked her clit again. This time he stroked her entrance with his finger, just a little to tease her but it was all she needed and her arousal spiked. Her small, desperate cries filled the cabin until she arched beneath him, her climax bursting through her.

…” she moaned.

When he’d wrung every bit of her pleasure from her she sank down into the bedding, eyes closed and panting. He rose on all fours, prowled over her, lifting her hips from the bed. Pressing the head of his cock to her entrance he waited for her to recover her senses. He gritted his teeth. The urge to plunge into her made sweat gather on his brow.

Her lids lifted. The corners of her mouth curved. She had the look of a woman who’d just come hard and it didn’t help his restraint.

“Savannah?” he ground out.

Her smile widened and she gave a small nod. He took that as tacit invitation and drove into her. She was tight. So fucking tight. Lifting her legs she wrapped them around him. His thrusts were harder than they should be but she was offering herself so sweetly. He couldn’t stop. She brought out the beast in him. He held her hips off the bed and watched her face.

Her playful smile faded. Her eyes were bright. They shone with need. She could come again. He could see the desire there in her eyes. Fuck she was sexy.

He slowed his thrusts and deepened them, each time he sank into her she writhed. They moved together. He slowed a little more and she closed her eyes, making a small sound of complaint.

“Beast,” she whispered. “Don’t stop.”

“You want to come again, baby?”

She nodded. “Please. Anything.”


Well what man could resist that? He lowered her back to the bed and settled over her, nuzzling her neck. Grabbing her hips he increased his rhythm. She went wild, clinging to him and meeting each thrust. He felt her climax gathering and his own pleasure built. He clenched his jaw. She came, her pussy tightening around his cock. He drove in to her warm depths and filled her. Pleasure tore a snarl from his lips.

He lowered to the bed, settling beside her and pulling her close. As their breathing slowed, he stroked her back and kissed her. “Too rough?”

She shook her head, rested against his chest. “No. Perfect. Everything’s perfect.”

A moment later, he felt her slip into sleep. Her body relaxed completely and her breathing was slow and even. He held her, savoring the feel of her in his arms. The light in the cabin was dim, the sky had grown overcast since they’d returned. Winter weather could change abruptly in Wyoming. The cloudless, bright and still morning had given way to gusting wind and skies that promised snow.

It didn’t matter. He’d planned for at least four days at the cabin and the kitchen was fully stocked. The hotel was just a mile away and if she wanted something delivered, he could text the manager. He closed his eyes. First he’d need to find his phone. Usually he checked messages a half-dozen times a day, but he hadn’t even looked once since arriving in Jackson. He’d been distracted in the best possible way.

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