Jack's Christmas Wish (13 page)

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Authors: Bonni Sansom

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Jack's Christmas Wish
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“I don't know what to say. I've had to take care of everyone else. I've never had anyone offer to take care of me.” She shed a single tear that rolled slowly down her cheek.

He wanted to kiss that tear away. He was starting to get an idea why she didn't like the word love. She hadn't had anyone tell her that really meant it.

“You don't have to say anything. I want to take care of you. I want to make love to you. I want you in my life and in Jack's. He obviously loves you.” He used the word deliberately.

She stared at him. “He l-loves me? How can you tell?” She looked over at Jack, who was shooting at monsters with a plastic gun.

“Yes, don't you see it? He wants you in his life. Do you feel it toward him? I think he senses it. I think by the way you tried to protect him that you love him very much. Am I wrong?” He knew he wasn't; she had thrown herself over him to protect him. She would have given her life for his. His heart nearly burst thinking about it. He reached across the table and took her hand.

No, you're not wrong. I would have done anything for him. Even if it killed me, but I'm glad it didn't.”

“Yeah, you and me both. I don't think I could have gone through it again. I've already lost one woman I loved. I couldn't stand losing two.” He gauged her reaction.

She didn't flinch away. She didn't seem to be surprised as a matter of fact she seemed to be okay with it. He waved for their waiter.

“I think I knew that when we were together the last time. It felt different.” She smiled at him.

“It did. I did. I thought I sensed a change in you as well.” The waiter showed with the check. Derek placed his credit card in the slot and waited for the receipt. He wanted to get out of there, call Billy's mom and get his evening started with Lissa.

Holy Crap! What in the hell is happening today? I must have bumped my head harder than I thought. Derek loves me? Jack loves me? Wow.

“Maybe we should put our night off. I do have to work in the morning.”

His smile faded and immediately she regretted her words. She'd obviously hurt him.

“No, Lissa, I want it to be tonight. My Christmas vacation is almost over and I need this time with you. Please reconsider.”

She hung her head. “Alright, I'll spend the night with you, but I'll need to get some clothes and you'll have to take me to work.”

“Deal.” His smile was back and he squeezed her hand. He looked very much like a kid that got his Christmas wish.

The waiter came back with the receipt. They boxed up the rest of their pizza and collected Jack. “I was having fun, Daddy.” Jack stuck out his bottom lip and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Jack, don't pout. We have to go home. Miss Lissa probably has a headache and needs to rest.” He scrubbed his hand through Jack's hair.

“Stop it, Daddy. Let's take her back home. She can sleep in my room.”

Derek chuckled. “No, son, I don't think so. She can rest on the couch. We can play a board game or maybe you can go to Billy's.”

“Can I go to Billy's? Please, daddy? He has the new game I want.”

“Yes. If Billy's mom says it's okay.”

“Call her now, please”

“Alright, alright. Calm down.” He pulled out his cell and punched the number in.

“Hi. Mrs. Jeffries? This is Derek Baxter. Jack wants to have a sleepover at your house. Would that be alright?” He nodded his head and smiled.

“He'll be there within the hour.” He hung up the phone. They piled in the truck and headed home. Lissa sat in the middle of her two favorite men.

She was nervous. More so than before. She had been with Derek for a night of sex, but it had morphed into so much more and it scared her. She hadn't felt anything when Rex said he loved her, but with Derek, she felt her stomach fill with butterflies and her heart beat faster. After picking up Lissa's clothes and toiletries, they headed to Derek's.

As they pulled in his driveway, she had to force herself to stay calm. She knew this was probably going to change them both. How could it not. He had basically said he loved her at the pizzeria. They hopped out of the truck and headed in the house. Jack quickly gathered his things, stuffed them in his backpack and left, leaving Lissa and Derek alone.

[Back to Table of Contents]


After Jack left, Derek took Lissa up to his bedroom to rest. He gave her two acetaminophen tablets and a cup of water from the master bathroom.

She held out her hand. “Oh, thank you. My head is killing me.” She tossed back the pills and swallowed them down with water.

He watched her throat work and imagined her swallowing his seed. He couldn't get enough of his little kitten. “You're welcome. Why don't we lie down for a while and snuggle up. I know you have to be exhausted.”

“I am tired. I could use a few hours of sleep. You did keep me up all night last night. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.” She smiled broadly at him and put the cup down on the dresser.

He approached her taking her in his arms and kissed her. “I'm glad you're not complaining. I had one of the best nights of my life and I'd like to have another tonight. That is if you're up for it.”

“Oh, I'm up for it. I just need a nap first.”

He bent down, taking another kiss.

“Let's get you out of these clothes. Would you like a hot bath before we sleep?”

“Yes. That sounds like heaven.” He slipped her shirt up and over her head lifting her arms and let it fall to the floor. His hands skimmed down the sides of her body then pushed her breasts together undoing the front clasp of her bra.

She moaned at his sensuous touch.

He let her bra fall to the floor then moved to her jeans. He tugged the waist of her pants pulling her into him and undid the button then the zipper one tine at a time. He exposed her creamy tan skin for his viewing pleasure. He pushed her jeans and panties down her long lean legs as she held on to his shoulders to step out. He stood back up taking a nipple into his mouth tasting her flesh. Salty from the day's perspiration, he suckled greedily, feasting on her breast, teasing the other with his fingers.

Her head fell back in abandon, letting loose little whimpers of ecstasy. “Yes. That feels so good, Sir.”

“Good girl.” His hand slid down her body, causing gooseflesh to appear, tickling her, making her giggle. He felt her slickness coating her folds, swirled his fingers in her lube and inserted two fingers into her pussy.

She inhaled sharply. “Oh, yes. I love that, Sir.” She widened her stance, giving him better access.

“Lissa, come for me, love.” He worked her clit with his thumb, adding more pressure.

Her breathes came in pants and her legs shook, wobbling about to buckle with her orgasm. As he rubbed her clit and finger fucked her rubbing across her G-spot.

He wrapped a strong arm around her waist holding her upright.

“Come for me now, love.” He added another finger.

She splintered apart in his arm.

“That's it, love, that's it.” He held her trembling body close to his. He kissed her head and carried her to the bathroom.

“Thank you, sir.”

He sat her down on the edge of the garden tub. His cock was harder than a rock, but this was for her, to help her relax and sleep well. He would get his turn soon enough. He ran the water and lowered her into the bath. He slid in behind her and she reached around to his cock.

“No love. That was just for you.” He pushed her hand away.

She sighed and relaxed against him.

She looked like a sated kitten curled up against its master. He grabbed a washcloth, poured a liberal amount of floral scented body wash on it and cleansed her body gently. Her eyes stayed closed the entire time.

He loved her, wanted to take care of her and wanted to show it to her every single moment. It was his way of giving himself to her completely.

Her breaths were slow and even. She'd fallen asleep in the tub. He took this opportunity to whisper in her ear. “I love you, kitten.”

He finished her bath, woke her up enough to dry her and take her to bed, then covered her up and went downstairs to think.

He sat in the kitchen in his jeans, sipping coffee. It angered him she hadn't come to him about Rex. The bastard had a damn gun and intended to use it on her. There was no doubt in his mind he would have raped her. She said he had been leaving her messages detailing what he wanted to do to her sexually. Those alone made him want to kill the sonofabitch. He couldn't let her go now; she needed his protection, his love, his last name. He was sure he wanted to marry her. He went to the laundry room snagged a clean shirt and socks, got dressed and headed out the door.

Lisa woke up nude in an empty bed. Her body felt wonderful, she hadn't been this relaxed in months. She thought about all the things that had happened over the course of the day and shivered when she thought about Rex. He was more dangerous than she had ever suspected.

She remembered how Derek had handled him so easily. His muscles flexing and bunching with exertion while holding the smaller man back. She cringed remembering the hit Derek had taken to his gut. She wondered if he was alright and where he was. His side of the bed hadn't been slept in.

“Derek?” She climbed out of bed in search of her clothing and for him. She found one of his shirts and pulled it on, fastening the buttons. It covered her to her thighs so she figured she could get away with just the shirt. She padded to the bathroom, splashed some water on her face and checked her reflection in the mirror. She looked like a freak show attraction. Her hair was sticking out everywhere and her face had lines from her pillow all across her cheek.

“That's attractive.” She picked up a fluffy towel and dried her face. Now she needed to find Derek. She noticed how quiet the house was. All that could be heard was the grandfather clock at the bottom of the stairs as it ticked. She checked the entire downstairs even the dungeon, which was locked. She couldn't find him so she went to the kitchen and pulled out the box of pizza. She checked cabinets for plates, found them, snatched one down and tossed a slice of cold pizza on it.

“Nothing better than a cold piece of pizza.”

“Really? I could think of a lot of things that are better,” Derek came through the kitchen door.

Lissa nearly choked on her pizza. “Dammit, I didn't hear you come in.” She slapped her hand over her pounding heart.

“Sorry, love, I didn't mean to startle you.” He made his way over to her and kissed her. He held three bags dangling from his arm.

“What's in the bags?”

“Christmas presents. No snooping allowed.”

She swallowed hard. She hadn't even thought of buying gifts for him and Jack. Matter of fact she couldn't afford it. It must have shown on her face.
That man doesn't miss a darn thing.

“Lissa, love, what's the matter? Have I done something to upset you?”

“I can't accept gifts.” She looked away with a frown on her face.

“Why not?”

She sighed. She might as well go ahead and tell him. He wouldn't leave it alone. She had learned that already. “I can't afford to buy you and Jack anything. Okay?”

He tugged her by the chin around to face him. “Love, you don't have to buy us anything, but I hope you'll change your mind about accepting my gift. I worked really hard picking it out.”

“You did?”

He nodded his head. “Yes I did. You're not an easy person to buy for.”

He had definitely piqued her curiosity, but, no, she would have to turn it down. She shouldn't take advantage of him. She loved him too much to take advantage of him.
Love? What am I thinking? Do I love him? He makes me feel like a goddess. He makes me feel like a valuable treasure. He makes me feel loved for the first time in my life. Yes, I love him.

“What's going through that pretty little head of yours?” He sat down at the table next to her, placing the bags on the table. She took a bite of pizza so she wouldn't have to answer.

“I can see it in your eyes, love. You might as well tell me.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“And I can see you're not going to leave it alone.”

“You're right. I won't. But I will for now. Finish your pizza and meet me in the dungeon.” He gathered the bags and left.

Damn, I'm wet just like that, at the snap of his fingers. How does he do that?

“I'll be right there.” She shoved the rest of the pizza in her mouth, chewing quickly. She almost felt giddy. One more night with him would be heaven on earth. She dropped her plate off in the sink and quickly walked to the dungeon. The door was ajar and she heard a rustling sound coming from the room.

“Come in love, I'm waiting for you.”

She pushed the heavy door open and entered the darkened room. Directly in front of her was the bed. It had been made up with black linens the last time she was here and now it wore red. It looked like a silky material, maybe satin and had small vertical stripes. The man could obviously seduce with the best of them. All that was missing was rose petals and champagne.

“Do you like it? I picked this out just for you.” He smacked something against his hand. “I also picked this out for you.” He waved it in the air showing it to her.

It was black and leather with a bunch of leather straps hanging off of it. “What is it?”

“It's called a cat o’ nine tails. It's perfect for you kitten.” He smacked his leg with it, making her jump.

“Can I look at it?” She approached him nervously.

“Sure. Come take a look, love. I will start you out slow and see where we go. Don't be afraid, you still have your safe word. Lissa, tell me your safe word.”

She held the leather handle in her hands and slapped her bare leg with it, testing it. It stung, but felt good at the same time. Yes. She would have a lot of fun tonight. “My safe word is red, Sir.”

[Back to Table of Contents]


Damn he was nervous. Usually the careful control held him firm, but he had to take one of the biggest chances with Lissa he'd ever had to before. He had to get her to open up to him. He had to get her to trust him completely. This would not be an easy task. Especially with her past hurts. She had a safe word but he hoped she wouldn't use it. He needed to break her down to build her back up.

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