Jacob's Faith (10 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

BOOK: Jacob's Faith
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“Where have you protected me, Jacob?” she bit out, though he could feel her body softening, smell her desire for him growing. “I’ve needed you. Needed to be with you, and you never came for me. Never called for me to come to you. I would not be here now had Wolfe not demanded it.”

“But you are here.” His fingers tangled in her short hair as he pulled her head back demandingly. “And I’ll be damned if I’ll let you leave.”

Lust, thick and hot swirled in the air around him. The scent of her sweet, female need was like an aphrodisiac, driving him mad. Jacob’s lips covered hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth to claim the velvety depths demandingly. She moaned against him. A whimpering, needy sound that made his body flame.

He felt her body conform to him, so delicate and small, as her hands gripped his shoulders, her nails biting through cloth, pricking at his skin. Fire arched from nerve ending to nerve ending in Jacob’s body as he pulled her closer to him, his lips devouring her. He couldn’t get enough of her. Her sweet taste, her heated passion.

Her lips were satin fire, her tongue a jolt of electricity, and when her lips closed on him, drawing on his tongue, easing the throb in the thickening glands along its side, he nearly came in his jeans. His cock pulsed, throbbed, until he gripped her hips, lifting her closer to wedge the hard length against the heated mound of her cunt.

He braced her between the door and his body, his hips pressing into her, flexing, stroking the sensitive, jeans covered folds of her pussy. He wanted to rip her pants from her body, lift her closer and push hard and deep into the fiery channel that awaited him. He wanted to devour her. Ravage her. He wanted his lips and hands on every part of her body at once.

“Damn you,” he cursed as he jerked back, tearing his lips from hers only to move them along her cheek, her neck. “You’re like fire, Faith. Fire and lightning and you’re burning me alive.”

They were both gasping for air now, straining together, loins grinding into each other.

“Jacob.” The sound of her tremulous voice, fraught with equal parts fear and desire, whipped through his body with a surge of sensation that left him fighting for air.

He could feel his muscles trembling as he fought to control himself, felt his need for her reaching a peak he had never known existed. She was hot and sweet, and his. His mate. His woman.

Jacob allowed his lips to move with quick, ravenous kisses and strokes of his tongue along her neck, dipping under the neckline of her shirt as she strained against him. He loved the way her body arched to him, her neck tilting, giving him better access, her breasts flattening against his chest as she fought for breath. He could feel the hard points of her nipples burning into his flesh, making his mouth water to taste them.

One hand moved from her hips as he tore the shirt from the waistband of her pants. His hand moved beneath the cloth, stroking over skin so soft, so fine that he shuddered in awe.

“I want you,” he growled into her neck as his hand smoothed around her side, his fingers glancing the curve of her swollen breast, his lips aching to stroke it in turn. “I want you now, Faith.”

He heard her whimper, felt her as she tensed, striving for control. Her hands gripped his shoulders tightly, her breath shuddered through her body.

“Now,” he whispered again. “You’re mine. You know this as well as I do. Mine, Faith.”

He didn’t expect her to tear away from him. Didn’t expect the surge of strength that would give her the impetus needed to jerk from his arms, stumbling weakly as she put several feet between them.

Jacob’s eyes narrowed, his fists clenching as he watched the swollen, hard-tipped mounds of her breasts moving rapidly beneath her thin shirt.

“Why now?” she cried out, her dark eyes glittering with emotion. “Why do you want me now, when you haven’t in six years?”

Jacob paused, frowning. “I’ve always wanted you, Faith.” He shook his head, confused by her anger. “There was no question of that.”

“Oh really?” she bit out sarcastically. “Funny, Jacob, I’ve been questioning it for years. Maybe because I never saw proof of this desire you suddenly have for me.”

Jacob felt like snarling in frustration. His cock was swollen, demanding release, his blood pumping through his veins, his flesh demanding release, and it was more than obvious that she was just as aroused. Yet she stood here arguing with him, rather than choosing to satiate the need?

“Does it matter?” He raked his fingers through his hair in irritation. “We can make up for the time we have lost, Faith. If you would stop arguing with me long enough.”

He wished he knew how to soothe her, how to ease the glimpse of pain that flashed in her eyes. He had a feeling his declaration only made the situation worse, though.




Chapter Eight


Faith shook her head. “Sometimes, Jacob,” she said bitterly, “men are so stupid.” She literally stomped from the room, rushing up the stairs and out of sight.

“Shit!” he cursed, wondering if he was going to please her with any damned thing he had to say.

He paced the room long after she left, fighting the need to go to her, to force her to admit she wanted him. He started after her twice, then turned around, growling impatiently. How was he supposed to know how to handle this woman? When had she developed such stubbornness, such temper? It aroused the hell out of him, and confused him to no end. It made the urge to dominate her, to mount her, nearly uncontrollable.

His cock was throbbing impatiently beneath his jeans, reminding him forcibly that his mate was there. She was here now, man. Strike while the iron’s hot. Show her who’s boss. Give it to her now. Damn cock.

He shook his head, almost laughing at his own thoughts. She was driving him insane. Just what he needed, a crazy woman whose insanity was contagious. He was doomed.

Breathing in roughly, he growled out a curse before deciding that his best course of action was to just go to bed. Go to sleep. Forget she was in the house. Yeah. Like that one was going to happen.

He started up the stairs, intent on just that. And he assured himself he would have done just that, if the soft, muted sounds and the light scent of heat and arousal hadn’t hit him the minute he stepped close to her bedroom door.

Jacob stepped silently into the bedroom, spellbound by the sight that met his eyes.

She lay on her back, her head arched back on the pillow, breasts swollen and hard, her thighs opened, her slender fingers moving gracefully, desperately over the slick folds of her pussy. Her fingers slid through the narrow slit, softly, so slowly he was panting by the time they pushed into her vagina. His breath exhaled roughly when they retreated and returned to her clit as she gasped out in needy lust.

The inner lips glistened with thick dew. It was so slick, it clung to her fingers, glistened on her inner thighs, and the sweet scent of it sent his cock into raging demand. He licked his lips, his eyes narrowing on her hand, his body tensing at her ragged, nearly silent cries. Clenching his teeth, cursing his cock, he walked to her.


* * * * *

Eyes closed, her lower lip clamped between her teeth to halt her cries, Faith moved her fingers over her swollen clit, her body shuddering from the delicious sensation, her legs tightening as she felt the tension gathering in her clit and in her vagina. Heat flared through her womb, her stomach, her veins. Her blood seared through her body, pounding harsh and loud in her head as she stroked the tender knot, fighting for release.

The fingers of her other hand tweaked at the nipple of one breast. The exciting flare of pinching pleasure almost broke her control. She could feel the moan welling in her throat, the need to call out Jacob’s name was nearly overwhelming.

Behind her closed eyes, she imagined him as she wanted him to be. His face hard, savage, drawn into lines of pleasure. She imagined his lips on the slick folds of her cunt, rather than her fingers. His tongue licking her, lapping at her. Her hips jerked in response, a lightning stroke of sensation traveling through her body as her vagina contracted.

Her breathing was hard, heavy, her need rising by the second and still she could find no release. She wanted to howl in pain. How was she to bear the pleasure/agony of such arousal? Her breasts were swollen, her nipples fiery pinpoints of exquisite sensation. Her flesh was sensitive, her body sheened with sweat. Her cunt throbbed, pulsed, her slick juices coating it as her fingers moved faster on her aching clit.

She moaned. She couldn’t help it. Desperation wracked her body as it never had before. Arousal was like a ravenous beast lurking just under the surface, crying out to be free. Release, no matter how minor, was now imperative.

She arched to her own stroking fingers, Jacob’s name finally gasping from her lips as tears built behind her closed eyes. She needed, needed him so desperately.

“Faith.” She heard his voice as it had been that night in the Labs, deep and dark, resonating with power and arousal. A figment of her imagination. How many times had she heard it before? How many times had the sound of it sent her over the edge into a climax, not completely satisfying, but enough to make the needs bearable?

“Now,” she whispered, her head tossing on the bed, her hips arching, her need pounding through her bloodstream with the force of a tidal wave.

Then her fingers were halted. Not by choice, but by the force of a large male hand enclosing it tenderly.

Faith’s eyes flew open in horror, widening as she saw Jacob standing over her, compassion reflected in his eyes, the temptation of his cock standing out hard and heavy from his body. It was so thick, engorged, the flared head wide and tempting. He would fill her. She moaned, biting her lip in agony, in embarrassment as she jerked her hand from his clasp and scrambled to jump from the bed. She had to get away from him. She couldn’t bear the pity in his eyes.

She screamed out silently at fate, at the cruel circumstances that left her at the mercy of her own body and the wracking desires that twisted her loins into an inferno of lust.

“No, Faith.” His voice was hard, thick, as his arm caught her around the waist, dragging her back along his body as he knelt on the bed.

Like a shaft of fiery steel, his cock was cushioned against her back.

“Let me go.” She felt strangled, gasping for air as his touch sent such incredible, heated pleasure through her body that she had to fight to breathe through it.

Her hands gripped his thick wrist at her side, pulling at it, trying to force it from her. She had to get away from him. To humiliate herself in front of him, twice in one lifetime, was too much to bear. Her nails dug into his wrist, she felt her tears dampening her cheeks and hated herself for it. She hated the weakness that flowed through her body, the desperate need to fall forward, offering herself to him, begging him to mount her, to take her with the pounding force her body was screaming out for.

“Let you go?” he whispered at her ear, the thread of amused arousal in his voice tearing at her heart. “I don’t think so, baby. When did you start taking me for a fool?”

“I’m sorry,” she gasped, her head falling back on his chest as his other hand cupped her breast, his fingers enclosing the turgid point of a nipple and pinching it lightly.

Weakness flowed through her. She arched into the miniscule pain, needing more, but determined to hold the plea inside. Furious shame and agonized lust battled inside her for supremacy. She wanted to beg him to let her go, she wanted to demand that he fuck her into oblivion.

“Sorry for what?” he whispered at her ear as his mouth slid to the small mark he had left on her neck years before.

He licked at the proof of the wound he had made so long ago. Faith trembled. So good. Her flesh tingled, electrified as his tongue rasped over the rough area. Faith shook in his grip, hating the weakness of her own body, the strength of his steady control behind her.

“Jacob.” Her voice was strangled as she felt perspiration slicken her skin further.

Heat raged through her body, stroking the volcano that seethed inside her pussy.

“You should see how pretty you look right now, Faith,” he whispered at her neck. “Your head thrown back, your breasts so swollen and firm. Your cunt glistening with all that sweet juice.”

How could he see? Her eyes blinked opened as she struggled to raise her head from his shoulder. She instantly met the dim reflection in the large standing mirror across from them. She saw the desperation in her own reflection and fought the cries that welled in her chest. She didn’t want this. She didn’t want Jacob once again, because he pitied her for the uncontrolled arousal she couldn’t fight.

“Do you know what I’m going to do?” His eyes met hers in the mirror, glowing, the light steel-blue color blazing with heat. “I’m going to eat all that sweet syrup from your body, Faith. I remember how good you taste, how hot that pretty cunt gets.”

She trembled violently. She could only gasp for breath, she was beyond coherent speech.

In the mirror, with only the light of the full moon to brighten the bedroom, she watched as his hand moved at her waist, sliding down, over her abdomen, the broad, dark fingers moving unerringly to the glistening lips of her sex.

When the touch came, Faith didn’t think she could bear it. His fingers whispered over her clit, nearly throwing her into climax. If she could speak, she would be screaming for the ease. She could only whimper in desperation, arching to his fingers.

She watched in the mirror, unable to stop herself, unable to believe it as she watched his fingers part the bare folds and slip through the small slit that ran to the entrance of her vagina.

Faith’s breath strangled in her throat. She didn’t want to watch, to see her own shameful ecstasy reflected on her face, but she was held helpless by the image, erotic and more sensual than anything she had ever known.

“See how much you enjoy my touch, Faith,” he told her, his voice husky, his own breathing rougher than before. “How hard your nipples are, how soft and wet your pussy is. Feel, Faith. That’s all you have to do.”

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