Jake (16 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Woolf

BOOK: Jake
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“Oh, you will, will you?” He laughed, brought her close again and whispered in her ear. “If we were alone, I’d teach you something right now. As it is, we’ll have to wait until tonight.” He set her away from him. “Now, Missus, you get back to work.”

She smiled, liking it very much when he called her ‘Missus’. It meant she was part of something. That she meant something to someone and that someone was Jake. She wondered if she’d ever be able to tell him she loved him. What would he say? Would he love her back? What if he didn’t, couldn’t love her? What then? It was too scary to contemplate. No, she’d keep her feelings to herself until Jake shared his with her. If he couldn’t love her, he couldn’t. There was nothing to be done for it. She’d said ‘until death do you part’ and by God, she took her vows seriously.


They finished a delicious dinner of the trout David caught, some beans made with the last of their pork belly and cornbread she threw together when she’d stopped working for the day. She walked the kids back home after supper and told them she’d come for them tomorrow.

When she got back to camp, Jake was sitting next to the fire, playing with the stick he and Hannah had been writing with that day.

“Did you have a good day with Hannah?” Becky asked as she sat down next to him.

“Yes. I was surprised but it was quite fun to teach her. She’s like you, eager to learn.”

Becky knew she blushed because he wasn’t talking about teaching her how to make her letters but how to make love.

She drew her braid over her shoulder and began to undo it. When she’d gotten it all loose, she ran her hands through it, loosing wave after wave of flaming red hair.

“Come here,” said Jake, his voice husky with need.

She recognized the tone and as she rose she said, “I’ll meet you in the tent.” Then she danced just out of his reach, opened the flap and dashed inside. Once there she lit the oil lantern and began shedding her clothes.

Jake was directly behind her and stood at the opening watching her in the light from the lamp.

“Well, are you going to get out of your clothes or just stand there all night watching me?”

“I could watch you all night and all day and never be bored. You’re lovely. Has anyone very told you how beautiful you are?”

She shook her head, no, and continued removing her clothes.

“Well you are and I mean to tell you every day.”

Ignoring what he said, after all he just wanted to make love. He couldn’t really mean it she’d removed her bloomers and was stark naked. He grabbed her and brought her close. He kissed her mouth and then moved downward with little nips along the column of her neck. She bent her neck to give him better access, shivers running up and down her spine from the tiny kisses.

“You’re gorgeous and soft, gentle and strong. You’re wonderful. You know that?”

Again she shook her head no. She didn’t want to speak. Didn’t want to end this dream she was living.

“Another thing I have to tell you every day, so you’ll believe me.”

She looked down and saw the skin on her chest pinked at his praise.

“You don’t have to say nice things to me so I’ll make love with you.”

He brushed her hair back on one side and cupped her faced with his good hand. “I only tell you the truth. I would never lie to you. Now come here.”

“Oh, Jake. Are you strong enough? You only have one good arm. How are you going to hold yourself over me?”

“I’m not. You’re going to be on top this time. You’ll have all the power. You say when it’s enough, when to stop, when to go.”

She stared at him like he’d lost his mind and she wasn’t completely sure he hadn’t. Her, on top? But how would that work?

“I don’t know how,” she said, her voice small.

“I’ll teach you. Help me out of these pants.”

She knelt in front of him and unbuttoned his trousers. When she pulled down his drawers, his cock sprang free from the confinement. She reached out, slowly, to touch him. His member pulsed when she touched it and Jake threw his head back.

“God, Becky!”

She snatched her hand back, “I’m sorry, I didn’t—”

“No, don’t stop. You aren’t hurting me. I…like it. Remember?”

His breathing was ragged but since he said he liked it, she was going to explore. She wrapped her hand around him and moved it up and down the hard silkiness of him, amazed he could feel this way, hard and soft at the same time.

She saw a bead of moisture form at the end and rubbed her thumb over it.

Jake groaned.

She glanced up at him, to make sure she wasn’t hurting him and saw his head thrown back and heard his breathing shallow and fast.

“Yes, just like that. Up and down with your hand while you squeeze me at the same time.”

Concerned, she asked, “are you sure I won’t hurt you?”

His voice thick with need, he said, “Lord, no. It’ll be heaven.”

Becky did what he asked, enjoying the feel of his cock in her hand, squeezing his hard rod as he groaned with pleasure. She hadn’t thought it possible but he seemed to grow harder with each pass of her hand.

“All right, stop,” he said grabbing her wrist. “If you don’t stop right now, I’ll lose my seed and I want to be buried deep inside you when that happens.”

He lay down on his back on their pallet. “Now, you straddle me.”

She put a foot on either side of his hips and slowly lowered herself to sit on him.

“Now, as you can see, I desire you very much. I want you to lift yourself up and position my shaft at your opening. Then I want you to lower yourself onto me.”

Becky understood what he was telling her to do and followed his instructions to the letter. She felt him deliciously fill her as she lowered her body on to his. When she could go no farther, she asked, “What do I do now?”

“Now you move. Up and down, side to side, around in circles…whatever feels good to you.”

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me. If you like how it feels, so will I. I promise.”

She rocked forward and back several times, then lifted herself up, slid down and back up again. Leaning forward, she rubbed her breasts over his chest, loving the rasping of his chest hair against her sensitive nipples. He reached up and took one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and pinched then rolled it. Exquisite torture were the only words she could think of to describe the pleasure-pain she received.

What she was doing wasn’t enough. She braced herself on his chest and lifted up and down, faster and faster. She rose up, leaned back and continued the up and down motion.

Jake must have known what she needed because his hand delved between her folds and found her pleasure bud. He rubbed and flicked the little nub until she groaned deep and long with her release. Then she collapsed forward onto his chest.

He continued to pound into her from underneath, until he shouted with his own release, spilling his seed deep inside her, then he too, lay back, spent.

Becky lay there atop Jake, too tired to move. She didn’t have to, he rolled to his left side, taking her with him. He kissed her and tucked her in using his uninjured arm, holding her close. It was always this part that she loved the most. The after. The cuddling. Just being held like she meant something to him. She could almost pretend that he knew what it meant to her and enjoyed it, too.

She closed her eyes and relaxed against his side, seeing in her minds eye the future she wanted. Jake and children in front of a big, two-story white house with a picket fence and a porch with a swing on it. One where she and Jake could sit and talk after a long day or just sit and watch the sun set. It was her favorite dream and she drifted off to sleep smiling.

Morning dawned bright on the river. Becky turned over and found herself alone in the tent. She sat up and stretched, letting the blanket fall to her waist. The tent flap opened and Jake poked his head in.

“Now that’s what I like to see. My wife, naked and satisfied with the morning sun on her face.”

“There’s no morning sun, you’re blocking it.”

“Here now, is that any way to talk to your husband? Especially when he’s toiled all morning just to bring you a cup of fresh coffee.”

“Oh, well in that case, you can see all the morning sun on me you want. Gimme.”

He handed her the metal cup. “Careful. It’s hot.”

She held the cup by the handle in one hand and the top rim in the other, then blew on the hot liquid. The rich aroma filled her and made her mouth water. She took a sip. “Mmm. How come your coffee always tastes better than mine?”

“Family secret. Now, Missus, get your beautiful self out of bed and get dressed. Daylight’s burnin’ and we have gold to find.”

She put down the cup, stood and pulled on her clothes. Then she took the coffee and her boots outside. Setting down the cup, she took a deep breath of the clear, crisp morning air. It was the last week in September and the leaves on the live trees had turned a beautiful gold color.

“What’s for breakfast?” she asked, stretching like a cat, knowing Jake watched her hungrily.

“Me, if you don’t stop stretching your lovely, naked self in front of me.”

“Mmm. My favorite meal,” she said, smiling. “After we eat, I want to check your shoulder.”

“My shoulder is fine,” he grumbled. “It was only a flesh wound.”

“It’s only been a week and you haven’t been letting it heal.”

“I rested it for nearly the whole week. Except for our activities last night, I’ve been a very good boy.”

“You were a
good boy last night, too,” she said, remembering the orgasm she’d had.

He grinned. “Want a repeat this morning?”

“I just might, except we have company.” She nodded toward the path between their camp and his brother’s. David and Hannah walked up toward them, David with his fishing pole and Hannah carrying a book.

“Looks like you’re reading today.”

“I’ll get you later,” he said under his breath. He glanced over at the advancing children, “Hi, kids.”

“Hiya, Uncle Jake.” David and Hannah said in unison.

“Becky,” said David. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” she answered as she finished lacing up her boots. “What can I do ya for?”

“Huh?” said David.

“Nevermind. It’s just something that my da used to say. What do you need, young mister?”

“Well,” he looked down and kicked at a stone with the toe of his boot. “Hannah and I was talkin’ and wondered, if…if…well, can we call you Aunt Becky? We ain’t never had an aunt before, that we can remember. So can we?”

“Sure. I’d be honored if you’d call me Aunt Becky. I’ve never had a nephew and niece before either.”

David seemed happy but Hannah was thrilled. She wrapped her arms around Becky’s leg and said, “Hi, Aunt Becky.”

She leaned down and ruffled the child’s hair. “Hi, niece, Hannah.”

David grinned and Jake laughed.

“Alright, now let me go. I have to go to work.”

“Yes, Aunt Becky,” she said, releasing her hold on her.

She figured if Hannah said it enough, she would get the newness out of her system and she would go back to being just Becky.

The thunder of hoof beats sounded coming up the path.

“David, where was your Dad this morning?” asked Jake casually, never taking his eyes from the trail down to the Anderson camp.

“They went up the mountain.”

“Get behind me,” Jake shoved the boy behind him and took his arm out of the sling, putting his hand on the butt of his gun.

Becky did the same, putting herself between the coming riders and Hannah. Then she picked up the Sharps rifle she’d propped against the log by the fire and cocked it.

“What do you want?” asked Jake when the horses came to a halt.

“We’re friends of Billy Finnegan’s and we come to get his gold,” said the man with the eye patch on the big chestnut bay.

“We got no gold belonging to Billy Finnegan,” said Jake.

“That ain’t what Billy says,” said the skinny man on the paint horse.

“Well what Billy says and what’s the truth are often different,” said Becky, pointing the Sharps at the two men. “Now you go on and get out of here. Tell Billy we ain’t got nothing for him.”

When they didn’t move, Jake unholstered his Colt revolver and pointed it at the men. “I suggest you do as the lady says.”

The men looked at each other and then back at Jake and Becky. “Since you’re not bein’ very hospitable I guess we’ll be goin’,” said the skinny one. “But you best watch your back.”

Jake didn’t put his gun away until the men were out of sight. As he holstered it, he said, “Hopefully, we’ve seen the last of them.”

“I hope so, too, but we should keep watch just in case. They’ll come at us at night, if they come at all.”

Jake nodded his agreement. “We’re going to have to keep alert. I’ll take the first watch tonight.”

“I’m not going to be able to sleep either, we’ll probably watch together.”

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