Jamie's Heart [Amazon Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (13 page)

BOOK: Jamie's Heart [Amazon Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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A woman he needed to see and hold urgently.

So without a second glance at the body before him, Conrad ran toward the party and the woman he loved, the woman he could now feel in his heart and soul.

He didn’t know how she did it, but he knew Jamie had been the one to fire that arrow. It was an impossible shot but one she had made to save his life.

When he broke through the tree line, he saw she was running toward him at full speed. They collided as she launched herself into his arms. He nearly fell over backward, but he managed to stop himself…just. Having her in his arms had never felt so right. He felt like he had just found his way home.

Chapter 10


“You did it. Oh, my God, you did it.”

Now that she had the time to comprehend what had happened, Jamie was overcome with joy. She was so happy and excited that she started kissing Conrad all over his face until her lips landed on his. He held the back of her head in place, refusing to let her leave his scorching kiss. As if she would, the stupid man. She was exactly where she wanted to be.

The kiss was becoming increasingly passionate. She was grinding her pussy onto his hardening cock. She wanted him so badly that when she heard a throat being cleared behind her, she had to choose between ignoring it or killing the person who had done it.

“Err…does someone want to explain what the
just happened?” Her sister sounded calm at first, but by the end of it she was close to hysterical.

It was her sister’s distressed tone that brought her back to reality and the fact she was practically dry humping Conrad in front of the crowd that had gathered around them. Even when she realized they had an audience Jamie was reluctant to pull away just as Conrad seemed to be. He growled at her, squeezing and pulling her tighter against him. She didn’t resist.

Without looking away from Conrad, Jamie spoke to her sister.

“He fought for me,” she said in answer to her sister’s question.

“Well, it’s about damn time,” Jordon said with a big-ass grin on her face. She cuffed Conrad on the back of the head.

“What the hell was that for?”

“You’re an idiot.”

“Would you mind telling me why?”

Jamie pulled back further to look into Conrad’s face to see he really was clueless. He had no idea what had happened. She disengaged herself from him and prepared herself to tell him that she had been recognized as his true life partner. She was nervous to find out how he was going to react.

As she moved away, Crimson stepped toward them.

“Did she hit her target?” Crimson directed the question toward Conrad and ignored Jamie.

“Yeah, got the bastard square in the chest,” Conrad answered with pride as he smiled at Jamie, causing her to blush and look away, smiling.

“Mind filling the rest of us in on which bastard you’re referring to?” Crimson asked as she rubbed her distended belly.

“Guy called Kallon.”

“What?” Jamie turned to face him immediately. “Kallon?
Kallon? The hoplite?”

“Don’t call him that, otherwise I’m gonna have to go back there and kill him all over again.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I meant my
, Kallon.”

“Good, because he’s not yours. I am.” Now that brought a smile to her face. She made her way toward him with lust burning a path to her pussy.

“Hold on.” Crimson stepped between them. “I know that look.” Crimson looked over toward Sloan. He smirked and winked back, which appeared to make Crimson quiver.

Dragging her gaze away from her true life partner’s penetrating stare, Crimson continued. “We got a few things to clear up before we leave you two alone. Now, why were you fighting Kallon?”

“Well, to answer Jamie’s question, yeah, Kallon, you know, the hoplite warrior you beat in a fight? When the hell did that happen and why didn’t you tell me?” Conrad ranted as he flailed his arms around in agitation. “You know you’re gonna have to explain to me what the hell happened when we’re finished here, right?”

Just as she was about to answer, Crimson cut her off.

“Get to the point. What happened between you and this Kallon? Don’t make me ask again, Conrad.” Crimson was clearly getting ticked off.

“Turns out the gods were not pleased with his performance when he fought Jamie, so they stripped him of his abilities, made him mortal, and sent him to this realm. Needless to say, he was not happy and he blamed Jamie for his circumstances.”

Jamie just stood there shocked, her mouth hanging open.

“The things he said he was going to do to
her…” Conrad sneered. “He deserved a fate worse than the one he got.”

“Fair enough,” Crimson stated evenly before turning to Jamie. “Now it’s your turn to explain. Mind telling me how you made that shot?”


“Try again. You were the one who killed the Cyclops, weren’t you? That’s why you told me to give the young cadets a chance.”

“Err…yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t come forward sooner, but would you have believed me? You didn’t believe the others.”

“Yeah, I would. Look, I don’t know what the other cadets have said, but everyone who’s claimed to have shot that arrow, I’ve given them the chance to prove themselves.”

“I–I’m sorry.” Jamie was suddenly filled with shock and fear. She had implied Crimson was being prejudiced against younger Amazons. “I will accept any consequences you deem fit.”

She thought Crimson would be angry at her, but she just smirked at Jamie. “What are you talking about? Why would there be consequences? You haven’t done anything wrong. It takes balls to call me out when you think I’m wrong. I’m impressed. We can’t all be right all the time. Sometimes I do and will make mistakes. Someone once told me that we were born from gods, not gods ourselves.”

“Sounds like a smart man,” Sloan called out from the crowd.

“Don’t be a dick,” Crimson called out over her shoulder toward Sloan’s general direction, making Jamie smile. “Anyway, if you think something or someone is wrong, it’s good to know you have the courage to try and do something about it, but the next time I ask someone to step forward for something, you better make sure you do it. You have an amazing skill, Jamie. You could be a great asset to the Amazon warriors. As leader of this tribe I need to know what skills my people possess so we can utilize them to our best advantage. Understand?”

“Yes, Crimson.”

“Good, now I’m assuming you’re back to full strength and staying with the tribe, yes?” Jamie gave a hesitant nod of her head. “You have four weeks to get back up to speed with your combat skills. You’ve missed nearly five months’ worth of work. You’ll have to work hard if you want to graduate with the rest of your year and become a recognized warrior for your tribe in a month’s time.”

“Thank you. I’ll do it. I won’t let you down.”

“Good, now we will all leave you to sort things out with your man.”

The crowd that had gathered slowly ambled away, Jordon hugging her before she left, leaving Jamie and Conrad alone. He pulled her back into his arms, and she released a contented sigh.

“So, will you finally explain to me what’s going on?”

“You really are slow, you know that? It’s a good thing you’re pretty.”

“Well, first of all, I’m glad to see my feisty
is back.” Conrad pulled her into his arms. “Second, I like that you think I’m pretty, but I prefer handsome.” That made her smile as Conrad bent down to kiss her softly on the lips. “That being said, I still don’t have a clue what is happening.”

Jamie released a heavy sigh. “The morning I went into the hospital, I fought for you, Conrad, and fulfilled the Amazon’s code, giving you a piece of my heart and soul.”

“That’s impossible, Jay, I…”

“Please let me finish. At first I was thrilled, but when I saw the look on your face, I knew the same hadn’t happened to you. I spent that week fighting the will of the gods, which included fighting Kallon and many other creatures the gods decided to test me with. I did it all because I was denying the fact you were my true life partner.”

“Jay…” Conrad breathed.

“When I’d beaten everyone the gods sent for me to fight, they sent me back saying that my heartbreak would be punishment enough for defying them. When I woke up, I felt so sorry for myself. I couldn’t blame you for not loving me, but it was just too painful to be near you. I didn’t want or mean to hurt you.”

“You should have told me, Jay.”

“Why? What would you have done?” Conrad stood there silently, looking pained.

“When I was discharged from the medical center and after watching you leave, I went to Lucia Gomez and asked what I could do and what would happen. I couldn’t live with only half of my heart and soul, so it meant I would die. Jordon wanted me to tell you and make you fulfill the code, but I couldn’t do that to you. So I accepted my fate, spoke to Crimson, and made plans to spend the last few months of my life travelling the mortal world with Jordon. Tonight was going to be my last night with the tribe. I was due to leave tomorrow because I didn’t want everyone to see me become mortal and weak.”

“So what changed?”

“Huh, you still don’t get it. You fought for me, Conrad.” She pulled away to read the emotion on his face as she told him. “The gods have recognized me as your true life partner.”

He stared at her intently for a brief moment before a smile, as big and bright as the moon overhead, lit his face. Conrad picked her up off the ground, wrapping his arms around her lower torso, and spun her around. It was such a cheesy and cliché move, but she couldn’t help but laugh like a little schoolgirl.

“God, I am so sorry, Jay. I’m sorry it took me so long, but, God, I love you. I don’t care what it means for me or anybody else. You will not let yourself die or so help me I will spank your ass until you can’t sit for a week.”

“You were worth the wait, but if you ever make me go through anything like that again, I’ll stick your balls in a blender. Comprende?”

“I won’t, I swear, but aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Am I?”

“I just told you I loved you.”


“Oh, you really are going to get a spanking.”

“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”

“Really?” Conrad asked hopefully.


“Oh, hell yeah.” Conrad threw her over his shoulder and ran back toward the forest.
Guess the bed will have to wait a little longer.
At this point, she couldn’t care less, she was with the man she loved, and he loved her back.

Eventually she would tell him just how much she loved him, but he’d made her wait over a decade to hear those words. He could wait a few more hours, maybe longer.

She had the rest of their immortal lives together to tell him.

Until then, she would show him.









Ellie Wilson
was raised in Nottingham, England. She graduated in 2009 from Teesside University with a BA (Hons) degree in interior architecture and design. She always aspired to be a designer and be creative. It wasn’t until she discovered the joys of reading in 2010 that she used her creativity to start writing. She has found that no matter whether it’s writing or painting, she enjoys taking something from an idea to reality. For the last two and a half years, Ellie has worked in a medium-secure mental health hospital. Here she has met a lot of interesting people who have taught her the hard truths about the reality of some people’s lives. You can get in touch and add her as a friend on Facebook.



For all titles by Ellie Wilson, please visit





Siren Publishing, Inc.


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