Jason (Kings of Guardian #4) (10 page)

BOOK: Jason (Kings of Guardian #4)
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“Woman, if you don’t stop, this conversation could quickly turn into something other than just talking.”

“I haven’t ever had phone sex. Is it fun?”

“It would be with you.”

“Should I be embarrassed that I want to?”


“How does one go about doing it?”

“The rules are easy. You just need to follow my directions exactly. Want to play, princess?”


“Okay, I want you to put the phone down, get up, check on Reece, check the doors to make sure they’re locked, and then get back into bed after closing your door almost all the way.”

Faith launched out of the bedroom.
Phone sex! Oh, lightning bugs in a jar, she was going to have phone sex.
It took less than a minute before she jumped back onto her bed after making a mad dash through the trailer. Reece and Tippy were sound asleep; the doors were locked; and now she closed her bedroom door almost to the point of being shut. She smiled, thanking Jason silently for knowing she’d never close the door all the way in case Reece called out for her.

She picked up the phone and wiggled into the dip in the middle of her mattress. The thing was used when she bought it, but it served its purpose.

“Okay, I’m back.”




Jason laughed at the breathless sound of her voice. He hoped to make it almost impossible for her to breathe by the time they finished their phone call. “I’d like for you to take your pajamas off right now, but I know you won’t because Reece could walk in. So I need you to get under the sheet.” He heard the rustling and movement as she complied with his direction.


“Now lift your top up. I want you to be able to touch your breasts without any fabric over them. Then push down the panties you’re wearing.”

Jason waited until she breathed a faint acknowledgment she’d finished.

“Now, baby, close your eyes. When I ask you a question, answer so I can hear you. When I tell you to do something, let me know you’re doing it. Alright?”

“I feel kind of silly.”

“Do you feel silly when we’re together?” He lowered his voice to a whisper. He lifted off the couch and made sure his office door was locked. He’d hate for the cleaning crew to wander in while he was busting a nut.

“No. You make me feel beautiful.”

“That’s because you are.”

“I’m not, you know. The thin, beautiful ones wear the fancy clothes and carry handbags that cost more than I make in six months.”

“Hmm… do you think so?” Jason resumed his reclined position on his couch and lowered the zipper on his slacks.

“Well… yeah.”

“Baby, let me tell you what I think is beautiful. Those big, chocolate-brown eyes of yours, the way they shine with all the emotion that runs through you, are spellbinding. Your personality, the way you light up a room the second you walk into it, warms my heart. Your smile… God, when you smile, it electrifies me and makes me glad I’m privileged enough to be near you. Then there’s your body. Princess, I don’t like or want the bobble-headed toothpicks that preen and strut around in designer clothes. What I want is your soft, luscious curves. Your long, toned legs, your sexy ass, and woman, I could lose myself forever just paying homage to your breasts. But you know what I find even more erotic?”

Her husky voice answered, “No.”

“That you are a good woman, a fantastic mom and the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time. Those things make you the most intensely sexy woman in the world.”

“Oh.” Faith couldn’t manage another word or she’d cry. His words echoed in the empty places of her soul, filling them, making her spirit soar.

“You okay?”

“Uh huh. Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For making me feel beautiful.”

beautiful. Now, I’m going to make you feel it. I want you to take your fingertips and run them lightly over your nipples. Are they hard yet?”


“I want to take one into my mouth and lick around it. Flick it with my tongue. Get your fingers wet, baby. Use them to tease your nipple.” Jason heard a small gasp for air and palmed his cock. Fuck, he could picture her doing it. He could feel her dark rose-colored nipples getting taut under his tongue.

“Pinch it, baby. Like I would with my teeth.” He was rewarded with another small gasp.

“Get your fingers wet again. I want you to caress the other nipple.” Jason took time to ensure she enjoyed their conversation as he stroked his cock. The weeping of pre-come eased the friction his palm caused.

“Jason, I wish you were here.” Her whispered plea had him bucking into his hand.

“I am, baby. I’m right there with you. Run your hand down your body. Do it slow and light. Imagine me watching my fingers caressing you. Can you feel how excited I am by your body? I’m so hot and hard just thinking about your beautiful skin, the way it jumps and trembles when my tongue licks a path from your breasts to your sweet, wet clit. Spread yourself open for me, baby. Put the phone up to your ear and use both hands. Spread yourself with one hand, and then I want you to slowly and lightly stroke the hood of your clit.”

Jason heard the phone’s position change. “Are you touching yourself?”

He clamped his eyes shut at her breathless “yes”. Fuck, he could hear her, the soft gasps and there… that small keening sound. So needy, so fucking amazing. “Okay, babe, three fingers. Dip them in, slow. In and out. Tell me how it feels.”

“Ah… I… I need… so close…” Jason pinned his phone to his shoulder and pulled on his balls in an effort to stave off his own orgasm.

“I know you are, baby. Listen to my voice. Give your clit some more pressure, babe. Up and down, hard over the top and down. I know you like it that way. Bring yourself off for me, baby. I want to hear it. I want to hear you come.”

Talk ended. Jason listened to the sounds of his woman pleasuring herself. Soft panted moans interspersed with catches in her breathing, and finally, the unmistakable sound of her body in the throes of orgasm. Jason’s own release burst over his fist. He rode out the surge as his balls emptied onto his stomach and fist. He grabbed for the phone and propped it up against his ear again.

Heavy breathing came from her end of the line. Jason smiled to himself. “Princess, you can come again. I want you to rub your clit again, baby. Touch yourself, hard and fast.”

He could hear the sound of her movements. The rapid swish of her arm against the sheet as she pulled herself over the edge again. Jason whispered how sexy she was, how she excited him and how much he wanted to be the one touching her. His cock gave a valiant twitch of renewed interest at the sound of her second climax. God, the woman had the ability to make him lose his mind.

Finally, she came back on the phone. “I think I like phone sex.”

“Mmm… I think you do too.”

“Should I be embarrassed?”

“For what?”

“Coming twice?” She squeaked out the question.

He laughed. “Princess, think about it. Every time we’ve been together I’ve been able to get you off twice within a short span of time. You are a sexual being. Never be embarrassed for what we do together.”



“It was never like this… before. Only with you.”

Her soft words melted whatever part of his heart he hadn’t already given her. “I feel the same way.”

She yawned, then responded, “I like that you do.”

“You should get some sleep.”

“I don’t want to hang up.”

“Then don’t. Go to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

There was a long pause before she murmured, “Tomorrow.” He smiled at the steady breaths in his ear. He kept the phone to his ear as he wiped his hand and stomach with his shirt. Without disconnecting, he got comfortable and turned off the lamp. Exhaustion from dealing with extra hours at work, his brother’s bullshit, and the emotional conversation with Faith, coupled with the pretty fucking phenomenal phone sex, took over. Jason’s head barely hit the couch before he fell into an exhausted sleep.

Chapter Twelve

“No shit? He’s sending a private plane?” Helena handed Faith a glass of lemonade as they watched Reece play on Helena’s tire swing. Tippy happily chased his boy back and forth. Her son’s giggles floated through the air.

“Yeah, and I’m just a little freaked out about it. I mean, I’ve never flown before. Neither has Reece, but the boy is bouncing off the walls he’s so excited. Are you sure you don’t mind taking care of Tippy? We’ve never left him before.” Faith pulled her bottom lip in and worried it with her teeth.

“I promise to take good care of him.”

“I was more worried about you having to change your routine to accommodate him.”

“Oh. Well hell, girl, you don’t have to worry about that. Cal’s always wanted a dog, so this isn’t an inconvenience.” Helena glanced down the street. Cal’s patrol car turned down the lane leading to their trailers.

“Speak of the devil. He was supposed to be working the 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. shift today. It’s nearly 4:00. I wonder what happened to keep him.”

Cal pulled up and got out of the car, his leather gear still on. Faith smiled at the way his eyes went straight to Helena and stayed there.

Her best friend met him at the top of the stairs with a hug and a long kiss. “Why are you so late?”

“Arrested a couple of hardcore motorcycle gang members. Had drugs and guns on them. Fluke that we caught them. I was running radar and Andy West from the state police was pulled up next to me, visiting. These two clowns passed a slow car, which wouldn’t have caught my attention, but they decided to pass on the shoulder of the road. We stopped them, and well, one thing led to another.”

“What gang?” Faith’s stomach dropped and her gut clenched. A long-buried fear slammed up from the depths of her soul and wrapped itself around her.

“Huh?” Cal asked before he picked up his wife’s lemonade and chugged it.

“What gang were they affiliated with?” She schooled her expression, trying to keep the pretense of calm.

“Demon Bastard. They are some dangerous guys. Law enforcement knew they were in Atlanta, but they’ve never traveled this far east in Georgia. Another club runs the show down here and those two don’t have a treaty that we know about. The DBMC is risking a war coming into DB’s territory.”

“Were you able to find out why they are here?” She gulped a swallow of the lemonade, hoping to hide the tremor in her voice.

“Picking up something for their president was the story. Don’t know what that was, but they came a long way to do it. Our best guess is drugs or a gun shipment. The DA wants to sit on the minor drug possession and weapons charges we have against them now. I think he may try to roll them, but the DA’s young and inexperienced. The Bastards cut their teeth on guys like him. I doubt they’ll be in for twenty-four hours before they are out on bail. Once they get out? Hell, they’ll be dust in the wind.”

She nodded. The idea that her father would send two enforcers to Savannah for drugs or guns made sense. Savannah had a huge seaport and there was absolutely no reason to assume they’d come for her. She was overreacting. Of course she was. Wasn’t she?

“So what are you doing home so early? You don’t usually get home for another hour or so.” Cal unbuckled his gun belt, hooked it together again and slung it over his shoulder.

Helena bounced up and down in her chair. “Jason is sending a private jet to pick her and Reece up. They’re going to D.C.! Oh, and you’re watching Tippy until they get back.” Cal and Jason had met on several occasions and had talked shop for hours one afternoon when they’d barbecued together.

“Only if it won’t be a bother. I can call Jason and tell him we can’t go.” She didn’t want to assume Cal would be okay with it, even though Helena had.

“What? Hell no, woman. That dog is smarter than a couple of the guys I work with. He’ll be okay. When are you leaving?” Cal unbuttoned his uniform shirt and pulled the Velcro straps of his bulletproof vest open. “Oh, God… air… that feels fantastic.”

“We’re heading out in about thirty minutes. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Nope, not even a little bit.” He bent down and kissed Helena. “I’m going to shower, babe. The heat today has me smelling worse than those bikers, and that, my dear, is saying something.”

“Go, relax. I’ll get dinner going after you get a chance to unwind.”

“Have fun, Faith.”

“I’m going to try.” She smiled and felt it down to her toes. Seeing Jason’s home and maybe meeting his family? That was huge and she was excited. Cal’s bikers didn’t have a place in her extended weekend.



Faith held Reece in her lap. He’d fallen asleep right after takeoff. The jet Jason had sent for her was nothing less than a wonder. Everything was cream colored with gold accents. The flight attendant offered her food and drink, but she was so nervous she knew she’d be ill if she ate or drank a thing. She’d been glued to the small oval window. As darkness settled, small pinpoints of light glimmered on the distant ground. The flight attendant passed by and made sure she had her seatbelt on for landing.

She pulled Reece closer and felt her stomach lift as the aircraft descended. Faith smiled. That was the same feeling she got when she and Jason were together. Being with him felt like she was falling. The only difference was, she knew without a doubt he’d be there to catch her, and she wanted that. She wanted to know someone cared enough about her and Reece to be there despite her past, despite what she’d been.

The plane touched down and taxied to a stop. The door no more than opened before Jason filled the small entrance. Her heart flip-flopped at his smile. She noted he wore one of his beautiful black suits with a super-white dress shirt underneath and a green tie that made his eyes seem darker. Power radiated around the man. She could feel it.

He kneeled in front of her and glanced from her to Reece. He smiled at the sleeping boy. His lips lowered to hers in a soft kiss. “Did you enjoy your flight?”

His whispered words warmed her heart. “After I stopped being afraid? Yes.” Her face warmed, so she knew she was blushing.

His hand lifted to her cheek. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be with you. Here, let me take him. We’ll head home. Christian is cooking dinner for us tonight.”

Home. Tiny threads of hope started to weave their way through her heart. Faith put the brakes on those thoughts, trying to control the emotion that surged through her.

“Christian? That’s the young man who you’re helping, right?” Jason had told her he was sponsoring the boy through college. He hadn’t quite said what sponsoring meant, but she guessed he was paying for his school. And how cool was that? Jason was a good man. Better than he believed of himself, that’s for sure.

Jason lifted her sleeping son to his shoulder and tucked his head under his chin. Reece’s arms went around Jason’s neck as if it were second nature. Jason kissed Reece’s head before he responded in a hushed tone, “Yeah. He’s usually doing things on campus, but we still spend some time together. He suggested you two might want a quiet night tonight. Wasn’t too long ago
got swept up in my world. He declared the immersion to be rather daunting.”

She followed Jason down the small flight of stairs to a… holy shit… a black limousine, complete with a man in a black suit holding the door open. A gust of wind blew the man’s jacket open. He was wearing a gun. Under his arm… in public. Daunting? This was way more than daunting.

She tugged on Jason’s suit jacket. When he slowed and turned to her, she carefully nodded toward the man. “He’s got a gun.”

Jason laughed and then gently patted Reece on the back when he stirred. “Yeah, I’m required to have a security team now. My boss came down hard on that subject about a month ago. You don’t see them in Savannah, but they’re there, watching.”

“They travel with you?” Her mind raced to the times they’d gone to the beach or out to lunch.

Jason nodded and started her toward the vehicle. “The first time, I refused to allow a security team. My boss vetoed my bid for independence, or as he called it, ‘stupidity.’ So, every other time I’ve traveled, they’ve been on the periphery.”

They settled into the car. Jason adjusted Reece so he could pull her closer and she welcomed the contact.

“Since we’re on the topic, I need to discuss assigning you a security detail, too.”

She swung to face him. “Are we in danger?”

“No, but I’m taking over Guardian. Soon I’ll be the face of the business. That makes me a target for people who think they can use me or my weaknesses to stop or change the work we do. It’s rational to believe if people wanted to hurt me, the easiest way to do that would be to go after the people I care the most about. You and Reece top that list.”

She melted into the sincerity held in his green eyes. She and Reece were at the top of his list. Lord above, whatever she did to deserve this happiness, please, please, please let her continue to get it right. That thought pushed down the fear of any unknown menace that might or might not be stalking her because of this wonderful man. She’d learned not to worry about things she had no control over.
Sorta. Besides, they topped his list!

“We really do?”

“You really do.”

“Well, Superman, you’re on the top of our list too.”

His lips swept hers in a tender kiss.

“Mr. Jason, do you like kissing my momma?”

Jason’s laugh caught on her lips before he pulled away. “Hey, sleepyhead. Yes, I do. I like it a lot. Is that okay?”

Reece yawned and blinked sleepily at the inside of the car they were riding in. He lifted his shoulder in a non-committal shrug, his eyes going to the dropdown TV screen. “Is that a telebision?”

“Yes, it is, and I am told Spider-Man might be on.”

“Yippee!” The little body shimmied off his lap and crawled toward the flat screen. Jason leaned forward and touched the power button, and the screen filled with superheroes.

The little boy looked over his shoulder at Jason. “You can kiss my momma.”

“Thank you, Reece.”

“’S okay. We like you.”

Faith cupped Jason’s cheek and pulled his attention back to her. She whispered, “Just FYI, his mom really likes you and expects more than kisses tonight.”

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