Jasper (16 page)

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Authors: Faith Gibson

BOOK: Jasper
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Chapter Twenty-One


must have heard him wrong. Jasper wasn’t coming back?

I miss you too, but I want you to listen to me. Until I take care of Theron, I
think you’ll be safer with Dante or Frey. I’m not saying I don’t want you in my
life; you know I do. It’s just that I can’t watch after you and go after him at
the same time.”

hadn’t heard wrong. Until that moment, Trevor hadn’t realized how much Jasper’s
presence had meant to him. “How are you going to take care of him? Do you know
where he is?”

but I’m going to find him. I promise. Then you and I can get back to the way
things were. Until then, I need you to stay safe for me. Can you do that for
me, Trev? Promise me you’ll be careful.”

if you promise me the same thing. We have the Cyanide Sweetness concert to go
to, and I’m gonna be really pissed if we miss it.” Trevor didn’t want to think
about something happening to Jasper. He hadn’t been willing to complete their
bond, but that didn’t mean he was ready to lose the Goyle. Jasper was slowly
worming his way into Trevor’s heart. Even though it was an odd feeling, it was one
he wanted to continue growing. Never did he think he would have the opportunity
to love another man. Now, instead of grasping that opportunity with both hands,
he might be allowing it to slip away.

promise. We also have a date for Stone Mountain, so I’m going to make this as
quick as possible.”

didn’t know what else to say. He wouldn’t give Jasper false hope for a future
together as mates. Dante cleared his throat from inside the waiting room where
he and Isabelle were sitting. His boss had probably heard the whole


After that there was silence. Trevor wanted to throw his phone against the
wall. He wanted to ball up and cry. He wanted to find the bastard Theron and
cut his head off. He was standing in the hallway with his head against the wall
when Isabelle came to check on him. She pulled him into her arms and hugged
him. Dante was probably having a Gargoyle aneurism right about then, but damn
if Trevor didn’t need the comfort. He allowed Isabelle to hold him for a few
minutes while he regained his composure.

stroked his hair as she told him, “As much as I want you to stay with us, Frey
wants you with them. Matthew is out of school for winter break, and Frey thinks
the two of you can keep each other occupied. The decision is yours, though.”

pulled out of her embrace and asked, “What about Travis? We can’t leave him
here without someone. He’s going to have a hard enough time dealing with
Rachel’s funeral and healing. I can’t just up and leave him here to deal with
all of this alone.” Rachel’s parents had been in earlier to check on Travis
even though they were dealing with their daughter’s death. They promised Travis
they would hold off on the funeral until he was well enough to attend.

was going to talk to you about that. Travis is welcome to come to New Atlanta
until this blows over, or we’ll have someone stay here with him.”

need to stay with him. He’s my family.” He had mentioned Travis moving in with
him until Dante told him about the break-in at his apartment. Dante explained
how Jasper wanted to wait until Travis was out of the hospital to drop that
bomb on him, but Dante felt he had the right to know. The fact someone had been
in his home made him want to throw up. He didn’t have a lot, but what he had
was his. He agreed then that he wouldn’t go back to his apartment until this
was all over. At that point, he thought he’d be staying with Jasper.

he wakes up, why don’t we ask him if he’ll come with us? I’d feel much better
with you both around so I can keep an eye on you,” Dante said from behind
Isabelle. He had walked up behind his mate right as Trevor moved out of her
arms. Thankfully, his boss didn’t look like he wanted to maim him.

didn’t have to wait long to have the conversation with Travis. Even though he
was in ICU until morning, the staff was being lenient with their visitation.
Dante said something to the doctor earlier, and ever since, the staff had given
them some leeway. Travis woke, asking for something to drink. Trevor sat down
on the bed next to him as he helped him with his water.

there’s something we need to talk about.” Trevor was going to tell him as much
of the truth he could without mentioning Gargoyles. “The man who killed Rachel
is still out there. We’re pretty sure it wasn’t just a random attack.”

would he target me? I don’t have any enemies.”

get to me. And Jasper. The killer is someone from Jasper’s past. Up until now,
his victims have been random men, but this hit too close to home for us not to
take precautions.”

that’s why there’s been a cop at my door.”

I will stay here with you until after the funeral. Then I want you to come back
to New Atlanta with me.”

have a job, Trev. I can’t up and leave because some psycho is on the loose. I
have bills to pay.”

had been quiet up to that point. He sat down in the chair next to the bed and
leaned his forearms on his legs. “Travis, don’t worry about the money. If
Theron were to come after you again, I doubt he’d miss a major organ this time.
We want you safe. I will take care of your bills while you are off work. I will
see to it your employer holds your job for you. If you decide you wish to stay
in New Atlanta instead of coming back to Athens, we will find you employment
there. Our family is large, and our resources are vast.”

would you do this?” Travis asked.

Trevor is family, and you are his brother; therefore, you are family as well.”
Dante leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. Before Theron chased
Trevor to Dante’s, he had never seen his boss laid back or casual. Since then,
he had rarely seen him any other way. Isabelle and Connor were making the
serious, frowning Gargoyle into someone softer. 

about you, Trevor? Are you moving out of your place?”

least for the time being. Travis, this monster broke into my apartment. If I
had been home…” He didn’t want to think about what could have happened. Trevor
didn’t own a gun, nor did he practice martial arts, not that either would do
any good against a Gargoyle. He didn’t think of himself as a killer even though
he had taken Quinn’s life. The man had been shooting at Jasper, and instinct
took over. He still wasn’t sure how he managed to get Dane’s gun out of the
holster since it was designed to prevent someone else from taking it. He
chalked it up to being left-handed and fate being on his side. The Pen was too
good for someone like Troy Quinn.

he after Jasper? Did your friend arrest him or something?” Travis had asked
Trevor earlier about Jasper since he’d been wearing his badge and service
weapon on his hip.

didn’t want to tell him the truth. He didn’t want to think about the awful
things Theron had done to Jasper. Dante intervened. “It’s a family feud. Theron
and his father are prejudiced tyrants. They are targeting others in our family
as well. We are doing everything we can to put a stop to it. Until then, we are
keeping our family members close. That includes you and Trevor.”

think about it. Besides, I can’t go back home and see…” Travis choked up.
Jasper had told Trevor he would have the blood professionally cleaned. Since he
was off looking for Theron, he’d probably forgotten about it.

worry about that. Your home should be released this evening or no later than
tomorrow. I’ve already hired a crew to come in and clean,” Dante assured him.
Huh. He and Jasper must have discussed it.

nodded and turned his head away from them both so his tears weren’t as visible.
A nurse came in to check his vitals, so Trevor took advantage of the time to
talk to Dante out in the hall.

can’t thank you enough, Boss. I don’t know what I’d do without you and Isabelle
right now. I thought I’d have… I’m sure you already know Jasper is looking for
Theron. Until this is over, I will stay with Matthew as long as Travis agrees
to come, too. If he decides to stay here, I would like to stay with him. I know
this puts you in a bind at the morgue, but Travis needs me.”

don’t worry about work. I have a feeling Travis will come to New Atlanta. If
that’s the case, you will still be able to work. You will have company while
you do so as one of the Clan will be with you at all times.”

Since we have Slade covering the door, why don’t you and Isabelle go home? I
doubt Theron will try anything in the hospital, especially when he figures out
we have our own Gargoyle standing guard.”

you’re sure you don’t need anything,” Isabelle said. Trevor couldn’t imagine
going through what she had. The son she almost lost was over an hour away. If
Trevor ever had a kid, he’d never let him or her out of his sight. Probably a
good thing he’d never have one.

sure. Go home to Connor and give him a hug for me.”

placed her palm on his cheek, and Dante gave his shoulder a squeeze. They told
him to tell Travis they’d be back the next day. Trevor remained in the hallway
as the two of them clasped hands and walked away. Before he went back into his
brother’s room, he sent up a prayer to the cosmos for whoever was listening to
please keep Jasper and the Clan safe.



was pacing the floor of his temporary home, waiting for his sister and her
lackey to arrive. Sergei was useful, even if he was a human. Kallisto had grown
on him over the years. When his father hooked up with her human mother, Theron
had confronted Alistair, calling him the worst kind of hypocrite. That was the
first and last time he had disrespected his father. Alistair might be old, but
he never stopped training. He wasn’t as big as Theron, but he was quick, and
his contempt for most everyone and everything fueled his beast.

had bugged the piss out of him when she was younger, but now that she was a
grown woman, she had proven both her loyalty and her worth to the family. She
was able to travel around unnoticed much easier than he was. She also had
access to people that he did not. It was the reason he had sent her after the
ingredients he needed to take down Phelam once and for all. Not Phelam. His
male was going by the name Jasper now. What a stupid name. Phelam was manly. It
represented a warrior.

those few moments he had Phelam in his home, tied up in his playroom, those had
been the only moments in his life where he was happy. Theron wasn’t opposed to
fucking females, but he preferred males. Gargoyles who could handle a little
pain. Phelam had been perfect. At first. He came to him a virgin, and Theron
showed him what it was like to be dominated by a real male. He ruined Phelam
for all others. He knew they couldn’t mate, both being males, but Theron was
okay with that. If he could have this male every night for the rest of his
life, he would have settled for that.

night Phelam quit fighting him, stopped showing any emotion, he knew the rules
of the game had changed. Theron had let Phelam go thinking he would realize what
he was missing and return to him, begging Theron to take him back. Tie him up.
Have his way with that magnificent body. Theron hadn’t found anyone that
measured up to Phelam since. That in itself pissed him off. What pissed him off
more was the fact Phelam was okay with fucking humans. Theron had sent Craig in
as a test. When he finally caught up with Phelam after a couple of centuries,
he wanted to test the waters. Find out where his head was. He arranged it so
Craig seduced Phelam.

plan was going along well until the stupid human started having feelings for
Theron. He turned his attention away from Phelam and attempted to seduce
Theron. Craig begged him to give him a chance. Told him he could be the man
Theron needed. He didn’t need anyone else. Craig was a strong human; Theron
would give him that. But he was no match for Theron, and he could never replace
Phelam. When the opportunity presented itself, Theron disposed of Craig,
pointing the blame toward his male. If he had arrived in New Atlanta and found
Phelam with a Goyle, he would have forgiven him. Instead he found him smiling
at the human, his face lighting up as if the kid hung the blessed moon. That
was unforgivable.

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