Jax (Cocky Cage Fighter Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Jax (Cocky Cage Fighter Series)
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While I'm arguing with myself, Jude walks back up, swiping at the sweat running down his forehead.

"Can I get a water?" he asks the bartender.

"Where's Page?" I ask, looking back out on the floor.

"Chill, she's in the bathroom, probably mopping up her own sweat," he replies. "Did you see the woman's moves? She was trying to kill me."

"Mm-hmm," I mutter, unable to stop myself from seeking her out anyways.

After Jude guzzles half of his glass of water, he turns to me, and asks, "So, you just gonna sit here all night like a bump on a log?"


"Well, don't expect her to...uh-oh," he gasps.

"What?" I ask, following his gaze across the room.

"I'm not sure, but...is that Page?" he asks.


"On top of that table?"

On a table? What the fuck?

A sexy woman in a white dress is dancing provocatively on a mini-circular stage off to the side of the dance floor. I don't know whether I want to jerk her off there and throw her over my shoulder, or, well...keep watching. Knowing I'm not the only one watching is what seals the deal on my decision.

I take off in her direction, pissed at her for letting other guys see her this way, and incensed that I even fucking care. Why does this woman affect me like this? Is it because I'm just horny and want to fuck her? No, it's more than that. As I watch her gyrate several feet up in the air, I realize that she means more to me than a quick fuck. I'm driven by this unfamiliar need to take care of her. And hell, in return I think I actually want her to take care of me. Not that I'd ever admit that shit to anyone.

It's becoming clear from my viewpoint that Page either isn't wearing any panties or they are miniscule since her ass is practically hanging out. I can't help but wince when I see the jelly sting welts.

"What happened to your sweet little ass, baby?" the jackass next to me asks Page loud enough to be heard over the music.

"Jellyfish," she yells back.

"I bet I could kiss it and make it better," the Jersey Shore wannabe says.

"I bet I could leave you permanently disabled before you can blink," I warn him.

His eyes widen when he finally faces me. Page is taller than this shrimp. Without another word, he turns and leaves.

"Go away, Jax," Page shouts without turning around, her arms still moving above her head, her hips fucking hypnotic.                                                                 

"Page," I yell over the music, trying to get her attention. "Page!"

No response. I thought we could do this the easy way, I'd ask her to get down, she'd agree and we'd be good. I should've known better after the three drinks she downed in the span of five minutes. 

"Page, get your ass down!"

"No!" she shouts. "Stop scaring guys away, you big jerk!"

Fine, if she won't come down then I'll go up, since I can't yank her down by her ankle without hurting her. I grip the edge of the small stage, pulling myself up on it, and then get to my feet.

Finally doing what I've wanted to all night, I grab Page's hips and pull her flush against me, wedging my knee between her legs.

"W-what are you doing?" Page stutters or slurs as her body stiffens up.

"Dancing with you," I whisper against her ear.

"Why?" she asks. "So no one else can?"


Finally relaxing, she wraps her arms around my neck.


The room feels like it's spinning around me, but I'm not sure if it's an effect of alcohol or Jax's close proximity.

His warm, hard body is pressed tightly against mine, and he smells so freaking good. Even though I have no clue why he decided to climb up here and dance with me, I take advantage of the moment and lay my head on his shoulder. Jax's arms around me tighten in response like he approves. I never know with him. This whole weekend has felt like a crazy, emotional roller coaster. At the moment I can feel us teetering at the top, right before the sudden drop off.

"I like the braid," he says against my ear. "But I'd give anything to see you with your hair down."

I'm taken aback and not sure how to respond to his statement. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm deep into conflict of interest territory. I haven't told Jax yet, but tomorrow I'll go to court with him and give a limited notice of appearance just for his arraignment. After that I have no choice but to bow out and let another attorney take over his case. I'll still help out, doing what I can, but I'm not capable experience wise or emotionally to represent him in his trial. I have another small reason for withdrawing, although I'm not getting my hopes up that anything will happen between us once I'm no longer representing him.

"I'm thinking about turning over your case to someone else," I eventually get my nerve up and tell Jax. He goes still and I brace myself for his reaction.


I wait for more but nothing else follows. That's it? Just no?

"Um, yes, I am."

"No," he says pushing me back to see my face. "I need you to get me through this."


"No buts," he says, cutting me off. "Don't even think about it."

"There's a conflict, Jax-" I start and he interrupts.

"Look, Page,
is ever going to happen between the two of us, so there's no reason for you to quit."

Whoa! His words are like a slap to my face. "Then what the heck are you doing up here with me? I'm not an idiot. I know what a hard cock feels like."

"That-that's just biology, plain and simple. And maybe I'm up here with you because I don't want to see my attorney get hammered and then fucked over by some asshole the night before I have court."

I gasp at his insinuation that I would do something stupid to jeopardize his case. That's why I'm trying to get out of it.

"Screw you, Jax," I say, even as my eyes start to sting. I turn around to sit on the platform and jump down to the dance floor. I can't stand to look at that infuriating man another second.

"Whoa, Page, what's wrong?" Jude asks as I storm past him and head for the elevator bank. I dive into one just before the door shuts, but Jude's right behind me and strong arms it open to slide in at the last second.

"I really wish you didn't look so much like your brother," I tell him before a stupid tear trickles down my cheek.

"Sorry," Jude says. "I put the blame completely on our parents." 

Ignoring the three other people on the elevator with us, he pulls me in for a hug and a few more tears escape.

"What'd my pain in the ass brother do now?" he asks.

"He doesn't want me, even if I get out of the case," I say softly into his shirt.

"I find that very hard to believe," he replies. "He never takes his eyes off of you. I'm telling you, Page, he's seconds away from slamming you against a wall and fucking you."

"Jude!" I exclaim before apologizing to the other hotel guests. I’m more than thankful when we get off on the eighth floor.

"It's true," he says as we walk down the hall to our rooms.

"Only because he's horny and I've been throwing myself at him."

"Ha!" He barks out a laugh. "Okay, I know my own brother. If Jax was horny he would've been fucking women all weekend. Last night he turned down so many I lost count."

"He did?" I ask in surprise. "Well, I'm sure it's because of his trial. He's trying not to get caught in any more drama."

"Do you really think that would stop him? I don’t. He's hung up on you and no one else will do. I can tell by the way he completely ignores other women. That's not Jax. Usually he'll size up every room he enters trying to decide who he wants to fuck. There are always more choices than Baskin Robbins, but lately it's you and only you."

I shake my head and stop outside my door to pull my keycard from my cleavage.

"That was a really awesome thing to witness," Jude jokes. "Now go get some sleep and then tomorrow act like you could care less about him. It'll drive the arrogant bastard crazy. Watch and see, I’ll bet you a pack of double stuffed Oreos that I'm right," he says with a smile.

"You're on," I agree. "Goodnight, Jude."


Chapter Nine


After a weekend of drinking, sunbathing, and gambling, all while enduring the presence of the hottest man on the planet telling me he doesn't want me, I can’t wait to go to court and get this over with.

It's early Monday morning and I'm ready right on time. I grab my keycard and shoulder bag, then head for the lobby to meet up with the guys to head to the courthouse. I'd just pulled my room door shut when I hear my name.

"Page?" Jax says from behind me, causing me to jump.

"Sheesh, you scared me!" I tell him, turning around to face the man who had just given me a freaking heart attack. No wait, I think seeing him in a dark suit, crisp white dress shirt and blue tie might be what actually does me in. The man is gorgeous in jeans and a tee, but in a suit,
Lord have mercy

"Goddamn," Jax mutters, his eyes roaming over my sleeveless cerulean dress that's a little more slutty than professional, but I want to look good for all the judgmental talking head pricks. Oh, and how cute, the two of us match yet again.   

"I'm about to be broadcast and talked about across the country," I explain, running my fingers through the long curls that took me forever to get just right. I didn't wear my hair down for him, I just wanted to do something different with it.

"Were you going for the Instant Boner Professional Chic look?" he asks, making me laugh. "If so, you nailed it."

"Funny, but that's enough, Jax," I warn him. "You've got to stop looking at me like that, too. Cameras are going to be watching your every little move today."

"And how exactly am I looking at you?" He stalks forward like a hungry predator until he's only a foot away from me.

"I don't know, just ...
" I say, gesturing in the general direction of his face.

"What way?" he asks innocently, contradicting that notion when his tongue wets his bottom lip. "Like you're a berry flavored
pop and I want to yank your...wrapper off to find out
how many licks it takes to get to your center?"

My breath whooshes out of my lungs and my blood is boiling. I'm so hot I'm melting from the inside out.

"Um, yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of you licking the bottom of a
Ben & Jerry's
container but your ah,
pop analogy works pretty well too," I ramble, pushing my hair nervously behind an ear and keeping my eyes on the carpet instead of on his liquid lava pools. "Either way, you need to um, stop because it's…inappropriate, and the, ah...the paparazzi will flip out..."

"Then we better do something about it before we get to the courthouse."

I lift my head in confusion, and his heated stare fogs up my brain even more arousal than his naughty words.

"Ah, what?" I ask.

I gasp when my back suddenly hits the room door. Jax's massive, carved from granite body is pressed deliciously against mine before I even notice he'd moved. His erection pokes all thick and hard into my abdomen, and I barely suppress a needy whimper. My traitorous arms wrap around his back, pulling him even closer to smell his clean masculine scent.

"I'm thirty seconds away from finding out just how many licks of my tongue it'll take to get you off. If I can do it in less than fifty you're going to fuck me. Less than forty, you're going to suck me. Deal?" he asks while brushing his lips over my ear. I can't think with him rubbing both of his warm hands slowly up the back my thighs, underneath my dress, and I realize I've been holding my breath.

"Yes," I moan in an exhale when a shiver causes my body to undulate against his, pulling a groan from Jax that I feel rumble out of his chest.              


"What?" I ask uncomprehending.

"Come on, Page. I need your room key now, before I drop to my knees and go down on you right here in the middle of this fucking hallway."

"Oh," I reply in understanding with another shiver, then reach into my briefcase to pull the plastic card out with a shaky hand. Jax jerks it from me and does it himself when I take too long. A second later my feet leave the floor and he's carrying me inside my room, the door slamming shut behind us.

"Wait," I say flattening a palm to his heaving chest. Jax freezes but then puts me down. My bag falls from my shoulder to the floor, forgotten. "I thought…you said you weren't interested…"

"I'd fail that polygraph because I was lying like a motherfucker," Jax says.

"I don't want to just be a means to an end because you're horny," I tell him.

"I'm desperate for you and only you, princess," he replies before picking me back up. He doesn't stop again until he's lowering me to the bed, his lips crashing down on mine an instant before our tongues caress each other's, hot and urgent. One of his hands goes under my dress, yanking my panties down and flinging them to the floor.

"Start counting," he says when he slides down my body and spreads my thighs wide open.

The first lick of his wet tongue on my flesh has my hips levitating off the mattress, and a cry of pleasure escaping my throat.

"Count or I'll have to stop after each one to do it for you," he warns.

"Wh-one," I force myself to say so he'll keep going. "Oh God, two.
Yes!" I'm about to combust from the incredible ecstasy pumping through my body caused by his rapidly swirling tongue. "Four, five, six,
!"  My entire body shakes from the building pressure. It's almost too much for me to handle, but the tight grip of his hands on my thighs hold me captive.

EIGHT! Oh fuck
!" I yell to the ceiling and thrash when his fingers penetrate me while he keeps lapping at me. It's too good. Too much. "Nine!
Oh Godddd
eleven, twelve! Ah! Thirteen! Four
!" is the last coherent thought I have when my orgasm tears through me like a hurricane, leaving nothing but complete destruction behind. Instead of stopping, Jax keeps right on going. It's like he's finally speaking the native tongue of my pussy, the one it's been craving and needing my whole life. The next time I come I yell out Jax's name in praise and gratitude rather than a number.

"Oh shit, I can't move a muscle," I tell him when I can speak again. My thighs have fallen open, all modesty forgotten, and my arms are lying limply beside me.

"All I need is your mouth to move," Jax replies, his voice deeper than normal. Oh yeah, that was the other part of our deal, and not one I mind accommodating at all.

I tilt my head to the side and watch as he stands up, unzips his suit pants and pushes them and his boxer briefs down in one shove. Holy moly, I'd forgotten how huge his cock is, protruding in my direction like a dangerous weapon.

I look up at Jax when he cradles the back of my head and brings it toward his body. My eyes stay on his as I lick my lips and open wide for him to shove his cock into my mouth.

"Ah fuck!" He groans when my lips seal around his length, sucking as I pull away.

I roll to my side and prop myself up on my elbow to find a better angle to take him deeper. Holding his cock by the base in a loose fist, my other hand drops down to caress his balls.

"Fuck, Page," he growls when I take him as deep as I can go. No sooner do I pull back than he's pulling my head forward again. I hum my approval as he works my mouth faster on his cock. "That feels fucking incredible," he says, and then he can't hold his hips back any longer. They thrust forward in contrast to the direction of his fingers tangling in my hair, forcing himself down my throat and making me moan with my mouth full.

Ahhh, God!
That's enough," he grumbles. "Page, stop." I look up at his face. His eyes are pitch black, his jaw clenched tight like he's that volcano again, about to explode. I give a slight shake of my head, indicating my intention. "Damn, woman…you're a fucking saint," he says, running his fingertips gently along my jaw while I continue to fill my mouth with his length. His entire body locks up a second before a choked off "
Ah, ah, ah
" sounds come flowing out of his mouth at the same time the thick, warm liquid runs down the back of my throat.

When I pull my mouth off of him, Jax sinks down to his knees beside the bed and reaches for me, pulling my mouth to his, weaving both of his hands through my hair. There's nothing gentle or soft about his tongue forcing its way into my mouth. It's a hot and possessive kiss, showing me how much he wants me.

If not for the knock on the door, we probably wouldn't have stopped until Jax was inside me.

Reality slams sharply back into focus. Shit…ake mushrooms, we have to get to court! What the hell was I thinking? Did I regret what we'd just done? Heck no, but it was still stupid all the same.

When our lips pull apart, Jax gets quickly to his feet and starts redressing while I sit up on the side of the bed and try to order my legs to hold me up when I stand. Even knowing I need to rush, I'm too relaxed and happy from the orgasms to get upset. 

"Yo, Page?" Jude calls out from the other side of the hotel door. "Didn't you say we had to leave by eight-thirty? And have you seen Jax? We don't know where the fuck he's at. He was supposed to meet us downstairs and he's not in his room or answering his phone."

Knowing it's just Jude makes me feel a little more at ease. I pick up my panties from the floor and duck into the bathroom to let Jax deal with him. I need a moment to put myself back together after having my world rocked.


I zip my pants and quickly tuck in my dress shirt before jerking Page's room door open. 

"Oh," Jude mutters in surprise, his eyes widening when he stumbles backward a step. He's cleaned himself up a little nicer than his usual sweats, wearing a pair of khakis and a white polo shirt for court and the cameras. "Here you are. And damn, I have to say that pink is really
your color. Maybe try some red, it'll go better with your dark skin and hair."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask, and unfortunately I still sound like I just ran a few miles. I guess that's to be expected after Page just blew the fuck out of me. I almost groan aloud thinking about how sexy the woman was looking up at me while her mouth was full of my cock.

"I'm talking about your lipstick choice, bro. I know you want to look good for the cameras and all, but that's taking it a little too far, don't you think?"

"Shit!" I exclaim in understanding, glancing around for a napkin or tissue. I snatch some up from the hotel dispenser and head for the mirror over the dresser.

Son of a bitch
. How much of the shit was Page wearing, and how come I didn't notice? There are probably pink rings around my cock too. I quickly dismiss that thought before all the blood can rush back down to investigate.

Jude follows me around the room and I know he's waiting for an explanation. Tough titties.

"What time is it?" I ask him while I scrub my face. It's going to take some water to get this mess off, so I go back over to the kitchen sink to wet a towel.


"Fuck!" I exclaim. "Page, we've got to go!"

"Shouldn't you be in a better mood? You know, after getting it in?" Jude asks.

"Watch your fucking mouth, and I didn't get it in," I bark, which is technically true since he interrupted before I could fuck her. Satisfied that all the lipstick is finally gone I toss the napkins in the trash.

"Bullshit." Jude laughs. "You'd have me believe that you both lost track of time for something as important as
, and all you were doing was what...

"I'm serious, Jude. Shut the hell up, and don't say a goddamn word about it outside of this room!" 

"I know that, and I won't, so calm the fuck down."

The bathroom door opens and Page finally steps out. Other than her face being a little flushed, she looks just as perfect as she did before I attacked her. God, she's so fucking sexy, all that long, blonde hair streaming down over her shoulders while rocking that killer dress.

"Wheeewwww," Jude whistles. "Hot damn, Page! Now I know
why you two are running late. And you owe me some Oreos."


Pages smiles shyly as she moves through the room. "I know, double stuffed," she says to him, grabbing up her briefcase from where it hit the floor. "Ready?" she asks, finally making eye contact with me for the first time since before we were interrupted.

When she starts to turn away I grab her waist and hold her in place so I can lean down and brush a soft kiss on her cheek. "You look gorgeous."

She blinks her big blue eyes up at me a second in surprise before she smiles and says, "So do you."

"All right, people, let's go!" Jude huffs at the delay.

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