Jaxie's Menage (5 page)

Read Jaxie's Menage Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #romance mnage erotic romance mnage contemporary erotica romance the key club series jan springer spunky girl publishing

BOOK: Jaxie's Menage
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Sensations quickly
shimmered. She continued pinching, and pleasuring. With her other
hand, she stroked her clit harder and harder until she was panting.
A fiery tension mounted. She gyrated her hips in a dance of need.
Her thrusts grew faster, deeper and then without warning, she

She trembled, moaned, and
lost control. She twisted, widened her legs, and gasped as the
pleasure powered through her like electrical wires.

Her body tightened and
she arched her back, deepening her thrusts as she imagined Ewan
plunging his cock in and out of her with no mercy. Royce sucking on
her nipples, drawing her tender flesh between his teeth, biting and
nipping until she was crazy from the sizzling

Her mind reeled. She
trembled and shook and smelled her musky scent sift through the
bedroom. She rubbed furiously and loved how every nerve ending was
on fire and how her body convulsed with wild abandon. Pleasure
spiraled all around her, embraced her, loved her, made love to

Too quickly, the spasms
ebbed and Jaxie curled onto her side, then grabbed the covers
tightly around her.

If she couldn’t have Ewan
and Royce in real life, at least she could use them actively in her

She smiled sleepily and

Chapter Three

Rachel shifted uneasily
on her stool as she sipped her white wine and gazed out the
truck-stop diner window. Forks of lightning stabbed through the
dark sky and thunder boomed overhead. On nights like this, she
would have preferred to be in bed soothing her skittish cat, who
hated storms. But she still couldn’t believe who’d called her today
out of the blue and asked her to meet him for drinks tonight here
at the outskirts of town after one a.m. when he got off

She’d served him a bunch
of times while she waitressed at the Key Club for Jaxie, and she’d
admired his good looks. But it hadn’t taken her long to realize he
was interested in Jaxie.

Maybe if Jaxie played her
cards right…

Hey, Rach,
glad you agreed to meet with me.”

Her head snapped up at
his deep gravelly voice and her breath halted as she caught his
reflection in the bar mirror.

Medium-length dark brown
hair. A nice white smile. A deep cleft in his chin and a muscular
body she would die to undress and ogle. But alas she had her secret
fetishes, and she wasn’t about to reveal them to him.

Or to anybody for that

No problem.
Come sit down,” she patted the empty stool beside her. “Tell me
what’s got you calling and being so secretive.”

Royce smiled and her
heart skipped a beat as his black leather jacket creaked and he sat
down, his shoulder brushing against hers.

After he ordered a beer,
he suddenly appeared shy and hesitant. When his silence lasted for
more than a minute, her curiosity broke her down.

What?” she

He remained silent,
staring at the frosted beer mug that the bartender placed in front
of him.

Come on, spit
it out. What’s up?” She wouldn’t be surprised if he asked her to
put in a good word for him where Jaxie was concerned.

I need a
favor. A big one.”

Yep, just as she’d


His head snapped up and
his eyebrows raised in wonder. The words “how did you know” were
written all over his face.

Hey, when a
guy comes into the Key Club as much as you do and you stare at
Jaxie when you think no one is looking…”

He grinned.

Wow, he had a nice

Am I that

Well, you do
a good job in covering it up, but I have a good vantage point while
I watch on the security cameras. All I have to do is zero in on you
and watch.”

Hmm, so you
watch me? Why?”

Heat whipped into her
cheeks. Thankfully the lights were dim. Hopefully he’d just think
her cheeks were red due to the wine.

You’re hot eye

She took another sip of
wine. Sweetness tingled against her tongue.

What favor do
you need?” He’d had the balls to call her and get her here — she
might as well hear him out.

Word has it
The Key Club is throwing a Masquerade Ménage night.”

It was her turn to be

What? How did
you find that out? We haven’t told anyone.”

I have my
sources,” he said softly, avoiding her stare.

I bet you
do,” Rachel chuckled. How in the world had he found out? When it
became obvious he wasn’t going to elaborate, she broke the

She sighed in

Okay, so what
do you need?”

The trick

Rachel shook her

Ahh, just
rumors, my dear. Just rumors.” Word sure did spread about Jaxie’s
trick hat. She was famous for pairing partners for her ménage

Rumor has it
Jaxie is participating secretly in the Ball.”

Rachel’s tummy
clenched as if she were on a roller coaster. Quickly she shook her
head again. How had he found
out? Who was his source?


No, sorry.
You have the wrong information. Jaxie won’t even be in town that
weekend. She’s going to an adult toy convention with

Wow, she sure could lie
well. Her voice did not as much as quiver.

Perfect,” he
said slowly.

? Shoot, how was she going to
wiggle her way out of this lie? Jewel was not going to a convention
that weekend, let alone Jaxie.

He lowered his voice and
leaned closer to her.

Now, about
that trick hat.”

I told

To her surprise, he
pressed a finger against her lip and winked.

Shh, this is
what I need from you…”

* * * * *

Two days


Ewan grumbled angrily as
he sprinted beneath the chilly spring downpour across the Key Club
parking lot and dashed to the back door of the club. He hadn’t been
back here since breaking up with Jaxie. Quietly, he stuck the key
that he still had into the slot and opened the door, then strolled
down the hallway toward the front of the club to find

Memories came rushing

Visions of meeting Jaxie
here late at night. Her club business had rocketed since she’d
circulated rumors of a trick hat that would allow people to get
matched up with who they wanted. Back then, he’d been working quite
a bit as well, due to a couple of the Search and Rescue team being
injured and others off on leave. No replacements had been hired due
to budget cuts.

There had been times when
he hadn’t seen Jaxie in days. It had become a frustrating pattern
and toward the end of their relationship, he’d felt as if she’d
just been keeping him around to service her. Hell, she’d even
turned down his marriage proposal. Not once, but twice, stating her
workload was too intense to plan a wedding, or to start a family of
their own that he’d told her he wanted as fast as

Hot and heavy sex on her
office desk or in one of the club’s upstairs rooms when she “had a
moment” and wasn’t busy just hadn’t cut it anymore.

Ewan inhaled and blew out
a tense breath as he passed her office. The door was closed, but
that didn’t stop the memories from popping up. She’d been so sexy,
so irresistible. He hadn’t been able to stay away from her. He’d
been like a moth drawn to a deadly flame.

That searing, sexy flame
had burned him. Badly.

Yet here he was back at
the club, like a damned idiot. It was a place he’d sworn he’d never
come back to. But because everybody else had a life and he didn’t,
Royce had asked him to drop off Jaxie’s cell phone, which she’d
inadvertently left in the communication station when Jaxie had been
chatting with their dispatcher, Amanda. Royce had agreed to return
the cell phone, but then he’d been unexpectedly called away to help
his sister run one of her kids to a specialist in

When he’d learned Jaxie
wouldn’t be here tonight, because she was at a business meeting,
he’d decided to do Royce a favor and bring over the cell

Yeah, just like the old
days. He was Jaxie’s gopher while she was doing business, instead
of doing him in their bed every night where she belonged. Man, he
just never learned, did he?

Hi, Ewan,”
Rachel called from an open doorway straight ahead.

She wore a kerchief on
her head, allowing only a few strands of her brown hair to peek
out. Her dark-brown eyes sparkled and her cheeks were flushed as
she pushed out a cart filled with cleaning materials from the
ladies’ restroom.

He’d met Rachel a couple
of times since she’d been back in town. The last time was when
she’d helped dig Jaxie free from that avalanche. Man, he still
couldn’t believe how lucky they’d been in locating her so

Rachel had done all the
right things by carrying a receiver, and she’d seen Jaxie get
coughed to the surface for an instant shortly before the avalanche
had stopped. She’d started looking for her in a grid pattern while
the rescue crew had still been in the sky.

Jaxie had always spoken
fondly of Rachel, saying that Rachel was a great planner and

Her planning and
organizing had saved Jaxie’s life.

He should be
happy about it, but for some odd reason, he was feeling grumpy and
just wanted to get out of here and away from the memories of the
woman he’d thought for sure was

Rachel stopped her cart
in front of the men’s room and he joined her there.

Hey. I
thought Royce was coming?” she asked.

He has a

He had an
unexpected errand to run.”

Oh, shoot.
How’d you get in? Or did I forget to lock the door?”

He held up his

Her eyes widened and
sudden understanding flashed across her face. Embarrassment

Oh, yeah.
Okay. You shouldn’t have gone out of your way. He could have called
and I would have come and gotten it.”

It’s okay, I
had some time.” No use in chewing Rachel’s head off. He was the one
who was being a grumpy asshole.

Well, anyway.
Thanks so much for dropping off the cell. Jaxie’s got all her
important phone numbers on there and I can’t get any work done
without them. She’d lost the phone already a couple of days ago and
had reported it stolen. She’s really glad Amanda called to say she
had found it.”

He was about to hand her
the phone, when she waved him away with green-plastic-gloved

Oh no, could
you just drop it into her office? The door is unlocked. I shouldn’t
be touching it with my gloves and if I keep it with me, it would be
my luck that I’ll accidentally drop it down a urinal or

Sure.” Ewan
couldn’t stop himself from grinning. He should have done just that
with her cell. He should have dumped it into the toilet and flushed
it when they’d been together. She’d even brought the damned thing
to bed with them…on the nights she came home.

Oh well, hindsight was

He was about to turn,
when Rachel spoke again. “Ewan?”


When Ewan spied tears
welling in Rachel’s eyes, he knew what she was about to

I really want
to thank you so much for what you did for Jaxie. I believe if you
hadn’t been there, she wouldn’t have made it.”

She’s a tough
woman. She would have made it.” It wasn’t a lie. She was gutsy,
gorgeous, and great in bed. Yet she’d been so vulnerable lying
deathly still on that litter in the helicopter. His gut clenched in

she whispered.

Before he knew what was
happening, she was embracing him. Warmth from her hug melted his
grumpiness and when she let him go, he was suddenly glad he’d
dropped by.

Do you still
remember where her office is?” she asked.

Yeah. I’ll
just put her cell on her desk.”

And then you
can pop around front for a beer on the house. For your troubles.
I’ll let the bartender know.”

Nah, it’s
been a long day. I’ll just go home. But thanks for the

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