Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)
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The club whores hung around every night, making themselves sexually available to the brothers. Lola and Brandi were the more popular ones, but Rosie, the newest addition, was all the rage since she came on board a few months back. Kristy was one of the favorite mamas since she knew how to suck some good dick. Unlike the club whores, the mamas wore the property patch of the club, and they were the lowest members in the club hierarchy. In exchange for being the Insurgents’ public well and grunt workers around the club, the mamas lived upstairs in the attic of the schoolhouse-turned-clubhouse. They also had the protection of the Insurgents: if anyone messed with their mamas, the brothers would come down hard on the offenders. In exchange, the mamas were expected to service the brothers and other bikers who visited the club; they had to be available twenty-four-seven to please a member. It was a grueling position, but a voluntary one.

Jax entered the clubhouse hauling Peaches behind him, not even stopping to say anything to the brothers. Peaches, tripping over her feet as she tried to keep up with Jax, heard the members’ hoots and whistles as Jax dragged her upstairs. Jax opened his room’s door and pushed Peaches inside. It was a simple room with a king-sized bed, two reading chairs, a nightstand, a floor lamp, and a small TV. Pin-up posters of half-naked women posed on Harleys decorated his walls. A small en-suite bathroom completed his living quarters. A large picture window overlooked the back of the clubhouse and the forest of Aspen trees in the distance.

“Fuck!” Jax said as he threw his leather jacket on one of the chairs. He kicked off his boots, shed his jeans and t-shirt, and jerked Peaches to him. He kissed her fiercely, biting her shiny-red lips.

“Ow, Jax, that hurt,” she said, turning her face away and rubbing her bottom lip with her finger. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“Nothin’, just wanna fuck.”

“Okay, but play nice.”

“Take your clothes off and join me on the bed.”

Peaches peeled off her short denim skirt, her purple top, and lacy bra, but kept on her thong. She eased herself on the bed and snuggled up to Jax.

“Get rid of your g-string.”

Peaches slid off her thong. Jax smiled.
Yeah, that’s what I like—no arguments, just an easy woman who wants to please me. Nothing complicated like Cherri.

“Baby, you seem so upset. What’s wrong? What happened at the club?” Peaches asked, rubbing Jax’s back.

Flinging her hands off him, he said gruffly, “I’m not looking for nice tonight. I wanna fuck hard and rough. You down?”

“Anything you want, baby. I love you, and you know there isn’t nothing I wouldn’t do for ya.” Shoving her down on the bed, he kissed her roughly while he tweaked her nipples. She cried out, and he flipped her over. “On your knees. Now.”

Peaches did as ordered. After putting on a condom, Jax rubbed her clit, making her moan. As her moaning rose to a high-pitched whine, he rammed into her, fucking her hard. When she reached her peak, she screamed out while Jax growled. He rolled on his back and covered his eyes with his arm. Peaches rested her head in the crook of his arm. “That was awesome, baby. Did you like it?” she asked.

He snorted his response. The truth was their fucking did nothing for him. His hunger was still there—he wasn’t satiated at all. All he saw when he was fucking Peaches was Cherri’s firm ass wiggling and his cock slamming into
sweet pussy. After he banged Peaches, all he could think of was Cherri stroking Gunner’s dick with her butt. He knew sleep would not come easily that night.

Peaches’ even breaths told him she had fallen asleep. Why couldn’t he forget about Cherri and embrace Peaches? Peaches was in love with him. She was pretty, good in bed, and would do anything for him. If he made Peaches his permanent girlfriend, his life would be easy. He knew she was the type who would forgive his extra pussy on the side. Why the fuck did he have the hots for a troublesome ice bitch? He didn’t want that shit in his life, but, for unknown reasons, he was drawn to her—needing and craving her. He was pissed as hell at himself for allowing a woman to do that to him.

*     *     *

A few hours
later, sunlight filled the room through the curtainless window. Cussing under his breath as the light pierced his eyes, he looked down at Peaches’ curly hair. She hugged him in her sleep.
Maybe if I spend more time with her, the less I’ll think of Cherri.
He wanted to get the white-blonde with the sexy strut out of his mind. Seeing her with Gunner made him attack another brother. He knew he overstepped the line, knew he was out of control while he was punching Gunner’s face, but he didn’t give a shit; he wanted to hurt Gunner for having his hands on Cherri. Not only was he beyond fucking perplexed that she picked an old brother over him, he was hurt as shit, but that was somewhere he didn’t want to go. The problem with Cherri was she stirred up bullshit deep inside him he didn’t want to think about.

He looked down at Peaches again.
Fuck, why can’t I crave her the way I do Cherri? She’s crazy about me.
He knew Cherri was pissed at him for not letting her strip on stage anymore, but to hook up with Gunner to spite him? That wasn’t okay. It was true Gunner was a generous tipper, which made him more desirable to the dancers, but Jax had told Cherri he’d take care of her and give her money to make up the lost wages. She wouldn’t go for it, though.
So she takes the old man’s money, but not mine? She’s all kinds of fucked-up.

The whole turn of events pissed him off to no end. He suspected Cherri had some issues from her past; her eyes told him she was hiding secrets. Ever since he first saw her—after the raid on the Deadly Demons Nomads’ clubhouse and the Insurgents rescued her—he was drawn to her. It was more than her hot body and pretty face—it was an aura of vulnerability and determination which excited the fuck out of him. He guessed her life hadn’t been easy, but that’s why he was there—to take care of her.

How in the fuck did she choose Gunner over me? Fuck!
Jax had to be with her. He had to forget her. His cock needed her and only her. His life was suddenly a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Why the hell did she have to come into his world and fuck it up?

“Whatcha thinking about?” Peaches asked as she squeezed his waist.

“Huh? I thought you were sleeping.”

“I was, but your heavy breathing woke me up. Do you want something, baby?” She smiled while she ran her hand over his dick.

Shifting his weight, Jax brushed her hand away. “Not now. I got stuff to do.” He sat up, his back to her.

“What went on between you and Gunner last night?”

Pausing, Jax debated about telling her the truth. He decided Peaches wasn’t to blame for his weakness, so there was no reason to hurt her. “Club business.”

Anyone who hung out with outlaw bikers knew when one of the guys said something was
club business
, it meant no more questions, end of discussion, nothing revealed. The Insurgents were protective of their club and its goings-on. The brothers would rather die than reveal anything of the club’s activities. The weekly meetings, called church, were for full-patched members, and no one else was allowed to hear what was talked about at church—not the Prospects, the hang-arounds, and, most certainly, not the women. The deep loyalty and fierce protection of all that was Insurgents was not unique to them, it was the code, the way of life for all outlaw motorcycle clubs.

Peaches didn’t ask any more questions about the fight. She placed her hands on Jax’s tense neck muscles and massaged them while she whispered in his ear. “Why didn’t you watch me dance last night, babe? I was looking at you, and each time I shook my titties, it was for you. It always is, you know?”

“I was talking club business with Gunner. Something had come up. You know how that goes,” he lied. He didn’t want to hurt Peaches—it wasn’t her fault she couldn’t hold a candle to Cherri. This was
deal, not hers.

“Oh, that’s good. I thought maybe it was because of that bitch Cherri. I saw her chatting up Gunner then you going over there. I dunno… I thought maybe all the shit last night was because of her.”

“Nah, just club business.”

Peaches kissed his neck while she ran her hands down his chest, landing on and grabbing hold of his hardening cock. Jax groaned. She swung around, straddling herself on his lap, kissing him while caressing his chest with her breasts. She pushed him back down on the bed and rested her knees on either side of him, his length ready for some relief. He threw his head back, letting Peaches take him on a ride while he fantasized about his sweet Cherri.

*     *     *

When they entered
the great room an hour later, Jax, with his arm around Peaches’ waist, spotted Gunner at the bar having a drink with Ruben. Gunner tilted his chin when he saw Jax, who nodded back with a clenched jaw. He thought the anger would have dissipated by that point, but he was still pissed as hell at Gunner and it took everything he had to hold back. He so fucking wanted to finish what he started the night before at Dream House with the old brother. Even though his body was ready to pounce, his mind told him he’d acted stupid, fighting a brother over a woman who wasn’t claimed. He was losing his grip with this one, and he knew Banger wasn’t going to put up with his shit at all.

“I’d like some orange juice,” Peaches said.

“Go into the kitchen and get it in the fridge. The bar doesn’t have any.”

“Okay, be back in a minute.” She placed a kiss on Jax’s cheek and headed toward the kitchen.

“Gimme a beer,” Jax said to the prospect who tended the bar. The prospect put a Coors in front of Jax. All the prospects were expected to know what each of the members drank—it was one of their duties. Jax lifted his chin at the prospect.

“Heard there was some trouble at Dream House last night,” Hawk said as he clasped Jax on the shoulder.

Jax shrugged as he took a big gulp from his beer bottle.

“You need to back way the fuck off on this one. You starting shit like this with a brother over a stripper who isn’t interested in you is disrespectful and… pathetic. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt, and I know you were thinking with your dick instead of your head, but the shit that happened last night can’t happen again. You got that?”

Jax hung his head. He’d always looked up to Hawk; ever since Hawk joined the Insurgents eleven years before, he treated Jax like a little brother. Hawk was a good ten years older than Jax, and when his father was murdered when Jax was eighteen years old, Hawk and the club were the stable force that helped him through the dark moments. Ever since, he could count on Hawk to be there for him when the demons started to creep in again.

“Yeah, you’re right. I was outta line. I dunno, that bitch just has a hold of my cock.” Jax stared at his beer bottle.

“Yeah, bitches can do that shit to us. Stick with Peaches. She hasn’t fucked any of the brothers but you, seems friendly, has a hot body, and she fuckin’ wants to be with you. Leave the other one alone—she’s messed up and seems like she has too much baggage she’s pulling along.”

“Yeah, like Cara was so easy.” Jax stared at Hawk.

Shaking his head, he said, “You got me there. Fuck, I’m the last one to give advice. Cara had me so mixed up I couldn’t think about anything but her. Hell, I still can’t get enough of her, and she’s my old lady now. But I never went against a brother for an unclaimed woman. Seems like this bitch wants Gunner. It sucks, but you gotta let it go.”

Jax felt like Hawk just kicked him in the gut when he said Cherri wanted Gunner. He knew Hawk was right, but there was no fucking way he was giving up. He couldn’t forget about Cherri’s dainty body, her full lips, and her small tits. Knowing he couldn’t fight a brother on it again, he was still more determined than ever to make Cherri his.

Chapter Six

uck! Like I
need this shit,” Cherri said as she stepped on the wet kitchen floor. Looking at the overflowing sink, she groaned. “I’m so sick of
right now.”

“Sorry I can’t help you, but I gotta go to Dream House. I have a double-shift today,” said Amy, one of the two women with whom she shared the townhouse. Grabbing a power bar, Amy flew out the door, leaving Cherri alone to deal with the clogged sink.

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