Jaymie Holland (8 page)

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Authors: Tattoos,Leather: BRANDED

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Jaymie Holland
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She closed the door and looked from Dane to Colton. “I appreciate you taking me to the doctor. Thank you for dinner, too.”

“I feel like we should be the ones to say thank you.” Dane winked and Drew felt heat rise in her as she thought about how much she’d enjoyed going down on them. She could swear that the owner, Tony, had given her a knowing look when they’d left the restaurant.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder. She could give as good as she got. “No, I’m definitely the one who should be thanking you.”

Dane grinned. “Glad you enjoyed your dinner.”

“Oh, I did.” She gave him a naughty grin in return. “I definitely did.”

Colton’s lips twitched in amusement. “Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. We’ll have an excellent view of the fireworks from the top of our building.”

“Not to mention it’s a great place for a picnic,” Dane said. “We’ll have Louis pick you up in the afternoon. About four p.m.”

“You’re certainly sure of yourselves.” She raised her brows. “I didn’t even say I’d go.”

Dane gave her a roguish look. “We’ll steal you away if we have to.”

Before she could feign a protest, Colton stepped in close and cupped her face. He lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers. “We’ll have a great time, honey.”

“I’m not your honey.” Her breathing quickened despite her denial.

Colton gave her a slow, sexy smile as he trailed his thumb over her lips, sliding it down to her jawline. Then he captured her mouth with his, stealing her breath away. His kiss was long and slow, his tongue slipping into her mouth as he tasted her.

Dane moved behind her and her belly flip-flopped as he pressed his length against her backside. He settled his hands on her hips and she caught her breath as she felt the heat of him through her thin sundress. He skated his palms up her sides to her breasts and she gave a soft moan as he pinched her nipples.

Colton moved closer, too, and then she was pinned between them, their erections hard against her belly and ass.

Her heart pounded, her mouth grew dry. Her nipples ached and her breasts felt heavy as she grew wet between her thighs. She wasn’t wearing anything beneath the sundress and she wanted them to slide the dress down her body and for both of them to take her now. She loved to be fucked in the ass, and to have both of these men inside her at the same time would be a fantasy come true.

Dane kissed the curve of her neck from behind, his warm breath fanning across her shoulder. He thrust his hips, the solidness of his erection making her squirm with need.

When Colton raised his head, Dane took her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. He kissed her hard, causing more spirals of desire to curl throughout her body.

Now behind her, Colton ran his palms along her sides, grasped her dress in his hands, and bunched it in his fists. He pulled it up over her ass and she felt the cool air from the conditioning unit on her bare skin. He ran his hands over her naked ass and slid one hand in front, touching her hairless mound. Her pussy ached as she wondered if he was going to bend her over and fuck her now. She prayed he would.

Dane untied her dress’s spaghetti straps and pulled the top of her sundress down, below her breasts. She gave a soft moan and clenched her fingers in his hair as he moved his mouth to her breast and sucked her nipple. At the same time, Colton thrust his jean-clad cock against her bare ass and she found herself begging incoherently.

“Please.” She’d never felt so alive, so filled with need. “Please take me.”

Colton released her dress and let it slide over her hips. Dane pulled the top of her sundress up and over her breasts, covering them, and re-tied the straps.

She looked at Dane and then over her shoulder at Colton. Her breathing came hard. “What are you doing?”

“You need to get to bed.” Dane kissed her forehead. “You’ve had a long day.”

“But—” she started.

Dane stole the rest of her words away with a firm kiss. “Good night,” he murmured when he raised his head.

“What about my panties?” She swallowed. “They’re my favorite pair.”

“We’ve got them.” Colton rubbed his cock against her backside. “If you’re a good girl tomorrow, we might even let you have them back.”

“We’ll give you tonight to rest up.” Dane gave her a look that sent shivers of desire through her. “You’re going to need your strength tomorrow.”

The pounding of her heart grew faster at the promise in his words. She wanted to tell them to stay, but both men stepped away from her and started for the door. Colton grasped the doorknob and gave her one last dark look before opening the door and stepping out of the apartment.

“Make sure you arm the system.” Dane’s gaze lingered on her a few moments before he followed Colton and closed the door behind them.

Drew set the alarm and then for a long moment she stared at the door. Her body felt alive and needy. Dane and Colton made her want them so badly that she could almost scream with frustration, despite the fact she’d had two amazing orgasms with them just hours before.

She placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. She told herself she was glad they had left, that she needed time to think. It really might not be a good idea to let herself get involved with two men.

But another part of her, a much bigger part, couldn’t wait to take them on.

* * * * *

Colton walked through the condo that he shared with Dane. The pair of them had been roommates in college, before they each went their separate ways. Once they decided to start their security firm, they’d made the decision to room together until their business was built up.

Their business had grown to be exceedingly successful, but they’d continued rooming together. They’d had ménage relationships with two women and it had been useful to live in the same home. Now they had the control room that they used when not in the office, and it was simply more convenient to live together.

Colton walked into the control room in their condo that was the smaller version of the control room at their headquarters. Not only was it not nearly the size of the one at HQ, but the monitors were smaller, too. However, it did the job if they needed to observe any of their clients without driving to their HQ. They had full-time employees who worked at HQ, keeping an eye on things, but Colton and Dane had the control room at the condo as backup.

The employees didn’t have access to any cameras in clients’ homes unless the alarms went off. Only during that time would the cameras engage, for client privacy. However, Dane and Colton had access in their condo control room when needed.

Dane sat in front of the bank of monitors that showed multiple businesses and homes that they were paid to watch, and Colton took a seat next to him. Each monitor showed a different house or business, the images rotating on the screens as they changed from one room to the next. They had many more clients, but not all of them wanted cameras viewing their homes or workplaces. Instead, the clients relied on the alarm systems.

On the main viewing screen, Colton saw Drew lying on the couch, naked and asleep. The monitor wasn’t rotating from room to room on her monitor. Instead it was fixed on her living room. Her full breasts with their dark nipples rose and fell with each breath she took. Air blowing out of the refrigeration unit caused her hair to stir.

Colton got a look at her shaved pussy and remembered the smoothness of her mound when he and Dane had touched her, and the memory made his cock hard again. He looked at her lips, lips that had been wrapped around his erection as she’d gone down on him, and he damn near squirmed in his seat.

“Damn it, we shouldn’t be watching her,” Colton said but couldn’t take his eyes off the screen.

“No, we shouldn’t.” Dane’s gaze was just as fixed on the monitor as Colton’s was. “I have this feeling that she’s not safe. Not with that rapist in her part of town, breaking into women’s apartments.”

“She has the alarm engaged.” Colton glanced at the icon on the screen that indicated she had turned on the system. “That should be enough for us.”

“But it’s not.” Dane frowned. “If anything happened to Drew…”

Colton watched Drew shift in her sleep. “If anyone touched her, we’d kill the sonofabitch.” He blew out his breath. “But now that she’s engaging the alarm, we shouldn’t watch her. The other times we did we knew that she wasn’t turning it on, so it made sense to keep an eye on her.”

“Right now her scare is fresh.” Dane pulled back his hair and secured it with a leather thong he’d pulled out of his pocket. “What if she gets too comfortable again, and stops using the alarm system?”

“What we need to do is get her to move in with us.” Colton dragged his palm down his face, his stubble rough against his palm. “Then we’d know she was safe.”

“That’s not going to be so easy.” Dane leaned back in the office chair. “She’s an independent little spitfire.”

Colton nodded his agreement. “A spitfire who needs to be tamed.”

Dane looked away from the monitor and typed in commands. The screen showing Drew and her apartment went black.

Colton felt a stab of concern, an ache that caused his chest to hurt. He wanted to tell Dane to turn the monitor back on, but he mentally shook his head. No, they shouldn’t be watching Drew without her knowledge. They’d been wrong to do it all this time, no matter how much they had justified the observations.

“I could use a drink.” Dane pushed himself out of his chair. “How about you?”

“What the doctor ordered.” Colton looked away from the darkened monitor. He felt cut off from her, like a tether had been sliced in two. Maybe they should continue watching her.

No. They couldn’t do that anymore.

The back and forth was about to drive him out of his fucking mind.

“Why don’t we check every now and then to make sure she’s turned on the system?” Dane said. “If she doesn’t have it on, we’ll keep an eye on her.”

“I like that idea.” Colton nodded, feeling a little bit better about the situation. “It’s a good compromise.”

Dane started for the door. “I’ll sure as hell sleep better at night knowing she’s got the system engaged.”

“You and me both.” Colton followed Dane out of the control room.

Dane glanced over his shoulder. “She’d still be pissed if she knew.”

Colton looked thoughtfully at Dane. “We’ll just have to make sure she never finds out.”

Chapter 8

The morning sun woke Drew before she wanted to get up. She’d planned to sleep in, but once the sun was in her eyes it was impossible to go back to sleep. She should have closed the curtains but had forgotten. Her mind had been wrapped around the men and their dominant behavior, and the pleasure they’d given her.

After downing a double chocolate muffin and a pre-workout drink, she put on her workout clothes and climbed onto the treadmill. Soon she was jogging at a brisk pace and then at a full out run, trying to get her mind off of Dane and Colton and how much she wanted both of them.

She had no intention of anything more than sex. Men cheated, it was a fact of life. The last thing she needed was to fall for a pair of men who would eventually cheat on her. But she could enjoy the sex.

As she ran, her thoughts turned to Megan and her husbands. Drew frowned as she wondered if Nick and Sean would ever cheat on Megan. That was what men did, yet the thought felt wrong, even considering the twins would ever dream of cheating on Meg. They seemed so completely in love with her, like they would die before hurting her in any way, shape, or form.

Well, if they did cheat on Meg, Drew would find a way to make them pay.

Sweat rolled down the sides of her face and she lowered the treadmill’s speed to start the cool down. Her face ached and her cheek burned a little where sweat covered her injuries. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been the past few days, so there was that.

She grabbed the hand towel she had resting on the machine and dabbed at the sweat on her face and neck, all the while thinking of Dane and Colton. She couldn’t get the men off her mind and it was driving her crazy.

The treadmill came to a slow halt as her cool down ended. She stepped off of the machine, her skin flushed but feeling a workout high. The men had been so confident that she’d be ready to be picked up this afternoon. She should probably tell them where to stuff their overconfidence, yet she wanted to go. Wanted to find out where some time alone with the men would lead her.

After showering, she spent time cleaning the apartment. When she had finished, she put her hair in big hot rollers and spent time painting her toenails and fingernails bright red. She put on makeup before slipping on a navy skirt that reached the top of her thighs, a red cotton tank top, with black bra and panties beneath, and red sandals with a touch of sparkle to them.

She smiled to herself, thinking about how the day might turn out. She had a feeling it was going to be a hell of a lot of fun.

Precisely at four p.m. her cell phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number, but she figured it was probably Louis. She was right, he had phoned to let her know he was parked in front of the apartment building.

She put her wallet, lipstick, and keys in a small red purse before heading downstairs. She slipped on a large pair of stylish sunglasses before walking out into the hot, muggy afternoon. Louis was waiting to let her into the car.

“Hi, Louis,” she said when she reached him.

He opened the back passenger door. “Good afternoon, Ms. Holloway.”

“Drew.” She slid into the car, glad for the cool interior. “Please call me Drew.”

He gave her a nod before closing the door behind her. The handsome bald man was big, brawny, and muscular, and he looked like he should be with the WWE. But he seemed to be so formal that he probably had no intention of calling her Drew.

Tingles raced along her skin as she looked out the window, city block after city block speeding by. Red, white, and blue decorated the city, the U.S. flag proudly displayed everywhere one turned.

When they pulled up to condominiums in Central Park West, the tingles turned into flutters. She had no idea security consultants could afford a condo in a place like this. After he parked, Louis got out of the car, went around to her side, and opened the door for her.

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