Jennifer's Surrender (14 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jake

BOOK: Jennifer's Surrender
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I made my way
down to her breasts, taking one nipple into my mouth and rubbing the other
between my thumb and forefinger. She seemed to like this as she moaned and arched
up a bit. I bit and nibbled and teased at my leisure, and then did the same on
the other breast. I then worked my way down her body, rubbing her skin as I
went, marveling at how soft and smooth she was.

When I got
down to her pussy, I pushed her legs wider and took a long lick, kind of
getting my bearings. Then I explored, licking her lips, tracing her opening,
lapping up her juices. I stuck my tongue inside her just like she had done to
me, and that elicited a moan, so I kept doing that while I started rubbing her
clit the same way I like to rub mine. She started grinding my face now, and I
knew that feeling, I knew she wanted more, so, listening to Sir, I followed her
lead and started sucking on her clit, making circles with my tongue and plunged
a finger inside her. Sara moaned loudly.

I mirrored the
‘come here’ motion that she had done to me and that seemed to also work for her
but she said, “More, stick another finger inside me.” I plunged my middle
finger in and her moaning sounded like it was coming from deep in her belly.
Now her hips really started bucking and she said again, “Stick another finger
in and fuck me, Jen. Fuck me till I come all over you.” Spurred on, I stuck a
third in and started pumping my hand in and out, all the while sucking on her
clit. And then I felt the most wonderful thing. Her thighs started trembling,
her whole body started shaking as I pumped and sucked and tongued. I could hear
her breath get shallower and shallower until finally she screamed and bucked
wildly as she came all over my hand. Once I was sure she was finished, I slowly
pulled my fingers out, earning a small whimper from her. When I looked up, she
opened her eyes and smiled.

I licked my
fingers and then collapsed onto her, kissing her, letting her taste herself,
momentarily unaware that we weren’t alone. When I rolled off of her I looked up
to see Sir sitting in a chair, smiling. I got off the bed and knelt down in
between his legs, looked up and asked, “May I please you, Sir?” he smiled.

“Yes, little bird, you may.” And my heart
swelled. Was it because he wanted me? Was it just the way he was with me? Never
before did I so badly want to suck a man’s cock, and being allowed to suck his
felt like a gift. It’s hard to explain, but whatever the reason, I was grateful
for it. I undid his pants, reached in and found my prize. Once I pulled it out,
I put my hands behind my back and started sucking just the head at first,
licking the smoothness of it, then, inch by inch, took more and more in. After
a little bit he pulled my head up. My expression must have said it all. “No,
little bird, nothing’s wrong. I just want to do something else.” I exhaled.

“I brought something up for us to all
play with.” He must have taken a quick trip down to the playroom while I had my
face buried in Sara’s pussy. He motioned over to the dresser and said, “Grab
that and bring it here.” I got up and walked over to the dresser to retrieve a
large strap-on dildo. I had never actually seen a strap on before. He helped me
into it, and I had no idea if this is what most were like but it fit over my
mound, leaving my pussy opening still exposed. The way it fit there was an
inner protrusion right where my clit was.
It was odd looking down and seeing a cock jut out from my hips. Odd and
exhilarating at the same time.

“Sara, get up on your hands and knees,
and scoot down towards the edge of the bed.” Sir said and Sara got into position.
“Now, little bird, you’re going to fuck sweet Sara, so get behind her on your
hands and knees.” I was processing all of this realizing what the rest of the
equation was going to be. We were basically going to be a fucking sandwich,
with Sir fucking me, me fucking Sara. The thought of it was so hot, I could
feel myself getting even wetter than I already was.

I knelt over
Sara and, rubbing the head of the dildo into her gushing wet pussy, and slid it
in making her groan. I eased it out and then slid more of it in, working the
rubber dildo into her slit until the front of my thighs hit the backs of hers.
With each thrust, she moaned louder. As I started to get the hang of it I felt
Sir’s hands on my hips pulling me back towards him. I instinctively tilted up
to accept him, and I still wasn’t yet used to just how big he was as he drove
his shaft all the way into me, plunging me deep into Sara, making both of us
let out deep, low moans. He was now in the driver’s seat and started thrusting.
It was less of me fucking Sara than him pile-driving both of us, pushing me
with the strap-on into her.

The whole
scene was so erotic, so intense that I could already feel my orgasm building. “No,
sweetheart, not yet.” Sir said as he kept pumping me, pumping us. I knew making
me wait was all about him controlling me in every sense sexually, and so far,
the longer he made me wait, the better my orgasms had been. But it was
definitely something that I was going to need to get used to. With most guys in
the past, they were thrilled if I came and wouldn’t have dreamed of doing
anything to jeopardize it if I was able to… Obviously, Sir neither had any
qualms about making me wait, nor any worries that he would make me come.

“Stop thinking, little bird.” He
whispered in my ear as he kept thrusting. Jeez, did he
have some type of electrode in my brain?
How could he be so tapped into every nuance of me. He was so acutely aware of
my body’s responses that I couldn’t hide anything from him. I brought my mind
back to the supple body beneath me and the hard man behind me. I remembered
what he wanted me to do, which was surrender. As I let my body go and just gave
in to everything he was doing, everything we were doing, all the sensations
became stronger, all the sounds and feelings and motions brought me back to
that edge, that precipice. All of our bodies were slick with sweat and we just
kept rolling and rolling, and I was aware that I was keeping myself on that
edge, riding it, waiting for him to tell me when I could let go.

Then he
started fucking us harder and harder. Sara’s moaning was getting louder and
louder, becoming constant almost. As his cock slammed harder and harder into
me, with every thrust it pushed my clit into the hard nub inside the strap on.
The sensation from it all was becoming so intense I wasn’t sure I would be able
to ride it out much longer. I know I was moaning too and then finally he said,
“Now, Jennifer” as he pumped harder and harder pushing me harder and harder
into Sara. I let go and felt my orgasm ripple throughout my body as I screamed
which triggered Sara’s orgasm and then finally I heard Sir let out a long low
growl as he jerked violently inside me.

He slowly
pulled out of me and again, the absence of his cock was profound. I steadied
myself and pulled out of Sara who collapsed onto the bed. Sir deftly undid the
strap-on, letting it fall to the floor and I crawled onto the bed next to Sara,
exhausted. I could feel Sir’s cum dripping down my legs and knew I should get
up and clean myself before I passed out. I rolled over and walked into the
bathroom to find Sir there brushing his teeth. “Oh, sorry, Sir.”

He spit and
said, “That’s ok. Go on and clean up, then let’s go to sleep.” I nodded at the
normalcy of the statement, but considering everything, none of this was normal
to me. When I got back into the bedroom, he was waiting for me to get in bed so
that I was in between him and Sara. She was already out and breathing heavily
on her side, facing away from us. I slid in and then he followed. I waited
until he was in and then curled up on him, resting my head on his chest and
draping my arm over him. I had no idea if this was an unacceptable way for a
sub to sleep with her Dom, but I figured he’d let me know if it wasn’t. He
stroked my hair and I exhaled.

“Thank you for a great night, Sir.”

“You’re welcome, little bird. Now, go to

“Yes, Sir.” My last thought before I
drifted off was that he even controlled when I fell asleep.


The sobriety
of the morning led me to leave where I was in bed, between Sir and Sara, and
take refuge in the privacy of the kitchen. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy the
evening, but I just wasn’t sure I was mentally ready for more. Even after
everything that we did the night before, as I padded downstairs, naked, I was
nervous about seeing Sara. I knew there wasn’t anything I could do about my
clothing situation, knowing that Sir wanted me naked when I was in his house.
So, it was a small indignity that I would endure. I tried to remind myself that
she had not only seen every inch of my body, she had also licked and touched
most of it too.

As I replayed
the evening’s events, I realized that never once did Sir touch Sara. He didn’t
even kiss her. And even given everything that she and I did together, I think I
would have been jealous had I seen him with her. I resolved that I would ask
him about this later.

I busied
myself with making breakfast. I decided on blueberry pancakes, eggs, fruit,
orange juice and coffee, figuring that everyone had worked up an appetite. I
was probably down there an hour when they both walked in. Sir in his Tshirt and
pajama bottoms, and Sara in a silk robe. I did a double take, looking at her.
I’m not sure if I expected her to be naked, like me, but I know that she didn’t
bring that robe with her, so it was obviously something that Sir had given to
her. Not only was I embarrassed to be naked in front of her, but I was jealous
that he gave her a robe, but not me.

I tried to hid
my disappointment, but Sir shot me a look making it clear that my feelings had
registered with him as he said simply, “Good morning, Jennifer.”

“Good morning, Sir.” I replied,
embarrassed about not being able to call him by his name in front of someone
else. I thought I’d be the bigger person when I also offered, “Morning, Sara.”

She giggled,
looking me up and down and said, “Morning, Jen.”

I had placed
three settings at the table, Sir at the head and Sara and I opposite each
other, next to him. They both took a seat as I came over to pour them both
coffee. I had just put all the food on the table as I walked back to take my
seat, when Sir said, “Jennifer, you’ll take your breakfast here, kneeling next
to me.” I shot him a look and knew I was beet red. I had read about Doms
feeding their subs, but so far, Sir hadn’t made me kneel next to him during
meals. He chose now, in front of someone else, to do this?

I hesitated
and then, knowing full well my options, clasped my hands behind my back and
knelt next to him. “Face towards Sara, dear.” He said. I shuffled on my knees
so that I was now facing her. I was so mortified, I didn’t realize that my head
was down. “Is that how I showed you to kneel, sub?” This was the first time he
had ever referred to me as that. Until now it was always my name or a term of
endearment. I wasn’t sure why he was being so cruel to me. But I straightened
up, putting my shoulders back and spreading my knees wider for good measure,
and then lifted my head so that I was looking at Sara, who seemed to be
enjoying the show.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” I said meekly and he
patted my head as one would a dog. Sara giggled as she dug in to her food.

“Sara, please forgive Jennifer’s manners.
She’s still in training.”

“How’s she coming along, Stephen?”
hearing her use his name was like a knife to my ego. There was an edge to her
this morning that wasn’t there last night. Or at least, I didn’t see it through
the haze of alcohol. Perhaps, it was the fact that I was kneeling and naked and
she was clothed and sitting that gave her the attitude.

“Well, for the most part. She still needs
to learn true submission, which so far, it’s clear she doesn’t understand.” He
was talking about me like I wasn’t sitting right there next to him. “And she
still needs quite a bit of discipline. Sub, tell Sara why you were disciplined
Friday night.”

I looked up at
him, I knew the pleading in my eyes was useless as he stared down at me.
Obviously I took too long because he said, “See, Sara. This is exactly what I’m
talking about. She’s thinking too much instead of just doing what I told her
to.” It was clear those words were intended for me more than for her. He shook
his head and looked at me and then waited.

I looked at
Sara and said, through gritted teeth, “I was disciplined because I had been a
little bitch.”

Sara smiled
and then looked at Sir and asked, “Kind of like she’s being right now?”

Sir nodded and
said to her, “Exactly.” Then, he looked down at me and said, “Apologize to Sara
for being a little bitch and then tell her what we did Friday night.”

My head was
spinning. I didn’t understand why they were both being so cruel, but I didn’t
wait this time, knowing that it wasn’t in my best interest, “I’m sorry, Sara,
for being a little bitch, please forgive me.” She giggled and then patted me on
the head. I wanted to kick her. She was really enjoying this.

“Apology accepted, little bitch.” She
giggled again. “Now, tell me what you did Friday night like a good girl.”

I swallowed
and looked at Sir but his face was unreadable. Actually, it was clear he was
just fine with her humiliating me like this. So, I took a breath and said, “Sir
told me if I wanted to come, I had to hump his leg like the bitch that I am, so
I straddled his shin and rubbed myself against it until I came. Then he led me by
a leash on all fours outside so that I could pee, like a dog.” I figured the
abbreviated version was easiest and knew the most humiliating parts were what
he wanted me to share.

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