Jess Michaels (6 page)

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He had braced her inner thighs with his hands and now his fingers massaged the tense flesh there gently, working in time with his wicked mouth.

“You accused me of teasing when I removed my clothing,”
Cassandra panted, trying to lift her hips and force his movement, even though she couldn’t. “Now you do the same and more to me!”

He glanced up at her again, more wicked than ever. “Are you saying, my dear, that you would like me to do this?”

He slipped his hands higher and peeled her flushed skin open wide, revealing the pearly flesh of her pussy.

“And this?” he continued, before he bent his head and found her clit with his tongue. He swirled it around and around the hard nub of flesh, coaxing it to full attention, torturing her with the shocks of focused pleasure that such quick and focused sucking caused.

“Then this?” he murmured between licks. He pushed two thick fingers into her sheath, spreading and nudging her tight channel open, rubbing against the hidden bundle of nerves that were just inside the opening.

“Yes!” she cried out, her head thrashing on the pillows as intense pressure built low in her belly. She was going to come and it was going to feel so good.

But then, just as swiftly as he had driven into her with his mouth and touch, he stopped and pulled away.

“Too bad, sweetling,” he purred as he went back to the frustrating nuzzling. “I’m not ready to let you have your pleasure yet. And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. You’re not in control anymore.”

Cassandra cried out again, but this time in frustration, as Nathan traced the crease of her sex with just the tip of his tongue and stroked her inner thighs gently.

“How long could I keep you this way?” he murmured, his fingers opening her a second time. “All night? All day tomorrow? Could I keep you on the edge forever, begging me?”

Cassandra squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to admit anything to this man with his twisted agenda. She couldn’t even tell him the truth, which was that only he could bring her to the brink so swiftly. And only he could keep her there, anxious and needy—forever, if he chose to do so. Her body still responded to him in a way it never had to other men, even the ones who had given her great pleasure.

With Nathan it was obsession. A need so powerful and pure that it took her breath away. It frightened her.

“You…you never talked during sex before,” she panted, trying to maintain focus when Nathan began to stroke one finger along the slick flesh between her thighs.

He lifted his gaze briefly. “I guess you weren’t the only one who learned new talents while we were apart, sweet.”

Cassandra swallowed. The idea of him with other women both aroused and troubled her. Had he loved any of them? Or just used them to forget her? What had they looked like? Did she live up to their memories?

Had they lived up to hers?

He suddenly forced a long finger inside her body and her mind emptied of those questions.

“Pulse around me, angel,” he growled, as he curled his finger seductively. “Ask me for what you want with that tight little body of yours.”

Since she couldn’t move any other part of her, Cassandra
had no choice but to surrender to his order. She tightened her sheath around his finger, squeezing her internal muscles in an even rhythm, silently begging for more than he was willing to share.

He let out a low curse and then his mouth dropped down. Once again he found her swollen clitoris and sucked it gently, swirling his tongue around and around the little nub until Cassandra dug her nails into her palms and cried out with the pure, unadulterated pleasure of his fingers and mouth.

Her cries grew louder, her arms and legs strained tighter against the bonds, and her body began to flutter in the uncontrolled prelude to release.

“Come for me,” Nathan murmured against her flesh.

She could do nothing else but obey. Her skin grew hot and tight as wave after wave of unbelievable, harsh, hard pleasure rocked through her. But bending to his will did nothing to make him merciful. Instead of easing up in his sensual torture, Nathan quickened his licks, increased the pressure of his questing finger, ratcheting Cassandra’s intense orgasm up and up until she thought her entire body might burst into flame and disappear.

The pleasure stretched out, seemed to go on forever, until she could hardly bear it. And then, slowly, the clenching tremors subsided, her breath slowed, and the cries from her raw throat quieted to low moans as the last vestiges of her orgasm faded away.

Nathan withdrew his wet finger and sat up, leaving her cold after such a heated encounter. He stared down at her, lips
wet and flushed from his effort and eyes still glittering with just as much sensual promise as they had when he began.

Cassandra let her breath out in a shuttering sigh of both relief and frustration. They weren’t anywhere close to being finished. It was patently clear that Nathan had so much more in store for her this night.

The torment had only just begun.

f Cassandra lifted her head from the pillows, she could see Nathan’s erection, still bold and strong against his belly. If anything, he looked even harder than before. More ready than ever to continue with his overpowering seduction. She shivered in anticipation.

He leaned forward, partially covering her with his broad chest. Cassandra couldn’t hold back a little moan of excitement. He was going to fill her now, face to face, kissing her until she could taste her own arousal. Filling her until she begged for release, again and again.

But instead, he snapped the restraints around her wrists free. She lowered her aching arms and stared up at him in question as he leaned over her, his face inches from hers. She
lifted her hands to cup his face, but he caught her wrists and held her down.

“You aren’t in control, Cassandra,” he whispered. “I am.”

Before she could respond, he moved away, down her body to free her ankles. She watched him, tense and questioning, as he tossed the restraints away. He remained kneeling on the bed for a moment, watching her.

“Roll over,” he said, refusing to meet her eyes.

She stifled a sigh. Being taken from behind was highly pleasurable, of course. It was a position that almost always led to her orgasm. But since their reunion, Nathan had refused to hold her while he made love to her.

He didn’t want to look at her face. He wanted to punish her. Still.

Without comment, she did as he required, bracing her weight on her forearms as she lifted herself up for his perusal, touch, and taking. But instead of his fingers against her pussy, as she had expected, she sucked in a breath when Nathan began to gently stroke along the tight little hole of her backside.

She looked over her shoulder.

“Nathan?” she murmured, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he began to rub the hot juices from her sex to lubricate the tiny opening.

“So tense,” he murmured. “Don’t tell me that the master lover is afraid of this.”

She bit her lip, but remained silent. She had experienced
many acts in her years as a mistress. Things that would make her blush if she were forced to recite them. But this was the one thing she had denied her former lovers. The only thing she had never tried. And while she couldn’t deny that it felt so good for Nathan to touch her in that untried, virgin place, she

When she didn’t answer, Nathan stopped stroking her and looked up to meet her eyes as she stared at him over her shoulder. “Cassandra?”

She shook her head slowly. “I…I haven’t ever…”

His eyes widened and then a slow smile curled his lips. “Really.” He seemed to say it more for his own benefit than for hers, for the word wasn’t a question but a statement.

“How interesting. So I was your first in one way and I would be your first in this way, as well.”

Cassandra squeezed her eyes shut, but she nodded.

Nathan was quiet and still for a moment, but then he curled his body up around hers and leaned down to press a hot, wet kiss against that sensitive spot on her spine that always drove her wild. She didn’t think any of her other lovers had ever quite found it, but when Nathan did, her body jolted.

“I’m going to make this so good for you,” he murmured. “And you know you cannot deny me any demand.”

Cassandra let her breath out in a long sigh. He was right about that. And in truth, her heart was pounding as much from pure exhilaration at the thought of what he wanted to do as it was from anxiety.

“Then do it,” she said, her voice a taunt. “If you say you
may take anything, why bother to pretend you are asking me my leave.”

He caught her chin and tilted her face so that she looked at him over her shoulder, their gazes locked in combat.

“I’ll have you begging, Cassandra,” he growled. “Not asking.”

She pulled her face away and arched against him as answer, grinding her still wet sheath against the granite length of his cock. He sucked in his breath at the touch, pressing forward almost as if against his will and letting his cock enter her just an inch. Her breath quickened with excitement at the breach, as did his.

Then he pulled back, shaking his head, and returned to the work of lubricating her untried bottom with the hot juices of her own body. The more he worked his fingers around the tight entrance, the more Cassandra began to relax and even enjoy the light touch. The area had so many nerves, so many points of pleasure she had never explored, that she couldn’t help but gasp and cry out in wonder every time he stroked some hidden place of pleasure.

And then, suddenly and without warning, his finger glided inside her virgin channel. She caught her breath at the unexpected invasion, tensing as pleasure met a hint of pain. With his free hand, Nathan massaged her lower back, the brush of his skin gentle against hers as he murmured low words of comfort.

She shut her eyes, breathing as she tried to relax, tried to focus on the pleasure of the way he was gently stretching her, readying her for him, seducing her the very same way he had the first time they made love all those years ago. Then she
had been a shy virgin, thrilled with the attention of such a handsome, charming man.

Now she felt the same way, despite years of experience, despite the painful past that she kept locked inside her, never to be revealed, especially to Nathan. But right now, with him coaxing her to a new pleasure, she felt pure again, new to pleasure. New to him.

“God, you are so tight, so hot,” he moaned. “You are going to feel so fucking good.”

She rocked herself back, a silent demand for more and he slipped his fingers from her body as he positioned the head of his cock at her entrance. She slowed her breath, forcing control over her anxiety as he began to slide inside. She had been well lubricated by his ministrations and she was surprised by how slick he slid into her, stretching her untried passage with his thick length.

She bit out a breath on a cry, overcome by the border between pleasure and pain, rocking on the edge and loving every unexpected moment.

When he was fully seated deep within her, he paused, letting her become acclimated to the new sensations. She bit her lip and rocked forward, reveling in the slide of skin on skin, then pushed back. He took her cue immediately and began to slowly thrust.

Cassandra was amazed by how quickly her tense, frightened body relaxed into the new feelings. Pain was forgotten as Nathan took her in this new way, pleasure was all that remained as his thrusts grew harder, faster.

Her tingling pussy clenched at emptiness each time he thrust, jealously aching as she was taken. Bracing one arm on the headrest above her, Cassandra snaked her fingers down to her wet body and began to rub her clit in time to his thrusts. He seemed to quicken in response, and she rushed to keep up with him.

Then, as suddenly as he began, Nathan stopped moving. She let out a strangled moan of desperation as she shifted back to take what he now withheld. He moaned before he wrapped one arm around her hips and held her steady.

“Wait,” he whispered, his voice thick with the strain of doing just that.

“Why?” she moaned, the sound closer to a wail than a whisper.

He shifted and his cock moved inside of her, eliciting a harsh groan from her throat as she watched him reach out and grasp the glass dildo that now rested at a precarious angle on her bedside table. It was one of the few toys that hadn’t fallen to the floor when he swept her bed clean.

He pushed the toy into her hand. “Use it,” he growled close to her ear.

Cassandra gasped as she took the item. She craned her neck to look back at him. His eyes were dilated with pleasure and lit with pure challenge.

“Now,” he ordered, as he gripped her hips and plunged even deeper into her clenching body.

She jolted, her hands shaking as she lowered the toy between her legs. The next time he withdrew, she glided the
smooth glass surface into her pussy. It slid home easily, as she was still soaked from his eager tongue.

Nathan drove forward again and they let out a cry in tandem. Cassandra’s head lolled back. This was bliss, pure pleasure. To be filled so completely, to be taken in such a way…

It was heaven.

“Don’t stop,” she cried out as she arched her hips wildly and starting to thrust the glass toy in and out of her sheath.

Nathan cursed and then he did what she asked. Their bodies moved in time, their sweat mingling, cries and moans echoing as they moved in tandem toward a pleasure so powerful that Cassandra feared she might not survive it once it arrived.

Until it did.

The dam within her broke as Nathan flexed his hips in a slow circle. Her pussy began to shiver, wet heat pouring down the toy inside of her to coat her fingers as the pleasure that had been coiling ever tighter and tighter finally sprung free.

Cassandra slammed her free hand against the bed as she cried out Nathan’s name over and over, she thrust back against him in a wild rhythm, driven to the brink of madness by pleasure. The orgasm seemed to go on forever, long past the point where she was so weak that she could hardly keep her body in position.

And Nathan was no more immune to the outrageous explosion than she was. The moment her body pulsed, he let out a roar and she felt his essence pump inside of her as he thrust wildly against her.

They finally collapsed against the sweaty coverlet, his
body curled around hers, her arms shaking from release. She moaned as she gently removed the glass dildo from inside her still-tremoring sheath and set it aside. Nathan didn’t move to release her, so she curled her arms around his and held him against her for the first time in what seemed like forever.

“Well,” he finally said, as he coaxed her onto her back so that he could peer down into her face. His expression was hooded and unreadable, even though he was so close. “There is one more thing no other man can say they had from you first.”

Cassandra pursed her lips, not only from displeasure at his crass comment, but also to stop herself from responding. The last thing she should do was to remind this man that he was the first one for
important in her life.

He had been her first lover. Her first love. Honestly, he was the
man she had ever loved. Her feelings for her other lovers had never been more than fleeting affection and desire.

Nathan was her first heartbreak.

“Do you intend to engrave that somewhere, then?” she asked, pushing off the bed. Lying in his arms was a false comfort. She had to be careful that she didn’t start to believe it. “Tell the world that you are the first everything for the famous Cassandra Willows?”

Before he replied, he watched as she donned the satin robe that hung beside her door and tied it at her waist. He made no effort to cover himself the same way, and she found herself stealing a side-glance at his impressive body.

Damn him for keeping time as his mistress and not becom
ing her slave. It would be so much easier to hate him if he had gotten uglier.

He shrugged one shoulder. “The fact that
know I had first claim on every part of your body is good enough for me. Whatever else you do, whoever else you turn to after this is over, you cannot erase that.”

“You are correct,” she said softly, turning to the mirror at her dressing table rather than face him. In the reflection, she saw the haggard lines of her own face, the sadness she hoped he would never see. “No matter how much I try to forget, that much is true.”

He sat up. “Do you try to forget often? Does that make the fact that you lied, that you threw away love, easier?”

She spun around to find that he had already begun dressing. His mouth was a thin line of displeasure and his eyes were narrow and hard as he thrust one leg, then the other into his trousers.

Her hands were shaking as she stared at him.

“You don’t have any idea of my heart, Nathan. Or what makes my life easier or more difficult. You think you do, but you have no idea why…”

She broke off before she said too much. Years ago, she had vowed that it would not be she who offered an explanation to Nathan Manning if he ever did step foot back into her life. She had done nothing wrong, she had
to explain.

Besides, his knowing the truth of what had happened to her that night so long ago wouldn’t change the past. And she had a sneaking suspicion it might destroy him. No matter
what lay between them, she didn’t relish the idea that she could be the one who did that.

“Why what?” he asked, coming toward her without buttoning his shirt. “Pray, do explain yourself, if you can, Cassandra.”

She shook her head. “You know everything already, don’t you? Why bother hearing me when you already have the truth in your palm?”

He shook his head, his expression heavy with disgust as he finished dressing. The silence stretched between them, with Cassandra fighting not to watch him, he keeping his gaze on his task until he was finally back to being the cold lord of the manor who had come demanding she bow to his will.

The heated, passionate lover was gone.

“I will be back,” he finally barked, as he made his way to the door. When he reached it, he gave her a look so wintry that the room seemed to drop in temperature. “Be ready.”

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