Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins (6 page)

Read Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins Online

Authors: Leo Mark

Tags: #Thrillers, #extraterrestrial, #Novel, #jesus, #Fiction

BOOK: Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins
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The senator chuckled.

‘Not a son, a daughter. What was written in that book and what is known nowadays about the Holy Grail are just some of the stories we invented over the centuries to conceal the true secret of the Grail. Some bits are true, of course, like the bit about Jesus having a daughter, but others are pure fiction.’

‘You invented?’ said Thomas with a serious look.

‘Yes, son, we invented. Our family, through the centuries, made up these stories and other ones, some caught on, some didn´t. Well, let me get straight to the point. This is the real chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper with his disciples. On the day he died, an angel appeared to Joseph of Arimathaea, gave him this gold and silver cylinder which I have here, and told him to collect the blood of Jesus and save it in the tube. Joseph did as he was told and the cylinder sealed itself and has never been opened: this means that the blood of Jesus has been kept in here for nearly two thousand years. Now you must be wondering why this chalice and this cylinder are here with me. Easy to explain, my dears. Both I and your mother and, therefore, the two of you, are of Sarah’s family.’

Sarah interrupted the senator the moment she heard her name.

‘Sarah? What Sarah, grandpa?’

‘Relax, princess, let me explain. Sarah is the name of the earliest member of our family. It was in her honor that I persuaded your parents to give you this name. And she, Sarah, is none other than the daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.’

There was silence in the dining room. Tears rolled down Sarah’s face. The story had touched her deeply and yet she wasn´t sure if she believed it was true. However her grandfather wasn´t one to make up stories and even less likely to lie. So subconsciously at least she knew that she really was a distant descendant of the greatest being ever to have set foot on the face of the earth: Jesus Christ.

‘Grandpa, I´m speechless.’

‘Dad, are you sure of what you´re saying? And how can Mum be of the same family? She wasn´t called Griffin before you two got married.’

‘A good observation. Since the end of the first century, Christ’s descendants have not been allowed to marry outside the family. There are even records of brother and sister marrying. Your mother Jane is the great-granddaughter of my great-grandfather’s brother. Sarah’s mother is the granddaughter of a cousin of mine. I.e. we’re all one family. This was necessary so that the DNA of Jesus shouldn´t be totally diluted and lost in the world.’

‘But father, how could I marry a cousin? It had to be a huge coincidence.’

‘Son, the day that you met Sarah’s mother it had already all been planned. You had been promised to each other since you were born, as your mother and I were. All we’ve done all these years has been to give fate a little help in couples’ finding each other, getting to know each other and, as a result, falling in love. Jessica’s mother knew everything and always encouraged your relationship.’

‘I just can´t believe that you manipulated me,’ grumbled Thomas indignantly, showing his disapproval.

‘Son, we did nothing except give a little shove. Jessica married you because she loved you, in other words, the two of you truly fell in love.’

‘And what if we hadn’t fallen in love, what would you have done? Would you have obliged us to get married?’

‘Of course not! You have a number of cousins you don´t know, all very pretty. Let´s not be unduly modest - we have great genes, it’s rare for anyone unattractive to be born in this family. In the old days everything was easier, the parents told their children who they were to marry and that was it, no argument. More recently all that changed, which was unfortunate, and we had to change tactics; but what’s important is that it worked out and here were all are today.’

‘Grandpa, just tell the story straight. It’s totally unreal, I can´t believe I´m not dreaming,’ said Sarah, holding her head in both hands and running her fingers through her hair.

‘As I was saying, the angel told Joseph of Arimathaea that when the right moment came, Jesus would be born again from his own blood, and that only someone of his line would be able to open the cylinder you see here. Our more distant ancestors didn´t have any very clear idea of what “being reborn through the blood” actually implied. They thought it would be enough to open the cylinder and tip the blood into the chalice, or something like that, for Jesus to return. I was the first one to realize what the angel was really saying to Joseph - that a clone should be born from that blood. That´s the only possible explanation. And that’s why all your life I’ve been encouraging you and pushing you to become a genetic scientist, because you´re the one who’s going to create a clone of Jesus Christ.’

‘Dad, you´ve got to be crazy. Cloning humans is illegal and unethical. And even if it was permitted, research on cloning is still in its infancy. Some scientists have tried cloning animals and most of the clones were still-born or deformed, or didn´t live for a month.’

‘What about those frogs they cloned in 1952 using tadpole cells? Didn´t you do your master’s thesis on that?’ asked his father.

‘Yes, don´t you remember that I managed to clone a frog when I was doing my master’s? I even brought it home for you to see. The difference with amphibians is that the complete regeneration of the tissues is a natural characteristic, which makes it easier to do.’

‘Of course I remember. And do you remember who encouraged you to choose this subject for your thesis?’

‘Yes, I remember very well that you practically forced me to do it. You even gave me equipment for my laboratory as an incentive, didn´t you?’

‘Your thesis was highly praised and drew plenty of comment at Harvard,’ recalled his father. ‘I´m quite certain that when we clone Jesus from his own blood he won’t die - after all, he did come back to life once before,’ retorted George confidently, looking quite unworried.

‘I´m very sorry, Dad, but don´t count on me to help you on this. I could lose my license or, worse, go to jail. And even if you find someone to do the cloning, you´ll still need a uterus to carry the child.’

‘Yes, well, that we already have: I´m looking at it now,’ said George, with his eyes on Sarah.

‘Me, grandpa?! It’s… You really have gone crazy!’ Sarah was flabbergasted. ‘Grandma, don´t you have anything to say?’

‘Darling, listen to your grandfather. He’s telling the truth and this has got to be done. It’s the mission the two of you have to carry out.’

‘Thomas, Sarah, what I´m telling you is of the utmost importance. The existence of the human race as we know it depends on you two. First, as the angel instructed, Jesus will have to be reborn through and by his blood, that is, as we understand it today, he must be cloned and brought to birth in the womb of a woman of his line. If it wasn´t so, why would the cylinder only open for someone with traces of Jesus’ DNA in his blood?’

‘That´s was the legend says, but I bet anyone at all could open the cylinder,’ retorted Thomas.

George got up, went over to the wall and picked up the house phone.

‘John, could you come in here please?’ John was the senator´s personal guard, and had worked for him for many years.

‘John, you see this cylinder. Here at the end of it there’s a hollow which exactly fits the end of a finger. Please take hold of it and put your finger in the hollow.’

The guard did as he was asked, putting his finger on the spot where the cylinder was supposed to open.

‘Nothing happened, senator. Will that be all?’

‘That’s all, John, many thanks. You can go now,’ said George. ‘Thomas, now I want you to do what he did,’ and he handed the cylinder to his son.

‘Father, perhaps that isn’t the way it opens.’

‘Just do exactly what John did.’

‘OK, but it’s not going to open.’

Thomas put his forefinger on the end of the cylinder and immediately it began to emit a bright green light. Thomas withdrew his finger in fright and threw the cylinder on the table.

‘You see, son, how do you explain the fact that the cylinder reacts to you and not to John? If any one of us puts a finger on the right spot, a light will appear, and all we have to do is turn the finger one way and the cylinder the other for it to open.’

‘Grandpa, this thing looks like an alien artifact. Look at these inscriptions: they´re like hieroglyphics, I’ve never seen anything like them.’

‘OK, Dad, you´ve convinced me that the thing is programmed to open with our family’s DNA. But tell me something: if one of our ancestors cheated on their spouse, would the blood easily be diluted?’

‘Out of the question! Years ago everything was carefully worked out and our family was always very strict. The women couldn´t even look at another man, and they never went out on their own. Today it’d be easier.’

‘I understand, Dad, but why did you say that humanity depends on this cloning? Is it just one of your conspiracy theories?’

‘Son, they´re not just theories. All the stories I told you when you were a child, the best time for the brain to retain them, were true. I´ll summarize those stories, and in time you´ll discover more. I’ve got some documents that you must read later, which will help to explain things.

‘Now listen to this: there was a time when God wanted to destroy the earth, humanity had strayed and no longer believed in him. Jesus was one of those responsible for the creation of man, perhaps the prime mover. He wanted to show his Father that our species goes off the tracks because of what is happening around us, but that our essence is good. He asked God to give him a chance; he said he would go to earth to prove that part of humankind was good. He said too that if we didn´t recover our faith, God could destroy humanity. A deal was proposed and God accepted the deal. Jesus was born on earth in a hybrid body, part human, part divine. Jesus was right: some humans were good, but the great majority had been corrupted. Jesus left a legacy of love which survives till this day. If it wasn´t for the teaching of Jesus at that time, if he hadn’t existed, humanity would have destroyed itself all on its own. What keeps part of humanity going is belief in Jesus; the rest are motivated by self-interest, or rather by fear of going to hell.

‘Many religions have been formed based on the word of Jesus. Most of them lost their way, it’s true, particularly the Catholic Church, which always did terrible things to its fellow humans in the name of Jesus. But the Son of God did prove that man’s essence is good, and that our mistakes are due to the environment in which each of us is brought up. If we are brought up in an atmosphere of hate, we grow up hating. But if we grow up isolated from the world and from any kind of influence, our tendency is to practice good not evil.

‘To change the subject a little: do you remember that the Bible says that Lucifer was cast out of heaven with other angels? Well, Lucifer’s plan was always to take God’s place, in other words he wants to be the king of planet Earth. There is a secret society you are familiar with, called Illuminati. The Illuminati are servants of Lucifer and they control another society called the Bilderberg Club. This Club you´ve never heard of, but it consists of kings, princes, queens, presidents, politicians, billionaires - the lords of the world. Most of the members are people who honestly believe they are doing humanity a favor, intending to set up a single global government, unelected by the people: their principal goal is to rule the earth and do away with hunger, poverty and war in return for power and more power. What they don´t know is that behind them there is a more powerful force manipulating them. And behind that force is Lucifer. When the club succeeds in setting up the New World Order, Lucifer will take over. And the day is very near. The UN, NATO, the G7 and more recently the European Union are all institutions created with the purpose of forming a single cell of power, controlled by the few.’

‘But why doesn’t Lucifer take power now. Why must he wait till the world is run by a single body?’ asked Sarah, looking worried.

‘My dear, this was what I explained to your grandmother early this morning. Suppose that Lucifer became president of the USA, the most powerful nation on earth. If this happened and he began to do what he plans, other countries would go to war with the US, we would have a nuclear war and life on earth would end. If Lucifer waits till there is a New World Order, a single body of power, no one will go to war with him, he will declare himself god of the earth and no one will be able to stop him. That´s the difference. He’s waiting for the right moment, and that moment is coming.’

‘But, father, do you think the clone of Jesus will be able to stop such powerful people?’

‘Son, you haven’t understood. My theory is that this clone’s purpose is to facilitate Jesus’ return - he will be reincarnated in the clone and show the world that he’s back, and then he’ll fight against the New World Order being established; after all, he’s the Son of God, he must have some powers. A man who could cure crowds, raise the dead and rise from the dead himself must be pretty powerful; and if the angel said he should be born again at a time like this one, then I think it must be precisely to fight against these lords of the world. Now do you understand the importance of all this?’

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