Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (30 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Listening to the music he was dozing off when his mobile rang, after checking the ID he said, “Alright Mickey what’s up?” “Can Maria hear me?” “No mate you’re alright she’s in the kitchen, what’s up?” “That secret project of yours, I’ve just had Justin on the phone he needs to run a couple of things past you before he can move forward on it.” “No problem, tell him I’ll pop over sometime tomorrow.” “One last thing Jimmy, I thought tonight we ought to go to Sweet Cheeks; just to check up on things.” “Ok I’ll pick you up around half nine.” “See you then, love to Maria.” “Who was that on the phone?” asked Maria as she appeared in the lounge. “Just Mickey, he wants me to go to the club with him tonight.” “Oh I thought you were talking about me when I heard you say ‘she’s in the kitchen.” “Yeah that’s right babe he did ask where you were.” “Why?” He hesitated before replying, “Just Mickey being nosey I suppose.” With a curious frown she replied, “If I didn’t know better Jimmy Dixon, I would think you two were up to something.” “Who me, no” he replied trying not to look guilty.” Hoping to change the subject he continued, “So what’s for dinner then?” “It’s a surprise.” “Well it smells good, how long before we eat?” “About an hour, it has to cook slowly.” Patting the arm of his chair he said, “Come and sit with me.”

Placing her arm around his neck, they kissed. It wasn’t long before they were fondling one another. Grinning at her he said, “How long ‘til dinner?” “I’ve just told you, about an hour?” Knowing he was thinking did they have time for sex and not wanting to disappoint him, she moved her hand down his body and undid his trousers. Then she knelt down on the floor between his legs. Knowing what she was about to
do, his pulse was racing; the anticipation was as much as he could stand. Gripping her head firmly in his hands, he groaned as she took him into her mouth. “Christ Maria, stop babe!” Lifting her head she said, “What’s wrong, I thought you’d like that?” “Like it, that’s a fucking understatement, but I want to fuck you.” She lay down on the floor and began to unbutton her blouse. Kneeling in front of her, he lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties. Desperate to be inside her, seconds later he entered her; she was surprised at how forceful he was, but she put it down to his overwhelming need for sex; which despite the lack of foreplay she was ready for.

Within seconds their bodies were moving together, the pace of their love making was getting faster and faster with every thrust. Pinning her arms to the floor, he needed to be in total control of her. She could sense that nothing was going to stop him now, for the first time in almost two years, she felt she had no control over their love making, and although she had felt like that with Nick and hated it, she felt differently with Jimmy. At that moment she wanted him to take control; to dominate her. There was nothing she wouldn’t do with him, she trusted him completely. “God Jimmy, don’t stop,” she cried out as he thrust deeper into her. Then with one final thrust they were coming. Moments lat
er he lowered himself onto her. The moment he released her arms, she threw them around his hot pulsing body.  “God Maria, you do something to me!” Kissing him she softly replied, “It’s the same for me.” They lay holding each other until she said, “I need to check the dinner.” Jokingly he replied, “I’m starving all that shagging has given me an appetite!”

Moments later she called from the kitchen, “Jimmy lay the table and open a bottle of wine, dinners ready”

“Looks delicious,” he said as she placed a serving dish on the table, followed by several smaller dishes filled with vegetables. Not recognising the dish he said, “What is it?” “It’s a vegetarian dish, Leon has been saying he’s asked more and more about vegetarian dishes, so I’m trying a few out.” Despite being a bit put out that there was no meat, he was happy to try it to please her. She served him, quorn pieces in a cheese and leek sauce, accompanied by asparagus tips, mange tout, new potatoes, and fresh garden peas. Gingerly he put a fork full in his mouth, as he chewed he couldn’t believe how tasty it was. Complementing her he said, “You’ve surpassed yourself babe, it’s fucking delicious! I can’t believe something with no meat could taste this good!” “Thanks, but I hope you’re being truthful and not just saying it to please me.” “Straight up babe, it’s great.” Finishing the last scrap of food from his plate, he said, “So what’s for pudding then?” “I haven’t had time to make one, but I have got some apple pie left over from yesterday and there’s some ice cream in the freezer.” “Cushty, I’ll get the ice cream while you put the apple pie in the micro wave.”

The evening passed quickly. Just before he left to pick Mickey up she said, “Ask him and Monica if they’d like to come over for dinner one evening next week.” Grabbing his keys he replied, “Will do, I’m sure they’ll love too. Don’t wait up tonight babe I’ll be late.” “Ok just be careful Jimmy and no fighting.” “Yes boss!” The
y kissed tenderly then he left. She waved at him from the window as he pulled away.

Ten minutes later he was pulling up at his friends, Mickey was waiting outside; speaking to someone on his mobile. Finishing the call he got into the car and said, “Alright Jimmy that was Shane on the phone, apparently our Jamaican friends are at the club, I told him we’d be there in ten minutes.” “I’m looking forward to meeting these fucking Jamaicans!”

Pulling in at Sweet Cheeks they could see Billy and Reggie standing at the door, Reggie’s dogs were sitting a few feet away. Although Mickey wasn’t particularly fond of the dogs, even he had to admit that they were immaculately trained. If Reggie told them to sit, they sat, if he said stay, they stayed, in fact every command he gave them, they obeyed.

Exiting the car they approached the club doors. Mickey nodded at Billy and said, “Anything happened with the Jamaicans?” “No I warned them on the way in if we have any trouble with them they’re out!” “What did they say to that?” “Cheeky bastards said, ‘we don’t want any trouble we want the club.’” “Really, what did you say?” “I just laughed and said, in your fucking dreams you cheeky bastard!” They all laughed.

Walking into the club they nodded at Shane who was standing just inside the door. “Alright Shane, where are our Rastafarian friends” said Jimmy sarcastically. With a smirk Shane nodded toward the seating area where the Jamaicans were sitting at a table watching the dancers. Terry was standing at the end of the bar keeping a close eye on them. Mickey walked over and spoke to him while Jimmy stayed and talked to Shane. Eventually the two friends sat together at the bar. Sue the barmaid chatted to them as she poured their drinks. Jimmy glanced towards the Jamaicans and looking quickly back at Sue said, “Everything been ok babe?” “Yeah it was a bit quiet earlier; but the last hour has been busy.” Then she grinned and added, “One of those Jamaicans asked me what time I finished, he wants to take me out.” Both men laughed because they knew she wouldn’t give anyone, especially a Jamaican, a second look. She had been happily married to Nigel for thirteen years, another factor being her sister Tracy had lived with a Jamaican for three years; he used to beat the crap out of her and her kids. Shane and a couple of the lads had sorted him out for her as a favour to Sue. She was one of the best barmaids they’d ever had; very attractive with a bubbly personality, great with the punters and the staff.  Good at her job, honest, reliable and she didn’t take any shit from anyone. Leaning slightly across the bar she discretely said, “One of those Jamaicans is heading towards you.”

Standing next to Jimmy the Jamaican ordered four double Bacardi’s. Turning round he offered Jimmy his hand and said, “I am Damon, ya must be Jimmy?” They shook hands and then looking past Jimmy he added, “Ya must be Mickey,” as he offered his hand. Mickey took an instant dislike to him. Damon then said, “I like ya club, I wanna buy it.” Jimmy instantly said, “It’s not for sale mate.” In an arrogant tone Damon replied, “I don’t think ya understand me man. I said I wanta buy ya club!” Mickey answered him and said, “We heard you, but like we said it’s not for sale.” Damon seemed undeterred as he sarcastically replied, “I tell ya what man we play poker for it, or do ya only play for ya woman?” Jimmy had heard enough, aggressively he said, “Now listen hear you black mother fucker, the club is not for sale! Now you can either leave or be thrown out, the choice is yours!” “Dare is no need for ya ta be like that man, we is all business men here, ya don’t want any trouble man, its bad fa ya business. Ya have other clubs; I hear ya very successful, so do ya selves a favour and sell me dis club.” “Are you fucking deaf or what?” said Mickey, “the fucking clubs not for sale! So drink your Bacardi and fuck off!” Taking on an aggressive stance the Jamaican snapped back, “Ya’re making a big mistake man, ma boss wants dis club and he don’t like ta be told no, he’s not gonna like dis, he give ya trouble!” In a raise voice Jimmy said, “Tell your boss to go fuck himself!” “We know ya is getting married in eight weeks, would be tragic if ya Maria became a widow, although I sure ma boss would look after her, she’s young and beautiful.” Jimmy could not hold his temper another second, grabbing the Jamaican round the throat he pinned him against the bar. Instantly the three other Jamaicans rushed over. Terry picked up a
baseball bat from behind the bar, while Sue pressed a bleeper to alert Billy and Reggie. Now standing around the bar one of the Jamaicans put his hand inside his jacket, Terry lifted the bat and said, “I wouldn’t do that if I was you mate!” Terry looked menacing and whatever the Jamaican was reaching for, he changed his mind. Billy and Reggie were by then also standing just a few feet away. Jimmy still had a firm grip on Damon, holding him with one hand; he smashed a glass on the bar held it to his throat and said, “Now you listen to me you black bastard, if you so much as say the name Maria again I will fucking kill you, do you understand man! And if your boss is looking for trouble, he’s come to the right fucking place! Now take your fucking shoe shine boys and fuck off back to Jamaica!” Throughout the incident, the dancers had continued to dance; fortunately the music had drowned out most of the noise.

They followed the Jamaicans out of the club and watched them get into their car, it was as they watched them pull away the passenger side window rolled down and Billy shouted, “Gun!” Suddenly a spray of bullets hit the pavement outside the club, the men ran for cover inside.

Once they were sure the Jamaicans had gone they checked the damage, the only noticeable damage was a few holes in the outer door. It wasn’t until the group calmed down they realised one of Reggie’s dogs was whimpering. Reggie started yelling, “Those fucking black bastards, they shot my dog!” Rushing over to the wounded animal he shouted, “He needs a vet now!”  “I’ll drive,” said Billy. Reggie looked at the others and said, “You fucking find out who they are! I want them fucking dead for this!” Minutes later he was cradling the wounded animal in the car as Billy drove off.

Fortunately no one outside had seen the incident, the last of the queue had been let in just a few moments earlier. There were a few people walking nearby, but it was all over by the time they’d re
alised what might be happening. Despite no one inside having any idea as to the attack, Mickey and the others decided to close the club early, just in case the Jamaicans came back.

Turning the club lights on and using the DJs microphone Mickey said, “Can I have your attention please? Unfortunately we’ve just been informed that there’s a gas leak outside, so we’re going to have to close the club.” Several punters booed, hissed and shouted their annoyance, but the majority accepted what was being said. Mickey continued over the crowd, “I’m sorry but we don’t want to jeopardise anyone’s safety. If you form an orderly queue our bar staff will issue everyone with a free pass for another night. Thank you all for your co-operation, goodnight.”

When the club was finally empty they sent the dancers home. Jimmy phoned Maria, waking her up he said, “Sorry babe, was you asleep?” “Yes, Jimmy what’s wrong?” “Nothing babe, we’ve had a bit of trouble down the club that’s all; everyone’s aright I just wanted to check you were ok.” “I’m fine, I was fast asleep.” “Sorry babe, go back to sleep; just don’t answer the intercom or the door.” “Jimmy you’re frightening me, what’s going on?” “Don’t worry babe, I’ll be home in a couple of hours.” “I’ll wait up for you, I won’t be able to sleep now anyway, please be careful.” “I will, I’ll see you soon babe.” With the last of the dancers and bar staff gone, Shane locked the outer doors.

The men were sat in the club having a drink when Mickey said, “We need to find out who these bastards are and who they’re working for.” “Oh we’ll find them, fucking black bastards,” said Jimmy.

Billy returned. Using his keys to get back in he joined the others. Mickey said, “How’s the dog?” “He’ll pull through; according to the vet the bullet narrowly missed all its vital organs. They’re going to remove the bullet once the dog anesthetised. The Vet said the x rays looked good and that the dog would probably be fine in a couple of weeks.” Laughing he added, “I’m not so sure about Reggie though, he’s gone fucking psycho, he wants the fucking Jamaicans blood!” “I can imagine, grab a drink Billy and then I think everyone should go home. Keep your eyes and ears open. I’ll bell you all in the morning to let you know what’s happening.” Mickey and Jimmy left, leaving the others to lock up.

Jimmy dropped him off and then drove home. Maria was waiting up, “Thank God you’re back,” she said worriedly as he walked in. Despite his reassurance that everything was fine, she was not so easily convinced. She asked him exactly what had happened, although he did technically tell her the truth; he left out the shooting part, simply because he knew how much she would worry, but he also knew it would only be a matter of time before someone would let it slip. His theory on that being, he would worry about it when it happened.

For most of the night he tossed and turned, he kept trying to make the connection between the club and the Jamaicans, every thought he had seemed to lead back to Maurice. Despite the fact that Maurice had worked with them, it was no secret that he had kept some very dodgy company. It didn’t make sense though, if it was about Maurice why now; he was murdered two years earlier; which technically they had nothing to do with, his murder was down to Nick and the Russian. Maybe the Jamaicans didn’t know that. Finally he dropped off to sleep.

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