Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (56 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Twenty minutes later she appeared wearing shorts, T shirt and sandals. Looking at her he joked and said, “You look like a tourist.” Even dressed casually, she still carried a certain upper class look. When he added, “You look great babe; she said, “Are you going to change into something more summery?” “Naugh I’ll be fine in jeans and T shirt.” Knowing he wouldn’t change his mind, she just nodded.

Three hours later, they were walking hand in hand along Brighton sea front. Jimmy won her a huge cuddly toy on the pier, when he handed it to her she said, “It can go in the nursery.” “I thought that” he replied with a grin.

They ate whelks, cockles and candy floss. Maria was having the most wonderful time. Sitting on the beach; he kissed her and said, “We should do things like this more often.” Lying down on the shingle she just gazed up at the sky, as she replied, “Yes, I’m having a wonderful time.” Leaning over her he kissed her, she could sense that the warm sun and the relaxed atmosphere where having a rousing effect on him. Quickly she said, “People can see us Jimmy, you’re getting a little over amorous.” In a slightly arrogant tone he replied, “I couldn’t give a shit and I bet there’s not a single bloke on this beach who wouldn’t give his right arm to be in my shoes right now.” Maria was well aware that he wasn’t going to stop when he slid his hand inside her T shirt. Feeling embarrassed as he squeezed her breast she said, “We should think about making our way back to the car.” Realising he was making her feel uncomfortable, and considering the row they’d had earlier he replied, “Ok babe.” They stood up to leave brushing themselves down.

Picking up her bag she noticed a middle aged couple staring who at them. Jimmy also noticed. It was as they passed them Jimmy turned to the man and said, “Is there a problem mate?” Maria felt panic and instantly said, “Please Jimmy let’s just ignore them.” She could see him becoming agitated. Silently she prayed to herself that the man would just ignore Jimmy’s question, unfortunately he didn’t. Answering Jimmy he said, “Yes actually there is, my wife and I found your behaviour unnecessary, especially in a public place. No one wants to watch two people mauling all over each other.” Jimmy just glared at him and said, “Fuck off!” The man retaliated by mumbling some derogatory remark about Maria’s morals. That was all it took for Jimmy to flare into a temper. Suddenly he hurled abuse at the couple, shouting things like, “Your wife’s fucking ugly no one would want to fuck her! I expect if the truths known you were getting a hard on just looking at my girlfriend.” A terrible argument raged between the two men, as they hurled abuse at one another Maria could see people watching but no one intervened. The two women were trying desperately to calm the situation, before it erupted into a full scale war. They would have succeeded, had the man not have referred to Maria as a tart. That was it, Jimmy had heard enough, grabbing the man by the shoulders he head butted him in the face. The man fell to the ground, his nose was pouring with blood. Jimmy kicked him several times, despite his wife screaming and Maria begging him to stop. Finally he did.

The man was lying on the shingle groaning; his face and shirt covered in blood. Maria was shaking and sobbing as she pulled Jimmy away, everyone was watching them. Jimmy didn’t seem to notice; it was as though he was oblivious to what had just happened. As they walked away, he looked at the man’s wife who was crying while she tended to her husband and said, “Next time lady, tell your fucking husband to keep his fucking mouth shut and his opinions to himself!” Maria could hear people mumbling under their breath as they walked passed them.

Maria cried all the way back to London. Jimmy kept saying, “Stop crying everything’s okay. If that bloke had kept his mouth shut, it wouldn’t have happened!” He was trying to justify his actions, by implying that it was the man’s fault. “It shouldn’t have happened at all Jimmy. Why didn’t you just ignore him?” “What and
let him call you a tart! I’ll never let anyone speak about you like that!” She didn’t reply. For her the journey seemed to take forever.

Back inside their apartment she said, “Take a shower Jimmy; your hands and T shirt are covered in blood.” Almost smirking he replied, “So it is.”

When he came out of the bathroom she said, “I want to look at your head.” “Why; what’s wrong with it?” “You’ve got a cut on your forehead.” “It’s nothing babe, that blokes head was harder than I thought, that’s all.”

After pouring them a drink he sat down, she just looked at him; he could tell she wanted to say something. “What it is?” he asked. Looking at him lovingly she said, “Why did you beat that man on the beach? “ “You know why.” “No I don’t Jimmy, you could have just laughed it off.” With an angry look on his face he replied, “Yeah right!  There was no fucking way I’d do that, the bloke referred to you as a tart, or have you forgotten that!” Although she knew he had defended her honour, she couldn’t come to terms with the way he lost his temper
and how he’d hurt the man. Desperately she tried to explain to him what she meant, but all she seemed to do was make him angrier. Trying to please him she said, “I had the most wonderful day up until then.” “Just forget about it. We’ll do it again, maybe next time Mickey and Monica would like to join us?” Simply going along with him rather than have a row she smiled and nodded.

An hour had passed when he grinned and said, “Fancy taking me to bed early?” Knowing that he would want sex she replied, “I’ve got tummy ache.”  She knew he wasn’t about to let that stop him when he replied with a smirk, “I’ve got something that’ll cure that for you.” “Honestly Jimmy, I really don’t feel up to it.” Ignoring what she’d said he started kissing her passionately before replying, “I really wanted you on the beach.” Unable to bring herself to speak, she just smiled.

Once they were in bed, she noticed he was not as gentle as normal. It seemed to follow a pattern; every time he had a violent outburst he was much more dominant regarding sex.

The following morning she was woken by the house phone ringing. Trying not to wake him she crept out of the bedroom to answer it
. Monica was on the line. “Hi Maria just ringing to let you know we’ve booked a table for half seven this evening at Shades, everyone’s looking forward to seeing you, especially Mickey’s sister Fay and her family.” “Wonderful I’m looking forward to meeting them. Will you and Mickey pop in today?” “Probably not, I think we’re visiting family with Fay and Richard, now I’m a bit more mobile its easier for me to stay at Mickey’s for a couple of nights, but don’t worry I’ll definitely stay with you on Saturday after the hen night. Jimmy’s arranged to stay with Mickey at his place; anyway we’ll see you tonight at Shades.” “Ok see you then.” Just as the two friends finished talking Jimmy emerged from the bedroom and said, “Who was on the phone?” “Monica, the meal is tonight at Shades.” “You’ll enjoy it babe, you’ll really like Fay and Richard.”

Over breakfast she talked about the arrangements for the stag and hen night. Despite the terrible argument they’d had before; he seemed alright about her having a hen night, that was until he said, “Remember what I said Maria, I won’t be happy with you wearing anything skimpy.” “Don’t worry I won’t.” “I’m not worried because I know exactly where you’ll be and who you’ll be with.” Nervously she replied, “Why would you say something like that Jimmy. I hope you’re not going to be spying on me?” “How can I, it’s my stag night.” “So what is the plan for that, do you know where you’re going?” “Haven’t got a clue, the lads are sorting it out.” “Oh, so what are you doing today?” “I’ve got a couple of calls to make and some money to collect from a few places. I’d like you to come with me, but you might have to wait in the car
at a couple of places.” “No that’s ok, I’d prefer not to. I’m quite happy to stay at home; I’ve got some recipes to go over.” “You can do that later. I want you to come with me.”  She knew that if Mickey had been available; he wouldn’t have asked her, but instead of debating it, she simply nodded her head in agreement.

Later that day they made several money pickups from different places. Maria never asked him what the money was, because
she knew it was business. “That’s the last one babe,” said Jimmy as he returned to the car. “Now all I’ve got to do is drop the money off at Sweet Cheeks. It’s nearer to here than Dixie’s.”

Ten minutes later they were entering the club. Twins Simon and Steve were watching a couple of dancers practising their routines; they were covering for Shane and Billy who were out collecting money from a couple of businesses that were behind with their payments. Jimmy joined them at their table. Maria wasn’t really comfortable, because she had only met the twins briefly once or twice before. While the three men talked business, she just sat quietly sipping her orange juice. Looking round the club in an effort to occupy herself she noticed a young girl in her mid-twenties walking towards them. She was petite, peroxide blonde and pretty, wearing just a skimpy pair of panties and she was topless. Jimmy looked surprised as the girl approached,

Then to Maria’s horror the girl completely ignored her as she sat down on Jimmy lap and landed a full kiss on his lips. Looking embarrassed, he pushed her off, now standing behind Jimmy she was holding her arms round his shoulders as she said, “Have you missed me lover boy?” Looking shocked he replied, “Hi Della, when did you get back?” Then he quickly added, “This is Maria, were getting married.” Throwing Maria a dirty look she said, “Who’s a lucky girl then.” Maria felt intimidated; she could sense the animosity from Della, but before Jimmy could say anything she looked at Maria again and said, “Well if you can’t satisfy him, he knows I can!”  Jimmy looked angry as he said, “You’re out of order Della we were a long time ago, before I met Maria.” Smirking Della replied, “Looks like I shouldn’t have gone away, still I’m back now.” Simon could sense the tension mounting as he intervened and said, “Go back to the dressing room Della, we’re talking business.” Protesting she replied, “I haven’t practised my routine yet.” “You’ll just have to practise later, like I said we’re talking.” Turning, she began walking away, stopping briefly to say to Jimmy, “You know where to find me lover, I’ll be waiting.”

Steve looked at Maria and said, “Don’t take any notice babe, Della’s not really a bad sort; she just didn’t know Jimmy was getting married, she’s been away a long time.” Maria couldn’t answer him, she felt sick to the pit of her stomach so forcing a smile she said, “It’s alright.” If she had said another word she would have burst into tears. Jimmy knew she would never make a scene in public; by the same token he knew Della had humiliated her. “You ready babe,” he said. She nodded. “Come on then let’s make a move, I’ve got business to attend to.” Minutes later they were saying goodbye to the twins.

Driving back to the apartment she never said a word, even when he said, “Sorry about what happened back in the club; Della worked for us a couple of years ago; but she left to do a bit of travelling.” He was trying to make it sound as though she meant nothing to him; but it had been obvious to Maria that she had. Several minutes passed until he said, “Say something babe,” before sarcastically adding, “Don’t give me the fucking cold shoulder.” Defending herself she replied, “I’m not; I just don’t know what you expect me to say.”  “I can tell you’ve got the hump with me, believe me I had no idea she was back.” Although she didn’t answer him, she believed him.

Once inside the apartment she tried avoiding him by busying herself. Finally after about twenty minutes he said, “Stop acting childish, talk to me Maria.” Looking straight at him she said, “Ok Jimmy you want to know what I’m thinking, I’ll tell you. I thought your friend Della was absolutely horrible, little better than a common slut! And if she ever humiliates me again like that in front of people, I will simply walk out, there so now you know!” Shocked by her sudden outburst he looked quite taken aback; he wasn’t used to seeing her act like that. “You’re blowing it all out of proportion, I told you Della meant nothing to me, she had only ever been a bit of fun. I hadn’t even met you at the time!” Undeterred she looked at him and said, “Do you still want to sleep with her?” Laughing he replied, “No I fucking don’t! You’re the only woman I want to sleep with!” Maria wasn’t as naïve as he would like her to be, she knew from the way all the men used to talk at Nick’s poker games that very few, if any, were faithful to their wives. She had hoped it would be different with them, she hoped she would be enough for him, but she did believe what he’d said that Della was before he had met her. Truth was she didn’t like her, in Maria’s eyes she was nothing but a cheap lay. Deciding to put it out of her mind, she was determined that it wouldn’t spoil her evening out with Mickey and his family.

It was six that evening when she said, “I’m going to get ready.” “How is it men only taking five minutes; yet women seem to need hours?” “Well for a start you haven’t got hair and you don’t have to wear makeup.” “Fair point babe,” said Jimmy with a grin.

It was turned quarter past seven when she finally appeared and said, “Well what do you think?” She could tell there was something about her dress he wasn’t sure about, as he looked at her and said, “What you wearing underneath it?” Curiously she said, “Why do you want to know?” “Because I can’t see any bra straps, that’s why” Giggling she replied, “That’s because I’m wearing a strapless dress, so I have to wear a strapless basque underneath. So, you haven’t told me what you think.”  Sarcastically, he replied, “I think it’s a bit sexy for a dinner date, don’t you?” Looking disappointed she said, “No I don’t, but you obviously do, so I’ll change into something more appropriate, although I haven’t got a clue what, I thought you’d like this.” Sensing he’d upset her he replied, “Don’t worry about changing now; you look lovely; it’s just me being paranoid.” He knew she would attract attention, which was why he had said the things he had; truth was he knew she looked sexy in most things, and that night was no exception. “Are you sure you don’t want me to change,” said Maria expecting him to simply say no, she was surprised when he replied, “What jacket are you wearing?” “The dress came with a silk shoulder wrap; shall I put it on to show you?” “Yeah.” Instantly she could tell by his face he preferred the dress with it, rather than without it, basically because it covered her shoulders and cleavage. “Looks good, but keep the wrap on tonight.” “I can change if you want me to.” “I said its fine, but keep the jacket on,” replied Jimmy with an arrogant tone. She simply nodded.

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