Read Jodi_ByTheLight Online

Authors: JenniferLitteken

Jodi_ByTheLight (11 page)

BOOK: Jodi_ByTheLight
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“I’m very impressed.” She took him in her hand and licked her lips.

“You won’t be very impressed when I come in your hand.” Despite his warning he wrapped his hand around hers, showing her how hard he wanted her to squeeze.

She gripped him harder and his breathing turning to a pant.

He pulled her hand away. “Enough. I want to see you naked.”

Her heart jumped a little. Yes, this was definitely going in the right direction. Naked was good. Naked was really, really good.

Sliding off the bed, she stood. Keeping her eyes on him, she unzipped her jeans as she kept her gaze on his body. His cock twitched against his belly.

Biting her bottom lip, she forced herself to go slow, to give him a little show. She wanted anything but slow right now. She wanted to be naked and underneath him. She didn’t want to rush this moment, this memory that she would have forever. It might be the only moment they had in this crazy adventure she’d found herself.

He seemed to drink her in, an inch at a time, like he was worshiping her body with his eyes, making plans of how he wanted to use his hands and his mouth on her.

As she pushed her jeans over her hips, his breathing hitched. She was glad she had spent the extra money on the lace thong in the casino boutique. When her jeans reached her feet, she slowly stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. She hooked her thumbs on either side of her thong.


“What?” Her heart nearly stopped. He wasn’t changing his mind, was he?

“I want to take off those off.”

“Be my guest.” She shivered and lifted her hands.

He tossed his jeans and stepped toward her, a feral look etched into his dangerous features. She grew wetter.

He pulled her against his body, the tip of his cock tickling her belly.

He bent and picked her up. Very carefully he laid her on the bed, his hands tracing down her body like he was memorizing every curve. His gaze and hands traveled across her body, claiming every inch of her. She knew this was more than sex. At least, for her, it was more.

With this revelation, she blinked away the tears that burned the back of her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He traced a finger down her cheek.

“It’s the way you’re looking at me.” She swallowed. “It’s like you want to eat me alive.”

His grinned. “You have no idea.”

He slid down her body, licking every curve as he traveled to her flat stomach. When he sucked the delicate skin beside her belly button she moaned and arched off the bed.

He chuckled and moved his mouth lower. “It’s only going to get better, baby.” When he reached her thong, he hooked his fingers on either side and tugged. The thin material broke, tearing in his large hands.

“Do you know how much those cost?” Breathless, she leaned up on her elbows, eager for what he’d do next.

“Actually, I have a good idea since it was my money.” He glanced up and grinned. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“What are you…?” Her words turned into a deep moan as Damon buried his head between her thighs and licked.

She fell back on the bed, the sensation of his mouth too much to handle. She was going to die from the intense pleasure.

“Don’t stop.” His tongue was relentless, licking and stroking her until she was arching toward him. Leaning her head to the side, she looked down. The sight of his mouth on her sent erotic shivers coursing through her body. She grabbed his hair and pulled him closer, demanding he finish her.

He watched her with those wicked blue eyes of his, knowing exactly where she wanted him to lick, to stroke, to pleasure.

“That feels so good.” Her voice was but a whisper and it seemed to only intensify his lust. Feeling the pleasure slowly start to build, she ground her pussy against his mouth. As her orgasm approached, she let go of his hair and dug her nails into the bed unable to control her own body. White-hot pleasure exploded through her as she cried out his name. He didn’t stop until she was a quivering mass of nerves and breathless words.

When the tremors subsided, she reached for him.

She smiled and pushed him over. “My turn.”


Damon heard a groan and realized it came from him. She was going to burn him alive until there was nothing left but ashes.

He pulled her down to his mouth, lust flowing through his veins like lava.

Without breaking the kiss, he pulled her over, straddling him. He threaded his fingers through her silky black hair, as he held her against his mouth, kissing her like tomorrow wasn’t promised.

She pulled away and beamed that sexy smile of hers. She pressed her lips to his shoulder, gave him a lick and then sucked his flesh into her mouth. Without warning, her teeth sank into his shoulder. He jerked and ground out a curse. She pulled back, looking unsure.

“I’m sorry.” She cringed. “I’m not sure why I did that.”

Cupping her face, he shook his head. “The male usually bites, the females don’t.”


“Don’t be sorry. I liked it.” He liked it way too much.

She smirked. “Let’s see what else I can do with my mouth to make you feel good.” She bit her lip.

He was in so much trouble.

She kissed her way down his chest. She ran her hot tongue across his nipple. He hissed, cupping her head to his body. Keeping her eyes on his, she sucked his nipple into her mouth and then bit.

“Fuck, yeah. That feels good.” She was going to make him come before her mouth even got to the important parts.

She licked around each defined muscle of his abdomen, taking her time and savoring him like he was dessert. She moved further down until the tip of his cock brushed the bottom of her chin. His body ached with such force that he hurt.

She looked up and grinned.

“Baby, you’re killing me.” He wound her silky hair in his hand.

“I thought you liked what I’m doing.”

“I do, but I’d love it if you put that sweet mouth on my cock.”

“My pleasure.”

He was pretty sure it would be his pleasure, but without a coherent thought in his brain at the moment, he could only groan as he watched her mouth move closer to his dick.

Opening her mouth she licked, swiping the glistening tip and tasting his arousal seeping out of the slit with her tongue.


“You like that?” She gave him her best innocent look. It didn’t work. There was nothing innocent about Ava.


Ava reached for his large cock as it jutted up, hard and swollen.

She wrapped her hand around his velvety hardness. She was rewarded when his hips jerked up, pumping his cock into her hand. She tightened her grip and slowly slid her hand down before squeezing up. A pearly bead of arousal leaked out the tip.

She took the head into her mouth and sucked. His taste spilled onto her tongue, hot and wild. He groaned and tightened his hold on her hair. She knew that he was struggling not to grab the back of her head and pump into her mouth.

She sucked more of him into her mouth, her lips stretching to accommodate his size. As she teased him with her tongue, he cupped her cheek before threading his hand in her hair. She cut her gaze up at him. The look of ecstasy on his face was enough to almost make her come again.

“That’s it, baby. Suck my cock.”

Gripping him tighter at the base, she sucked him hard. His hand tightened in her hair, setting the pace he wanted.

She reveled in every groan, every pant she dragged out of him. She reached down and fondled his balls until they were tight.

“If you don’t want me coming in your mouth, you need to move.”

She had never let her ex-boyfriend do that. She didn’t want him to. But with Damon it was different. She wanted to taste him.

Locking her lips around his cock, she sucked, tasting his seed as it hit the back of her mouth. She swallowed his hot and salty release, savoring the taste of him as he quivered until he was spent.

His hand came around the back of her neck, urging her up.

When he pulled her down, he kissed her hard and deep. From what she thought, guys didn’t usually like to kiss a girl after she’d gone down on them. Damon didn’t seem to mind. He seemed to like it.

She kissed him back, their scents merging and mating, and loved the way they tasted together.

She straddled him and slid her hand between their bodies. Her hand locked around his already hard erection.

“I’m impressed.”

“I have a quick recovery time.”

“Because you’re a wolf?”

“We are known for our sexual marathons.” He shot her a heated grin.

“Really? Let’s put that to the test.” She raised herself up, guiding him to her slick entrance.

He gripped her waist and flipped her onto her back.

“I’m always on top.”

“Yeah, well, I like being on top, too.” She wrapped her legs around him and pushed him to his side.

He narrowed his eyes. “Baby, the male is always on top.” He flipped her on her back and imprisoned her there.

“Do females always do what they’re told?” She gritted her teeth.

“The submissive ones do.”

“See, there’s our problem. I’m not exactly the submissive type.” She struggled under his weight, but he held her tight.

“Neither am I.” He growled near her ear. It sent delicious shivers down her spine.


“Son-of-a-bitch.” Damon reached for his gun as he leaped off the bed. With his free hand, he pulled her to the floor while keeping his gun pointed at the door.

“Stay down.”

For once she obeyed him. He angled his body, making himself a shield between her and whatever danger lay on the other side of the door.

He was quick to put himself in harm’s way to keep her protected. Her heart tugged with affection for her Guardian.

Her eyes wandered down his muscular body, a grin playing at the corner of her lips. He was still sporting an erection, like she was still on his mind and on his lips


Damon slowly lowered his forty-five after he looked through the peephole. He looked back at Ava.

“Who is it?” She had her eyes locked on his erection.

Her gaze met his and she blushed. She stood up and wrapped the sheet around her.

“It’s Jayden.” He blew out a breath. Fucking Jayden. Turning back, he cracked the door, keeping the security chain in place. The second Jayden’s face popped between the crack, Damon growled.

“What do you want?”

“I just got some Intel on that group of rogue wolves that kidnapped Ava.”

“I’ll meet you in your room.” He tried to shut the door, but Jayden stuck his foot in the opening.

“I think you better bring Ava, too.”

“Meet you in ten minutes.” He kicked Jayden’s foot out of the way and shut the door. Turing around, he bumped into Ava.

“I’m coming.”

“No, you’re not. You’re staying here.” He walked around her and reached for his jeans.

“What happened to ‘You can’t leave me alone’?” She arched a brow.

He tugged his shirt over his head. She was right. “Shit.”

She reached up on her tiptoes to gently kiss his lips, but he was having none of that. He wrapped his arms around her. The sheet slipped. He brought his mouth down to hers and kissed her, hard and long.

“You need to get used to the idea of me riding you.” She stepped back and let the sheet drop to the floor. She bent over and picked up her clothes, giving him the most amazing view of her ass.

Rising slowly, like a temptress, she stood, walked past him, and into the bathroom, making him seriously reconsider his opinion on who exactly was on top.

He ran his hand down his face. What the fuck had he done? If Jayden hadn’t knocked on the door and interrupted them, he would be inside Ava, right now.

If that had happened, he would have ruined his career. The Arkansas Guardians had given him a home when Louisiana kicked him out. Ava was the General’s daughter. He couldn’t ruin her life because he had a raging hard-on for her. If he didn’t start thinking with his head instead of his dick, he was going to lose everything.


Damon glanced around Jayden’s room and sneered. No typical room décor for his friend. He was willing to bet Jayden had charmed the casino management into letting him decorate his room to his own style.

Jayden sat hunched in his overstuffed recliner, his elbows resting on his knees as he clasp his hands together.

“I got a call from Barrett. There’s been another kidnapping.” Jayden looked right at him.

Damon’s head jerked up, a little more than irritated. Barrett and Jayden knew each other from when Damon was transferred into the Arkansas Pack, other than that he hadn’t realized Barrett knew Jayden so well. “Why didn’t Barrett call me?”

“He knows you’ve got your hands full with Ava. He told me to help out.” Jayden glanced at Ava before looking back at him. “The kidnapping took place in Lafayette.”

BOOK: Jodi_ByTheLight
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