Jodi_ByTheLight (29 page)

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Authors: JenniferLitteken

BOOK: Jodi_ByTheLight
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“What about the bouncer?” Granny posed the question to Ava, but kept her eyes on Jayden.

“We will keep Jayden covered. If the bouncer stops us then we’ll use that piece in your bag.” Ava handed Granny her purse.

Jayden’s head jerked up, the red hood slipping to one side, exposing his face. “You got a gun? Jesus, Granny, how the hell did you get a gun?”

Granny gasped at Jayden’s beaten face.

Ava cringed and pulled the hood over Jayden’s face. “She doesn’t have a gun. She has a Taser.”

“Who the hell gave you a Taser?”

Dotting at the moisture at the corners of her eyes, Granny gave him a stern look. “One of the girls at my last sex party was short about fifty dollars on her order. She bartered with me.”

“For a Taser?”

Granny shrugged. “She said she needed a vibrator more than a Taser. Poor girl hadn’t had a date in over a year.” Granny’s brows came together. “I didn’t have a heart to tell her that the only way someone was going to attack her was if she was wearing a paper bag over her head. But even then, it was doubtful. She was not very big on personal hygiene.”

“She didn’t use deodorant?” Ava wrinkled her nose.

“She didn’t shave.”

“Her legs?”

“Nothing. Not her legs, not her armpits, not even her hoo-hah.”

“Jesus, will you two stop talking about vibrators and hoo-hahs? This is worse torture than what they did,” Jayden hissed through gritted teeth.

“Here, give me my purse.” Granny stuck her hand in and came out with a pink Taser.

“Give it to me.” Jayden stuck out his hand. “I’ll go first. That way I can Taser his ass before he can let the others know what’s going on.”

As Granny walked out the exit door with Jayden concealed in a red hood, a large hand clamped down on Ava’s shoulder. Her heart jumped into her throat as she met Granny’s wide eyes with her own. She knew what she had to do.

Ava slammed the door shut behind them, shutting out her freedom but securing theirs.

“What are you doing back here?”

Ava slowly turned, gripping her cape in her fists. She wrinkled her nose and her eyes watered at the horrendous smell of rotten eggs coming from the beaver costume.

“I asked…” The enormous stinky beaver stopped and turned as loud voices came up behind them.

“What the hell is this?” Two large men filled the hallway as they stared between Ava and the Beaver.

Ava gasped, her stomach clenching so hard she was sure her lunch was about to make a second appearance. Standing not six feet in front of her were her kidnappers. Grasping her hood, Ava burrowed deeper, hoping the dimly lit hallway would prevent them from recognizing her.

Forcing her feet to stay planted, Ava spoke. “I’m here for amateur night.” From out of the corner of her eye she saw the Beaver jerk his head in her direction. “I got confused how to get to the stage.”

“Stage is that way.” The younger of the two jerked his thumb across his thick shoulder.

“Thanks.” Wrapping her cape tighter around her, she walked past them. A hand reached out and yanked her to a stop. Holy shit. She had come so far only to be caught.

“Say, sweet thing, what’re you supposed to be?” His rancid breath crawled across her like spiders and she couldn’t stop shivering.

“Little Red Riding Hood.” Ava was shocked to hear the calmness in her own voice.

“Nice.” He released her and swatted her bottom. She dug her fingers into the palms of her hands, refusing to give in to the urge to turn around and punch him in the balls. Putting one step in front of the other, Ava forced herself to walk down the hall toward the stage.


Barrett watched Ava walk away, making sure she was out of the way before the shit hit the fan. He knew she’d come to help save Jayden, but doing so had put her in danger. Now he was going to have two people to save.

“What the hell are you supposed to be?” one of the men snarled.

Barrett turned his attention back to the two large red wolves standing in front of him. He’d smelled Ava’s fear rolling off her and Barrett knew she’d recognized them as her kidnappers.

“He’s a beaver.”

“He’s a stinky beaver.” The older of the two waved his hand in front of his face.

“You two don’t smell much better.” That was actually the truth. Red wolves had a distinct smell, a cross between cat urine and musk.

The younger wolf lunged. Barrett swung, his furry fist meeting the jaw of the pissed off red wolf. The wolf stumbled back, slamming his back into the wall. His dazed eyes met Barrett’s for a split second and then they closed while his feet slipped out from under him. He slid down the wall like a wet noodle.

“That wasn’t very nice.” The older red wolf bristled and slowly advanced.

Barrett removed the beaver head. “You should have kept your boyfriend on a tighter leash.” The beaver’s head landed with a thump on the floor.

The red wolf snarled, reaching behind his back and pulling out a gun. Barrett was quicker. He threw his full weight at the wolf. They landed in a pile on the floor. While the red wolf was busy trying to suck in air, Barrett grabbed the gun and tossed it over his shoulder.

“Fucker.” Barrett threw his fist in the guy’s face, knocking him out cold.

The creak of the steel door had Barrett scrambling for the gun. Jumping to his feet, he aimed the weapon at the door just as three large Weres ran through.

Zane, Lucien and Jaxon stopped short when they saw he leveled a gun at them.

“What’s up? Boss?” Jaxon lifted his chin in a greeting, while Lucien and Zane’s gazes swept the hallway looking for trouble. Granny shoved her way through the wall of men and muscle.

“Shit.” Barrett lowered the gun. “Granny. What are you doing here?”

Granny pursed her lips. “Getting my boy out.”

Zane scowled and then looked back at Barrett. “We got here just as Jayden and this one here”—he jabbed his thumb towards Granny—“attempted to Taser the guard outside the door. It didn’t do anything but piss him off. We took him out.”

“The perimeter is secure. We set up Guardians around the building, but we did see a lot of rogue wolves enter the front door. Not sure how many.” Jaxon shrugged.

“How many Guardians did we get inside?” Barrett asked.

“Half a dozen, not including us.” Lucien smirked. “I think it’s a fair fight.”

“Yeah, for them.” Zane shoved his thumb in Granny’s direction. “I told this one to stay with Jayden, but she doesn’t listen too well.”

No shit. Barrett shook his head. “Granny you need to get out of here before they know Jayden is missing.”

“I can’t leave without Ava.” Granny stuck her chin up. “Where is she anyway? She was wearing a Little Red Riding Hood costume.”

Barrett went still. Ava in a stripper costume and Damon in the crowd. Those two things did not mix. There was no way he could get to her before Damon saw her.

Reaching into his jeans pocket, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Braxton.

The second it connected, he said, “Restrain Damon, and do it now.”


“What the fuck?” Damon jerked against the fuzzy pink handcuff Braxton slapped on his wrist. The other end was tightly cuffed on the metal railing of the bar.

“Sorry, man, Barrett’s orders.” Braxton held his hands up and took a generous step back just as Damon made a grab for him.

“Barrett?” Damon gritted his teeth, dread free-flowing into his gut. “Barrett wanted me handcuffed? Why?”

Braxton held up his palms and he shrugged. “Don’t know, man. He just said to restrain you.”

“You chose to restrain me with fuzzy handcuffs.” Damon tugged against the metal trapping him. Who would have thought handcuffs that resembled cotton candy would be so strong.

“It’s the only thing I had on hand.”

“I don’t even want to know why you have pink fuzzy handcuffs.” Damon narrowed his eyes at the bartender. “I would have at least thought you more of a blue kind of guy.”

“Smartass. They’re not mine. Someone turned them in.”

“Yeah, right.” Damon looked under the counter. The railing was one long piece that ran the entire length of the bar instead of multiple pieces fitted together. Sitting up, Damon shot Braxton a glare.

Braxton shoved a shot glass of whiskey toward him and then darted out of his reach. “Here, might as well drink this since you’re kind of stuck there.”

“What’s going on?” Damon glanced around the crowded room, anxiety crawling around in his stomach. He sucked in air as the room started to shrink. A drunken guy wearing a doctor costume stumbled and slammed into his shoulder. Damon snapped and growled. The doctor quickly straightened, mumbled an apology and scurried away.

“I’m not sure.” Braxton’s smirk slid off his face when his gaze landed on the main stage. Damon turned his head following the path of Braxton’s eyes. His gaze landed on the

leggy stripper wearing a red cape, the hood obscuring her face. His body leaped to life, his dick hardening with such a speed, he was shocked.

Gritting his teeth, Damon forced himself to look away. He was shocked at his body’s reaction and guilt flooded his chest. No woman had ever had that kind of control over his body. No one, except his Ava.

Damon’s nostrils flared as the dancer walked toward the pole in the middle of the stage. Her long legs peeked out from the blood red cape with each step. Her matching hood enveloped her face, with only her long dark hair draping out from under the concealing material.

Nickleback blared over the sound system, her slow movements matching every sensual beat. Slowly, she relaxed her white-knuckle grip on the blood red material. The DJ introduced her as Little Red Riding Hood.

The cloak rippled away from her thigh making his dick harden.

“Are you ready for your lap dance now, sugar?” Cindy the stripper stepped in between his legs. He leaned back, her overwhelming sickening scent making him nauseated. Damon couldn’t take his eyes off the stripper on stage. Though he couldn’t see her eyes, she seemed to be staring straight at him.

Little Red Riding Hood reached up and slid her hood off her head.

Air whooshed out of his lungs and his mouth dropped. His already hard dick twitched as liquid hot lust flowed like lava through every cell of his body.

“Hey, Little Red Riding Hood, I got something you can nibble on.” Damon jerked his head toward the group of college guys crowding the edge of the stage, waving dollar bills and hollering sexual innuendos at Ava. His Ava.

Fuck no.

Damon jumped to his feet, ready to tear those guys limb from scrawny limb. Pain shot through his wrist as his body held fast to the handcuff. Looking down at his restraint, he growled. “Fuck!”

“Hey, sugar, we can do that, too, if you like.” Candy trailed her palm down his chest past his waist to his crotch and grabbed a handful of him. “Oh my, looks like you’re all ready for me.”

Damon grimaced and snatched the girl’s hand away.

He heard it, a growl so low only another wolf would perceive it. He knew who it belonged to. Only this time it wasn’t male. It was female.

It was Ava.


Standing in front of the stripper pole, Ava held Damon’s gaze across the crowded room. How could he let a skanky stripper paw all over him?

The look of shock that crossed his face when she removed her hood was priceless. At first she thought his scent of arousal was because of her. Then Ava saw the stripper was practically humping his leg.

Keeping her eyes on his, Ava pulled the tie at her neck, letting the cape slip from her shoulders like rain and puddle at her feet. Hollers and catcalls rang out over the song she’d been dancing to. She’d been scared when she had first stepped on stage, but after watching Damon and that damn stripper, anger replaced any fear she’d felt about taking her clothes off.

She slowly slid her hands down across her breasts and between her thighs as she danced to the seductive music. Turning, she faced the pole and bent over, making sure she showed every inch of her ass. She knew the thong wasn’t doing anything to hide anything.

Ava heard Damon’s growl over the noise of the crowd. She smiled in satisfaction. Good. Let’s see how he liked it.

Standing up, Ava faced the crowd. Reaching high on the pole she jumped and wrapped her legs around it. Leaning back until she was upside down, she caressed her breasts and slowly slid down the pole in a controlled slide.

When she reached the bottom, she rolled over until she was on all fours, crawling to the edge of the stage toward a group of young college boys. She didn’t look at Damon. She didn’t have to. She heard his violent growl above the music, making the hair on her neck stand up.

“Hello, boys.” Sitting back on her knees, Ava smiled at the guys as she pulled her thong aside with her thumb for them to slip money inside. “I don’t bite. Hard.”

The guy swallowed, his eyes glued to her breasts. Ava fought the impulse to punch him in the throat.

He slid his fingers along with a couple of dollar bills in the waist of her thong. “Baby, you’re the best-looking thing I’ve seen on the stage tonight.”

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