Joel (BBW Bear Shifter Wedding Romance) (Grizzly Groomsmen Book 5) (140 page)

BOOK: Joel (BBW Bear Shifter Wedding Romance) (Grizzly Groomsmen Book 5)
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It wasn't long before Addy could tell Marcus was going to cum. She pushed herself against him, letting him sink even deeper into her as his moans increased in volume. His breathing was hard and ragged and the idea of Marcus cumming was pushing Addy towards the edge.

She felt him tense up, pushing deep, then he was cumming, his cock leaping deep inside of her tightness. That was all it took to make her cum. She felt her body going numb, wracked by waves of pleasure, feeling herself tightening around Marcus.

After what seemed like minutes of pure pleasure, Marcus pulled out of her. He climbed up onto the table beside her, rolling over and holding her. The table creaked loudly, but held. She felt his hands wandering over her body, roving over a breast or darting down to her wetness. She could feel his body heat radiating off of him and she snuggled closer, wanting to be as close to her man as she could get.

They laid there in silence for a couple of minutes, enjoying the afterglow of the pleasure they had just provided each other. Addy never wanted it to end. She never wanted to get off of the table, unless it was to get in bed with Marcus.

Together, they could work together and start a life together, helping the Clans. But they didn't have to devote their entire existence to them, either. She was ready to start a new life. A new life with Marcus. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be damn close. She smiled –

And there was a knock at the door.

“Yeah?” Marcus called out, sitting up and grabbing some of Addy's clothes off the floor.

“It's Clive. Can I come in?”

“Yeah,” Marcus called, after making sure that Addy had pulled on her clothes. He was pulling up his pants when Clive opened the door and came in. He gave the two of them a look and a raised eyebrow, but said nothing.

“I've got some good news and some bad news, Marcus.”

“Let's hear it,” he said, sitting down, ready for his first day as the new Clan Leader.

“We haven't been able to find Ramsey. He, and the other surviving members of his Clan, have gone dark. There's no trace of the few members of our Clan that fled, either. We'll find them soon enough, though.”

“I'm not too worried about them. We'll find them eventually.”

“The good news is that Beth has pressed charges against Joe and Lockwood. It looks like they're going to stick. They're going away for a long, long time, after their trial.”

“That's good news,” Marcus answered, smiling. Addy felt herself smiling, as well.

“Also, Beth and I are getting married!”

“That's great news!” Marcus said, getting up and giving his friend a hug. Addy hadn't met Beth, but she'd known that Clive was a great guy, so she was happy for him. She found herself smiling at that news.

Marcus moved over to Addy lifting her up and spinning her around in the air. He planted a kiss on her lips, smiling. “Maybe one day?”

“One day,” Addy answered, pressing her lips against his own.

Saddled Bearback

Bear Ranchers Book II


Becca Fanning

Three Months Ago.

It was raining on his body. The drops that should have felt cold against his skin felt oddly warm as they slid over and he realized with sudden horror, into him. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be real. Not now. Not while he had so much life left in him.

Andrew tried to sit up, tried to move and put the bits back in that were now lying out. They shouldn’t be out in the rain, they’ll spoil, he thought and then realized how ridiculous that was. He was dying, his guts were spilling onto the ground and the early morning thunderstorm was washing it all away.

He heard his mother’s voice. She was pleading, crying. Her face appeared above his for a moment, tear stained and with muddy streaks. He wanted to tell her it was okay, he couldn’t feel a thing, not a thing. But she was screaming, a high pitched terror scream that went on far too long. Andrew wanted her to go away. This was his last moment, surely the noise was unnecessary.

Something wet and heavy landed next to him. Andrew turned his head slowly. It weighed more than an SUV packed full of elephants. His eyes were going dim, the image of the world he had lived in for twenty-nine years fading from view from the outside inwards. It was only an illusion anyway. But he saw her there, lying in the grass, her lovely green eyes staring at him in panic and horror. Then a paw with long sharp claws came down on the side of her head. He heard the crack of her skull and closed his eyes. They would go on together. It felt good to know that she would meet him in a few seconds in the other place, and all this silliness would become someone else’s problem.

For the briefest second Andrew felt concern for his sister, it would all fall to Jamie now. Oh well she was a big girl, she’d handle it.

And with the resignation of the dying, Andrew slipped away.

The giant beast, it’s muzzle covered with blood, licked its lips and padded away while the rain fell cleaning up the mess.

Jamie watched the rain falling in a steady stream. It was unusual. Colorado generally didn’t have many days that began and ended with constant, unrelenting rain. But this was one of those days. Her thoughts turned to her mother then. Joslyn had been a wonderful woman, tall with fiery red hair, green eyes like the grass of late summer and skin that freckled in the sun. She had loved the rain.

“It’s really pouring out,” her father said. He was a big man, tall and broad shouldered with grey hair and hazel eyes. His skin was tanned golden brown and he placed a gentle hand on his daughter’s shoulder as he leaned down to peer out at the grey day.

“Not a good day for farming, but at least it gives us a bit of a break,” he said and chuckled. “And I have the new cowhand starting today.”

“I can take him round if you like?” Jamie offered. She was sitting on a window seat with her legs tucked up under her, a cup of coffee cooling on the window sill. “Let him get the lay of the land.”

“That might be a good idea,” her father said smiling. “But you have paperwork to do, don’t you? Maybe Oliver could take him around.”

“Oliver and I did the paperwork last night, dad. Anyway we wouldn’t want him to get his hair wet now would we?” Jamie said, a sly grin on her lips. To her mind her cousin was ill suited to farm life, having been raised in the city.

“Play nice with the boys, Hon. I know you’re tougher than all of them, but we need the help okay?” and her father left the room.

Jamie sighed.

There was a knock at the front door and she heard voices, then the creak of the wooden panels in the floor as people stepped on them on the way into the living room where she was sitting.

“And my daughter Jamie has offered to take you round,” her father was saying as he opened the door and stepped into the room. A young man followed. He was almost as tall as her father, with the same broad shoulders and narrow waist her mother had pronounced perfect in a man. His blonde hair was damp and hanging in his eyes, and he had a smile that would make demons of angels. That was another of her mother’s sayings. Jamie felt the bittersweet pang of remembrance and wanting to hide the tears building in her eyes, she stood up.

She hadn’t realized that she had been sitting for so long. But she couldn’t feel her feet as they touched the ground, and suddenly she landed heavily on her butt on the window seat again.

“Woah, what did you put in your coffee this morning?” her father asked laughing.

“Nothing,” she said feeling the blush start, “I’ve been sitting too long is all.” It took two tries, with the horrible sensation of pins and needles in her legs, before Jamie finally stood up and stamped her feet to get some life back in them.

“Jamie, this is Jesse Crowe. Jesse, this is my daughter Jamie,” her father said with a twinkle in his eye.

“Well I’m pleased to meet you,” Jesse said holding out his right hand for her to shake. Jamie took it and shook it in the most business-like manner she could, while looking into his unusually bright eyes. She had never seen eyes like that before. They looked almost golden.

“So are you going to take him around or stare at him all day?” her father said.

“Now Mr. Campbell,” Jesse said smiling, “I’ve been known to have this effect on ladies. Don’t you worry, it wears off.” His self-satisfied grin made Jamie want to slap him.

“This way,” she said and headed for the front door.

“You’re not going out in this, are you?” a voice said. It was coming from the stairs to the upper level of the house. Jamie didn’t have to look to know whose voice it was.

“You’re welcome to come with us, Oliver,” she said as sweetly as she could, which where Oliver was concerned, wasn’t very at all.

“But it’s raining,” he said coming down the stairs. He was tall, like the rest of her father’s family with the same straight dark hair, high cheek bones and olive skin that Jamie shared with her father. But where her eyes were her mother’s, Oliver had grey eyes, like the sky at that moment. He looked passively at Jesse.

“Who’s this?”

“This is Jesse, our new cowhand,” Jamie said.

Oliver’s face showed surprise, “I thought we had decided we couldn’t afford anyone else, Uncle Ander?”

Jamie’s father took Oliver by the shoulders and led him away, “We need the help Oliver,” he said. “Since,” he paused and Jamie held her breath willing him not to say it. Saying it over and over made it all the more real, and her mother and brother’s deaths were a wound that was far too fresh to visit. “Come, I’ll make you some coffee,” he finished steering Oliver to the kitchen.

Jamie let out her breath and handed Jesse a yellow poncho. It was raining lightly at the moment, but it was a long ride out to the cattle, and she didn’t like the idea being soaked to the skin. He took it with a playful bow that made her smile in spite of herself. She took a red poncho and they stepped out into the rain.

“So who was the wonderful ray of sunshine?” Jesse asked. He had a great voice, Jamie noticed. It was smooth, not too deep and not too high. He matched his long legged gate perfectly to her shorter one, with her being a little ahead of him. He seemed so happy in his skin, as though he knew exactly what his body could and couldn’t do.

“Oh, that was my cousin Oliver,” Jamie said pulling the face that she always pulled when thinking about her cousin.

“He doesn’t seem to fit in,” Jesse said flatly. “What’s his problem?”

“I don’t see how that has anything to do with your duties on the ranch,” Jamie said hotly leading Jesse around the barn to the stables on the far side. The dirt and gravel drive was mostly swamp and mud at the moment. They splashed up water and Jamie was glad of her knee high boots.

“I’m just trying to get the lay of the land,” Jesse said casually. “You know if we’re gonna work together, we should at least try to get along. You know for the sake of the cows.” He pulled a face at her.

This sort of behavior made Jamie think the person she was speaking to was an idiot. She was beginning to wonder why her father had hired this man. But looking at him she realized that the face he was pulling was a little funny. So she let the corners of her mouth go up just a smidge. Jesse watched her and shook his head.

“Tough audience,” he said. “No problem, I’ll bring my ‘A’ game.”

“If it includes working with cattle, then great,” Jamie said and they ducked into the stable.

The horses had their heads out staring at them as they walked along the line. Jamie’s horse was called Thorin and he was a young stallion with a chestnut coat, black ankles and a black star on his nose. He whinnied when she came near and pushed her head with his. He was stamping a little, agitated.

“Okay boy,” she said smiling and rubbing his cheeks and neck in the way he loved.

“You can take my brother’s horse,” Jamie said, leading Jesse over to the grey stallion her brother had always preferred, “His name is Shadowfax.”

“That’s unusual,” Jesse said reaching out for the animal.

Jamie nodded, “Andrew was a ‘Lord of the Rings’ fan. He named both our horses. This is Thorin by the way.”

Jesse nodded. “Aha, well that explains it then. Good name,” he said to Shadowfax who nibbled his open palm.

The saddles were arranged in a row along one wall, balanced on a horizontal pole. The blankets were there too, neatly folded in a pile on the bench next to them. Jamie walked over to the blankets and grabbed one.

“Here you go,” she said turning to look at Jesse who smiled and took it, then froze in place.

“Don’t move,” he said.

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